Tri A English 11 Common Writing Assessment : Rubric 4—Sophisticated Ideas & Content Essay has an insightful thesis statement that identifies the author chosen and clearly expresses the student’s thoughtful position on the author’s writing. 3—Proficient Ideas and Content Essay has a concise thesis statement that identifies the author chosen and clearly expresses the student’s unique position on the author’s writing. 2—Sufficient Ideas & Content Essay has a concise thesis statement that identifies the author chosen and clearly expresses the student’s position on the author’s writing. 1—Insufficient Ideas & Content Essay has a thesis statement that identifies either the author chosen and states the student’s position on the author’s writing. Student selects specific, ample support to reveal the connection between literary works and author’s life and ideology. Student gives specific support to help readers understand relevant texts and author’s significance. Student gives sufficient support that to help readers understand relevant texts and author’s significance. Student gives support that may be insufficient to help readers understand texts. Student effectively combines a variety of logical, emotional, and ethical appeals to persuade the reader. Student uses a variety of convincing and effective logical, emotional, and ethical appeals to persuade the reader. Student uses a variety of logical, emotional, and ethical appeals to persuade the reader. Student’s use of logical, emotional, and ethical appeals lacks variety. Essay ends with a unifying conclusion that establishes the significance and influence of the author’s contribution. Structure & Organization The essay moves beyond 5paragraph structure with a clear beginning, middle, and end. Essay ends with a conclusion that establishes the significance of the author’s contribution. Essay ends with a conclusion that includes a restatement of the reasons for the student’s position. Structure & Organization The essay has a clear structure, including introduction, body, and conclusion. Essay ends with a conclusion that restates the student’s position. Arrangement of paragraphs demonstrates control to enhance persuasive argument. Arrangement of paragraphs enhances persuasive argument. Arrangement of paragraphs makes sense to persuade the audience. Arrangement of paragraphs may distract the audience from the argument. Student consistently uses transitional words and phrases within and between paragraphs. Student uses transitional words and phrases that clearly reinforce the connection between the details and the thesis statement. Sentence Fluency & Word Choice Writing exhibits sentence variety including effective use of simple, compound and complex sentences. Student uses transitional words and phrases that articulate the connection between the details and the thesis statement. Sentence Fluency & Word Choice Writing exhibits some sentence variety including use of simple, compound and/or complex sentences. Student attempts to use transitional words and phrases. Writing exhibits sophisticated control and understanding of academic language and vocabulary. Conventions Spelling, capitalization, and usage are standard. Punctuation enhances meaning. Writing exhibits consistent use of academic language and vocabulary. Writing exhibits occasional use of academic language and vocabulary. Conventions Spelling, capitalization, punctuation, and usage are mostly standard. Writing exhibits casual, informal language. A variety of signal words are used throughout. Parenthetical citations are correct. Signal words are used effectively. Parenthetical citations are correct. Signal words and parenthetical citations are mostly correct. Signal words and parenthetical citations are used inconsistently. Sentence Fluency & Word Choice Writing exhibits purposeful sentence variety including effective use of simple, compound and complex sentences. Structure & Organization The essay moves beyond 5paragraph structure with a clear beginning, middle, and end. Conventions Spelling, capitalization, punctuation, and usage are standard. Structure & Organization The essay has a clear structure, including introduction, body, and conclusion. Sentence Fluency & Word Choice Writing relies heavily on simple sentences. Conventions Use of conventions is weak and may distract reader.