The role of bubbling air flow when selective flotation. Victor D Samyguin National University of Science and Technology "MISiS", Leninsky pr. 4, Moscow,119049, Russia, ( ABSTRACT The successful separation of mineral complex fractions depends on quality of the control of three bearing streams: pulp, air and foam streams. Many researches are showing that it’s possible to increase the selectivity of the flotation process by regulating hydrodynamic factors (the size of air vials and particles and dissipation of the turbulent energy. It has been determined that ore-dressing parameters increase when air is located on the flotation front. Modeling of mass transfer bubble air carriers flow shows the possibility of increasing the selectivity of flotation separation. The essence of the approach was to present each bubble of air as a single mass transfer element by particle delivery from the zone of mineralization (collection) in the foam. The essence of the approach was to present each bubble of air as a single mass transfer element by particle delivery from the zone of mineralization (collection) in the foam. The main point of this approach consisted in presentation of every vial of air as a single mass-transfer element, transporting particles from mineralization (collection) zone to the foam. On the vial of air , the mass-transfer process of capture and separation of a particle only happened during the mineralization (stay) inside the collection zone. Intensities of capturing, separating and transporting sub processes determined the value of exctraction (for one vial of air). The input of air determined the sum extraction by many vials of air. The criterion of optimum air vials mineralization time, vials quantity, aeration time and vials size are offered to provide the maximum out of possible extraction of the separated fractions of mineral raw materials. KEYWORDS Model, Selectivity, Flotation, Air vial, Subprocess