Summit 2016 Study Guide Scripture: 1 John 4:7-8 Theme: Belove(d) Beloved, let us love one another, because love is from God; everyone who loves is born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, for God is love. – 1 John 4:7-8 During the four sessions of Summit, we will explore what it means to be called beloved by God, along with how to be confident in God’s love so that we might be love to others. Here are a few questions for each section for you to consider with your group along with possible activities. You may use these leading up to Summit, after each session at Summit, or in future meetings with your group. Session 1 Supporting Scripture for Bible Study: Genesis 1:26-27 and Luke 3:21-22 1. What does the word “beloved” mean to you? 2. What does it mean to be created in the image of God? 3. In Baptism Jesus was called, “beloved.” In baptism, we are claimed as God’s beloved as well. What does it mean for God to call us, “beloved?” Can anything we do change how God feels about us? 4. What are ways in this world that make us forget we are beloved? What ways can we remember it? How might we remember our baptism? Activity: Read the baptism of Jesus from Luke using Lectio Divina. Read the scripture slowly three times giving pause for reflection by asking these questions after each reading. 1. What words stick out to you? 2. Why did those words or phrase stand out to you? What is it in my life that makes me notice these words? 3. What is God trying to show me through these words? Session 2 Supporting Scripture for Bible Study: John 15:12-17 1. Do you feel like people have more or less friends these days? 2. How do you stay connected with your friends? 3. Do you think having social media like Facebook helps or hinders your friendships? 4. What does it mean for Jesus to call his disciples, “friends” and not “servants?” 5. How does knowing Jesus as a friend strengthen your faith? 6. How can you be better friends with others in your group? Activity: Put everyone’s name on a piece of paper and put them in a hat. Have each person to draw a name. This name will become the person you pray for the rest of the week. Find ways to be a better friend to this person this week without giving away that you have their name. Session 3 Supporting Scripture or Bible Study: 1 John 4:18-19 1. Name one of your greatest fears? 2. What do you do when you become afraid? 3. The scripture says that perfect love casts our fear. How do you think love casts out fear? Is love the opposite of fear? 4. If it is true that God first loved us, then how can this confidence in God’s love help us not be afraid in this world? Activity: Have the students stand with their hands on their hips in a Wonder Woman or Superman pose. Reflect upon standing in a confident position. Questions to ask: How does it feel to stand confidently? Have them imagine that they are fully loved by God in this pose. How does it feel to be confident that you are fully loved? Alternate Activity: Sing, play, or listen to the song, “You Make Me Brave,” by Bethel Music. Have the group add motions that go along with the lyrics of the song. Afterward reflect upon how it felt to act out the words. Questions to ask: Was it easy or difficult? Did it make you nervous? How does accomplishing something challenging make you feel afterward? How does faith help you try something new? How can you step out in faith knowing that God is for you and not against you? Session 4 Supporting Scripture for Bible Study: Matthew 5:13-16 1. How does food taste if it has too much salt? What if it has no salt at all? 2. Salt brings out the flavor of the food, how do you help bring out the best in others? 3. What happens when you look directly in light or the sun? 4. Light shines so we can see things clearly, how do you help guide others in knowing God’s love for them? 5. Jesus does not say that one day his disciples will be salt and light. He proclaims that they are salt and light now. How can you be salt and light in your group, your church, and your world? Activity: Using pen, pencils, or paint, to create a picture of what it looks like to be salt and light in this world. What images best represent your understanding of what it means to be light in a dark world, or salt in a world that needs more goodness? Share your images with each other. What do others see in your images? Alternate Activity: Print out the words from scripture, “You are the salt of the earth. You are the light of the world, “ on half sheet of paper. Have students color and decorate the words and then post it in their rooms to remind them to be salt and light in the world.