Reflective Journals for

Junana Xu
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Reflective Journals for ‘The work of managers in new organizational contexts’
After I readied ‘The work of managers in new organizational contexts’ I find our three
key points of that which are management, process management and influence.
Firstly what is the management? Management is different from leadership but just as
important. And managers occupy the middle ground in organizations. Management is the
function that organizes the execution of today's business. Leadership is the evolutionary
mechanism that changes organizations to prosper in tomorrow's world. Whenever a
species or individual animal runs into obstacles, variations occur and new forms are
selected from those variations. Leadership is a risk taking type of action that explores
new frontiers and promotes new ways of behaving. It follows that, in a stable
environment, good management is all that is needed to prosper; leadership in this context
isn't required. In new forms of organization customers and markets have an immediate
impact on the work of managers. And success and survival of the organization depends
on managers how well identify or create market opportunities and provide goods and
Secondly, processes in new forms of organization. In new organizational forms,
processes are the key to organizational effectiveness because the link customers and
markets to organizational goals. A process approach to understanding organizations is
concerned with how people and action are interlinked through events. Fayol (1988, p.13)
‘introduced it through his fifth managerial element, commanding.’1 The prepositions are
intended as a stimulus to further discussion. ‘The organizational context is the key to
distinguishing between elements of managerial work which are value-adding and those
which are not.’2 Focus needs to be on the things that managers do as they contribute to
the overall performance of the organization. And manager in new forms build structures
and manage units, also managers have two important functions. Those two functions are
overlap, and stretch the organization around their immediate organizational unit.
Thirdly, managerial processes: exercising judgment and using influence. Managers
exercise their judgment continuously in relation to matters large and small. They vary
from major problems which of unfolding of a scenario that is merely observed by the
manager. For example, when a manager decides to reduce operating costs by downsizing
an organizational unit. Influence can be direct or subtle, and has many dimensions.
However, in new organizational forms influence is used to ensure that work, behavioral
and change processes flow smoothly.
Fayol (1988,p.13)
Junana Xu
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In my opinion, managing new organizational contexts is a big challenge for managers.
Managers have to face lots of problems in the work. However, if managers followed by
group sharing, discussion and feedback is effective way to conduct this exercise.
Junana Xu
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Fayol , H (1988), General and Industrial Management, Pitman, London.
Garvin, D.A. (1998), “the processes of organization and management”, Review, vol.39No.
4, pp.33-50