How to use the MSA 699 Bb rubric

How do I use the MSA 699 Rubric?
Here is the MSA 699 rubric usage recording which walks you through the use of the Bb rubric:
The following screen shots should also step you through the process:
1. Access the Grade Center and access the student attempt
2. Once in the grading screen click on the arrow in the red box below and expand the rubric area.
3. Click on the open rubric in new window button as shown in the red box below.
3a. Do not click on the rubric name link. That will open another view of the rubric and cause confusion
when trying to save the rubric data.
4. After selecting the points and entering feedback in the rubric click save at the bottom of the
5. You will be returned to the grading screen where you can click “Save Draft” to retain the rubric
info for use later or “Submit” to post the grade to the Grade Center and save all rubric data.
How do I find the assessment measures for the first grading
The Bb rubric contains all of the same elements as the previous fillable PDF. The first item which
addresses how well the student’s project is aligned to the student’s concentration is a bit different. We
were not able to include the drop-down menu of assessment measures. You will find the assessment
measures on the Bb page where students upload their projects.
This link opens a Word document with the various assessment measures:
How do you determine the student’s concentration?
The concentration should be listed on the student’s title page, per the sample in the Student Guide to
the MSA Capstone Project.
Concentrations are also found on the class list
How do I hide scores from the students until the second review is
If you want to hide the scores/grades from students, you can save the rubric as a “draft”. When the
reviewer completes his review (and saves his as draft) you can go in and see if there are any major
differences that need to be resolved before the student sees the grades. If there are differences, this is
the time for discussion. Assuming all differences are resolved, compare the scores and change the save
as draft to save.
What is a grade discrepancy in MSA 699?
Here is the policy:
Usually the grade assigned by the monitor is the final grade. If the second review has been
completed, letter grades will be submitted online shortly after the ending date of the MSA 699
In instances where a full two-letter difference separates the grades of the monitor and reviewer (e.g.
A and C) or where one of the evaluators assigns a grade of E, the MSA 699 project is sent to the MSA
director on campus for evaluation by an on campus faculty reviewer. In this case, the grade assigned
by the campus reviewer will be your final grade.
If both the MSA 699 project monitor and the reviewer assign a failing grade of E no additional review
will be undertaken.
How do I identify a grade discrepancy?
Very important: You, as the instructor, will be responsible for making a determination that there a
grade discrepancy. You and your reviewer will be the first to see that the grades are “A” and “C” or that
one of you has recommended a failing grade. Do not post a grade until the second review is complete
and you can determine that there is not a grade discrepancy.
The Full grade center will have a column for the monitor (instructor) grade and a column for the
reviewer grade. The grades appear as letter grades and as point values:
If there is a grade discrepancy, this is an opportunity to talk with your reviewer about the differences
and how the project was graded. Grading is subjective, of course. You and your reviewer will have
access to each other’s rubric, so it should be easy to note where there are differences.
We ask that you have that frank discussion. You may not reach an agreement and, if so, post the
grade as an “I” or keep the grade an “I”.
Steps for the third review process:
If there is a two grade difference (A and C) or one of the grades is a failing grade, notify the MSA office
that a third review is needed. We will notify the student that a third review is taking place. The third
review will be done by another MSA 699 instructor. The grade of the third reviewer is final.
Under no circumstances should you post a grade prior to the second review taking place or when it’s
clear that is a grade discrepancy. A third review is distressing enough for a student. Worse, however, is
having to tell a student that a passing grade was posted in error and that a third review must now take
Using Web Grades
If there are no grade discrepancies, when the grading portal opens at the end of the semester, you may
post the student grades. Grades are due within 5 calendar days of the end of your course. For fall 2015,
the grading portal will close on December 23rd. After that date, you may process removal of
incompletes for students through the web grades system.
Note: The typical extension to remove an “I” grade is 6 months from the start of the MSA 699 course.
Please contact the MSA office to determine extensions beyond 6 months for individual students with
extenuating circumstances.
CMU faculty and department approvers can now submit and approve change of grades
electronically. This enhanced functionality was developed collaboratively by Global Campus, OIT and
Registrars at the request of the Council of Chairs. The new process eliminates the need to submit paper
forms for grade changes and is built on the existing web grading system. Benefits include: 24/7/365
access to electronic submission, routing for approval, status notices and real-time student record
correction once final approval is submitted. Full instructions and access to Web Grading can be found
at: .
At the end of each grading period web grades will be closed overnight to accommodate necessary
student information system updates. Web grades will reopen approximately 8:00 a.m. the day after
grades are due. Grade changes after the normal grading period has ended require the normal approval
process and will be accomplished through workflow.
Admin notification
E-mail Colleen Zeh (online sections), Emily Chadick (Michigan sections), or Keisha Dubois (all
other U.S. center sections) when you post your grades. This will help them request the initial
round of second reviewer payments.
Also, send an e-mail when “I” grades are removed so that second reviewer payment can be