TOR UR Research Screening & Ethics Clearance Committee

Doc8TOR UR Research Screening & Ethics Clearance Committee
Research and Postgraduate Studies
(RPGS) Unit
1. Objective
The Interim Research Screening and Ethics Clearance Committee shall deal with screening of research
proposals, as well as matters of research and ethical clearances until proper structures, under UR are put
in place and are functional.
2. Main responsibilities
Research Screening will be done at College level for research projects seeking grants by staff and students
of UR under collaborations within the College. Research Screening will be done at UR level for research
grants under UR level collaborations and those involving external researchers.
Ethics Clearance will be done at College level for staff and students of UR. Ethics Clearance will be done
at University level for external researchers seeking affiliation with UR and for all projects involving
external researchers. Ethics Clearance is guided by UR Ethics Operational Guidelines and Procedures
2.1. College level Research Screening and Ethics Clearance Committee (RSEC-C)
The College RSEC-C shall be responsible for considering and recommending the following matters to
College Research and Postgraduate Studies Committees (CRPGS-C)
 To ensure peer reviewing has been done for all research proposals submitted to the College
Directorate of Research and Postgraduate Studies for UR funding
 To inform the CRPGS-C of any changes in the ethical codes of professional and other relevant bodies
pertaining to the college disciplines.
The College RSEC-C shall be responsible for approving/ verifying/ maintaining the following matters and
reporting to the CRPGS-C for noting:
 To scientifically review all research proposals being prepared by College staff and units for
submission to grant awarding bodies and approve the assessment of costing included in the proposals.
 To ensure screening of all research proposals which plan to involve human participants and issue
clearances or direct them to the National Ethics Clearance Committee for final ethical approval.
 To verify that all research which involves UR staff in their capacity as collaborators in projects led by
researchers in other institutions, or in their capacity as students of other Higher Education Institutions
has been appropriately ethically reviewed.
 To approve access to UR staff, research students and resources for the purposes of data generation.
 To maintain:
o a record of proposals received by the college and decisions made;
o a system for determining that directions to researchers with respect to requirements for ethical
scrutiny have been followed;
o database of grant awarding bodies relevant to the college disciplines;
o a database of UR staff and external experts prepared to act in advisory capacities to support
the development of proposals for external funding;
o mechanisms for the processing of research proposals;
o guidance on developing a research proposal
2.2. UR level Research Screening and Ethics Clearance Committee (UR-RSECC)
The University level Research Screening and Ethics Clearance Committee (UR-RSECC) shall be
responsible for considering and recommending the following matters to the University Research and
Postgraduate Studies Committee (UR-RPGSC). The UR-RPGSC is a committee of the Academic Senate.
Approved by UR – RPGS Committee on 18 February 2014
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Doc8TOR UR Research Screening & Ethics Clearance Committee
Research and Postgraduate Studies
(RPGS) Unit
To ensure peer reviewing has been done for all research proposals seeking for UR funding that are
submitted to the UR-RPGSC from colleges or directly.
To review procedures for the ethical scrutiny of research in UR on a regular basis as provided for in
Policy and Procedures, to produce an appropriate report and submit to the UR-RSECC for approval.
The University level UR-RSECC shall be responsible for approving/ verifying/ maintaining the following
 To ensure peer reviewing and prioritizing all research proposals seeking funding under UR level
collaborations is done as given in the policy and procedures.
 To ensure screening of all research proposals submitted by (or involving) external researchers which
plan to involve human participants and issue clearances or direct them to the National Ethics
Clearance Committee for final ethical approval.
 To approve access to external researchers affiliated to UR resources for the purposes of data
 To maintain:
o a record of proposals received from all colleges and external researchers and decisions made;
o a system for determining that directions to researchers with respect to requirements for ethical
scrutiny have been followed;
o database of grant awarding bodies for all disciplines;
o a database of UR staff and external experts prepared to act in advisory capacities to support
the development of proposals for external funding;
 To inform UR community of any changes in the ethical codes of professional and other relevant
bodies in order that the University’s procedures remain valid.
3. Proposed process
3.1. College level
 The organ shall be chaired by the Director of Research and Postgraduate Studies (D-RPGS).
 Submissions to the College RSEC-C shall come from the Schools/ Research Centres.
 Recommendations of the College RSEC-C shall be approved by the Principal on behalf of the College
Academic Council’
 Recommendations shall be accompanied by proper supporting documents underpinning decisions
 The College RSEC-C shall convene once per month (in case of a lack of quorum, decisions made
shall be ratified at the next quorate meeting)
 The meetings shall proceed as long as each School is represented
3.2. University level:
 The UR-RSECC shall be chaired by the Coordinator of Research Activities (UR-CRA)
 Submissions to the UR-RSECC shall come directly from external researchers for research an ethics
clearance and from College Academic Councils for research grants matters.
 Recommendations of the UR-RSECC shall be approved by the DVC AAR on behalf of Senate
 Recommendations shall be accompanied by proper supporting documents underpinning decisions
 The UR-RSECC shall convene once per month (in case of a lack of quorum, decisions made shall be
ratified at the next quorate meeting)
 The meetings shall proceed as long as each College is represented
Approved by UR – RPGS Committee on 18 February 2014
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Doc8TOR UR Research Screening & Ethics Clearance Committee
Research and Postgraduate Studies
(RPGS) Unit
4. Composition
4.1. College level:
 Director for Research and Postgraduate Studies (Chairperson),
 One representative from each college who is a senior researcher with proven research experience
based on current publication profile from each School in the college.
 All members will be appointed by the deputy Vice Chancellor Academic Affairs and Research (DVC
AAR) based on CVs
4.2. University level:
 UR Coordinator of Research Activities (Chairperson),
 One representative from each college at the level of Associate or Full Professor with proven research
activeness in the past five years.
 All members will be appointed by the deputy Vice Chancellor Academic Affairs and Research (DVC
AAR) based on CVs
Approved by UR – RPGS Committee on 18 February 2014
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