Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action, and Disability Services Department Religious Reasonable Accommodation Request Form In accordance with federal and state laws and Vanderbilt University policies, Vanderbilt University prohibits discrimination on the basis of religion. Vanderbilt provides reasonable accommodation for a person’s sincerely held religious/personal beliefs or practices unless the accommodation would impose an undue hardship on Vanderbilt. A reasonable religious accommodation is any adjustment to the work and/or academic environment that will allow the individual to practice his/her religion. In general, an applicant for admission or student should inform the requisite department or EAD about a request for reasonable accommodation. An employee should inform his/her supervisor that he/she needs a religious accommodation. An employee should notify management as soon as he/she becomes aware of a need or potential need for accommodation. Vanderbilt is not required to provide an accommodation if is not aware of the individual’s need and desire for accommodation. Reasonable accommodations are determined, identified, and implemented using a collaborative process. Contents of this request are confidential and will only be shared with appropriate personnel to consider the implementation of a reasonable accommodation. This form will not be placed in employment records. The information may be released to external agencies. Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action, and Disability Services Department Baker Building, Suite 808 110 21st Avenue South Nashville, TN 37203 615.322.4705 (V/TDD) 2/18/16 Fax: 615.343.4969 Page |1 Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action, and Disability Services Department Religious Reasonable Accommodation Request Form Part I (Part I is to be filled out by the person requesting a religious reasonable accommodation and submitted to the EAD Department.) S T UDE NTS or APPLI CANTS FO R ADMIS SI ON Name: Department/School/Program: Phone Number: E-mail address: E MPLO YEE S ONL Y Name: Title/Position: Department: Phone Number: E-mail address: Immediate Supervisor: Supervisor’s phone number: 2/18/16 Page |2 Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action, and Disability Services Department Religious Reasonable Accommodation Request Form Please specify the religious/personal belief or practice you have for which you are requesting accommodation. What policy, practice, or schedule do you desire to have modified? For employees, what aspect of the employee's job should be modified? What reasonable accommodations are you requesting at this time? What are some accommodation options? 2/18/16 Page |3 Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action, and Disability Services Department Religious Reasonable Accommodation Request Form Please attach additional documentation that you think would be helpful in evaluating your request (if necessary). Signature Date Part II (Part II is to be filled out by the EAD). Did documentation come with the request? Yes No Is more documentation necessary? Yes No Reasonable accommodation: Approved Denied Denied due to Undue Hardship Nature of accommodation provided: Date reasonable accommodation approved or denied: Authorized person approving or denying the accommodation: Date reasonable accommodation provided (if different from date approved): Costs associated with the reasonable accommodation: Individuals consulted in evaluating the reasonable accommodation (HR, Legal or External): Additional Comments: EAD Representative 2/18/16 Date Page |4