Leadership Mentorship for Maternal Newborn and Child Health A programme for District Clinical Specialist Teams in KwaZulu-Natal Indicators for the baseline assessment of Maternal and Newborn Health Indicator category Indicator Type Numerator Denominator Data source(s) Provincial target/ norm National target/ norm PPIP/DHIS 385 (2010) 1646 (2010) Data collection process Data collection form Comments Perinatal Newborn Count Number of maternal deaths in a year Perinatal mortality rate Proportion Number of perinatal deaths Still birth rate Proportion Number of still births Low Birthweight rate Proportion Perinatal care index Ratio Maternal deaths Early neonatal death rate Late neonatal death rate Neonatal mortality rate Proportion Proportion Proportion Number of births <2500g Perinatal mortality rate Number of early neonatal deaths Number of late neonatal deaths Total number of neoanatl deaths None Total number of births Total number of births Total number of births Low birth weight rate Total number of live births Total number of live births Total number of live births PPIP/DHIS PPIP/DHIS 32/1000 (2010) 23/1000 (2010) 35/1000 (2008-09) 23/1000 (2010) 13% (2010) PPIP/DHIS 12% (2010) Calculated <2 <2 10.5 (2010) 11.8 (2010) PPIP/DHIS PPIP/DHIS PPIP/DHIS Getting to know the District form Maternal Request from the FIO or DIO Health outcomes Page 1 of 12 Quality of care ANC Proportion clinics reviewing ANC patient held cards monthly (with BANC Checklist) Proportion clinics with Calcium carbonate in stock % 1st ANC visits testing HIV positive screened for TB % eligible HIV infected pregnant women on HAART % eligible HIV infected pregnant women initiated on HAART within two weeks Proportion Number of clinics reviewing ANC patient held cards monthly (with BANC Checklist) Total number of Clinics sampled Clinic based review 100% 100% Direct observation Clinic review form Proportion Number of clinics with Calcium carbonate in stock Total number of Clinics sampled Clinic based review 100% 100% Direct observation Clinic review form Proportion Number of 1st ANC visits testing HIV positive screened for TB Total number of 1st ANC visits testing HIV positive Clinic based review Direct observation Clinic review form Proportion Number eligible HIV infected pregnant women on HAART Proportion Number eligible HIV infected pregnant women initiated on HAART within two weeks Total number eligible HIV infected pregnant women (CD4 count <350 and clinical staging) Total number eligible HIV infected pregnant women (CD4 count <350 and clinical staging) DHIS DHIS 78% Request from DIO Request from DIO Page 2 of 12 Intrapartum care Proportion District (Level 1) Hospitals reviewing Labour records monthly (with Labour record review checklist) Proportion of District (Level 1) Hospitals discharging patients with discharge summary Proportion District (Level 1) Hospitals with written policy on labour companions Newborn Proportion District (Level 1) Hospitals implementing 12 steps to KMC Proportion District (Level 1) Hospitals using admission record to newborn care unit Proportion District (Level 1) Hospitals using observation record Proportion District (Level 1) Hospitals reviewing newborn care records monthly Proportion District (Level 1) Hospitals reviewing Labour records monthly (with Labour record review checklist) Total number of District (Level 1) Hospitals Hospital based review Proportion Number of District (Level 1) Hospitals discharging patients with discharge summary Total number of District (Level 1) Hospitals Hospital based review Proportion Number of District (Level 1) Hospitals with policy on labour companions Total number of District (Level 1) Hospitals Observation Proportion Number of District (Level 1) Hospitals implementing 12 steps to KMC Total number of District (Level 1) Hospitals Proportion Number of District (Level 1) Hospitals using admission record to newborn care unit Total number of District (Level 1) Hospitals Proportion Number of District (Level 1) Hospitals using observation record Total number of District (Level 1) Hospitals Proportion Number District (Level 1) Hospitals reviewing newborn care records monthly Total number of District (Level 1) Hospitals 100% 100% 100% 100% Direct observation Baseline tool for ESMOEEOST Direct observation Addendu m Direct observation Addendu m Observation Direct observatio n KINC Situation Analysis form Observation 100% Direct observatio n KINC Situation Analysis form 100% Direct observatio n KINC Situation Analysis form Direct observatio n KINC Situation Analysis form Observation Observation 100% 100% Page 3 of 12 Utilisation of health services Family Planning Number of post vaginal delivery Tubal Ligations Number of IUCD inserted Count Count Number of post vaginal delivery Tubal Ligations Number of IUCD inserted ANC Postnatal care ANC Coverage Proportion Number of 1st ANC visits % ANC 1st visit < 13 weeks Proportion Number of 1st ANC visits <13 weeks % ANC 1st visit < 20 weeks Proportion Number of 1st ANC visits <20 weeks Percentage women and babies attending PN visit within 6 days Proportion Number of [mothers] [babies] attending PN visit within 6 days None Data extraction None DHIS Population under 1 year x 1.15 (as a proxy for the number of pregnant women) Total number of 1st ANC visits Total number of 1st ANC visits Total number of deliveries DHIS Direct observation 99% Addendu m 99.00% DHIS DHIS 50% DHIS Page 4 of 12 Availability of health services Termination of Pregnancy Proportion of Hospitals/ CHCs/ MOUs/ Clinics providing 1st trimester terminations Proportion ol District (Level 1) Hospitals providing 2nd trimester terminations Proportion of Hospitals/ CHCs/ MOUs/ Clinics not providing terminations with referral system for TOPs Management of miscarriage High risk ANC Proportion of District (Level 1) Hospitals and CHCs with availability of MVA for evacuation of retained products Proportion District (Level 1) Hospitals with dedicated High Risk ANC clinic with ADM Proportion Number of [hospitals] [CHCs/MOUs] [Clinics] providing 1st trimester terminations Total number of [Hospitals] [CHCs/MOUs] [Clinics] in the District Observation Direct observation Clinic review form / Addendu m Proportion Number District (Level 1) Hospitals providing 1st trimester terminations Total Number of District (Level 1) Hospitals in the District Observation Direct observation Addendu m Proportion Number of [Hospitals] [CHCs] [MOUs] [Clinics] not providing terminations with referral system for TOPs Total number of [Hospitals] [CHCs/MOUs] [Clinics] in the District Direct observation Clinic review form / Addendu m Proportion Number of District (Level 1) Hospitals and CHCs with availability of MVA for evacuation of retained products Total Number of District (Level 1) Hospitals and CHCs in the District Observation Direct observation Baseline tool for ESMOEEOST Proportion Number District (Level 1) Hospitals with dedicated High Risk ANC clinic with ADM Total Number of District (Level 1) Hospitals in the District Observation Direct observation Addendu m Observation Page 5 of 12 Intrapartum care Availability of functioning Basic Essential Obstetric Care facilities Availability of functioning Comprehensive Essential Obstetric Care facilities Caesarean section rate per subdistrict/referral area Proportion District (Level 1) Hospitals with Mothers Waiting Area Postnatal care Proportion District (Level 1 ) Hospitals with KMC policy Proportion District (Level 1) Hospitals with functional KMC ward Cervical screening Colposcopy waiting time Proportion Number of CHCs/MOUs performing assisted deliveries in the last three months Total number of CHCs/MOUs in the district Proportion Number of District (Level 1) Hospitals performing assisted deliveries and C/S 24 hours in the last three months Total Number of District (Level 1) Hospitals in the District Proportion Total number of Caesarean Sections in the subdistrict/referral area Proportion Number of District (Level 1) Hospitals with Mothers Waiting Area Proportion Number of District (Level 1 ) Hospitals with KMC policy Proportion Number of LBW babies admitted to KMC Ward Total number of births in the subdistrict/referral area Total Number of District (Level 1) Hospitals in the District Total Number of District (Level 1) Hospitals in the District Total number of LBW babies Observation Direct observation Baseline tool for ESMOEEOST Observation Direct observation Baseline tool for ESMOEEOST Observation Direct observation Addendu m Observation Direct observation KINC Situation Analysis form Observation Direct observation KINC Situation Analysis form Observation Direct Observation Clinic review form DHIS Page 6 of 12 Health Systems Indicators / Enabling environment Staffing Intrapartum care Proportion CHCs/MOUs with ADM on every shift Midwife (Labour ward and PNC) staffing allocation Labour ward Midiwfe:patient ratio Proportion District (Level 1) Hospitals and CHCs/MOUs with ESMOE Master Trainers Proportion midwives and Drs scoring >80% on skill test Proportion of District (Level 1) Hospitals with nonrotating maternity staff Proportion of CHCs/MOUS with 100% non-rotating maternity staff Number of CHCs/MOUs with ADM on every shift Total number of CHCs/MOUs in the district Ratio Number of midwives allocated to labour ward/postnatal ward Number of deliveries per month Ratio Number of midwives per 24-hr in labour ward Average number of deliveries per day Proportion Number of District (Level 1) Hospitals CHCs/MOUs with at least one ESMOE Master Trainers Total number of District (Level 1) Hospitals and CHC/MOUs in the District Observation Proportion Number of midwives and Drs scoring >80% on skill test Total number of midwives and Drs tested Observation Proportion Number District (Level 1) Hospitals with at least 50% non-rotating maternity staff Total number of District (Level 1) Hospitals in the District Observation Proportion Number CHCs/MOUS with 100% nonrotating maternity staff Total number CHCs/MOUs in the District Observation Proportion Direct observation Observation Observation 16:100 deliveries per month Direct observation Observation and DHIS 1.15 midwife : 1delivery Direct observation At least one ESMOE Master Trainer At least 50% Baseline tool for ESMOEEOST Baseline tool for ESMOEEOST/ DHIS Direct observation Addendu m Direct observation ESMOE Fire drill Direct observation Addendu m Direct observation Addendu m Page 7 of 12 Staffing (cont) Newborn Care Proportion of newborn care units with professional nurses allocated to care of neonates only in all shifts Proportion Number of newborn care units with professional nurses allocated to care of neonates only Total number of District (Level 1) Hospitals in the District Proportion Number of newborn care units with enrolled nurses allocated to care of neonates only Total number of District (Level 1) Hospitals in the District Ratio Number of Labour ward/delivery beds Average number of deliveries per month Number of beds in the neonatal unit/1000 deliveries Ratio Number of beds in the neonatal unit Proportion of clinics fully equipped Proportion Number of clinics with essential equipment Proportion of newborn care units with enrolled nurses allocated to care of neonates only Beds Intrapartum care Newborn Care Equipment Antenatal care Intrapartum care Newborn care Number of labour ward/delivery beds/100 deliveries per month Proportion District (Level 1) Hospitals fully equipped Proporton of District (Level 1) Hospitals scoring at least 65% for neonatal unit equipment and supplies Observation 1 PN on duty :12 patients (beds) Direct observation KINC Situation Analysis form Observation 1 EN on duty :4 patients (beds) Direct observation KINC Situation Analysis form Observation 3beds : 100 deliveries per month Direct observation Baseline tool for ESMOEEOST/ DHIS Average number of deliveires per month Observation 4/1000 deliveries (subdistrict) Direct observation KINC Situation Analysis form Total number of clinics sampled Observation Direct observation Clinic Review form Proportion Number of District (Level 1) Hospitals with functional essential equipment Total number of District (Level 1) Hospitals in the District Observation Direct observation Addendu m Proportion Number of District (Level 1) Hospitals scoring at least 65% for neonatal unit equipment and supplies Total number of District (Level 1) Hospitals in the District Observation Direct observation KINC Situation Analysis form Page 8 of 12 Drugs Antenatal care Intrapartum care Blood Supervision Intrapartum care Newborn Care Proportion of clinics with EOC drugs Proportion Number of clinics with EOC drugs Proportion District (Level 1) Hospitals with EOC drugs Proportion Number of District (Level 1) Hospitals with at least 3 units of blood in fridge Proportion District (Level 1) Hospitals with ADM in Labour ward on all shifts Proportion Number District (Level 1) Hospitals with ADM in Labour ward on all shifts % Labour wards where ESMOE fire drills are conducted Proportion Number Labour wards where ESMOE fire drills are conducted Proportion Number District Level 1 ) Hospitals scoring 65% for supervision, monitoring and audit Proportion District (Level 1) Hospitals with EOC drugs Proportion District (Level 1) Hospitals with at least 3 units of blood in fridge Proportion District Level 1 ) Hospitals scoring 65% for supervision, monitoring and audit Total number of clinics sampled Total number of District (Level 1) Hospitals in the District Total number of District (Level 1) Hospitals in the District Total number of District (Level 1) Hospitals in the District Total number of CHCs/MOUs in the district + Total Number of District (Level 1) Hospitals in the District Total number of District (Level 1) Hospitals in the District Observation Direct observation Clinic Review form Observation Direct observation Baseline tool for ESMOEEOST Observation Direct observation Baseline tool for ESMOEEOST Observation Direct observation Addendu m Observation Direct observation Addendu m Observation Direct observation KINC Situation Analysis form Page 9 of 12 Referral support Proportion of Clinics, CHC and District Hospitals with referral criteria displayed Proportion District (Level 1) Hospitals with allocated obstetric ambulances Proportion District (Level 1) Hospitals with obstetric hotline (to receive referrals from clinics) Proportion District (Level 1) Hospitals with obstetric hotline number for referral to Level 2 or 3 Proportion Number of Clinics, CHC and District Hospitals with referral criteria displayed Total number of Clinics, CHC and District (Level 1) Hospitals in the District Proportion Number District (Level 1) Hospitals with obstetric ambulances Observation Direct observation Baseline tool for ESMOEEOST (q8e) Total number of District (Level 1) Hospitals in the District Observation Direct observation Baseline tool for ESMOEEOST Proportion Number District (Level 1) Hospitals with obstetric hotline (to receive referrals from clinics) Total number of District (Level 1) Hospitals in the District Observation Direct observation Addendu m Proportion Number District (Level 1) Hospitals with obstetric hotline number (for making calls) Total number of District (Level 1) Hospitals in the District Observation Direct observation Addendu m Page 10 of 12 Monitoring and evaluation Maternal Perinatal, Newborn and Child Proportion of District (Level 1) Hospitals with evidence of maternal death review within 3 days of death Proportion of District (Level 1) Hospitals with evidence of monthly audit meeting with action plan [Perinatal and Child] Proportion District (level 1) Hospitals where all Perinatal and Child audit meetings attended by Representative from Senior Management Proportion District (Level 1) Hospitals with PPIP/ ChPIP champion Proportion Number of District (Level 1) Hospitals with evidence of maternal death review within 3 days of death Total number of District (Level 1) Hospitals in the District Proportion Number of District (Level 1) Hospitals with evidence of monthly audit meeting with action plan Observation Direct observation Baseline tool for ESMOEEOST Total number of District (Level 1) Hospitals in the District Observation Direct observation Baseline tool for ESMOEEOST Proportion Number District (level 1) Hospitals where Perinatal and Child monthly audit meetings attended by Representative from Senior Management Total number of District (Level 1) Hospitals in the District Observation Direct observation Addendu m Proportion Number District (Level 1) Hospitals with PPIP champion Total number of District (Level 1) Hospitals in the District Observation Direct observation Addendu m Page 11 of 12 Proportion District (Level 1) Hospitals conducting 6monthly PPIP meeting Proportion Number District (Level 1) Hospitals conducting 6-monthly PPIP meeting Total number of District (Level 1) Hospitals in the District Observation Direct observation Addendu m Page 12 of 12