Collaborative delivery is defined as working with the University to design and deliver higher education opportunites
The initial enquiry template below has been designed to assist potential Collaborative Delivery Partners and the University to identify institutional congruence and provides an outline of the type of evidence the
University would use to assess and prioritise potential partnership development. When contacting the University about a potential collaborative delivery partnership it would be helpful to outline a narrative and supporting documentation indicating:
How your current Higher Education (HE) activity / provision relates to the criteria outlined in the enquiry template
How your future HE aspirations relates to this profile
If you feel that there is not a complete match with the criteria - please indicate plans and timescales over which you would anticipate a closer match being achieved.
Threshold criteria Evidence that potential partner meets the threshold criteria
Track record of successful HE provision
Scale of operation and viability of proposed collabaoration
Strategic fit with Plymouth
Operational fit with Plymouth
Has been undertaking HE for more than 5 years and can evidence: o Successful recruitment, student success and employability o Excellent external quality reviews o Stable and high quality HE teaching and support staff profile o Support for Research and Scholarly Activity and HE focused staff development
HE operates at a scale to be financially viable for the institution in both short term and offers confidence regarding long term sustainability (this is subject to due diligence checks by the
The proposed collabaoration offers the University a return on investment that is comparable to other competing development oportunities
Can demonstrate a resource base and infrastructure relevant to existing / planned HE delivery
Offers HE awards that fit the subject profile of Plymouth University [PU] and potentially offer the prospect of student progression at level 6 (final undergraduate year of study)
Offers HE awards that complement the PU HE portfolio / regional reach, that are not delivered at Plymouth
Is not seeking to deliver awards in competition to PU [considering programme profile and geographic location]
Is not offering similar awards to other existing PU partners [considering programme profile and geographic location]
Has overlapping research and or business development interests
Can demonstrate that HE is a core part of their institutional strategy
Has an HE strategy consistent with that of PU
Has experience of working in partnership with an HEI in the collaborative design and delivery of programmes
Can demonstrate both staffing levels and experience in successfully meeting the demands of
HE operation: o Programme design, approval and updating o Student administration including enrolment, assessment and academic processes o Programme administration including quality monitoring [internal and external] o Reporting of data [internal and external]
Suggested supporting documentation
Integrated Quality Enhancement Review (IQER), Higher Education Review (HER);
reports and action plans from these engagements (UK partners)
College / Institution HE plans/Annual reviews (or equivalent).
Evidence relating to staff research and scholarly activity profiles/publications
Institutional Strategy
Structure diagram/operational detail
Annual Report
Current prospectus
Institutional strategy
Higher Education strategy
As part of the review of your application will also be an assessment of the University’s current capacity to take on new delivery partners judged against other competing development opportunities.
Potential UK Collaborative Delivery Partners; please complete the template and contact Mark Stone , Head of UK Partnerships - email
Potential international Collaborative Delivery Partners; please complete the template and contact Peter Ingram, Head of International Partnerships - email