25th Annual Macon County Senior Games Official Registration Form April 27th – May 16th 2015 Hosted by Macon County Recreation Department This program is sanctioned by the N.C. Senior Games, Inc. NCSG is sponsored statewide by N.C. Division of Aging. Please take time to review the schedule of events. You may enter all the events you wish on the entry form. WE WILL NOT BE ABLE TO ADMIT LATE ENTRIES OR MAKE CHANGES AFTER YOUR REGISTRATION IS SUBMITTED. Please take an entry form for a friend and introduce them to Senior Games. Thanks for your cooperation. Macon County Senior Games “Life is over when you quit, join Senior Games and you’ll stay fit” “Fun, Fellowship and Fitness” To be eligible to participate, complete the registration form and return to the Macon County Community Facilities Building by the Deadline of April 21st 2015 Registration $20.00 Reminder that all events are Non-Smoking! Macon County Senior Games 1288 Georgia Rd. Franklin, NC 28734 828-349-2090 maconcountyseniorgames.org Official Events Archery Badminton (Singles, Doubles, Mixed) Basketball Shooting Basketball Tournament Billiards Bocce Bowling (Singles, Doubles, Mixed) Cornhole (Singles) Croquet Cycling 1mile 5K 10K Field events Discus Shot put Long Jumps (Standing and Running) Football Throw Golf Horseshoes Pickleball (Singles, Doubles, Mixed) Raquetball Shuffleboard Softball Throw Spincasting Swimming 50, 100, 200 yd. Backstroke 50, 100, 200 yd. Breaststroke 50, 100, 200 yd. Butterfly 50, 100, 200 yd. Individual Medley 100, 200, 500 yd. Freestyle Table Tennis (Singles, Doubles, Mixed) Tennis (Singles, Doubles, Mixed) Track Events 100m, 200m, 400m Dash 800m, 1500m, 5K Runs 1500m, 5K Race Walks Silver Striders Fun Walk Age categories Your age group is determined by your age as of December 31, 2015 Men and women compete in separate categories in the following age groups: 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65-69, 70-74, 75-79, 80-84, 85+, except in tournament doubles where the age of the youngest player will determine the age group. Eligibility You must be a resident of Macon County for 3 months. You must be present at each event that you are registered for. You can not submit a time or score for these events. Fees There is a registration fee of $20.00. If you bowl, or play billiards, racquetball or golf there is an extra fee to be paid on site. Registration fee includes: T-Shirt and Banquet with lots of fun and fellowship. Registration You must register by April 21, 2015. Complete the registration form in this pamphlet. Be sure to fill in all information and sign the liability waiver. Mail Registration form to: Macon County Recreation Department, 1288 Georgia Rd., Franklin, NC 28734 or drop off at the Macon County Community Building. Silver Arts – Visual, Heritage, Literary and Performing The Silver Arts exhibit will be held in the Macon County Community Building, 1288 Georgia Road. We encourage everyone to view these pieces of work May 5th thru May 6th between the hours of 10 and 4. Entries are due at the Comm. Bldg. May 2nd between 9:00 pm and 1:00 PM. Our performing arts category, competition will be in conjunction with the Banquet. State Finals Participants may qualify for the NC Senior Games State Finals by placing 1st, 2nd, or 3rd in our local games, except in the performing arts category in which only the 1st place winner is eligible. It is the participant’s responsibility to check with your local Games to determine if you are eligible. It is also your responsibility to pick up your State Final form and return it to the State Games by August 1, 2015 by 5:00 p.m. No one can do this for you. It is your responsibility. Official Entry Form Must be filled out signed and returned by April 21st 2015 Registration Fee $20.00 Men 50-54 Women 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70-74 75-79 80-84 85+ (Please circle age group you are in as of December 31, 2015) Please Print: 55-59 60-64 65-69 70-74 75-79 80-84 85+ (A participant must be a North Carolina resident for a minimum of 3 consecutive months of the year.) NAME________________________________________Male______Female_____ Macon County Address______________________________________Age______ City/State/Zip________________________________________ Date of Birth________________________________________ Macon Co. Phone #___________________________________ Shirt Size: (Circle One) Sm. Med. Lg. XLg. XXLg. E-mail Address: (Please Note that NCSG is asking for this information at the State Level) Email__________________________________________ If you live out of town in the winter months please fill out below: Winter Address: ___________________________________________________ City/State/Zip: Winter Phone # ( ___________________________________________________ )______________________________________________ Please provide this info to help us. It will be kept confidential. Thank you! My ethnicity: _Black or African American; Asian; American Indian or Alaska Native; White; Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander; Hispanic;or Unknown/Refused.. My annual household income is less than $11,670 (1 person in household) _ Yes My annual household income is less than $15,730 (2 people in household) _ Yes No response __. “To qualify for State Finals, golfers need to meet a minimum performance score (MPS) and finish in the top 3 in their age group.” MPS available from your coordinator. “To promote total health and physical fitness, events of longer duration and lower intensity are strongly recommended. High-intensity types of activities are offered primarily for the conditioned, trained athlete.” Name____________________________________________________________________________Age__________________ Male____ Female___ Phone Number_________________________________________ For Bracketed Events Roll call will be 10 minutes before start time. If you are not present at Roll Call you will forfeit the event. THERE WILL BE NO EXCEPTIONS. Please indicate the events in which you would like to participate by marking with an X. ___Banquet How many guests? ___________ Amount for Guest ($10.00 each) _________________ This must be attached with the Senior Games Application Form _____Archery Recurve Bare Bow _____Archery Recurve with site _____Archery Recurve with Site & Release _____Archery Compound Bare Bow _____Archery Compound with Site _____Archery Compound with Site & Release _____Badminton Doubles___________ _____________partner _____Badminton Mixed Doubles __________________partner _____Badminton Singles _____Basketball Shooting _____Billiards _____Bocce Doubles (fun game)____________________partner _____Bocce Mixed Doubles (fun game)______________partner _____Bocce Singles _____Bowling Doubles ________________________partner _____Bowling Mixed Doubles ____________________partner _____Bowling Singles _____Bridge (fun)_______________________________partner _____Corn Hole doubles (fun) ___________________partner _____Corn Hole mixed doubles (fun)______________partner _____Corn Hole Singles _____Croquet _____Cycling 1K _____Cycling 5K _____Cycling 10K FIELD EVENTS _____Discus _____Running Long Jump _____Shot-put _____Standing Long Jump _____Football Throw _____Golf – Additional cost _____Horseshoes Doubles (fun)___________________partner _____Horseshoes Mixed doubles__________________partner _____Horseshoes Singles _____Pickle ball Doubles __ ______________________partner _____Pickle ball Mixed Doubles___________________partner _____Pickle ball Singles _____Racquetball _____Shuffleboard doubles (fun)___________________partner _____Shuffleboard Mixed doubles (fun)_____________partner _____Shuffleboard Singles _____Silver Striders fun walk _____Softball Tournament _____Softball Throw _____Spelling Bee (fun) _____Spin Casting _____Table Tennis Doubles ______________________partner _____Table Tennis Mixed Doubles ________________partner _____Table Tennis Singles _____Tennis Doubles ___________________________partner _____Tennis Mixed Doubles _____________________partner _____Tennis Singles SWIMMING _____100 yd. Backstroke _____100 yd. Breaststroke _____100 yd. Butterfly _____100 yd. Free _____100 yd. Medley _____200 yd. Backstroke _____200 yd. Breaststroke _____200 yd. Butterfly _____200 yd. Free _____200 yd. Medley _____50 yd. Backstroke _____50 yd. Breaststroke _____50 yd. Butterfly _____50 yd. Free _____500 yd. Free TRACK _____100 M Dash _____1500 M Racewalk _____1500 M Run _____200 M Dash _____400 M Dash _____5 K Racewalk _____800 M Run _____5K Run _____Performing Arts (please fill out additional form) _____Silver Arts (please fill out additional form) (fun) games are not official State games. Silver Arts Official Registration Please circle (category) of entry and write a full description of entry Visual Art Categories (circle one) Oil, Acrylics, Mixed Media, Watercolor, Pastels, Drawing, Sculpture, Photography Limit one per category (Describe) Title of art description age completed ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Heritage Arts categories (circle one) Quilting, Weaving, Tatting & Needle lace, Crocheting, Knitting, Rugs (hooked, braided, woven), Basket Weaving, Pottery – Hand built & thrown, Woodworking, Woodcarving, Woodturning, Needlework, Jewelry, China Painting, Stained Glass & Tole Painting (Describe) Title of art description age completed ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Literary Arts Categories (circle one) Essays, Life Experiences (Autobiographical), Poems & Short Stories Limit Two (Must be different Category) (Describe) Title of art description age completed ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Performing Arts Categories (circle one) Dance, Vocal, Instrumental, Comedy & Drama, Cheerleading Limit 2 – (1 Act in 2 different category) Title of song/act___________________________________________ Names of participants _____________________________ ___________________________ _____________________________ ___________________________ _____________________________ ___________________________ Are you a Competing act?__________ Are you a Non competing act?_________ Entry is limited to 3 minutes. This is one of the judging points as well as DIFFICULTY, ORIGINALITY, SKILL & SHOWMANSHIP. Props are pe rformer’s responsibility. Voice presentations must be live. Background music can be taped. These are the standards used by the State finals in Raleigh. Non competing acts also must not exceed 3minutes DELIVER SILVER ARTS ON MAY 2nd FROM 9:00 TO 1:00 ONLY PICKUP SILVER ARTS ON MAY 7th FROM 9:00 TO 12:00 Liability Waiver I understand, that although every effort will be taken to insure proper care of art work submitted, The Macon County Senior Games or associated organizations are not liable for loss, theft or damage to work. STATE FINALS “I understand that it is my responsibility to check with my local Senior Games Coordinator immediately following my local Senior Games to determine if I qualified for State Finals and to get a State Finals Entry Packet if I do not have internet access. My State Finals registration with payment and all required items must be received in the NCSG office in Raleigh by 5:00 p.m. on August 1st! I understand that this deadline is strictly enforced in fairness to all and it is my responsibility to make sure I am registered.” Health & Emergency Information The staff of the Macon County Senior Games is committed to creating a healthy and safe environment for all participants. To promote total health and physical fitness, events of longer duration and lower intensity are strongly recommended. High-intensity types of activities are offered primarily for the conditioned, trained athlete. Please complete the following information. Please Print. List any Medications that you are currently taking: ____________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ List any specific health conditions or problems that you have: ____________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ Name of Physician and office number: ______________________________________________________ Emergency contact person and phone number:________________________________________________ PLEASE READ AND SIGN THE WAIVER BELOW: THIS IS A REQUIREMENT!!!!! I, the undersigned participant, hereby agree to indemnify, save and hold harmless the Macon County Recreation Park, Macon County Senior Games, North Carolina Senior Games, Inc., Mill Creek Country Club, Franklin Lanes, Franklin Health and Fitness Center, Holly Springs Babtist Church hall, and Franklin High School or any of their agents, sponsors or representatives for my health, safety, or any injury resulting from my participation in the Macon County Senior Games Program. I have prepared myself for the events, which I have entered by practice prior to the actual competition. To the best of my knowledge and belief, I have no physical restrictions, which would prohibit my participation in the events that I have selected. I have been advised by the Macon County Senior Games Coordinators that it would be in my best interest to consult with my physician prior to my preparation for actual participation in the events of my choice. The Macon County Senior Games Coordinators have my permission to have a physician/EMT attend me if it is deemed necessary during my participation in the Macon County Senior Games Program. I am covered by hospitalization or medical insurance through private carrier, Medicare, Medicaid or otherwise which provides for the payment for health care benefits for illness or injury from my participation in the Senior Games. The undersigned has read the above waiver and release and understands that they have given up substantial rights by signing it and voluntarily sign it. I have read this waiver/release. ________________________________________ Signature _________________ Date 2015 SCHEDULE OF EVENTS MONDAY APRIL 27th (last day to register for the games) 10;30 am OPENING CEREMONIES & covered dish lunch 1:00 pm Pickleball singles 1:00 pm shuffleboard (fun) – men’s doubles 1:00 pm bocce (fun) – women’s doubles 3:00 pm horseshoes (fun) -- mixed doubles TUESDAY APRIL 28th 9:00 am Pickleball doubles 9:30 1:00 1:00 3:00 am pm pm pm corn hole (fun) – men’s doubles shuffleboard (fun) – women’s doubles bocce (fun) – men’s doubles horseshoes (fun) singles WEDNESDAY APRIL 29th 9:00 am Pickleball mixed doubles 10:00 am corn hole (fun) –mixed doubles 1:00 pm shuffleboard (fun) – mixed doubles 3:00 pm horseshoes (fun) -- men & women’s doubles THURSDAY APRIL 30th 9:00 am pickleball mixed doubles – at the Armory 10:00 am corn hole (fun) – women’s doubles 1:00 pm bocce (fun) – mixed doubles 3:00 pm croquet (fun) FRIDAY MAY 1st 8:30 am 5K run - at Franklin High school track 10:00 am corn hole men 75-79 1:00 pm basketball shoot – at Comm. Bldg. gym 2:00 pm softball throw-at softball field 2:30 pm football throw - at Comm. Bldg. gym SATURDAY MAY 2nd 9:00am to 12:00 pm Drop off Silver arts at comm. bldg.. 9:00 am race walk -- 1500 meter – at FHS track 9:00 am dashes – 400, 200, & 100 meter 9:30 am fun walk 10:00 am long jumps, discus, shot put &spin casting MONDAY MAY 4TH 9:30 am corn hole - women 70-74 9:30 am corn hole -- men 50-74 & 80+ 1:00 pm bowling – doubles – at Franklin Lanes TUESDAY MAY 5th Tuesday–Wednesday view silver arts at comm. Bldg 8:30 am breakfast for all sr. games participants 10:00 am – 2:00 pm HEALTH FAIR 1:30 am bocce – men 75-79 1:00 pm shuffleboard – women 70-74 WEDNESDAY MAY 6th 8:30 am run – 1500 meter – FHS track 9:00 am table tennis - all – at Comm. Bldg. 2015 SCHEDULE OF EVENTS THURSDAY MAY 7th 9:00 am swimming -at Franklin Health & Fitness Ctr. If you are swimming long events, you can get someone to time you earlier; otherwise you will swim at this time 9:00 am to Noon - pickup silver arts 1:00 pm bocce – women 50-69 1:30 pm shuffleboard – men 50-69 & 75-79 1:30 pm bocce – women 70-74 FRIDAY MAY 8th 9:00 am run -- 800 meter – at FHS track 10:00 am rained out events 1:00 pm rained out events 1:00 pm bowling -- singles – at Franklin Lanes MONDAY 8:00 8:30 1:00 4:00 Rd MAY 11th am golf – at Mill Creek Golf Course am race walk – 5K – at FHS track pm shuffleboard women 75-79 pm croquet - men-at Fred’s 607 Rabbit Crk TUESDAY MAY 12th 900 am tennis – all 10:00 am Bingo 11:30 am spelling bee--at Comm. Bldg. meeting room 12:30 pm PRESIDENTS LUNCH 1:30 pm horseshoes -- women 4:00 pm croquet- women–at Fred’s 607 Rabbit Crk Rd WEDNESDAY MAY 13th 9:00 am billiards -- men - at Franklin Lanes 10:00 am billiards – women – at Franklin Lanes 1:00 pm bowling--mixed doubles–at Franklin Lanes THURSDAY MAY 14th 8:00 am cycling – all 10:00 am badminton - doubles 1:00 pm shuffleboard -- women 50-69 & 80+ 1:00 pm bocce -- men 50-64, 65-74 & 80+ FRIDAY MAY 15th 9:00 am badminton – singles & mixed doubles 1:00 pm bocce -- women 80+ 1:00 pm horseshoes -- men 75-79 & 80+ 1:30 pm bocce – women 75-79 2:00 pm shuffleboard – men 70-74 & 80+ SATURDAY MAY 16th 9:30 am Archery - venue tba 6:00 pm Banquet – at Holly Springs Church Hall TUESDAY MAY 19th 10:30 am bingo 12:00 am covered dish lunch, recognize medal winners, election of officers, and pickup state registration forms bridge DATES TO BE ANNOUNCED racket ball rest home games gym 1:00 pm 2:00 pm horseshoes – men 50-74 corn hole – women 50-69,75-79 & 80+ (fun) games are not official state games SILVER ARTS GENERAL GUIDELINES 1.The SilverArts entry/entries entered at State Finals must be the same entry/entries that won in the Local Games competition. 2. Entries must be the original work of the artist and must have been completed within 2 years of the Local Games' qualifying date. 3. An art entry may only be entered in one (1) SilverArts sub-category at State Finals. 4. Artists must not submit an entry if the piece/performance/entry has been showcased in the previous SilverArts Showcase at State Finals. 5. Art entry/entries incorrectly categorized by the artist, or not in compliance with NCSG Guidelines and Category Requirements, will not be considered in the judging process. 6. Visual or heritage art pieces that win first, second or third place may be entered in Silver Arts category at State Finals 7. Literary art pieces that win first or second may be entered in Silver Arts category at State Finals Macon County Senior Games has the right to refuse or remove any or all art pieces that are deemed obnoxious or repulsive in character. Specific Category Requirements for silver artsQUIREMENTS FOR SILVERARTS SPECIFIC CATEGOR E A. Heritage Arts Entries must be the work of the individual and not a group. Heritage Art entries must be an original work. Patterns may be used, but no stamped pieces will be accepted. pottery must be hand built or thrown. Latch hook rugs and pieces from ceramic molds will not be accepted. All framed entries must be securely wired, ready to be hung (no serrated hooks or string). Two dimensional work not properly framed and wired will not be displayed. Framed entries can be no larger than 36" x 42", including matting and frame. Entries can be no heavier than 50 pounds. All entries, except framed work, must be able to be displayed in an area 3'(W) x 3'(L) x 5’(Height). Groupings (sets) shall have no more than 3 separate pieces per set. All objects within each piece of the set must be contained within or attached to one of the 3 pieces of the set. Artist's name and title of entry must appear on, or be attached to, entry for identification. Artists, or their representatives, are responsible to deliver and pick-up their entry at/during the designated times. B. Visual Arts All artwork, except sculpture, must be framed (or gallery wrapped), securely wired, and ready to be hung (no serrated hooks or string). Artwork, except sculpture, not properly wired will not be displayed. Artwork, except sculpture, can be no larger than 36" x 42", including matting and frame. Entries can be no heavier than 50 pounds. Sculpture groupings (sets) may have no more than 3 pieces per grouping (set). Mixed media may be a freestanding piece. Freestanding entries must be able to be displayed in an area 3’(W) x 3’ (L) x 5’ (height). Artists, or their representatives, are responsible to deliver and pick-up their entry at/during th designated times. The art piece must be an original work, not a print. Artist's name and title of entry must appear on, or be attached to, entry for identification. C. Literary Arts All entries must be typed, double-spaced, on 8-1/2 x 11 paper and have a minimum of 1” margins. A minimum font size is 10-pt type (preferably “times new roman or arial”). Poems can be no longer than 40 lines. Short stories, essays, and life experiences can be no longer than 8 pages. All entries must have a title page, which includes title of entry, sub-category, and name of artist. Artist's name must not appear on the content pages. No framed or matted entries will be accepted. . REQUIREMENTS FOR