Report of an Oil and Gas Incident (ROGI) Form Report of an Oil and Gas Incident (ROGI) Form - Interim version Guidance Who should use this form? This form should be used from 19th July 2015, by offshore oil and gas installation duty holders with Safety Cases accepted under the 2015 Safety Case Regulations. Other offshore installation duty holders, pipeline operators, onshore borehole operators etc. should continue to report incidents by using OIR9b, OIR8 and OIR12 forms. Petroleum Operations Notice (PON1) notifications are not affected and should be submitted as usual. What is the Form? Reporting of incidents is required in the UK by various legislation, including: The Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013 (RIDDOR); Regulation 9 of the Offshore Installations and Wells (Design and Construction, etc.) Regulations 1996 (DCR) and Regulation 21B of the Offshore Installations and Pipeline Works (Management and Administration) Regulations 1995 (MAR). There is also a voluntary reporting scheme for reporting data on offshore hydrocarbon releases using the OIR12 form. Additionally, European Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 1112/2014 now also applies in the UK. The EU reporting requirements is very specific about how offshore major hazard incidents must be reported so that a common format is adopted by EU Member States. The Implementing Regulation requirements overlap with RIDDOR, DCR and MAR. It also makes compulsory some of the previously voluntary hydrocarbon release reporting criteria. The ROGI form is a tool to enable duty holders to comply with these separate regulatory reporting requirements. It integrates existing RIDDOR, DCR, MAR, and voluntary requirements with those arising from the EU Offshore Safety Directive and the Implementing Regulation. Submitting a ROGI form removes the need to submit existing RIDDOR forms OIR9b, and the OIR8 and OIR12. This version of the form is an interim step towards an integrated, online reporting tool that will be available for reporting of incidents by all users. When available, the online tool will replace the interim version and the existing OIR9b, OIR8 and OIR12 reporting forms. The ROGI form is designed to show what must be reported and which particular regulations or voluntary criteria apply. The form has several parts and completion of more than one part will often be required for a single incident, but it is unlikely that all parts will need to be completed. The form layout is intended to guide users toward the parts they need to complete. The parts are: Part A: Unintended Release of Oil, Gas or Hazardous Substance (ignited or not), Fires and Explosions Part B: Dangerous Occurrence in relation to a Well Part C: Failure of a Safety & Environmental Critical Element Part D: Danger to the Integrity of an Installation, Collapses, Equipment Failure, Weather Damage, Seabed Subsidence Part E: Vessel Collisions, or Potential Collisions, with an installation Part F: Aircraft Collisions or Potential Collisions with an Installation Part G: Fatalities Part H: Serious Injuries ROGI Form 1.1 - Date of Issue 20/07/2015 Page 1 of 42 Report of an Oil and Gas Incident (ROGI) Form Part I: Partial or Complete Evacuation of Personnel Part J: Major Environmental Incident arising from a Safety Incident, (Note: PON1 reporting is still a requirement. The ROGI form is additional in the event of a Major environmental incident) Part K: Other Reportable Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Over Seven day injuries; Occupational Diseases Exposure to Carcinogens, Mutagens and Biological Agents Diseases Offshore; Diving Operations; Dropped Objects Fall into Water Lifting Equipment Biological Agents Radiation Breathing Apparatus Pipelines or Pipeline Works Part L: Death or Loss of a Person Pursuant to MAR Regulation 21B. (Note: although provided within the ROGI Form this must be printed and sent to the Registrar General of Shipping and Seamen) Worked example A hydrocarbon release was caused by the failure of a safety and environmental critical element and as a consequence you decided to partially evacuate the installation. To report this scenario using the ROGI form, you are required to undertake four stages: 1. Complete your details at the start of the form (Page 4) This is the detail which includes where incident happened, when it happened, who is reporting etc. 2. Identify which parts of the form are relevant to your circumstances by ticking the boxes provided beside the various legislative reporting requirements. In the example scenario it is likely that you will select the following Event Categorisations in the Criteria parts: Part A: Criteria: Unintended Release of Oil, Gas or Hazardous Substance (ignited or not), Fires and Explosions Implementing Regulation. Section A RIDDOR 2013, Part 6 Regulation. 75 OIR 12 Voluntary HCR Release Part C: Criteria: Failure of a Safety & Environmental Critical Element Implementing Regulation Section C Part I: Criteria: Partial or complete evacuation of personnel Implementing Regulation. I RIDDOR Part 6 Regulation. 86 3. Turn to the identified Parts Criteria and complete the Detailed Reports as required. ROGI Form 1.1 - Date of Issue 20/07/2015 Page 2 of 42 Report of an Oil and Gas Incident (ROGI) Form Part A: Detailed Report: Unintended Release of Oil, Gas or Hazardous Substance (ignited or not), Fires and Explosions Part C: Detailed Report: Failure of a Safety & Environmental Critical Element Part I: Detailed Report: Partial or complete evacuation of personnel 4. Return Form via email to: Note: i. ii. Part A of the form has mandatory and voluntary reporting requirements. The voluntary reporting detail within the form replaces the details currently provided via the OIR12 arrangements. Some of the previous voluntary reporting details within the OIR12 are now a mandatory requirement of the EU Offshore Directive. The voluntary reporting is identifiable by (Voluntary). Reporters are, however, strongly encouraged to complete these sections in order to maximise the completeness of the resulting incident database and the knowledge that can thereby be obtained for the benefit of the industry. Use the Navigation Pane to navigate around the Microsoft Word 2010 form. To view this feature on the left hand side of your form, press Ctrl+F, or select the View tab and select the Navigation Pane check box in the ‘Show’ section on the ribbon. ROGI Form 1.1 - Date of Issue 20/07/2015 Page 3 of 42 Report of an Oil and Gas Incident (ROGI) Form Event Date and Time (hh:mm) Enter event date Enter event time hh:mm Version ☐ Final Version ☐ Interim Version External or Internal waters ☐ External ☐ Internal Your Details Details of the location and the person reporting the event Operator / owner Enter operator/owner Name of the installation Enter installation name Type of installation Production Type Choose production type Occupancy Type Choose occupancy type Function Type Choose function type Structure Type Choose structure type Field name / code (if relevant) Enter name/code Number of Persons on board (POB) at time of event Enter number of persons on board Position of the Installation, vessel, pipeline Quadrant Latitude Longitude Depth of Water (metres) Details of the module / area on the installation / vessel where the incident occurred Enter details Where on the site did the dangerous occurrence happen? Enter department What type of work was being undertaken at the time of the event? Enter type of work Main Industry Enter main industry Main Activity Enter main activity Sub Activity Enter sub activity Name of the reporting person Enter name of reporting person Role of the reporting person Enter role of reporting person Telephone Number Enter quadrant Enter latitude Enter longitude Enter depth Enter phone number ROGI Form 1.1 - Date of Issue 20/07/2015 Page 4 of 42 Report of an Oil and Gas Incident (ROGI) Form E-mail address Enter email address Address Line 1 Enter address line 1 Address Line 2 Enter address line 2 Address Line 3 Enter address line 3 Town Enter name of town County Post Code Description of circumstances, consequences of event & emergency response Enter county Enter postcode Enter description The Competent Authority shall further complete this section. Relates to requirement as detailed in the Implementation Regulation Section (A/B/C/D/E/F) Is this considered to be a major accident? Give justification ☐ Yes ☐ No Enter justification. ROGI Form 1.1 - Date of Issue 20/07/2015 Page 5 of 42 Report of an Oil and Gas Incident (ROGI) Form Event Categorisation What type of event is being reported? (More than one option A to L may be applicable) Please select all relevant parts and within each part the relevant legislation reporting against. A single incident may result in multiple parts to be completed. If any boxes are selected in this form then the detailed report of each selected section needs to be completed. Part A Criteria Unintended Release of Oil, Gas or Hazardous Substance (ignited or not), Fires and Explosions Implementing Regulation No.1112/2014 Section A: Unintended release of oil, gas or other hazardous substances, whether or not ignited Unintended release of oil, gas or other hazardous substances, whether or not ignited: 1. 2. 3. Any unintentional release of ignited gas or oil on or from an offshore installation; The unintentional release on or from an offshore installation of; a. not ignited natural gas or evaporated associated gas if mass released ≥ 1kg b. not ignited liquid of petroleum hydrocarbon if mass released ≥ 60 kg; The unintentional release or escape of any hazardous substance, for which the major accident risk has been assessed in the report on major hazards, on or from an offshore installation, including wells and returns of drilling additives ☐ RIDDOR 2013, Part 6 Dangerous Occurrences which are reportable in respect of an offshore workplace 75. - Release of petroleum hydrocarbon The unintentional release of petroleum hydrocarbon on or from an offshore installation which a) results in i. a fire or explosion; or ii. the taking of action to prevent or limit the consequences of a potential fire or explosion; or ☐ b) could cause a specified injury to, or the death of, any person. 76. - Fire or explosion Any fire or explosion at an offshore installation, other than one caused by the release of petroleum hydrocarbon, which results in the stoppage of plant or the suspension of normal work. ☐ 77. - Release or escape of dangerous substances The unintentional or uncontrolled release or escape of any substance (other than petroleum hydrocarbon) on or from an offshore installation which could cause a significant risk of personal injury to any person. ☐ The unintentional release from a pipeline within the 500 metre zone of an installation ☐ OIR12 Voluntary HCR Release. (Voluntary) The UK offshore industry has, since 1992, voluntarily notified the regulator of Hydrocarbon releases which are in addition to legislative requirements. This is as a result of taking forward recommendation 39 of the Cullen Report published in 1990, following the Piper Alpha disaster in 1988. This reporting arrangement benefits both industry and the regulator to determine trends and for the purpose of carrying out quantified risk assessment. ROGI Form 1.1 - Date of Issue 20/07/2015 Page 6 of 42 Report of an Oil and Gas Incident (ROGI) Form Part B Criteria Dangerous Occurrence in Relation to a Well Implementing Regulation No. 1112/2014 Section B Loss of well control requiring actuation of well control equipment, or failure of a well barrier requiring its replacement or repair & 1. Any blowout, regardless of the duration 2. The coming into operation of a blowout prevention or diverter system to control flow of well-fluids; 3. The mechanical failure of any part of a well, whose purpose is to prevent or limit the effect of the unintentional release of fluids from a well or a reservoir being drawn on by a well, or whose failure would cause or contribute to such a release. 4. The taking of precautionary measures additional to any already contained in the original drilling programme where a planned minimum separation distance between adjacent wells was not maintained. ☐ RIDDOR 2013, Schedule 2 Dangerous Occurrences Part 1 (General) 20. - Wells In relation to a well (other than a well sunk for the purpose of the abstraction of water) (a) a blow-out (which includes any uncontrolled flow of well-fluids from a well); (b) the coming into operation of a blow-out prevention or diversion system to control flow of well-fluids where normal control procedures fail; (c) the detection of hydrogen sulphide at a well or in samples of well-fluids where the responsible person did not anticipate its presence in the reservoir drawn on by the well; (d) the taking of precautionary measures additional to any contained in the original drilling programme where a planned minimum separation distance between adjacent wells was not maintained; or (e) the mechanical failure of any part of a well whose purpose is to prevent or limit the effect of the unintentional release of fluids from a well or a reservoir being drawn on by a well, or whose failure would cause or contribute to such a release. ☐ NB: an unintentional hydrocarbon release from a well as a result from the above should also be reported in Section A of this form. Part C Criteria Failure of a Safety & Environmental Critical Element Implementing Regulation No. 1112/2014 Section C Failure of a safety and environmental critical element. ☐ Any loss or non-availability of a SECE requiring immediate remedial action. ROGI Form 1.1 - Date of Issue 20/07/2015 Page 7 of 42 Report of an Oil and Gas Incident (ROGI) Form Part D Criteria Danger to the Integrity of an Installation, Collapses, Equipment Failure, Weather Damage, Seabed Subsidence Implementing Regulation Section D Significant loss of structural integrity, or loss of protection against the effects of fire or explosion, or loss of station keeping in relation to a mobile installation: Any detected condition that reduces the designed structural integrity of the installation, including stability, buoyancy and station keeping, to the extent that it requires immediate remedial action. ☐ RIDDOR 2013, Schedule 2 Dangerous Occurrences Part 6 78. - Collapses Any unintentional collapse or partial collapse of any offshore installation or of any plant on an offshore installation which jeopardises the overall structural integrity of the installation. ☐ 79. - Equipment ☐ The failure of equipment required to maintain a floating offshore installation on station which could cause a specified injury to, or the death of, any person. 81. - Weather damage ☐ Any damage to or on an offshore installation caused by adverse weather conditions and which could cause a specified injury to, or the death of, any person. 84. - Subsidence or collapse of seabed ☐ Any subsidence or collapse of the seabed likely to affect the foundations or the overall structural integrity of an offshore installation. 85. - Loss of stability or buoyancy ☐ Any incident which causes the loss of stability or buoyancy of a floating offshore installation. Design and Construction Regulations (DCR) 1996 Reporting of danger to an installation Regulation 9 (1) The duty holder shall ensure that, within 10 working days after the appearance of evidence of a significant threat to the integrity of an installation, a report is made to the Executive in writing identifying such threat and specifying any action taken or to be taken to avert it. (2) Paragraph (1) shall not apply to anything of which [the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013] require a report to be made. ROGI Form 1.1 - Date of Issue 20/07/2015 Page 8 of 42 ☐ Report of an Oil and Gas Incident (ROGI) Form Part E Criteria Vessel Collisions, or Potential Collisions, with an Installation Implementing Regulation No. 1112/2014 Section E Vessels on collision course and actual vessel collisions with an offshore installation: Any collision, or potential collision, between a vessel and an offshore installation which has, or would have, enough energy to cause sufficient damage to the installation and/or vessel, to jeopardise the overall structural or process integrity. ☐ RIDDOR 2013 Schedule 2 Dangerous Occurrences Part 6 82. - Collisions ☐ Any collision between a vessel or aircraft and an offshore installation which causes damage to the installation, the vessel or the aircraft. 83. - Collisions Any occurrence with the potential for a collision between a vessel and an offshore installation where, had a collision occurred, it might have jeopardised the overall structural integrity of the installation. ☐ Part F Criteria Aircraft Collisions or Potential Collisions with an Installation Implementing Regulation No. 1112/2014 – Section F Helicopter Accidents, on or near offshore installations. Helicopter incidents are reported under CAA regulations. If a helicopter accident occurs in relation to Directive 2013/30/EU, section F shall be completed ☐ RIDDOR 2013 Schedule 2 Dangerous Occurrences Part 6 82. - Collisions ☐ Any collision between a vessel or aircraft and an offshore installation which causes damage to the installation, the vessel or the aircraft. Part G Criteria Fatalities Implementing Regulation No. 1112/2014 Section G Any fatal accident to be reported under the requirements of Directive 92/91/EEC “The employer shall, without delay report any serious and/or fatal occupational accidents and situations of serious danger to the competent authorities” ☐ RIDDOR 2013, Work-related fatalities 6. ☐ 1) Where any person dies as a result of a work-related accident, the responsible ROGI Form 1.1 - Date of Issue 20/07/2015 Page 9 of 42 Report of an Oil and Gas Incident (ROGI) Form person must follow the reporting procedure. 2) Where any person dies as a result of occupational exposure to a biological agent, the responsible person must follow the reporting procedure. 3) Where an employee has suffered an injury reportable under regulation 4 which is a cause of his death within one year of the date of the accident, the employer must notify the relevant enforcing authority of the death in an approved manner without delay, whether or not the injury has been reported under regulation 4. This regulation is subject to regulations 14 and 15, and does not apply to a self-employed person who suffers a fatal accident or fatal exposure on premises controlled by that selfemployed person. RIDDOR 2013, Schedule 1 Part 1 Injuries, fatalities and dangerous occurrences 1. (1) Where required to follow the reporting procedure by regulation 4, 5, 6 or 7 (except in relation to a mine or quarry), the responsible person must— (a) notify the relevant enforcing authority of the reportable incident by the quickest practicable means without delay; and (b) send a report of that incident in an approved manner to the relevant enforcing authority within 10 working days of the incident. ☐ Note: Consider if there is requirement to also complete Section L Form to be Completed in respect of the death or loss of a person pursuant to Regulation 21B – Offshore Installations and Pipelines Works (Management and Administration) Regulations 1995 Part H Criteria Serious Injuries Implementing Regulation No. 1112/2014 Section H Any serious injuries to five or more persons in the same accident to be reported under the requirements of Directive 92/91/EEC “The employer shall, without delay report any serious and/or fatal occupational accidents and situations of serious danger to the competent authorities” ☐ RIDDOR Non-fatal injuries to workers 4. 1) Where any person at work, as a result of a work related accident suffers (a) any bone fracture diagnosed by a registered medical practitioner, other than to a finger, thumb or toe; (b) amputation of an arm, hand, finger, thumb, leg, foot or toe; (c) any injury diagnosed by a registered medical practitioner as being likely to cause permanent blinding or reduction in sight in one or both eyes; (d) any crush injury to the head or torso causing damage to the brain or internal organs in the chest or abdomen; (e) any burn injury (including scalding) which: i. covers more than 10% of the whole body’s total surface area; or ii. causes significant damage to the eyes, respiratory system or other vital organs; (f) any degree of scalping requiring hospital treatment; (g) loss of consciousness caused by head injury or asphyxia; or (h) any other injury arising from working in an enclosed space which: i. leads to hypothermia or heat-induced illness; or ROGI Form 1.1 - Date of Issue 20/07/2015 Page 10 of 42 ☐ Report of an Oil and Gas Incident (ROGI) Form ii. requires resuscitation or admittance to hospital for more than 24 hours, the responsible person must follow the reporting procedure. RIDDOR 2013, Schedule 1 Part 1 Injuries, fatalities and dangerous occurrences 1. (1) Where required to follow the reporting procedure by regulation 4, 5, 6 or 7 (except in relation to a mine or quarry), the responsible person must— (a) notify the relevant enforcing authority of the reportable incident by the quickest practicable means without delay; and ☐ send a report of that incident in an approved manner to the relevant enforcing authority within 10 working days of the incident. (a) (b) Part I Criteria Partial or Complete Evacuation of Personnel Implementing Regulation No. 1112/2014 I. Any evacuation of personnel: Any unplanned emergency evacuation of part of or all personnel as a result of, or where there is a significant risk of a major accident ☐ RIDDOR 2013, Dangerous Occurrences, Schedule 2 Part 6 86. - Evacuation ☐ The partial or complete evacuation of an offshore installation in the interests of safety Part J Criteria Major Environmental Incident arising from a Safety Incident.. (Note: PON 1 reporting is still a requirement. The ROGI form is additional in the event of a Major environmental incident) Implementing Regulation No 1112/2014: Section J : A major environmental incident Any major environmental incident as defined in Article 2.1.d and Article 2.37 of Directive 2013/30/EU ROGI Form 1.1 - Date of Issue 20/07/2015 Page 11 of 42 ☐ Report of an Oil and Gas Incident (ROGI) Form Part K Criteria Other Reportable Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences (Over Seven day injuries; Occupational Diseases; Exposure to Carcinogens, Mutagens and Biological Agents; Diseases Offshore; Diving Operations; Dropped Objects; Fall into Water; Lifting Equipment; Biological Agents; Radiation; Breathing Apparatus; Pipelines or Pipeline Works). RIDDOR 2013 Over-seven-day injuries to workers 4.-(2) Where any person at work is incapacitated for routine work for more than seven consecutive days (excluding the day of the accident) because of an injury resulting from an accident arising out of or in connection with that work, the responsible person must send a report to the relevant enforcing authority in an approved manner as soon as practicable and in any event within 15 days of the accident. ☐ Occupational diseases 8. Where, in relation to a person at work, the responsible person receives a diagnosis of: (a) Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, where the person’s work involves regular use of percussive or vibrating tools; (b) cramp in the hand or forearm, where the person’s work involves prolonged periods of repetitive movement of the fingers, hand or arm; (c) occupational dermatitis, where the person’s work involves significant or regular exposure to a known skin sensitizer or irritant; (d) Hand Arm Vibration Syndrome, where the person’s work involves regular use of percussive or vibrating tools, or the holding of materials which are subject to percussive processes, or processes causing vibration; (e) occupational asthma, where the person’s work involves significant or regular exposure to a known respiratory sensitizer; or (f) tendonitis or tenosynovitis in the hand or forearm, where the person’s work is physically demanding and involves frequent, repetitive movements, ☐ the responsible person must follow the reporting procedure, subject to regulations 14 and 15. Exposure to carcinogens, mutagens and biological agents 9. Where, in relation to a person at work, the responsible person receives a diagnosis of: (a) any cancer attributed to an occupational exposure to a known human carcinogen or mutagen (including ionising radiation); or (b) any disease attributed to an occupational exposure to a biological agent, ☐ the responsible person must follow the reporting procedure, subject to regulations 14 and 15. Diseases offshore 10. Where, in relation to a person at an offshore workplace, the responsible person receives a diagnosis of any of the diseases listed in Schedule 3, the responsible person must follow the reporting procedure, subject to regulations 14 and 15. Schedule 1 Part 1 2.(1) Where required to follow the reporting procedure by regulation 8 or 10, the responsible person must send a report of the diagnosis in an approved manner to the relevant enforcing authority without delay. ROGI Form 1.1 - Date of Issue 20/07/2015 Page 12 of 42 ☐ ☐ Report of an Oil and Gas Incident (ROGI) Form Diving Operations Schedule 2 13. The failure, damaging or endangering of— (a) any life support equipment, including control panels, hoses and breathing apparatus; or (b) the dive platform, or any failure of the dive platform to remain on station, which causes a significant risk of personal injury to a diver. ☐ 14. The failure or endangering of any lifting equipment associated with a diving operation. 15. The trapping of a diver. 16. Any explosion in the vicinity of a diver. 17. Any uncontrolled ascent or any omitted decompression which causes a significant risk of personal injury to a diver. RIDDOR Schedule 2 Part 6 80. - Dropped Objects The dropping of any object on an offshore installation or on an attendant vessel or into the water adjacent to an installation or vessel which could cause a specified injury to, or the death of, any person. 87. - Fall into Water ☐ ☐ Any fall of a person into water from more than 2 metres RIDDOR Schedule 2 Part 1 1. - Lifting equipment The collapse, overturning or failure of any load-bearing part of any lifting equipment, other than an accessory for lifting. ☐ 10. - Biological agents Any accident or incident which results or could have resulted in the release or escape of a biological agent likely to cause severe human infection or illness. ☐ 11. - Radiation generators and radiography (1) The malfunction of— (a)a radiation generator or its ancillary equipment used in fixed or mobile industrial radiography, the irradiation of food or the processing of products by irradiation, which causes it to fail to de-energise at the end of the intended exposure period; or (b)equipment used in fixed or mobile industrial radiography or gamma irradiation, which causes a radioactive source to fail to return to its safe position by the normal means at the end of the intended exposure period. ☐ (2) In this paragraph, “radiation generator” means any electrical equipment emitting ionising radiation and containing components operating at a potential difference of more than 5kV. 12. - Breathing apparatus The malfunction of breathing apparatus— (a)where the malfunction causes a significant risk of personal injury to the user; or (b)during testing immediately prior to use, where the malfunction would have caused a significant risk to the health and safety of the user had it occurred during use, other than at a mine. ☐ 21. - Pipelines or pipelines works In relation to a pipeline or pipeline works— (a) any damage to, accidental or uncontrolled release from or inrush of anything into a pipeline; (b) the failure of any pipeline isolation device, associated equipment or system; or (c) the failure of equipment involved with ROGI Form 1.1 - Date of Issue 20/07/2015 Page 13 of 42 ☐ Report of an Oil and Gas Incident (ROGI) Form pipeline works, which could cause personal injury to any person, or which results in the pipeline being shut down for more than 24 hours. 22. - Pipelines or pipelines works The unintentional change in position of a pipeline, or in the subsoil or seabed in the vicinity, which requires immediate attention to safeguard the pipeline’s integrity or safety. ☐ Part L Criteria Death or Loss of a Person Pursuant to MAR Regulation 21B. (Note: Although provided within the ROGI Form this must be printed and sent to the Registrar General of Shipping and Seamen) Offshore Installations and Pipelines works (Management & Administration) Regulations 1995 Notification of death or loss to the Registrar General of Shipping and Seamen as required ☐ Remarks (EU Implementing Regulation Remarks) If the incident falls into one of the above mentioned categories, the operator/owner shall proceed to the relevant section(s); hence a single incident could result in completing multiple sections. The operator/owner shall submit the filled in sections to the Competent Authority within 10 working days of the event, using the best information available at that time. If the event reported is a major accident, the Member State shall initiate a thorough investigation in accordance with Article 26 of Directive 2013/30/EU. Fatalities and serious injuries are reported under the requirements of Directive 92/91/EEC Helicopter incidents are reported under CAA regulations. If a helicopter accident occurs in relation to Directive 2013/30/EU, section F shall be completed. Taking into account Member States' obligations to maintain or achieve Good Environmental Status under Directive 2008/56/EC (3), if an unintended release of oil, gas or other hazardous substance, or the failure of a safety and environmental critical element results in or is likely to result in degradation of the environment, such impacts should be reported to the competent authorities. . ROGI Form 1.1 - Date of Issue 20/07/2015 Page 14 of 42 Report of an Oil and Gas Incident (ROGI) Form Part A Detailed Report Unintended Release of Oil, Gas or Hazardous Substance (ignited or not), Fires and Explosions Implementing Regulation Section A: Unintended release of oil, gas or other hazardous substances, whether or not ignited RIDDOR 2013, Part 6 Dangerous Occurrences which are reportable in respect of an offshore workplace – 75; Release of Petroleum Hydrocarbon / 76; Fire or explosion / 77; Release or escape of dangerous substances; Voluntary HCR reporting Also complete for the unintentional releases from a pipeline within the 500 meter zone of an installation Section A1 Was there a release of hydrocarbon substances? ☐ ☐ Yes If Yes complete from A1 No If No, go to A2 i. Hydrocarbon Released ☐ Non Process Please specify (Voluntary) ☐ Process Choose a Hydrocarbon type ☐ Oil ☐ Gas ☐ Condensate ☐ 2-Phase For gas or 2-Phase, state level of H2S Enter estimated ppm. If less than 5 ppm enter “insignificant” Enter estimated ppm. If less than 5 ppm enter “insignificant”. (Voluntary) For gas, estimate approximate molecular weight (Voluntary) For 2-Phase, state GOR (gas/oil ratio) Specify, scf/bbl Enter molecular weight ☐ n/a Enter GOR and specify units) ☐ n/a (Voluntary) For liquids, state density (kg/m3) Enter density and specify units (Voluntary) Please state water cut (where relevant) (%age of liquid by mass) Enter water cut (Voluntary) Was the release limited/stopped due to a local ROGI Form 1.1 - Date of Issue 20/07/2015 ☐ n/a ☐ Yes ☐ Page 15 of 42 No Report of an Oil and Gas Incident (ROGI) Form manual intervention / isolation, separate from the ESDV system? (Voluntary) Did liquid spray/mist releases occur? ii. ☐ Yes ☐ Estimated quantity released Estimated quantity released Enter quantity released and specify units Specify units e.g. tonnes, kg, Nm3 [Nm3 is normal cubic metre] (Voluntary) What is the basis for this estimate? Enter description (Voluntary) Total gas HC Inventory in system Enter gas HC Inventory in system and specify units Specify units e.g. tonnes, kg Nm3 [Nm3 is normal cubic metre] (Voluntary) Total liquid HC Inventory in system Specify units e.g. tonnes, kg Enter liquid HC Inventory and specify units (Voluntary) Extent of dispersion / liquid spread Enter extent of dispersion (Voluntary) What is the severity classification of this release Choose a rating iii. Estimated initial release rate Estimated initial release rate Enter estimated initial release rate and specify units Specify units e.g. tonnes/day, kg/s, Nm3/s [Nm3/s is normal cubic metre per second] (Voluntary) Equivalent hole diameter Enter diameter Based on hole area equated to a circular hole (mm) (Voluntary) Is hole size measured or estimated? (Voluntary) If estimated, on what basis? iv. ☐ Measured ☐ Estimate Please describe Duration of leak Duration of leak Enter duration and specify units (seconds/minutes/hours) (Estimated time from discovery, e.g. alarm, ROGI Form 1.1 - Date of Issue 20/07/2015 Page 16 of 42 No Report of an Oil and Gas Incident (ROGI) Form electronic log, to termination of leak) v. Location of leak (Voluntary) Module / area name Enter module/area name (Please state the name in common use on the installation, inluding subsea if appropriate) [Please also complete the location check list below. Please indicate those items which come nearest to pinpointing the location of the leak.] (Voluntary) Primary Select primary category System Category Secondary Select secondary category Tertiary Select tertiary category (Voluntary) Primary Select primary category Equipment category Secondary Select secondary category Tertiary Select tertiary category Other Please specify (Voluntary) Valve type Select one type (where valve is selected above in equipment category) Other Please specify (Voluntary) Type Select one type Flange type Rating Select a rating (where Flange is selected above in equipment category) Bore Size (in) Enter bore size Other Specify Type, Rating and Bore Size (in) Please specify (Voluntary) For valves, flanges, pumps, tubing, pipework, pipelines and other fittings, please specify their size in terms of nominal bore, in inches (i.e. the nominal bore of the piping they connect to) Enter size (Voluntary) For PIG LAUNCHER/RECEIVERS and PRESSURE VESSELS give both the LENGTH and the DIAMETER in mm or inches, as available Enter size (Voluntary) For BOP Stacks indicate the design pressure rating, e.g. 5,000 psi. Enter design pressure rating. vi. Hazardous area classification (i.e. zone at location of incident) ☐ Classification 1 ☐ ☐ 2 Unclassified vii. Module ventilation? ☐ Natural ROGI Form 1.1 - Date of Issue 20/07/2015 ☐ Forced Page 17 of 42 Report of an Oil and Gas Incident (ROGI) Form How many sides enclosed? Enter the number of walls, including floor & ceiling (Insert the number of walls, including floor and ceiling) Module volume (m3) Enter volume in m3 Estimated number of air changes (if known) Specify hourly rate If “Natural ventilation” is selected above, type ” n/a” Specify Hourly rate viii. Weather conditions Wind speed Enter wind speed and specify units (specify units e.g. mph, m/s, ft/s or knots) Wind direction Enter wind direction (Specify heading in degrees) from true north Provide a description of other relevant weather conditions Describe weather conditions (including sea conditions) ix. System pressure Design Pressure Enter design pressure and specify units (Specify units,e.g. bar,psi or other) Actual Pressure Enter actual pressure and specify units (i.e. at time of release) (Voluntary) Design Temperature (maximum) Enter maximum design temperature and specify units (Voluntary) Design Temperature (minimum) Minimum design temperature and specify units (Voluntary) Actual Temperature Actual temperature and specify units (i.e. at time of release) x. Means of detection Detection systems ☐ Gas Choose a Gas detection system ☐ Fire Choose a Fire detection system ☐ Smoke ☐ Other (Voluntary) Instrumentation of Process System Choose an item (Voluntary) Planned Manual Choose an item ROGI Form 1.1 - Date of Issue 20/07/2015 Please specify. Page 18 of 42 Report of an Oil and Gas Incident (ROGI) Form Inspection (Voluntary) Unplanned Manual Inspection xi. Choose an item Cause of leak (Voluntary) Please give a short description and complete the checklist below Describe cause of leak. ☐ Design Failure related to design ☐ Equipment ☐ ☐ Internal corrosion ☐ External corrosion ☐ Mechanical failure due to fatigue ☐ Mechanical failure due to wear out ☐ Erosion ☐ Material defect ☐ (Voluntary) Degradation of valve sealing ☐ (Voluntary) Loss of bolt tensioning ☐ (Voluntary) Degradation of flange gasket ☐ (Voluntary) Failure of a temporary repair ☐ (Voluntary) Degredation of permanent or temporary repair ☐ Other Please specify Operation ☐ Incorrectly fitted ☐ Left open ☐ Improper inspection ☐ Improper testing ☐ Improper operation ☐ Improper maintenance ☐ Dropped object ☐ Other impact ☐ Opened when containing HC ☐ (Voluntary) Incorrect fitting of flanges or bolts during maintenance ☐ (Voluntary) Pressure excursion ☐ (Voluntary) Overflow/over filling ☐ (Voluntary) Break-down of isolation system during maintenance (technical) ☐ (Voluntary) Work on wrong equipment (not known to be pressurised) ☐ (Voluntary) Incorrect blinding/isolation ☐ (Voluntary) Maloperation of temporary hoses ☐ (Voluntary) Maloperation of valve(s) during manual operation ☐ (Voluntary) Erroneous choice of installations of sealing device ☐ (Voluntary) Impact from bumping / collision ☐ (Voluntary) Maloperation of valve(s) during manual operations ☐ (Voluntary) Valve(s) in incorrect position after maintenance ☐ (Voluntary) Incorrect installation of small bore fittings ☐ (Voluntary) Temperature excursion ☐ Other ROGI Form 1.1 - Date of Issue 20/07/2015 Please specify Page 19 of 42 Report of an Oil and Gas Incident (ROGI) Form ☐ Procedural ☐ Non-compliance with procedure ☐ Deficient procedure ☐ Other ☐ Non-compliance with permit-to-work Please specify Indicate the operational mode in the area at the time of release Choose the relevant parameter(s) from the following categories ☐ Construction ☐ ☐ Hot work ☐ Cold work ☐ Draining Drilling ☐ ☐ (Voluntary) Oil (Voluntary) Gas ☐ (Voluntary) Exploration ☐ (Voluntary) Exploration ☐ (Voluntary) Appraisal ☐ (Voluntary) Appraisal ☐ (Voluntary) Development ☐ (Voluntary) Development Maintenance ☐ ☐ Hot work ☐ Cold work ☐ Draining ☐ Cold work ☐ Draining Routine Maintenance ☐ ☐ Hot work ☐ Normal Production ☐ Pipeline operations including Pigging ☐ Well Operations with Tree ☐ ☐ (Voluntary) Oil ☐ (Voluntary) Gas ☐ (Voluntary) Wireline ☐ (Voluntary) Wireline ☐ (Voluntary) Coiled tubing ☐ (Voluntary) Coiled tubing ☐ (Voluntary) Snubbing ☐ (Voluntary) Snubbing ☐ (Voluntary) Well test ☐ (Voluntary) Well test ☐ (Voluntary) Abandonment ☐ (Voluntary) Abandonment ☐ (Voluntary) Service ☐ (Voluntary) Service ☐ (Voluntary) Construction ☐ (Voluntary) Construction ☐ (Voluntary) Other ☐ (Voluntary) Other Well Operations without Tree ☐ (Voluntary) Oil ROGI Form 1.1 - Date of Issue 20/07/2015 ☐ (Voluntary) Gas Page 20 of 42 Report of an Oil and Gas Incident (ROGI) Form ☐ (Voluntary) Wireline ☐ (Voluntary) Wireline ☐ (Voluntary) Coiled tubing ☐ (Voluntary) Coiled tubing ☐ (Voluntary) Snubbing ☐ (Voluntary) Snubbing ☐ (Voluntary) Well test ☐ (Voluntary) Well test ☐ (Voluntary) Abandonment ☐ (Voluntary) Abandonment ☐ (Voluntary) Service ☐ (Voluntary) Service ☐ (Voluntary) Construction ☐ (Voluntary) Construction ☐ (Voluntary) Other ☐ (Voluntary) Other ☐ (Voluntary) Blowdown ☐ (Voluntary) Commissioning ☐ (Voluntary) Cleaning ☐ (Voluntary) Flushing ☐ (Voluntary) Installation ☐ (Voluntary) Inspection ☐ (Voluntary) Reinstatement ☐ (Voluntary) Removal ☐ (Voluntary) Replacement ☐ (Voluntary) Sampling ☐ (Voluntary) Shutdown ☐ (Voluntary) Shutting down ☐ (Voluntary) Start up ☐ (Voluntary) Temporary ☐ (Voluntary) Testings ☐ (Voluntary) Top up xii. Did ignition occur? ☐ Yes ☐ No Immediate ☐ Delayed If yes, was it: ☐ Delay time (sec) (Voluntary) Was it an ignition of a continuous operational release? ☐ Yes ROGI Form 1.1 - Date of Issue 20/07/2015 Enter time (sec). ☐ No Page 21 of 42 Report of an Oil and Gas Incident (ROGI) Form Was there: (add sequence of events by numbering appropriate boxes in order of occurrence) Enter sequence number A flash fire Enter sequence number A jet fire (no blast damage) (including spray fires) Enter sequence number An explosion Enter sequence number A pool fire (sufficient to cause blast damage) xiii. Ignition Source (if known) Provide a description of the ignition source Describe ignition source xiv. What emergency action was taken? ☐ Shutdown ☐ Automatic ESD initiation ☐ Manual ☐ (Voluntary) ESD initiation ☐ (Voluntary) Local initiation ☐ Blowdown ☐ Automatic ☐ Manual ☐ Deluge ☐ Automatic ☐ Manual ☐ CO2/Halon/inerts ☐ Automatic ☐ Manual ☐ Other (Voluntary) Time between detection and isolation. Please specify Enter time and specify units (Specify units, e.g. seconds, Minutes) (Voluntary) Time between detection and start of blowdown. Enter time and specify units (Specify units, e.g. seconds, Minutes) ☐ Call to muster ☐ At stations ☐ At lifeboats ☐ (Voluntary) Partial down man ☐ By helicopter ☐ By lifeboats ☐ By lifeboats Other ☐ (Voluntary) Installation evacuation ☐ Other Please specify By helicopter Please specify xv. Any additional comments Enter additional comments Section A2 ROGI Form 1.1 - Date of Issue 20/07/2015 Page 22 of 42 Report of an Oil and Gas Incident (ROGI) Form Description of circumstances, consequences of event and emergency response Enter description Was there a release of a nonhydrocarbon hazardous substance? Was there a non-hydrocarbon fire (e.g. electrical) with a significant potential to cause a major accident? ☐ If yes, specify the type and quantity of released substance ☐ No Specify type and units Enter description ☐ Is the incident likely to cause degradation to the surrounding marine environment? If yes, outline the environmental impacts which may have already been observed or are likely to result from the incident Yes Yes ☐ No Enter outline Section A3 Preliminary direct and underlying causes (within 10 working days of the event) Enter causes Section A4 Initial lessons learned and preliminary recommendations to prevent recurrence of similar events (within 10 working days of the event) Enter recommendations and lessons learned End of Part A Detailed Report ROGI Form 1.1 - Date of Issue 20/07/2015 Page 23 of 42 Report of an Oil and Gas Incident (ROGI) Form Part B Detailed Report Dangerous Occurrence in Relation to a Well Implementing Regulation : Section B Loss of Well Control Requiring Actuation of Well Control Equipment, or Failure of a Well Barrier Requiring its Replacement or Repair. RIDDOR 2013, Schedule 2 Dangerous Occurrences Part 1 (General) Wells 20. In Relation to a Well (Other Than a Well Sunk for the Purpose of the Abstraction of Water) Section B1 General information Name/code of well Enter name/code Name of drilling contractor (if relevant) Enter name of drilling contractor Name/type of drilling rig (if relevant) Enter name/type of drilling rig Start date/time of loss of well control Enter a start date Enter a start time hh:mm End date/time of loss of well control Enter an end date Enter an end time hh:mm Type of fluid (if relevant) Well head completion ☐ Brine ☐ Other ☐ ☐ Surface Enter depth Reservoir: pressure / temperature / depth Enter pressure/temperature/depth Type of well services Gas Please specify Water depth (m) Type of activity ☐ Oil ☐ Subsea ☐ Normal production ☐ Drilling ☐ Work over ☐ Well services ☐ Other ☐ Wire line ☐ Other Please specify ☐ Coiled tubing ☐ Snubbing Please specify Section B2 Description of circumstances, consequences of event and emergency response ROGI Form 1.1 - Date of Issue 20/07/2015 Page 24 of 42 Report of an Oil and Gas Incident (ROGI) Form Implementation Regulation B1 & RIDDOR 20.(a)(b)(d)(e) Blowout prevention equipment activated ☐ Yes ☐ No Diverter system in operation ☐ Yes ☐ No Pressure build-up and/or positive flow check ☐ Yes ☐ No Failing well barriers (a) Enter text (b) Enter text (c) Enter text ☐ Yes ☐ No RIDDOR 20 (c) Detection of Hydrogen Sulphide Description of circumstances Enter Description. Further details (specify units) ☐ Duration of uncontrolled flow of well-fluids Enter further details and specify units ☐ Flowrate Enter further details and specify units ☐ Liquid volume Enter further details and specify units ☐ Gas volume Enter further details and specify units Consequences of event and emergency response (e.g. 1. Jet fire / 2. First explosion / 3. Second explosion, etc.) Enter details Section B3 Preliminary direct and underlying causes (within 10 working days of the event) Enter cause ROGI Form 1.1 - Date of Issue 20/07/2015 Page 25 of 42 Report of an Oil and Gas Incident (ROGI) Form Section B4 Initial lessons learned and preliminary recommendations to prevent recurrence of similar events (within 10 working days of the event) Enter lessons learned and recommendations End of Part B Detailed Report ROGI Form 1.1 - Date of Issue 20/07/2015 Page 26 of 42 Report of an Oil and Gas Incident (ROGI) Form Part C Detailed Report Failure of a Safety & Environmental Critical Element Implementing Regulation Section C Failure of a Safety and Environmental Critical Element Section C1 General information Name of independent verifier Enter name of independent verifier (if applicable) Section C2 Description of circumstances, consequences of event and emergency response Which Safety and Environmental Critical systems were reported by the independent verifier as lost or unavailable, requiring immediate remedial action, or have failed during an incident? Description of SECE and circumstances Which Safety and Environmental Critical systems were reported by the independent verifier as lost or unavailable, requiring immediate remedial action, or have failed during an incident? Enter description ☐ Origin Report Independent verifier (report nr. / date / verifier / …) Enter details ☐ Failure during major accident. (date / accident description / …) Enter details Safety and Environmental Critical elements concerned Structural integrity systems Process containment systems ☐ Topside structures ☐ ☐ Subsea structures ☐ ☐ Other ☐ Primary well barrier ☐ Secondary well barrier ☐ Wireline equipment ☐ Mud processing ☐ Sand filters ☐ Pipelines & risers ROGI Form 1.1 - Date of Issue 20/07/2015 Cranes & lifting equipment Mooring systems (anchor line, dynamic positioning) Please specify Page 27 of 42 Report of an Oil and Gas Incident (ROGI) Form Ignition control systems Detection systems Process containment relief systems Protection systems Shutdown systems Navigational aids Rotating equipment – power supply ☐ Piping system ☐ ☐ Well control process equipment - BOP Other ☐ Hazardous area ventilation ☐ Non-hazardous area ventilation ☐ ATEX certified equipment ☐ Electrical tripping equipment ☐ Earthing/bonding equipment ☐ Inert Gas system ☐ Other ☐ Fire & gas detection ☐ Sand ☐ Other ☐ Well control process equipment - diverter ☐ Gas tight floors ☐ Other ☐ Deluge ☐ Helideck foam system ☐ Fire water pumps ☐ Firewater system ☐ Passive fire protection system ☐ Fire / blast walls ☐ CO2 / Halon fire-fighting system ☐ Other ☐ Local shutdown systems (LSD) ☐ Process shutdown system (PSD) ☐ Subsea isolation valve ☐ Emergency shutdown system (ESD) ☐ Riser ESD valve ☐ Topsides ESD valve ☐ Blowdown ☐ Other ☐ Aircraft navigation aids ☐ Other ☐ Turbine P.M. for compressor ☐ Other ROGI Form 1.1 - Date of Issue 20/07/2015 ☐ Pressure vessels Please specify Please specify ☐ Chemical injection monitor Please specify ☐ Relief systems Please specify Please specify Please specify ☐ Seacraft navig. aids Please specify ☐ Turbine P.M. for generator Please specify Page 28 of 42 Report of an Oil and Gas Incident (ROGI) Form Escape, evacuation and rescue equipment Communication systems Other ☐ Personal safety equipment ☐ Lifeboats / TEMPSC ☐ Tertiary escape means (lifecraft) ☐ Temporary refuge / Muster area ☐ Search & rescue facilities ☐ Other ☐ Radios / telephones ☐ Other ☐ Please specify ☐ Yes Please specify ☐ Public address Please specify Description of consequences Is the incident likely to cause degradation to the surrounding marine environment? ☐ No If yes, outline the environmental impacts which have already been observed or are likely to result from the incident Enter outline Section C3 Preliminary direct and underlying causes (within 10 working days of the event) Enter causes Section C4 Initial lessons learned and preliminary recommendations to prevent recurrence of similar events (within 10 working days of the event) Describe any important lessons learned from the event. List recommendations to prevent the recurrence of similar events. Enter lessons learned and recommendations End of Part C Detailed Report ROGI Form 1.1 - Date of Issue 20/07/2015 Page 29 of 42 Report of an Oil and Gas Incident (ROGI) Form Part D Detailed Report Danger to the Integrity of an Installation, Collapses, Equipment failure, Weather Damage, Seabed Subsidence Implementing Regulation 1112/2014 Section D Significant loss of structural integrity, or loss of protection against the effects of fire or explosion, or loss of station keeping in relation to a mobile installation RIDDOR 2013, Schedule 2 Dangerous Occurrences Part 6 78; Collapses / 79; Equipment; / 81; Weather damage / 84; Subsidence or collapse of seabed / 85; Loss of stability or buoyancy DCR REG 9: Reporting of danger to an installation Section D1 General information Name of vessel (if applicable) Enter name of vessel Section D2 Description of circumstances, consequences of event and emergency response Indicate the system that failed and provide a description of the circumstances of the event / describe what has happened including weather conditions and sea state. Enter description Section D3 Preliminary direct and underlying causes (within 10 working days of the event) Enter causes Section D4 Initial lessons learned and preliminary recommendations to prevent recurrence of similar events (within 10 working days of the event) Enter lessons learned and recommendations End of Part D Retailed Report ROGI Form 1.1 - Date of Issue 20/07/2015 Page 30 of 42 Report of an Oil and Gas Incident (ROGI) Form Part E Detailed Report Vessel Collisions, or Potential Collisions, with an installation Implementing Regulation Section E : Vessels on Collision Course and Actual Vessel Collisions with an Offshore Installation RIDDOR 2013; Schedule 2 Part 6 Dangerous occurrences which are reported in respect of an offshore workplace 82. & 83 Collisions Section E1 General information Name / Flag State of vessel (if Enter name / flag state of vessel applicable) Type / tonnage of vessel (if Enter type / tonnage of vessel applicable) Contact via AIS? ☐ Yes ☐ No Section E2 Description of circumstances, consequences of event and emergency response Indicate the system that failed and provide a description of the circumstances of the event / describe what has happened (minimum distance between vessel and installation, course and speed of vessel, weather condition) Enter description Section E3 Preliminary direct and underlying causes (within 10 working days of the event) Enter causes Section E4 Initial lessons learned and preliminary recommendations to prevent recurrence of similar events (within 10 working days of the event) Enter lessons learned and recommendations End of Part E Detailed Report ROGI Form 1.1 - Date of Issue 20/07/2015 Page 31 of 42 Report of an Oil and Gas Incident (ROGI) Form Part F Detailed Report Aircraft Collisions, or Potential collisions, with an installation Implementing Regulation Section F : Helicopter Accidents, on or near Offshore Installations Helicopter Incidents are Reported under CAA Regulations. If a Helicopter accident occurs in relation to Directive 2013/30/EU, Section F shall be completed. RIDDOR SCHEDULE 2 Part 6 82. Collisions Section F1 General information Name of helicopter contractor Enter name of helicopter contractor Helicopter type Enter helicopter type Number of persons on board Enter number of persons on board Section F2 Description of circumstances, consequences of event and emergency response Indicate the system that failed and provide a description of the circumstances of the event / describe what has happened (weather conditions) Enter description Section F3 Preliminary direct and underlying causes (within 10 working days of the event) Enter causes Section F4 Initial lessons learned and preliminary recommendations to prevent recurrence of similar events (within 10 working days of the event) Enter lessons learned and recommendations End of Part F Detailed Report ROGI Form 1.1 - Date of Issue 20/07/2015 Page 32 of 42 Report of an Oil and Gas Incident (ROGI) Form Part G Detailed Report Fatalities Implementing Regulation Section G : Any fatal accident to be reported under the requirements of Directive 92/91/EEC “The employer shall, without delay report any serious and/or fatal occupational accidents and situations of serious danger to the competent authorities” RIDDOR 2013 6. Work-related fatalities & Schedule 1 Part 1 Injuries, fatalities and dangerous occurrences/ Schedule 1 Part 1 Injuries, fatalities and dangerous occurrences ☐ Please complete section K Note : Consider if there is requirement to also complete Section L Form to be Completed in respect of the death or loss of a person pursuant to Regulation 21B – Offshore Installations and Pipelines Works (Management and Administration) Regulations 1995 End of Part G Detailed Report ROGI Form 1.1 - Date of Issue 20/07/2015 Page 33 of 42 Report of an Oil and Gas Incident (ROGI) Form Part H Detailed Report Serious Injuries Implementing Regulation Section H ; Any serious injuries to five or more persons in the same accident to be reported under the requirements of Directive 92/91/EEC “The employer shall, without delay report any serious and/or fatal occupational accidents and situations of serious danger to the competent authorities” RIDDOR 2013, 4. Non-fatal injuries to workers/ Schedule 1 Part 1 Injuries, fatalities and dangerous occurrences ☐ Please complete section K Note: Consider if there is requirement to also complete Section L Form to be Completed in respect of the death or loss of a person pursuant to Regulation 21B – Offshore Installations and Pipelines Works (Management and Administration) Regulations 1995 End of Part H Detailed Report ROGI Form 1.1 - Date of Issue 20/07/2015 Page 34 of 42 Report of an Oil and Gas Incident (ROGI) Form Part I Detailed Report Partial or Complete Evacuation of Personnel Implementing Regulation Section I Any evacuation of personnel. RIDDOR 2013, dangerous Occurrences, Schedule 2 Part 6- 86. Evacuation Section I1 General information Start date and time of evacuation Enter a date Enter time hh:mm End date and time of evacuation Click here to enter a date Enter time hh:mm Section I2 Description of circumstances, consequences of event and emergency response Indicate the system that failed and provide a description of the circumstances of the event / describe what has happened (weather conditions) Was the evacuation precautionary or emergency? ☐ Precautionary ☐ Emergency ☐ Both Number of persons evacuated Enter number of persons evacuated Means of evacuation (e.g. helicopter) Enter means of evacuation Indicate the system that failed and provide a description of the circumstances of the event / describe what has happened, unless already reported in a previous section of this report. Enter description Section I3 Preliminary direct and underlying causes (within 10 working days of the event) Enter causes Section I4 Initial lessons learned and preliminary recommendations to prevent recurrence of similar events (within 10 working days of the event) Enter lessons learned and recommendations ROGI Form 1.1 - Date of Issue 20/07/2015 Page 35 of 42 Report of an Oil and Gas Incident (ROGI) Form End of Part I detailed Report ROGI Form 1.1 - Date of Issue 20/07/2015 Page 36 of 42 Report of an Oil and Gas Incident (ROGI) Form Part J Detailed Report Major environmental Incident arising from a Safety incident. (Note: PON1 reporting is still a requirement. The ROGI form is additional in the event of a Major environmental incident Implementing Regulation Section J: A Major Environmental Incident Section J1 General information Name of contractor (if applicable) Enter name of contractor Section J2 Description of circumstances, consequences of event and emergency response Indicate the system that failed and provide a description of the circumstances of the event / describe what has happened. What are or are likely to be the significant adverse effects on the environment? Enter description Section J3 Preliminary direct and underlying causes (within 10 working days of the event) Enter causes Section J4 Initial lessons learned and preliminary recommendations to prevent recurrence of similar events (within 10 working days of the event) Enter lessons learned and recommendations End of Part J Detailed Report ROGI Form 1.1 - Date of Issue 20/07/2015 Page 37 of 42 Report of an Oil and Gas Incident (ROGI) Form Part K Detailed Report Other reportable injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences : (Over Seven day injuries, Occupational Diseases; Exposure to Carcinogens, Mutagens and Biological Agents: Diseases Offshore; Diving Operations; Dropped Objects; Fall into Water; Lifting equipment; Biological agents; Radiation; Breathing Apparatus; Pipelines or Pipeline Works) RIDDOR 2013 4(2) Over-Seven-Day Injuries to Workers/8. & Schedule 1 Part 1 2.(1)Occupational Diseases/9. Exposure to Carcinogens, Mutagens and Biological Agents/10. & Schedule 1 Part 1 2.(1) Diseases Offshore/ Diving Operations Schedule 2 13-17 Dangerous Occurrence Form: RIDDOR Schedule 2 Part 6 80. Dropped Objects/ 87. Fall into Water Accident Report About the kind of accident Select the kind of accident that best describes the incident Choose kind of accident If a fall from height- how high was the fall (to the nearest meter) Enter measurement Work process involved in the incident Choose a work process Main factor involved in the incident Choose a main factor Describe what happened (give as much detail as you can, including i) the events that led to the incident ii) the operation or activity in progress. Describe any action taken to prevent similar incidents occurring.) Enter description About the Injured person Name Family name Address Line 1 Enter address line1 Address Line 2 Enter address line 2 Address Line 3 Enter address line 3 Town Enter Town County Enter county Post Code Enter postcode Gender Age ☐ Male Phone No ☐ Enter phone number Female Enter age ROGI Form 1.1 - Date of Issue 20/07/2015 Page 38 of 42 Report of an Oil and Gas Incident (ROGI) Form Injured person’s employment status Was the injured person ☐ One of your employees? ☐ On a training scheme? ☐ Employed by someone else? ☐ On work experience? ☐ Self-employed and at work? ☐ Member of the public? ☐ No Details if the person was on a training scheme / employed by someone else Enter details About the severity of the person’s injuries Please refer to the help for guidance on severity of injury Please help us determine the severity of the injury Was the injury fatal ☐ Yes If no, was the worker’s injury one of these (as specified under RIDDOR): ☐ bone fracture excluding finger, thumb or toe amputation of arm, hand, finger, thumb, leg, foot or toe blinding or permanent sight reduction crush injuries leading to brain damage or internal organ damage serious burns scalping requiring hospital treatment loss of consciousness caused by head injury or asphyxia injuries associated with working in an enclosed space leading to hypothermia or heat-induced illness, resuscitation, hospitalisation for over 24 hours Yes ☐ No If no, the injury prevented the worker from carrying out their routine work for more than 7 days ☐ Yes The injury was to a member of the public taken directly to hospital / injured on hospital premises ☐ Yes About the person’s injuries Injuries Choose an injury Parts of the body Affected Choose the part of the body affected ROGI Form 1.1 - Date of Issue 20/07/2015 Page 39 of 42 Report of an Oil and Gas Incident (ROGI) Form Dangerous Occurrence Report Type of dangerous occurrence Choose an occurrence Describe what happened Enter description Occupational Disease Report Affected person’s name Enter name ☐ Male ☐ Female Gender Age Enter age What was the person’s occupation or job title Enter occupation or job title Work Status Enter work status Date the disease was diagnosed / confirmed Enter date Where was the disease contracted? Enter location Disease category diagnosed Choose a disease category Specify the diagnosed disease Enter disease Details of the work activity that led to the disease Enter work related cause End of Part K Detailed Report ROGI Form 1.1 - Date of Issue 20/07/2015 Page 40 of 42 Report of an Oil and Gas Incident (ROGI) Form Part L Detailed Report Death or Loss of a Person Pursuant to MAR Regulation 21B (Note: although provided within the ROGI Form this must be printed and sent to the Registrar General of Shipping and Seamen) Form to be Completed in respect of the death or loss of a person pursuant to Regulation 21B – Offshore Installations and Pipelines Works (Management and Administration) Regulations 1995 Section L only is to be printed out and the form is to be sent to the : Registrar General of Shipping and Seamen Anchor Court Keen Road Cardiff CF24 5JW PART 1 Name or other designation of offshore installation Enter name of offshore installation Date of death or loss Enter date Place of death or loss(a) Enter location Full name of deceased or person lost(b) Enter name Gender ☐ Age Enter age Capacity in which person deceased or lost was engaged or other reason for presence at the installation Enter details Cause of death or loss(c) Enter cause Male ☐ Female I certify that the particulars entered above are true to the best of my knowledge and belief: Signature of installation manager furnishing information ROGI Form 1.1 - Date of Issue 20/07/2015 Page 41 of 42 Report of an Oil and Gas Incident (ROGI) Form Name of installation manager furnishing information(b) Enter name Status of signatory Enter status Date of signing Enter date PART 2(d) Date of birth Enter date in format dd/mm/yyyy Usual place of residence Enter location Nationality of deceased or person lost Enter nationality Name and address of next-of-kin Enter name Enter address Relationship of next-of-kin Enter relationship I certify that the particulars entered above are true to the best of my knowledge and belief: Signature of duty holder furnishing information or person acting on behalf of duty holder Name of duty holder/pm whose behalf information is furnished Enter duty holder name Status of signatory Enter status Date of signing Enter date NOTES (a) To be given by geographical co-ordinates. (b) Forename(s) in full, followed by surname, all in block capitals. (c) To be accompanied by the certificate of a registered medical practitioner who holds a licence to practise as to the cause of death or a statement of the reason why such a certificate is not available. End of Part L Detailed Report ROGI Form 1.1 - Date of Issue 20/07/2015 Page 42 of 42