Provider Type and Size
Adult Day Center
(6 or more occupants but having no more than 50% of the occupants who are not capable of self-preservation)
Adult Day Center
(6 or more occupants, all may or may not be capable of self-preservation)
HWS Establishment – may
provide Assisted Living (>16 residents ≥ 80% 55 years old unless registered under
Group or
Occupancy in according to
Fire Code
HWS Establishment – may provide Assisted Living
(1-5 residents ≥ 80% 55 years old unless registered under
HWS Establishment – may provide Assisted Living
(6-16 residents ≥ 80% 55 years old unless registered under 144D.025 all capable of self-preservation)
Drill Participation in Accordance
with Fire Code
All occupants
Drill Frequency in Accordance with new MDH
Every 6 months
Every 6 months
Drill Participation in Accordance with new MDH
Drill Participation in Accordance with DHS
4 times per year
4 times per year
R-4 6 times per year with 2 times per year on each shift
12 drills shall be
Employees &
Residents - Actual evacuation of residents to a selected assembly point
Every 6 months Employees conducted in the first year of operation.
Note: Fire drills conducted in accordance with the fire code will count toward the MDH/DHS requirements.
Drill Frequency in Accordance with Fire Code
Quarterly Employees
6 times per year with 2 times per year on each shift
12 drills shall be conducted in the first year of operation.
Employees &
Residents - Actual evacuation of residents to a selected assembly point
Drill Participation in Accordance with DHS
Employees and
Employees and
Fire Safety and evacuation plan
Fire Code: o Group R-4 Occupancies and Group I-1 Occupancies: Fire and evacuation plans shall include staff actions, including fire protection procedures necessary for residents and should be amended upon admission of a resident with unusual needs o Group I-4 Occupancies:
New MDH Requirements: o HWS Establishments Only: Emergency disaster plan shall contain a plan for evacuation, address elements of sheltering in-place, identifies temporary relocation sites and details staff assignments in the event of a disaster or emergency. Post the plan prominently, provide exit diagrams to all tenants upon signing a lease, post emergency exit diagrams on each floor and have a written policy regarding missing tenants
DHS Requirements: o Adult Day Providers: Plans must include the responsibilities each staff person will assume in case of emergency, identification of primary and secondary exits, identification of building evacuation routes, emergency shelter area within the center, instructions for evacuation or rescuing participants, calling the fire department and emergency phone numbers, location and use of fire extinguishers and closing off the fire area and procedures for the fire drill
Staff Training
Fire Code: o Group R-4 Occupancies and Group I-1 Occupancies: Employees should be periodically instructed and kept informed of their duties and responsibilities under the plan. Such instruction shall be reviewed by the staff at least every two months. A copy of the plan shall be readily available at all times within the facility. o Group I-4 Occupancies: Employees shall receive training in the contents of fire safety and evacuation plans and their duties as part of new employee orientation and at least annually thereafter.
New MDH Requirements: o HWS Establishments Only: Must provide emergency and disaster training to staff during initial staff orientation and annually thereafter. Staff who have not received training are allowed to work only when trained staff are working on site.
Resident Training
Fire Code: o Group R-4 Occupancies and Group 1-1 Occupancies: Residents capable of assisting in their own evacuation shall be trained in the proper actions to take in the event of a fire. The training shall include actions to take if the primary escape route is blocked.
Where the resident is given rehabilitation or habilitation training, training in fire prevention and actions to take in the event of a fire shall be a part of the rehabilitation training program. Residents shall be trained to assist each other in case of fire to the extent their physical and mental abilities permit them to do so without additional personal risk.
New MDH Requirements o HWS Establishments Only: Training must be made available to all tenants annually.