Week/Date: April 13, 2015 Grade/Subject: LESSON PLANS Social Studies Prepared by: Mrs. Ruff & Mrs. Eaton Learning Goal: Students will identify the occupations of people in the community. Monday Tuesday Daily Objective: Give examples of jobs and the training necessary to obtain them. SPECIAL NOTES Unit 6 Community Unit 6 Community Community Based Instruction Trip County Fair Unit 6 Community Unit 6 Community CBI trip Umatilla Ace Hardware, McDonalds, Dollar Store Friday Unit 6 Community CBI trip Downtown Eustis, art store, flower shop, book store, nature walk, Health food store Bell Ringer Name different businesses in the community. Name different businesses in the community. Put the businesses into categories. Put the businesses into categories. Put the businesses into categories. Procedure I Do: Introduce a variety of places of employment We Do: Brainstorm different jobs in the community in small groups. You Do: Exchange information. Essential Question Why do people need to work? I Do: Introduce a variety of places of employment We Do: Brainstorm different jobs in the community in small groups. You Do: Exchange information. Why do people need to work? I Do: Introduce a variety of places of employment We Do: Brainstorm different jobs in the community in small groups. You Do: Exchange information. Why do people need to work? I Do: Introduce a variety of places of employment We Do: Brainstorm different jobs in the community in small groups. You Do: Exchange information. Why do people need to work? I Do: Introduce a variety of places of employment We Do: Brainstorm different jobs in the community in small groups. You Do: Exchange information. Why do people need to work? Assessment Name 5 different jobs in our community Describe the types of training you need for the job you want to obtain after graduation. Students will identify different places for employment. Students will identify different places for employment. Students will identify the training necessary for different jobs. Materials Superteacher/EdHelper EdHelper, teacher EdHelper, teacher generated materials generated materials EdHelper, teacher generated materials EdHelper teacher generated materials. ESOL/ESE MODIFICATIONS: Also see hard copy of student’s LEP and IEP’s in the Lesson Plan folder. Wednesday Key Vocabulary: Thursday Content and Context Clues/ Gestures Multi media Individual Instruction Peer Tutoring/grouping Alternative Assessments Week/Date: Adapted Assignments Read aloud while students follow along Seating Visual Aids Sign Language Interpreter Monday Bell Ringer Procedure Essential Question employment globalization disadvantage advantage LESSON PLANS Prepared by: Grade/Subject Sunshine State Standards/Common Core Standards: SPECIAL NOTES Tax Government Community Develop Tuesday Teacher’s Goals and Objectives: Wednesday Thursday Friday Assessment Materials ESOL/ESE MODIFICATIONS: Also see hard copy of student’s IEP Content and Context Clues/ Gestures Multi media Individual Instruction Peer Tutoring/grouping Alternative Assessments Adapted Assignments Read aloud while students follow along Seating Visual Aids Strategies Key Vocabulary: