5600-PM-BMP0311-8 Rev. 1/2015 Module 8: Hydrology 8.1 Chemical Analysis At a minimum provide the following data for each point in the background sampling and monitoring program and report on Module 8.1(A). Dissolved metals may be submitted in addition to total. Specify on Module 8.1 (A) whether metal analyses are total or dissolved. a) pH (field & laboratory) b) Total Alkalinity (mg/1) [to pH 3.9] c) Total Acidity (mg/l) [to pH 8.3] d) Total Iron (Fe) (mg/1) e) Total Manganese (Mn) (mg/l) f) Sulfate (SO4) (mg/l) g) Total Aluminum (Al) (mg/1) [A minimum of six (6) monthly background samples are required for receiving streams, representative mine drainage and other sample points as required by the Department. Except for High Quality and public water supply watersheds, aluminum need not be included in the monitoring program after permit issuance unless specifically required by the Department.] h) Total Dissolved solids (TDS) (mg/1) should be submitted as part of Module 8.1 if the proposed operation is within the watershed of a High Quality stream or a public water supply stream, or when otherwise required by the Department. i) Flow measurements of perennial streams above and below the operation and all surface and underground mine discharges must be measured by weir, meter or other approved methods. In addition all other flows from springs, streams, seeps or other discharge points in the representative monitoring program must be measured at least once during August, September or October. Estimate of flows for other sample periods may be accepted on a case by case basis. Flows must be measured (not estimated) unless prior approval is granted by the Department. j) Total Suspended Solids (mg/1) k) Specific Conductance (S/cm) at 25°C l) Field temperature at sample source (ºC) m) Provide a description of the type of sample point (e.g. well, spring, etc.) and its relationship to the mine site (e.g. up-gradient, Lower Freeport perched aquifer, down gradient) and its Module 6.2 map grid location. n) Provide the name(s), address(es) and telephone number(s) of the individual(s) responsible for the collection, and analysis of this data. o) Provide a description of the methodology used to collect and analyze this data. 8-1 Application Date: 5600-PM-BMP0311-8 8.2 Rev. 1/2015 Background Sampling and Monitoring a) Background Sampling Background sampling must include water quality data of all sample points listed in 1) through 5) below. Background sampling points must have at least two (2) complete chemical analyses, at monthly intervals. If the background sample point is dry during a sampling attempt, indicate as such on Module 8.1(A) and repeat monthly attempts to obtain samples during the remaining period of premining monitoring data collection. All background sample points must be keyed to Exhibit 6.2 and compiled on Module 8.1(A). Sample points must be clearly marked and identified in the field. Temporary flagging will be accepted for background points. Samples should be collected prior to any form of treatment. If pretreatment samples cannot be obtained, please explain under "Description of Sample Point" on Module 8.1(A). The following points must be represented in the background sampling program: b) 1) each stream that receives discharge, runoff or drainage from the operation. 2) streams, springs, seeps and discharges into or out of any wetlands within the permit area and within 1,000 feet of the permit area. 3) each water impoundment, impoundment discharge, and surface or underground mine discharge within the permit area and within 1,000 feet of the permit area. The location of discharge points greater than 1,000 feet from the permit boundary that are hydrologically connected to the proposed permit area must be identified on Exhibit 6.2. Sampling of discharge points greater than 1,000 feet from the permit boundary that may be adversely affected by surface mining may be required by the Department. 4) each well developed to determine the characteristics of the groundwater. 5) each private water supply and water supplies abandoned because of degradation or pollution from mining, within the permit area and within 1,000 feet of the permit area. For each water supply sampled, provide the data required on Private Water Supply Information Module 8.2(A)(5). Provide driller logs if available. Monitoring Program Describe the proposed surface and groundwater monitoring plan that will be conducted. Representative sampling points must be selected as monitoring points to characterize the water quality and seasonal variations of the hydrologic system. Monitoring points must have a minimum series of six complete chemical analyses collected at monthly intervals and should include the month of August, September or October. A minimum of three (3) monthly samples may be submitted with the application and the additional three (3) monthly samples while the application is in process for monitoring points added as a result of the pre-application field meeting. Monitoring points 1) through 14) must be keyed to Exhibit 6.2. All monitoring data must be compiled on Module 8.1(A) or equivalent facsimile. If monitoring points are added during the pre-application field meeting, the Department will accept the application with three (3) months of sampling results for those points only. Samples should be collected prior to any form of treatment. If pretreatment samples cannot be obtained, please explain under "Description of Sample Point" on Module 8.1(A). At a minimum, monitoring plans must provide for collection and monitoring on a quarterly basis during active mining status, unless specified otherwise by the Department. All monitoring points must be identified in the field with durable markers that can be maintained (wooden stakes, metal or plastic tags, etc.; not just plastic flagging). 8-2 Application Date: 5600-PM-BMP0311-8 Rev. 1/2015 The following monitoring locations must be included in the monitoring program: Monitoring Points (Key to Exhibit 6.2) 1) all receiving streams above any proposed or potential mining related surface or groundwater discharge points, 2) all receiving streams below any proposed or potential mining related surface or groundwater discharge points, 3) abandoned underground or surface mine discharges that are hydrologically connected and may be impacted by the proposed mining, 4) other representative underground or surface mine discharges within the permit area, or within 1000 feet of the permit area, 5) representative wetlands with defined discharge points within the permit area and wetlands within 1000 feet of the permit area that may be impacted by the proposed mining, 6) representative springs and seeps within the permit area and within 1000 feet of the permit area, 7) water supplies that may be impacted by mining, 8) representative water supplies within the permit area and within 1000 feet of the permit area, 9) each monitoring well developed to determine the characteristics of the groundwater, 10) the aquifer below the lowest coal seam (If existing information is inadequate, monitoring wells must be drilled. Monitoring well locations and designs must be reviewed by the Department prior to well installation), 11) treatment pond discharges. 12) sedimentation pond discharges, 13) pit water during active mining (identify by coal seam and bonding increment), 14) any discharge(s) that develops during mining, and other significant seeps/discharges recognized following permit issuance. Exhibit 6.2 must be revised to show locations (Note: new discharges that require treatment may require revisions to NPDES.) 8-3 Application Date: 5600-PM-BMP0311-8 Rev. 1/2015 Module 8.1(A) BACKGROUND or MONITORING REPORT* (check appropriate block) Operator: Operation Name: Permit No.: Township: County: Date Sampled Method of Flow Measurement Monitoring Point I.D.: Description of Sample Point**: Latitude: ’ ” N and Longitude: ’ ” W Grid Coordinate: Surface Elevation: Instructions: Use a separate sheet for each sample point and list results consecutively by date. Flow (GPM) or Static Water Elevation Field pH Specific Conductance Laboratory (S/cm) pH @25°C Field Temperature °C Alkalinity mg/l Acidity mg/l Iron mg/l Manganese mg/l Aluminum mg/l Sulfate mg/l Suspended Solids mg/l Total Dissolved Solids mg/l Laboratory and Name of Sampler I certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted herein, based on my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining the information, I believe the submitted information is true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment. Signature of Permittee or Responsible Official or Authorized Representative *** * Water Monitoring Report Cover Sheet Form 5600-FM-MR0113 may be used for mutliple monitoring point sample submittals. Date ** Description should include type of sample point, relation to mine site, treatment and other comments (such as odor, color, etc.) 8-4 *** Written notification of delegation of signatory authority must be submitted to the Department if signature is other than company official. Signature not necessary if this report is submitted as part of the permit application. Application Date: 5600-PM-BMP0311-8 Rev. 1/2015 Module 8.2(A)(5) PRIVATE WATER SUPPLY INFORMATION (key to Exhibit 6.2) Sample Point No. Owner (Include Phone Number if Available) Type of Supply (Dug or Drilled Well, Spring) Driller and Date Drilled Use Surface Elevation (MSL) Depth of Casing 8-5 Diameter of Well Depth of Well Depth to Pump Setting Water Quality Problems (odor, taste, straining, etc.) and Type of Treatment, if any (iron filter, etc.) Application Date: Source of Information (owner interview, survey by consultant, etc.) 5600-PM-BMP0311-8 8.3 Groundwater Information a) b) c) d) 8.4 8.5 Rev. 1/2015 Describe the groundwater flow system(s) that exists within the permit and adjacent area. Include the depth to groundwater, seasonal fluctuations, and the water table conditions present. Describe the relationship of the flow systems to coal seams to be mined. Identify the groundwater movement of the area and the conditions that control and influence the movement and infiltration. Include the influence of any underground or surface mines. Description should include identification of any aquifer above the lowest coal seam to be mined and the first aquifer below the lowest coal seam to be mined. Include stratigraphic units, depths, and any current use. Reference site specific data and other sources used in arriving at conclusions. Describe the quality of water in areas unaffected by mining. Discuss how this relates to the groundwater flow system(s). Identify quality of springs, seeps, wells, etc. that represent "background" water quality. Describe the effects which any previous mining has had on the quantity and quality of the groundwater in the area. Identify the source, coal and rock unit involved and the reasons for the effect. Discuss the relationship between mines identified in Module 7.5 and all discharges, seeps, springs, wells, etc. that are hydrologically affected by this mining. Reference site specific data from Module 8.1(A) and 8.2(A)(5) and other sources used in arriving at conclusions. Identify other activities that have impacted groundwater quality (such as oil and gas wells, agriculture, etc.). Reference sources used in arriving at conclusions. Surface Water Information a) Identify each stream receiving drainage from the proposed operation. Discuss the existing quality, and in particular, water quality from areas unaffected by mining. Identify stream uses (such as boating, trout fishing, water supply, etc.) b) Identify the effects which any previous mining has had on the quantity and quality of the surface waters in this area. Identify the source of effects, the, coal and rock units involved, and reasons for the effect. Reference site specific data that support the conclusions. Public Water Information Note: The Department of Environmental Protection's, Bureau of Water Supply Management can provide information in developing the information requested in this section. Provide the name, type, and specific location (show on Exhibit 6.2 or U.S.G.S. Map) of all current public (community and non-community) surface water supplies that have intakes on the receiving stream within 10 miles downstream of the proposed permit area, and public water supplies in or within one half mile of the proposed permit area; and public water supply wells for which any part of the permit area is within the well head protection area. Show all three zones delineated for a well head protection area on either Exhibit 6.1, Exhibit 6.2, or another suitable map. Provide name, address, and telephone number of a contact person. 8-6 Application Date: 5600-PM-BMP0311-8 8.6 Hydrologic Assessment of Water Supplies a) Assess the impacts of the proposed mining on each water supply within 1,000 feet of the permit application boundary as well as any other water supply which may be affected by mining. Identify each water supply source (or groups of water supplies) that may be contaminated, diminished or interrupted by the mining operation. Provide a specific capacity, step-drawdown, or other approved yield test for all water supplies that may be impacted by mining and for each proposed replacement supply source. Yield tests on other wells are at the discretion of the applicant or as requested by the Department. Provide specific capacity data on Module 8.6(A). For specific capacity tests and the first step of step-drawdown tests the rate of flow must be constant and the test should continue for two hours if possible. Subsequent steps for step-drawdown tests must be at least one hour in duration with a constant pumping rate throughout the step. Recovery should be measured for a minimum of two hours following specific capacity or step-drawdown tests. Wells tested for yield should not be subject to usage prior to or during the pumping test. On separate sheets provide raw data (water levels at specific times, pumping rate, etc.), and time/drawdown and time/recovery curves on single log paper. b) Identify the means to restore or replace supplies that may be affected by mining. Include a demonstration that the quantity of the replacement water supply will be sufficient to meet the needs of the water supply use (e.g., pump tests for specific capacity following procedures outlined in Module 8.6a). c) Provide the existing operation and maintenance costs for each water supply that may be contaminated, diminished or interrupted by the mining operation and the projected operation and maintenance costs for the proposed replacement supply. An example cost calculation sheet is available from the Department upon request. 1) 8.7 Rev. 1/2015 If the operation and maintenance costs for the proposed replacement water supply will be more than for the existing water supply, identify the provisions for compensating the water supply owner for the increased costs or provide the Consent to Lesser Water Supply Agreement Form 5600-FM-MR0110 for the increased operation/maintenance costs. Probable Hydrologic Consequences Describe the probable hydrologic consequences of the proposed mining activities (including auger mining) on the surface and groundwater systems of the permit area and adjacent area both during and after the operation. This assessment must consider surface and groundwater hydrogeologic data (including seasonal variations in flow and quality), overburden analysis data, mining (and coal refuse disposal if proposed in Module 11) and reclamation methods to be employed, existing water uses, effects of previous mining on water quality and quantity, background (baseline) water conditions and so forth. If the predicted postmining effects are different than the effects of previous mining, discuss why this mine's effects will be different. Reference site specific data and other sources used in arriving at conclusions. 8-7 Application Date: 5600-PM-BMP0311-8 Rev. 1/2015 MODULE 8.6(A): SPECIFIC CAPACITY DATA WELL OR SAMPLE ID: Top of Casing (msl): Land Surface (msl): Static Water level (before test): Well Bottom (msl): Pump Setting (msl): Pumping Rate (gpm): Length of Pump Test: Water Level (end of test): Total Gallons Pumped: Total Gallons Released from Borehole Storage: Specific Capacity (gpm/ft): Percentage of Water from Borehole Storage: Comments on test and data: WELL OR SAMPLE ID: Top of Casing (msl): Land Surface (msl): Static Water level (before test): Well Bottom (msl): Pump Setting (msl): Pumping Rate (gpm): Length of Pump Test: Water Level (end of test): Total Gallons Pumped: Total Gallons Released from Borehole Storage: Specific Capacity (gpm/ft): Percentage of Water from Borehole Storage: Comments on test and data: WELL OR SAMPLE ID: Top of Casing (msl): Land Surface (msl): Static Water level (before test): Well Bottom (msl): Pump Setting (msl): Pumping Rate (gpm): Length of Pump Test: Water Level (end of test): Total Gallons Pumped: Total Gallons Released from Borehole Storage: Specific Capacity (gpm/ft): Percentage of Water from Borehole Storage: Comments on test and data: WELL OR SAMPLE ID: Top of Casing (msl): Land Surface (msl): Static Water level (before test): Well Bottom (msl): Pump Setting (msl): Pumping Rate (gpm): Length of Pump Test: Water Level (end of test): Total Gallons Pumped: Total Gallons Released from Borehole Storage: Specific Capacity (gpm/ft): Percentage of Water from Borehole Storage: Comments on test and data: 8-8 Application Date: