Heartland Community College Math / Science Division Course Title: Intermediate Algebra for Business and Social Sciences Course Prefix and Number: 096 Credit Hours: 3 Instructor’s Name: Cynthia Pulley Office: ICB 2421 Phone: 268 – 8665 (office) Email: cindy.pulley@heartland.edu Webpage: http://employee.heartland.edu/cpulley/ Office Hours: TR 9:00 – 9:30 and 12:00 – 12:30; M 12:00 – 1:00; W 11:00 – 1:00 Student Communication To access WebCT, IRIS, and your Heartland Student Email, you will need to log into myHeartland, at https://my.heartland.edu Important Dates: Aug. 16 Aug. 27 Sept. 6 Nov. 3 Nov. 24 – 26 Dec. 4 – 10 Classes Begin Final Day to Drop with Refund Labor Day (College Closed) Final Day to Withdraw Thanksgiving Break Final Exams Textbook: Mathematics in Action: An Introduction to Algebraic, Graphical, and Numerical Problem Solving, The Consortium for Foundation Mathematics: Pearson/AddisonWesley (2008). Practice and tutorial help for this text can be found online at: www.interactmath.com Required Supplies: A calculator with graphing capability. A TI-83+ is suggested. Graphing Paper A set of 4 or more colored pencils – ie. Red, green, blue, yellow Straight edge or ruler Catalog Description: Prerequisite: MATH 087 with a grade C or higher, or assessment. Topics include linear functions, functions, systems of equations and modeling problems. Problem solving will be stressed throughout the course. A graphing calculator is required for this course. Instruction will be based on a TI-83+. Relationship to Academic Development Programs and Transfer: This course does not fulfill the general education mathematics requirement(s) for either the A.A. degree or the A.S. degree. Students should check with an academic advisor for information about this course’s transferability to other institutions. Course Outline: 1. Functions 2. Linear Models 3. Systems of Equations 4. Nonlinear Models (Quadratic and Exponential) Learning Outcomes Understand the meaning of a function and function notation. Find and understand the domain and range of a function. Find and understand intercepts and their meaning in a context. Solve linear equations and explain the meaning of the solution in context. Create a scatter plot from data. Find and understand the domain, range and intercepts of a linear function. Find the slope of a linear function and explain its meaning in a context. Graph a linear function by hand. Find a linear model from numerical data using algebra, from numerical data using regression, and from a graph. Identify the solutions of a system of equations using a graph and numerical methods. Explain the meaning of a solution to a system of equations in a context. Recognize dependent and inconsistent systems of equations. Solve a system of equations using the substitution and elimination methods. Graph a system of linear inequalities. Recognize a quadratic function from its graph, equation or a table of values. Identify the vertex of a parabola and explain its meaning in a context. Graph quadratic functions. Find and use a quadratic model when appropriate. Find and understand the domain, range, and intercepts of a quadratic function. Solve a quadratic equation by factoring and quadratic formula. Method of Evaluation (Tests/Exams, Grading System): Student grades are based on successful completion of homework, quizzes, tests and other assignments. Your grade is based upon cumulative total points. There is no weighting of grades for quizzes or exams, but these will be worth more points than your assignments. Exams may include comprehensive material and you will have a comprehensive final. Typically, you will have 4 – 6 exams throughout the semester and quizzes on a weekly basis. Your final exam will be worth approximately 20% of your final grade in this course. Grade Scale: 100 - 90% A 89 – 80% B 79 – 70% C 69 – 60% D 59 -0% F Late work policy: If you believe that you should be allowed to turn in a late assessment due to absence or otherwise, you will be required to get the permission of all other students currently enrolled in your section of this course. You must make your case to your peers who have turned in their work on time as to why you should be allowed to turn in your work late. Attendance Policy: You are expected to attend class. Further, you are responsible for all material distributed in class, announcements made in class, and content covered in class. Six days of absence prior to midterm will result in being withdrawn from the course regardless of your current grade for the semester; nine days of absence prior to the final withdraw date will result in being withdrawn from the course regardless of your current grade for the semester. Student Responsibilities Before coming to class: Read assigned sections of the text. Complete any assigned homework from the previous class period. Make sure any appointments are not scheduled during class time. During class: Come to class prepared with paper, pencil, text, calculator and completed homework assignments. Ask questions regarding problems that gave you difficulty in solving. Actively listen and participate in class discussions and presentations of solutions. Take notes, not just what is written on the board, but any verbal explanations or clarifications given by the instructor or other students. Cell phones are tucked away and not visible. After class: Reread notes and highlight what does not make sense or what you still do not understand so that you can ask clarifying questions during office hours or at the beginning of the next class. Do all of the assigned homework problems for the section discussed in class. Seek tutoring or instructor help when needed. Redo any missed problems on the homework, quizzes or tests. Keep track of my progress (grade) by recording all my scores from homework and assessments. Study on a regular basis during the week in a place that allows you to give your complete attention to your work. Absent: E-mail or call instructor prior to absence asking for assignments. Make arrangements to turn in assignments or make up assessments. Obtain class notes from someone in class. Student Evaluations In the last 3 – 4 weeks of class, all students are expected to complete a course evaluation form online, at www.studentevals.com/heartland. Student Conduct, Academic Integrity, Plagiarism, Incompletes Please refer to the Student Services section in the Heartland Community College Catalog for specific policies concerning discipline, academic integrity, plagiarism and incompletes. Heartland Library Information http://www.heartland.edu/library The Library, located in the Students Commons Buildings at the Raab Road campus, provides Heartland students with a full range of resources including books, online journal databases, videos, newspapers, periodicals, reserves, and interlibrary loan. Librarians are available to assist in locating information. Tutoring Center: Testing Center: http://www.heartland.edu/asc/tutor.html http://www.heartland.edu/asc/testing.html (309) 268-8231 (309) 268-8231 Academic Disabilities If you have a documented disability and wish to discuss academic accommodations, please contact Anita Moore at 268-8249 or anita.moore@heartland.edu. Notice of Cancelled Class Sessions Cancelled class sessions, for all HCC classes, will be listed under Cancelled Class Meetings on the HCC Web site. Go to http://www.heartland.edu/classCancellations/ to learn what classes have been cancelled for that day and the upcoming week. Be sure to check the last column, which might contain a message from the instructor. Syllabus Disclaimer: This syllabus is subject to change. Any changes will be announced in class. Tentative Day to Day schedule: Date T 8-18 R T 8-25 R T 9-1 R T 9-8 R T 9-15 R T 9-22 R T 9-29 R T 10-6 R T 10-13 R Section covered Act 1.2, 1.4 Act 1.6, 1.8 Act 1.9, 1.10 Act 1.11, 1.12 Exam 1 Act 2.1, 2.2 Act 2.3, 2.4 Act 2.5, 2.7 Act 2.9, 2.11 Act 2.12, 2.13 Act 2.17 Exam 2 Act 3.1, 3.2 Act 3.3, 3.4 Act 3.5, 3.6 Act 3.7, 3.8 Date T 10-20 R T 10-27 R T 11-3 R T 11-10 R T 11-17 R T 11-24 R T 12-1 R T 12-8 R M 12-14 Section covered Act 3.9, 3.10 Act 3.11, 3.12 Act 3.13, 3.14 Exam 3 Act 4.1, 4.2 Act 4.3, 4.4 Act 4.5, 4.6 Act 4.7, 4.8 Exam 4 Thanksgiving Review Final Exams Week Final Grades Due in IRIS by Midnight