Terms of Use agreement - The Institute for Innovation

Terms of Use and Cost Structure
Please visit the SEEK website https://theinstitute.umaryland.edu/SEEK to learn about the SEEK
project, register for the free online training, and review other SEEK materials. While the online
training is free, there is a nominal fee associated with registering for CME and MOC part 4
credits, as well as for implementation of the model in your practice.
For those interested in implementing SEEK, the University of Maryland requires a signed User
Agreement which describes the University’s copyright ownership and terms for using the
copyrighted information. Please contact us for additional information.
Fee Structure for CME and MOC credits;
CME (2 - 3 hours) - $40 paid to the University of Maryland CME office
MOC part 2 – free
MOC part 4 - $100 per medical professional paid to the University of Maryland
Fee Structure for SEEK implementation (based on number of users):
The SEEK project charges a one-time initiation fee for implementing the SEEK model in your
practice. This helps sustain our work on SEEK and helps us support those implementing the
1 - 3 professionals: $250 for MDs, Nurse Practitioners, Physician Assistants
4 - 10 professionals: $600
11 - 25 professionals: $800
>25 professionals: $1000
Resident clinics: $100
Health Department/Military/Child Advocacy Centers: $250
No charge for Residents
No charge for those who registered for MOC 4 activity
What do you receive?
All the SEEK materials
o The SEEK Parent Questionnaire
o SEEK Parent Handouts that you can customize for your practice
o SEEK online training – videos and supplemental materials
o SEEK clinical algorithms guiding the assessment and decision support
o SEEK tools for measuring Quality Improvement
Technical assistance in implementing SEEK
Thank you for your interest. We hope you’ll find SEEK to be a valuable and practical way to
improve primary care, benefiting many children and families, as well as your practice.
For more information, please contact:
Emily Redding 410.706.1703, eredding@peds.umaryland.edu, or
Howard Dubowitz, MD, MS, FAAP 410.706.6144, hdubowitz@peds.umaryland.edu