Project Reflection Document For each piece uploaded into the portfolio, complete the following cover sheet and upload this completed document along with the assignment. Student Name Artina Daniels Teacher(s) Mrs. Orion Grade 10th Date --- Assignment Title Soshite Chichi Ni Naru (そして父になる) Priority Standards PS 15 PS 5 CCSS PS 13 Score (out of 4) 4 4 4 Habits of Mind and Practice (list all) Critical Thinking Urgency Self-Advocacy Student Reflection (Answer each question in complete sentences and in paragraph form). 1. Why did you select this piece? This project was to choose a character from the movie Soshite Chichi Ni Naru and describe their facial features and personality. I also had to researched three cultural differences in the movie and explain them. I chose this piece because it was one of the assignments that I enjoyed doing in my Japanese class. I learned more about different aspects of the Japanese culture that I didn’t understand before while at the same time learning the language. This task also had many different parts to it that required me to practice applying my previous knowledge and knowledge that I was still gaining. 2. What are the strengths of this work? What is one thing you can improve upon in this piece? The strength of this work are the descriptions of cultural differences between America and Japan. I had to find three differences in the movie and explain their origin and what the practice was. One of the practices I saw in the movie was a woman throwing salt in front of her store. The reason she did this was to keep evil spirits out of the store and their house. 3. What skills have you developed and/or improved as a result of completing this assignment? The kills I have improved are using translators and expanding my Japanese vocabulary. When writing about the character’s personality I had to translate English emotions into Japanese and to do that I had to break down the sentence and translate individual words. In the process of doing this I learned different types of adjectives used to describe people, like the word kawarimono (かわりもの), which means eccentric. 4. What did you learn from reviewing this piece? I re-learned some of the vocabulary I translated and the sentence structure used to make a statement. Just like in English, a question and a statement sentence are written differently. For example, when describing the character I ended the sentence with “desu”, this is used to say that something is or exists. If I were asking a question the sentence would end in “wa” because I am unsure of the action of the topic. 5. Explain in detail how the Habits of Mind and Practice were present in the assignment. Provide as much evidence as possible, beyond mere opinion, that you exhibited these habits. Critical Thinking: I used this habit in the cultural differences section of the assignment. This part of the task was to find three cultural differences in the movie, between Japanese culture and American culture. One of the differences I researched was why the Japanese have shrines in their home. I researched multiple sources to understand why the Japanese did this and the origin of the custom. I also used this habit to better my understanding that my culture is different from the Japanese and I shouldn’t call their customs weird just because they are different from mine. Urgency: This skill was utilized when I completed the assignment early. We only had a week to work on the task, so I knew I had to finish is before the dead line but that wasn’t what drove me to finish the assignment quickly. I enjoyed working on this project because I am interested in the Japanese language and every part of this project increased my knowledge of the language and culture. Because I enjoyed the task I finished it before the due date. Self-Advocacy: Self advocacy was used during this entire project. I am not fluent in Japanese or am and expert in Japanese culture, so I found many things different and strange. I searched and asked many questions about how to structure sentenced and which words would be best fit in that sentence etc. And I researched the things that I thought were odd because they weren’t the norm in America.