These assessment pointers are for judging standards of student performance in Year 8 History. They are examples of what students may demonstrate rather than a checklist of everything they should do. For reporting, they are used to make on-balance judgments about achievement based on what has been taught and assessed during the reporting period. They can also be used to guide the pitch of assessment tasks, develop marking keys and inform assessment feedback. JUDGING STANDARDS IN YEAR 8 HISTORY Reporting against the Achievement Standard YEAR 8 HISTORY ACHIEVEMENT STANDARD By the end of Year 8, students recognise and explain patterns of change and continuity over time. They explain the causes and effects of events and developments. They identify the motives and actions of people at the time. Students explain the significance of individuals and groups and how they were influenced by the beliefs and values of their society. They describe different interpretations of the past. Students sequence events and developments within a chronological framework with reference to periods of time. When researching, students develop questions to frame an historical inquiry. They analyse, select and organise information from primary and secondary sources and use it as evidence to answer inquiry questions. Students identify and explain different points of view in sources. When interpreting sources, they identify their origin and purpose, and distinguish between fact and opinion. Students develop texts, particularly descriptions and explanations, incorporating analysis. In developing these texts, and organising and presenting their findings, they use historical terms and concepts, evidence identified in sources, and acknowledge their sources of information. YEAR 8 HISTORY ASSESSMENT POINTERS Continuity and change, Cause and effect A B C D E Excellent achievement High achievement Satisfactory achievement Limited achievement Very low achievement Recognises and clearly explains patterns of change and continuity over time, using relevant evidence to support statements. Recognises and explains patterns of change and continuity over time, using evidence to support statements. Recognises and explains patterns of change and continuity over time. Explains some patterns of change or continuity over time. Builds a coherent explanation of causes and effects of events and developments. Explains causes and effects of events and developments, making direct connections. Explains causes and effects of events and developments. Explains causes and effects of events and developments; however, lacks clarity and historical relevance. 2013/37200v5 [PDF 2013/37557] Published: 22 May, 2015 Includes simple examples of causes and effects of events and developments which are not always relevant. Evidence, Use of sources and Contestability Historical inquiry A B C D E Excellent achievement High achievement Satisfactory achievement Limited achievement Very low achievement Analyses and uses relevant and reliable evidence from sources to support a response or argument, and/or answer inquiry questions. Explains and uses relevant evidence from sources to support a response or argument, and/or answer inquiry questions. Uses evidence from sources to support a response or argument, and/or answer inquiry questions. Makes a simple judgement, but uses minimal evidence to support a response or argument, and/or answer inquiry questions. Addresses a response or argument, and/or answers inquiry questions superficially, without using evidence from the sources. Locates, compares, selects and uses relevant evidence from a range of primary and secondary sources to support a detailed response. Locates, selects and uses relevant evidence from a range of primary and secondary sources to support a response. Selects and uses evidence from a range of primary and secondary sources to support a response. Provides a simple response; however, makes little use of the evidence gathered from primary or secondary sources. Shows little or no use of evidence from primary and/or secondary sources. Examines relevant primary and secondary sources to select and organise facts and information. Compares and contrasts primary and secondary sources to select and organise facts and information. Identifies and uses primary and secondary sources to select and organise facts and information. Draws basic conclusions from primary and secondary sources to select facts and information. Uses minimal facts or information from few primary and/or secondary sources. Identifies, interprets and analyses the usefulness, origin and purpose of a source. Identifies and interprets the origin and purpose of a source. Identifies the origin and purpose of a source. Refers to the origin or purpose of a source, without providing any detail. Examines and clearly explains points of view of a range of primary and secondary sources, highlighting bias and contestability. Identifies and clearly explains points of view of a range of primary and secondary sources. Identifies and explains points of view of a range of primary and secondary sources. Identifies points of view of primary and secondary sources. Identifies points of view of few primary and secondary sources. Develops a wide range of open, relevant and appropriate questions to frame an historical inquiry. Develops a wide range of relevant questions to frame an historical inquiry. Develops a range of questions to frame an historical inquiry. Writes questions which restrict the depth of an historical inquiry. Attempts to write inquiry questions; however, simply states information or uses irrelevant information. Demonstrates thorough and concise note-taking skills, organising and summarising facts and information to answer inquiry questions. Demonstrates concise notetaking skills, organising and summarising facts and information to answer inquiry questions. Demonstrates simple notetaking skills, organising and summarising facts and information to answer inquiry questions. Demonstrates minimal notetaking skills which may have some link to the inquiry questions to present facts and/or information. Presents minimal relevant facts or information with no link to inquiry questions. A B C D E Excellent achievement High achievement Satisfactory achievement Limited achievement Very low achievement Historical inquiry Selects, uses and acknowledges a range of relevant primary and secondary sources. Selects, uses and acknowledges relevant primary and secondary sources. Selects, uses and acknowledges primary and secondary sources. Uses and acknowledges few primary and/or secondary sources. Perspectives and interpretations, Empathy and Significance Uses evidence to analyse and interpret perspectives and different interpretations of the past. Interprets and identifies different interpretations of the past. Identifies perspectives and describes different interpretations of the past. Identifies a perspective or different interpretation of the past. Examines the significance, motives and actions of individuals and groups and/or historical events and explains how they were influenced by the beliefs and values of their society. Clearly explains the significance, motives and actions of individuals and groups and/or historical events and describes how they were influenced by the beliefs and values of their society. Explains the significance, motives and actions of individuals and groups and/or historical events and identifies how they were influenced by the beliefs and values of their society. Suggests the significant impact of historical events and/or people, but does not provide elaboration about how they were influenced by the beliefs and values of their society. Describes some features of a period and recounts the actions of groups; however, does not refer to its significance. Accurately sequences and articulates relevant historical events and developments within a chronological framework with specific reference to periods of time. Accurately sequences relevant historical events and developments within a chronological framework with specific reference to periods of time. Sequences historical events and developments within a chronological framework with reference to periods of time. Sequences few historical events and developments with some reference to periods of time; however, does not use a chronological framework. Sequences a minimal number of historical events or developments; however, does not provide any reference to periods of time or provide any chronological framework. Accurately uses precise and relevant historical terms and concepts. Accurately uses relevant historical terms and concepts. Uses a range of historical terms and concepts. Uses some historical terms and concepts. Uses minimal or no historical terms or concepts. Accurately organises and presents relevant facts and information in a range of communication forms relevant to the historical context. Organises and presents relevant facts and information in a range of communication forms relevant to the historical context. Organises and presents facts and information in a range of communication forms relevant to the historical context. Presents some facts and information relevant to the historical context. Presents some facts and information, with little or no relevance to the historical context. Develops a logical, wellreasoned text, describing, explaining and analysing historical facts and information. Develops a logical text, describing, explaining and analysing historical facts and information. Develops a text, describing, explaining and analysing historical facts and information. Develops a simple text, describing or explaining historical facts and information. Develops a simple text, including irrelevant historical facts and/or information. Chronology, terms and concepts Explanation and communication Uses few primary and/or secondary sources; however, does not acknowledge them.