Association of College & Research Libraries 50 E. Huron St. Chicago, IL 60611 800-545-2433, ext. 2523, Advancing the Plan for Excellence Goal Area Committee Annual Report & Work Plan Goal Area: Student Learning and Information Literacy Goal: Librarians transform student learning, pedagogy, and instructional practices through creative and innovative collaborations. Committee Name: Student Learning and Information Literacy Committee Charge/Tasks: To oversee and implement ACRL’s Student Learning Initiative as described in the strategic plan. Work with the ACRL Board and other ACRL units to create a comprehensive approach to student learning and information literacy efforts including a) promote and facilitate professional development, publications, research, and advocacy related to information literacy and student learning; b) support the development of the ACRL student learning/information literacy website; and c) monitor and assess the effectiveness of the ACRL Student Learning Initiative. Committee leadership Past Chair: Erin L. Ellis Current Chair: Kathy L. Magarrell Incoming Chair/Vice-chair: Carrie Donovan Board Liaison: Julie Ann Garrison Staff Liaison: Mary Jane Petrowski Year-end report written by: Kathy L. Magarrell Next year work plan submitted by: Carrie Donovan Year-end Committee Report General overview of progress by ACRL toward goal. Thanks to the attention and support from the ACRL Board, we were able to revise our charge to better reflect our goals, and the Board allowed us to reshape the committee structure in order to bring SLILC in line with the other two Value committees. One of the most significant changes was removing the function of SLILC as a “coordinating” committee. SLILC created subgroups to work on each work plan item according to interest and/or expertise in area. Brief environmental scan for this goal area Focus on student success and extending learning outside the classroom; collaborative, flexible space for students; focus on collaboration between librarians and other campus partners, especially those partners who work in the area often called “student life;” increased interdisciplinary curricula; continued economic pressures; constant need for mobile technology; enhanced delivery and access to information in a variety of locations, both physical and virtual. Opportunities and challenges of critical importance for this goal area: With a totally new structure for the committee that will allow members to focus on the ACRL Strategic Goal, the work plan for the coming year can be more ambitious. Twice during the year, SLILC Exec was asked to respond, on behalf of ACRL, regarding the drafts of high-profile information literacy programs (DQP & IL Framework). The Chair and Vice-Chair compiled responses that were then sent forward on behalf of the organization. It may be appropriate to introduce a placeholder into the coming year’s work plan for these kinds of activities. Because the student learning and IL goal of the ACRL Strategic Plan was not finalized until midDecember, this will be the committee’s first chance to re-envision its work plan in alignment with this new goal. We look forward to adjusting the multi-year work plan accordingly. Objective 1: Build librarian capacity to create new learning environments (physical and virtual) and instructional practices. [Revised as of 12/13: Identify innovative practices in learning environments and instruction that enable academic librarians to transform learning.] Committee did not identify any activities associated with this objective in this year’s work plan. Committee will identify activities associated with this objective in the coming year’s work plan. Objective 2: Articulate and advocate for the role of librarians in setting, achieving, and measuring institutional learning outcomes. Dashboard analysis: o Green: Good progress is being made on this objective. Work should continue as described in the multiyear grid o Yellow: Not progressing as hoped. o Red: Significant obstacles. Progress halted and Board advice sought. o Blue: Objective needs serious reconsideration. Accomplishments. o Developed ideas for publicizing the IL module of the NSSE to academic librarians o Communicated with NSSE researchers Challenges: o There does not appear to be enough data from the IL module to do crossinstitutional comparisons yet o NSSE does not recommend comparing data across modules Outlook: o Now knowing what is possible regarding NSSE data and now that there will be data from the NSSE Information Literacy Module for the first time, the committee can make more informed and continued progress. Accomplishments. o Accreditation self-studies o Identified colleagues who are willing to be a resource for others going through the accreditation process o Compiled a list of resources that could serve as a beginning set of resources for academic librarians who are contributing to their institutions accreditation process o Resource list ready to be added to the ACRL IL web pages Challenges: o There were some challenges in locating accreditation reports online, especially those that outline documenting and reporting IL initiatives. Outlook: o It is very likely that the committee will continue this work next year. With the enhanced access to the web content by the SLILC Web Master, there are no additional barriers to providing the results of this work to ACRL via our web site. Objective 3: Increase collaborative programs that leverage partnerships with other organizations in order to support and encourage local and national team approaches. [Revised 12/13 Increase partnerships with other organizations to advance the impact of IL on student learning.] Dashboard analysis: o Green: Good progress is being made on this objective. Work should continue as described in the multiyear grid o Yellow: Not progressing as hoped. o Red: Significant obstacles. Progress halted and Board advice sought. o Blue: Objective needs serious reconsideration. Accomplishments o Met with relevant groups (ALSIG) to discuss potential for collaborative initiatives with NAFSA o Reviewed content of online NAFSA manual o Began contacting Study Abroad programs on our local campuses to see if and what collaborative initiatives are in place Challenges: o The success of this goal hinges on the interest of NAFSA Outlook: o If the committee continues this goal, it will likely be an action item to happen via established ACRL Channels (i.e. ACRL Liaisons Assembly) in order to strengthen the case for collaboration around information literacy issues/topics. Objective 4: Build capacity for the librarians’ role in supporting faculty development and the preparation of graduate students as instructors. [Revised 12/13 Build capacity for the librarians’ role in supporting faculty and future faculty as they work to develop information literate students.] Dashboard analysis: o Green: Good progress is being made on this objective. Work should continue as described in the multiyear grid o Yellow: Not progressing as hoped. o Red: Significant obstacles. Progress halted and Board advice sought. o Blue: Objective needs serious reconsideration. Accomplishments. Planning stages for highlighting librarians’ roles in High Impact Practices (as defined by the AACU): creating a tool-kit to help identify and facilitate the librarians’ roles in high-impact practices on our campuses. Creating a survey or environmental scan to collect data (SLILC could partner with ACRL Trends & Statistics Survey Board); SLILC is looking into hosting an open discussion on this topic either at a future conference or an online session. Outlook. It is very likely that the committee will make progress on this goal Reflecting on the year What worked well? Many opportunities for communication with the Board at conferences and SPOS; conference call between ACRL staff, Board Liaisons and webmaster to discuss website issues, discuss priorities and possibilities for streamlining workflow. A combination of these conversations and the hard work and dedication of the website committee and the editor resulted in its own list of accomplishments that will benefit the organization. o o o o o o o o o o Established a communication and coordination plan with the Immersion Committee Finalized layout and top-level structure for the main IL page Worked with the website group of ACRL to establish responsibilities and permissions Created Zotero library to replace bibliographies Created Google calendar for IL related events Identified images for the main IL page Worked to create a more dynamic display of the Peer Consultant Databases Board provided support and guidance in restructuring the committee Communication between chair and vice-chair Formation of subgroups to work on objectives according to interest and/or expertise in area What could have worked better? o There is nothing in ALA Connect that we know of that allows us to set up taskoriented subgroups for working on aspects of our work plan, so we did this all via email. (Unfortunately, there was one person who did not receive messages through Connect and never knew she was on the committee!] o There didn’t appear to be a lot of communication between the arm of ACRL that is responsible for the web content and the IT arm responsible for maintaining the backend of the site. It seems like there is no effective way for subdivisions or interest groups to drive innovation, especially if they have no budget to work with. Association of College & Research Libraries 50 E. Huron St. Chicago, IL 60611 800-545-2433, ext. 2523, Advancing the Plan for Excellence Goal Area Committee Work Plan Activity/Project Name: Librarians & Information Literacy as Part of Institutional Accreditation Select the single best connection to the ACRL Plan for Excellence and provide a brief sentence connecting your project to the Plan. Student Learning Objectives: 1 2 3 4 5 Description of connection to specific objective: Locate and provide access to self-studies of colleges and universities as a means of creating a set of resources and examples for instruction librarians preparing to document and report information literacy initiatives as part of an institutional accreditation process. Timeline: multi-year project (expected completion date: Spring 2015) Outline the steps and intermediate deadlines planned to complete the project. Party Resources Specific Action Due Date Responsible Needed Review accreditation websites to locate/identify Spring 2014 SLILC None self-studies that meet the Educational Role criteria. Begin contacting recently accredited libraries Summer SLILC None (especially those who have gone through *new* 2014 processes/cycles) and ask for self-studies as they relate to the ER. Include relevant information (e.g. librarian contacts, Fall 2014 SLILC None links to public self-studies, etc.) in the ACRL Information Literacy web pages. Identify committees, sections, or interest groups Fall 2014 SLILC None within ACRL or ALA who would be important partners, supporters, or collaborators in this endeavor. Publicize resources via relevant channels and ACRL Spring 2015 SLILC None communications. Assessment: How will success be measured? The necessary information is gathered, reported, and maintained on the ACRL web site. Librarian involvement in campus accreditation or example selfstudies are reported coming about as a result of these resources. Activity/Project Name: Preparing Future Faculty to Be Information Literacy Advocates & Educators Select the single best connection to the ACRL Plan for Excellence and provide a brief sentence connecting your project to the Plan. Student Learning Objectives: 1 2 3 4 5 Description of connection to specific objective: With the goal of developing awareness and value of information literacy education among graduate students who will then become advocates for IL as faculty, potentially. The committee will look for models of educative programs and best practices/communities of practice that focus on librarians working with graduate students on pedagogical issues, and that emphasize the integration of information literacy in the curriculum. Timeline: continuous project assigned in charge Outline the steps and intermediate deadlines planned to complete the project. Party Resources Specific Action Due Date Responsible Needed Investigate programs of excellence at colleges and Fall 2014 SLILC None universities in the U.S. Create and conduct survey to be administered to Spring 2015 SLILC None graduate student instructors in order to find out specific areas of desired support related to information literacy. Based on findings, create a tool-kit/spec-kit for Fall 2015 SLILC None graduate student instructors. (The kit would be available on the ACRL Information Literacy web site). Propose ACRL 2015 Poster Session on this topic. November SLILC None 2014 Assessment: Survey grad students in participating institutions to determine effectiveness of ACRL support. Monitor downloads/access of spec-kit. Activity/Project Name: High-Impact Practices & Information Literacy Select the single best connection to the ACRL Plan for Excellence and provide a brief sentence connecting your project to the Plan. Student Learning Objectives: 1 2 3 4 5 Description of connection to specific objective: The draft Information Literacy Framework defines information literacy as experiences, knowledge, and capacities that can be developed in and beyond the classroom. Investigating and capitalizing on opportunities for connecting information literacy to service learning, study abroad, and other co-curricular activities will be important for ACRL membership. Timeline: short-term project that will be completed this membership year Outline the steps and intermediate deadlines planned to complete the project. Party Resources Specific Action Due Date Responsible Needed Build on SLILC 2013/2014 work in investigating HIPs Fall SLILC None and the potential for librarians’ contribution to these. 2014/Spring 2015 Consider opportunities for ways that SLILC can Fall SLILC None highlight librarian interventions/support for HIPs (e.g. 2014/Spring conference program proposals, ACRL News article, 2015 ACRL Webinar, ACRL Trends & Statistics Survey, sponsoring an open discussion [online or at conference], etc.). Draft formal proposal for committee action to highlight and publicize librarians’ role in HIPs Propose ACRL 2015 Poster Session on this topic. Spring 2015 SLILC None November 2014 Spring 2015 SLILC None Draft a submission for the ACRL Insider blog or C&RL SLILC None News article on this topic and our findings. Assessment: How will success be measured? A public event or publicity results from these actions and is communicated to the ACRL community in order to incite professional engagement and interest around this topic. Activity/Project Name: ACRL Information Literacy Web Site Development Select the single best connection to the ACRL Plan for Excellence and provide a brief sentence connecting your project to the Plan. Student Learning Objectives: 1 2 3 4 5 Description of connection to specific objective: Lead and oversee the development of content for the ACRL Information Literacy web site regarding all aspects of the Student Learning Objectives from the Plan for Excellence. With the goal of creating and maintaining responsive, dynamic, well-structured content that serves as an important resources for librarians engaged in information literacy. Timeline: continuous project assigned in charge Outline the steps and intermediate deadlines planned to complete the project. Due Party Resources Specific Action Date Responsible Needed Establish a calendar of IL-related events that is updated Fall SLILC None regularly. 2014 Webmaster Update content based on changes resulting from the IL Fall SLILC None Framework. 2014 Webmaster Develop dynamic display for peer development directory and Spring SLILC None contact list of librarians with experience in accreditation. 2015 Webmaster Create and maintain among the committee members a shared Fall SLILC None list of web content projects, their owners, who updates the 2014 content, and how regularly they should be updated as a means of tracking and managing projects by the Web Master. Assessment: Relevant pages are accessible and editable by the webmaster. Activity/Project Name: Information Literacy Peer Consultant Directory Select the single best connection to the ACRL Plan for Excellence and provide a brief sentence connecting your project to the Plan. Student Learning Objectives: 1 2 3 4 5 Description of connection to specific objective: Providing access to a directory of librarians and their areas of expertise related to information literacy will encourage connections and facilitate contacts between librarians hoping to learn and their more experienced colleagues. Timeline: continuous project assigned in charge Outline the steps and intermediate deadlines planned to complete the project. Party Resources Specific Action Due Date Responsible Needed Update online submission form (via Dawn Mueller with the SLILC Chair’s name and email address. Update directory as submissions are received, with the assistance of the Webmaster. Send e-mails to current peer consultants asking them to update their information Send e-mails to list-servs and other relevant places asking people to sign up as peer consultants Fall 2014 SLILC None ongoing SLILC None Fall 2014 SLILC None Fall 2014/Spring 2015 Fall SLILC 2014/Spring 2015 Investigate opportunities for moving this content into a None wiki format or expanding it to all three goal-area committees as a means of pulling together names of presenters + areas of expertise into one place that would be maintained by ACRL staff. Assessment: The directory is transformed into a searchable database and is used regularly. The directory is migrated to a new format or new procedures that do not require regular maintenance and updates by SLILC. Activity/Project Name: Annual Project on Pedagogical Innovation: 2014/2015 Topic - Digital Badges Select the single best connection to the ACRL Plan for Excellence and provide a brief sentence connecting your project to the Plan. Student Learning Objectives: 1 2 3 4 5 Description of connection to specific objective: Information literacy is set of concepts and abilities that transcends disciplinary boundaries and is often learned beyond the traditional context of credit-bearing courses. Capitalizing on emerging innovations, such as digital credentialing or “badging”, librarians can establish means of measuring and documenting student learning so that it is recognizable at the institution-level and valued by students. Timeline: short-term project that will be completed this membership year Outline the steps and intermediate deadlines planned to complete the project. Party Resources Specific Action Due Date Responsible Needed Identify librarian leaders in the digital badging Fall 2014 SLILC None movement Invite leaders to develop an online learning experience Spring 2015 SLILC None (i.e. webcast) for ACRL membership Partner with the ACRL Instruction Session to plan Fall SLILC None professional development opportunities on this topic 2014/Spring 2015 Assessment: How will success be measured? Raised awareness of Digital Badges among ACRL member librarians. Activity/Project Name: Transition to Information Literacy Framework (pending Board approval) Select the single best connection to the ACRL Plan for Excellence and provide a brief sentence connecting your project to the Plan. Student Learning Objectives: 1 2 3 4 5 Description of connection to specific objective: With the new philosophies, methods, and activities that are emerging around the draft Information Literacy Framework, the opportunities for librarians to re-energize their teaching and reconceive of their educational roles are boundless. If the Framework is approved, SLILC will have an important role in developing a plan for preparing librarians to understand this movement and implement it at their libraries and on their campuses. Timeline: short-term project that will be completed this membership year Outline the steps and intermediate deadlines planned to complete the project. Party Resources Specific Action Due Date Responsible Needed Support development of ideas for disciplinary Fall SLILC None approaches (replacing the discipline-specific standards) 2014/Spring for the IL Framework. 2015 Develop “Roadshows,” pilot projects, or other on-site Fall SLILC None learning opportunity to support librarians’ transition to 2014/Spring the Information Literacy Framework. 2015 Work with transition committee on IL Framework to Fall SLILC None establish approach for outreach to higher education 2014/Spring organizations regarding these changes. 2015 Assessment: How will success be measured? The development of a plan for raised awareness of the Information Literacy Framework and increased understanding of how to implement it amongst instruction librarians. Activity/Project Name: Collaborations & Connections to Extend ACRL’s Influence on Information Literacy Select the single best connection to the ACRL Plan for Excellence and provide a brief sentence connecting your project to the Plan. Student Learning Objectives: 1 2 3 4 5 Description of connection to specific objective: SLILC will establish partnerships that ensure the broadening influence of information literacy and its inclusion into a variety of initiatives both in and beyond ACRL. Timeline: short-term project that will be completed this membership year Outline the steps and intermediate deadlines planned to complete the project. Party Resources Specific Action Due Date Responsible Needed Reach out to the Information Literacy & Scholarly Fall SLILC None Communications Task Force (Joyce Ogburn) regarding 2014/Spring the publicity of their white paper 2015 Develop collaborative project with the AASL/ACRL Fall SLILC None Interdivisional Committee on Information Literacy on 2014/Spring the topic of information literacy across the K-20 2015 continuum Collaborate with the ELI/ACRL Liaison (Sarah McDaniel) Fall SLILC None to influence the leadership and learning agenda of 2014/Spring Educause Learning Initiative 2015 Support the work of the CJCLS Committee (Julie Todaro) Fall SLILC None on the development of information literacy questions 2014/Spring for the Community College Survey of Student 2015 Engagement (CCSSE) Partner with researchers from the National Survey of Fall SLILC None Student Engagement (NSSE) to obtain data from the 2014/Spring first full administration of the Information Literacy 2015 Module and conduct an analysis of the data Reach out to the ACRL Liaison Assembly to advocate for Fall a liaison appointment to NAFSA in order to further 2014/Spring integrate information literacy into international 2015 education Assessment: How will success be measured? Fruitful partnerships are established and result in collaborative projects to further ACRL’s information literacy goals.