Wycliffe Lutterworth U3A Committee Meeting Minutes of meeting: July 3 at 66,Greenacres Drive, 9.35am – 11.00am Present: Ann, Barbara, Christine, Bernard, Sue, Jane, George Bob Apologies: Nigel, Chris B rd Item 1 Summer picnic on July 13th Nigel has arranged that Rotary will put up the tents in the morning and there will be Garden Games (croquet etc). George has devised a treasure hunt. Volunteers for marshalling, Bob, Bernard, George. Committee members to arrive at 10.00 to help set up Ice cream van can’t be booked as they need a guaranteed minimum of 100 visitors. Item 2 August 21st meeting. Jackie Yeo has asked if she can invite LU3AFamily History Group. Much discussion followed, and decided we would invite them. Jane to contact Sue Jones. Lots of items planned . Family History group, Poetry readers , singers and ‘greeters’ to wear Edwardian dress. Item 3 Speakers for the coming year Bob said the speaker finders had a list up to next April. He will send copies of list to Jane and Christine(for Bulletin).Jane has 2 more possibilities. She will pass details to Bob. Jane asked that one of the speaker finders ( Bob, Bernard or Nigel) would do the ‘thank you’ to the speaker at the meeting. This was agreed. Item 4. Procedures for arranging social events Julian was £16 short after the Treasure Hunt because 6 people didn’t turn up at the last minute and didn’t pay. Jane to put notice in the bulletin stating that people must pay when they book. Bob will also put it on the website. It will be put in the bulletin periodically as a reminder. Item5 Visitors to Monthly meetings Section on visitors in the Bulletin needs changing to clarify. The rule is that people can only have one meeting as a visitor. After this they must pay and become full members if they want to attend. Christine to alter info in bulletin to clarify this. Bob also raised the fact that there were a number of people who haven’t paid their membership fee this year. So from July onwards they won’t be able to sign in and attend as they are deemed to no longer be members.. They also can’t attend groups unless they are fully paid up members.) People shouldn’t sign in and then not stay for the meeting for health and safety reasons.. Item 6. Circle Dancing taster session Lots of interest so Jane has arranged for a free taster session on July 14th from 2 -4 . She asked Bob for a list of members phone numbers and emails so she can contact them easily.. He said he would supply the details if she emailed to ask him for specific ones. (Too complex to send whole file of members details.) AOB. Bulletins in the library have been running out regularly. Christine has been increasing the number printed, but will add another 50 onto total. Christine to send bulletin in 2 formats for Bob to put on the website. 1 format to read it online, and 2nd to give people the option to print it off for themselves. Much discussion about position of the meet and greet table. etc. Decided to have information board where people sign in in the parlour, with notices to indicate where refreshments etc are . Group display tables in middle of the school room with some seating at sides.. Refreshments in usual place. Welcome packs have run out. Jane to control supply of these. There was much discussion about whether the front door should be locked.at the meetings to control entry. It was agreed that it must be kept open for disabled access and health and safety. Ann suggested showing films using the new projector and screen, as an extra event for members . All agreed this was a good idea. Ann has booked the Christmas Lunch at Kilworth Springs. She has purchased Christmas card packs for prizes to quiz which she has written already. Next Meeting: 9.30 on 23rd October at 66, Greenacres Drive