Plant like Jesus Bible study

Jesus the Church Planter
How Jesus Started The First Church Planting Movement
Are satisfied with how your ministry is doing with adult conversion
growth? How many church planters has your church raised up and sent
Ron and I are not satisfied with our productivity and we invite you to
join us explore some new territory. This journey into the promised land
promises much fruit for those called to plant church who properly abide
in Jesus, John 15.
It makes sense to us that since Jesus started the
first church planting movement and we have four inspired eyewitness
account of it that maybe studying this in depth is good place to start.
Jesus told those he was going to apprentice to plant churches to follow
him and they too would become fisher so men.
We believe the actions of Jesus were intentional and were superb visual
aid training tools to train church planters. He wanted them (and us) to
learn the timeless, cross-culture principles he put into practice for one
specific people group. Then he want them (and us) to go into all the
world and make disciples of all people groups buy contextualizing
these principles for each one.
Our plan it be your field guides a journey through the gospels. We will
attempt to construct a chronology of what Jesus did in starting His
movement. We will point how these actions teach us, reprove us,
correct us, and train us so that we are equipped to the specific good
work: church planting.
Often we will just make a passing comment on how want he did applies
to church planting, but at several points we dive in much more deeply.
There are things that Jesus did that many seem to blinded to or simply
have learned to ignore. For example:
Most of missed the most basic premise of this book. The fact
that Jesus was a missionary church planter. Jesus planted a church.
What Jesus had accomplished by end of his three years of ministry
clearly qualifies as a church. In Matthew 18:17 he even speaks as if a
church already exists in can be helpful in dealing with relational
problems. In our estimation this is a monumental oversight. It steals
about three fourths of inspired sources material from church planters
and let with just with Paul’s church planting methods. Studying Acts is
great, but there are so many additional insights to be gleaned from the
The fact that Jesus focused him more intense training on leaders
he named apostles. We will show what we think Jesus had in mind
when the use the term, and we desperately need to resurrect the
apostolic function to get more churches reproducing. It is tragic that in
the USA it takes 100 church one year to start one church. This friends
is recipe for extinction.
Jesus focused his attention on the top and bottom of the
movement making funnel. Top: He preached to with large numbers of
of spiritually interested unreached people in a variety of places and
ways. Bottom: he prayerfully selected a few apprentices to be “with
him” in to prepare them follow his example. Unfortunately most
church planters get sucked into the a whirlpool of need in the center of
the funnel. Over time they become ineffective at keeping a steady
visitor flow into the church, and these do not prioritize spending
enough quality time with their top leaders who could reproduce their
Jesus was a field filler. He was a space maker, a foundation
layer that depended on others to come along behind him and build upon
it. One key ministry field Jesus targeted to fill was the 240 village of
the Galilee region, which was about the size of San Diego County
California. This is a crucial issue because most church planters today
are only dreaming of planting one big church. They are not beginning
with a vision and strategy for a whole field but for one church. This is
simply too limited, and not how apostles like Jesus and Paul thought.
We will unpack this more later.
As far as we know Jesus did not launch a weekly worship
service with a lots of singing. This is not a bad thing, but we have no
record of Jesus doing this and it begs the question, why? Our
experience with most unreached men tell us that they are not big on
standing for 15-20 minutes and singing love songs to a beautiful Jesus
that makes their heart throb. They don’t know the words, can’t sing
the words with integrity, and frankly don’t think the quality the exciting
to listen to either. In meeting with the unreached Jesus focused on the
presentation of message not the music.
Jesus seems to have ants in the pants when it come to staying in
one place. He keep surprising by leaving groups of new converts after
a day or two, Mk1, John 4. This rubs most people today wrong. What
is going on? What is Jesus saying to us with these constant going to
break new ground?
There are many more examples of how studying Jesus as church
planters that we could make in this introduction, but let save them for
the text. Might we recommend you read the first four chapter of John
and Mark, and the first 7 chapters of Luke and Matthew looking for
insights into how Jesus birthed the first church planting movement that
is still rocking the world today.
We realize that this book will stir up controversy form every
corner of the church world. Please noble-mindedly be eager to learn
some new thoughts and then to search the scriptures daily to see if they
are true. If they are true then join our tribe in trying to get out of some
our mental ruts and break our cherished traditions and try following
Jesus for a change.
Chapter One: Eternal Characteristic of Jesus the Church planter, John
1. Jesus is the Word that God want to communicate to man
2. Jesus was with God from the beginning.
3. Jesus created all things and after the world had fallen into darkness
he came to bring the light and life that reveals God’s glory. John
Jesus grew strong in all areas of life: Matt. 1-2; Luke 1-3; John
4. Jesus stood on the shoulders those who came before Him. Mark
1:1-11; Matt. 1-3; Luke 1-4, John 1:19-34
5. Jesus followed the Spirit to be face the temptations of the enemy
head on, Mark 1:12-13: Matt. 4:1-11; Luke 4:1-13.
Jesus Wins His First Disciples To Himself, John 1:18-511
6. Jesus repeatedly went to John the Baptist’s meeting where found his
first followers, John 1:26, 29, 35, Jesus dialogued with those who
were showing interest in him, 1:37-39
7. Jesus brought Andrew and John to where he was staying and
communicated to them that he was the Messiah, John 1:39-41. This
At a later date John gives us the details the Matthew, Mark and Luke leave out.
was the dynamic equivalent to an evangelistic Bible study with 66%
pre-disciples of Jesus present.
8. Next Jesus interacted with Peter a member of Andrew’s family,
1:41-42 Then Jesus went to Galilee to find Philip who was from
Andrew and Peter’s village. The way John writes this it seems that
they had discussed probably discussed Philip and then went to find
him, 1:43. Philip then found Nathanael and Jesus meet him part
way, 1:44-47.
9. Jesus encourages both Peter and Nathanael in the way he wins them
to himself. He renames Simon the Rock alluding to the fact that he
is going to be someone upon whom Jesus could build upon, 1:42.
He praised Nathanael for having no guile and promised that he
would see great things in the future, 1:47-51.
Jesus Takes His First Disciples On The First Two Mission Trips,
John 2-4
10. Jesus takes his five new followers to a wedding in Cana modeling
involvement in the everyday lives of people they would be
reaching, and not isolation. He also demonstrated his glory2 by
graciously and supernaturally turning the water into wine, John 2:111.
11. Jesus accepted gospel appointments with individuals, John 3:1-21
12. Jesus spent time in Judea baptizing people before going back to
Galilee, 3:22-4:3. Actually Jesus let his disciples have the joy of
doing the baptizing, 4:2.
13. Jesus deliberately went their Samaria rather than around it and then
dialoged with a Samarian women, all things the Jews frowned upon.
In John 1:14, John says that Jesus showed His glory as God’s son by being full of grace
and truth. John 2:1-11 is example of Jesus revealing God’s grace, and 2:12. In 2:13-22,
he revealed God’s truth in cleansing the temple.
John 4:4-27. He also models some great tips for “as you go”
relationship evangelism. Again we see both grace and truth
revealing the glory of God.
14. Jesus used his sharing of the gospel with the Samarian women as
teachable moment with the disciples. He cast the vision to them of
where they could find real spiritual nourishment, and eternal
reward. He highlighted the ripeness of the harvest fields and
problem being with the workers, John 4: 27- 38.
15. Jesus shares with a crowd of interested Samaritans that responded
to the testimony of woman, and many believed. Jesus stayed for
two days of follow-up and then left these new converts and went
back to Galilee, John 4:39-45. Note that this is similar pattern to
what we see in Mark 1:38-39.
Jesus Develops His Galilean Church Planting Ministry, Mark 1:1416. Jesus majored on preaching the good news of God’s kingdom,
Mark 1:14-15, 1:38-39; 2:2; 2:13; Matt. 4:12-17. At the right time,
Jesus gave many people in many places a kairos moment by
bringing the kingdom near and presenting the gospel to them.
17. Jesus gave his mission statement in his home synagogue in
Nazareth, Luke 4:16-31.
18. Jesus established a home base in Capernaum, Matt. 4:13-16.
19. Jesus challenged a few select men from among many followers to
join his on the job evangelism training crew. Mark 1:16-20; Matt.
4:18-22; Luke 5:1-11.
20. Jesus taught in the synagogues, Mark 1:21, Matt. 4:23 - 7:28; Luke
21. Jesus delivered and healed individuals, Mark 1:23-34; 1:40-45;
Mark 2:1-12; Matt. 4:24-25; 8:2-4; 9:1-8; Luke 4: 38-41; 5:12-26;
22. Jesus made time for prayer, Mark 1:35-37; Luke 4:42; 5:16
23. Jesus did not settle down into one place, but keep traveling from
place to place to preach the gospel. Mark 1:38-39, Matt. 4:23-25;
Luke 4:42-44. Jesus’s strategy with abundant gospel sowing, and
filling a field with healthy plants rather just deeply planting on big
church in one place.
24. Jesus left most of his followers behind in their villages, jobs, and
networks of relationships. Mark 1:40f Most stayed in their
synagogues at first, or may have developed some new wineskin
gathers like we see in Mark 2:15f
25. Jesus went against the approval of the Pharisees and John’s
disciples by partying with sinner friends of Levi, Mark 2:13-22;
Matt. 9:9-17; Luke 5:27-39;
Several Sabbath Controversies
26. Jesus goes to Jerusalem and heals lame man on the Sabbath, John
27. Jesus defends his disciples for plucking grain on the Sabbath, Mark
2:23-28; Matt. 12:1-8; Luke 6:1-5. 3
28. Jesus help with withered hand healed, Mark 3:1-6; Matt. 12:9-14,
Luke 6:6-11
More ministry in Galilee
29. Jesus teaches and heal great crowds, Mark 3:7-7-12; Matt. 12:1521
30. Jesus prays all night then calls names 12 of his disciples apostles,
Mark 3:13-19; Luke 6:12-16.
Probably on the way back from Jerusalem.
31. Jesus teaches the sermon on the mount, Matt. 5-7; Luke 6:17-49
32. Jesus heals the centurions servant and praises his faith, Matt. 8:513; Luke 7:1-10
33. Jesus raises a widows Son at Nain, Luke 7:11-17
34. Jesus honors John the Baptist, Matt. 11:2-19; Luke 7:18-35
35. Jesus renounces cities that did not believe after great works where
done them, and invites people to come to him for rest. Matt. 11:230
36. Jesus lets a sinful woman anoint his feet, teaches abou forgiveness,
Luke 7:36-50
37. Jesus goes on a second tour of Galilee with supporting women,
Luke 8:1-3
38. Jesus models such hard work at times he did not have time to eat,
Mark 3:19-21.
39. Jesus chooses ministry over the demands of his mother and
brothers, Mark 3:31-35; Matt. 12:46-50, Luke 8:19-21.
40. Jesus teaches parables by the sea. Mark 4:1-34 Matt. 13:1-53,
Luke 8:4-18
41. Jesus sleeps in the boat during the storm then calms it. Mark 4:3541; Matt. 8:18. 2-27; Luke 8:22-25
42. Jesus heals the Genasenee demoniac, Mark 5:1-30; Matt. 8:28-34;
Luke 8:26-39, other healings, Mark 5:21-43; Matt. 9:18-34; Luke
43. Jesus visits Nazareth the last time. Mark 6:1-6; Matt. 13: 54-58
44. Jesus leads his third mission trip to the Galilean villages, Mark 6:1,
Matt. 9:35- 38
45. Jesus instructs and send our the12 in pairs on their first mission trip
alone, Mark 6:9-13; Matt. 9:35-11:1; Luke 9:1-6
Jesus begins focusing more on training times with the 12 (Probably
during the last last 6 months to a year of Jesus public ministry.)
46. Jesus takes The Twelve on their first recorded retreat, Mark 6:3032;
47. Jesus compassionately interrupts their retreat to teach the 5000+ and
involves his disciples in feeding them, Mark 6:33-44, Matt. 14:1321; Luke 9:10-17; John 6:1-13.
48. Jesus walks on water, gives Peter a remarkable experience, and
gets them to where their were going quickly once He is in the boat.
Mark 6:47-52; Matt. 14:24-33, John 6:6-21
49. Jesus reproves the crowds for consumerism, and lets them know
that real nourishment will only come from full commitment. John
50. Jesus checks to see if The Twelve want reconsider their
commitment, John 6:67-71
51. Jesus reproves the Pharisees for putting tradition above obedience
to God, Mark 7:1-23; Matt. 15:1-20; John 7:1;
52. Jesus retreats a second time, this time in Tyre, and heals the
Syrophoenician woman daughter, Mark 7:24-30; Matt. 15:21-28
53. Jesus retreats a third time, heals and feeds the 4000, Mark 7:31-8:9;
Matt 15:29-38
54. Jesus sent the multitudes away, and went for a quick trip to
Magadan with his disciples, Mark 8:10-12; Matt. 15:39-16:4
55. Jesus retreats a fourth time with his crew, this time to Bethsaida.
Jesus reproves the 12 for worrying about food, and not learning
form feeding of the 5000 and 4000, Mark 8:13-21; Matt. 16:5-12.
56. Jesus heals a blind man in two stages, Mark 8:13-26.
57. Jesus does some market research with his disciples on what people
are saying about him and what they think. He commends Peter for
getting it right and say the He will build his church on Peter. Mark
8:27-30; Matt. 16:13-20; Luke 9:18-21.
58. Jesus teaches his disciples about the cross, and how they need to
take up their crosses, Mark 8:31-37; Matt. 16:21-26; Luke 9:22-25.
59. Jesus predicts the coming of the Son of Man and then transfigures
before Peter, James and John, Mark 8:38-9:8; Matt. 16:27-17:8;
Luke 9:26-36.
60. Jesus asks the crowd why they were arguing and then uses this
teachable moment to explain why the 9 disciples could not deliver
him, Mark 9:14-29; Matt. 17:14-20; Luke 9:37-43.
61. Jesus talks about his coming death and resurrection again, Mark
9:30-32, Matt 17:22-23; Luke 9:43-45
62. Jesus gives Peter another remarkable fishing experience and a
lesson about taxes and God’s provision, Matt. 17:24-27
63. Jesus confronts his disciples with their foolish strategy to become
great, Mark 9:33-37, Matt. 18:1-5; Luke 9:46-48.
64. Jesus corrects John for being to narrow and exclusive when it
comes to thinking about other ministry groups. He warns him about
making others stumble. The parable of the one lost sheep strongly
underlines the priority saving any who are lost, Mark 9:38-50; Matt.
18:6-14, Luke 9:49-50.
65. Jesus teaches about church discipline, prayer and forgiveness,
Matt. 18:15-35. Note that Jesus uses the work “church” for the
second time here, as if it already exists.
66. Jesus refuses to follow the advise of His unbelieving brothers, and
goes to Jerusalem through Samaria. While in he reproved James and
John for wanting to destroy those who were not hospitable to them,
and restated his purpose of saving people. Luke 9:51-56, John 7:110.
67. Jesus tells challenges a scribe and two others with some sacrifices
that they would need to make become his followers. Luke 9:57-62.
Notice this is not spoken to all people or disciples but these
individuals. (Matthew write about his earlier, Matt. 8:19-22. When
in doubt about order I go with Luke, see Luke 1:1-4.)
Later Judean Ministry
68. Jesus taught at the temple in the midst of the feast, John 7:11-52.
69. Jesus taught again the next day in the temple, ministers to the
women caught in adultery, and causes a group scribes and Pharisee
to consider their own sinfulness, John 7:53-8:11.
70. Jesus teaching about being the light of the world, and then shines
his light on the sins of the Pharisees, John 8:12-59
71. Jesus heals a man born blind and leads him to salvation after he is
kicked out the synagogue, John 9:1-41.
72. Jesus teaches about being the good shepherd and then escaped to
John the Baptist original ministry camp, John 10:1-42
73. Jesus
74. Jesus delayed going to heal Lazarus, but then after weeping He
glorifies God by raising him from the dead, John 11:1-57
75. Jesus instructs and sends out 70 disciples in pairs as advance crews
to all the towns and places planned to visit, Luke 10:1-16.
76. Jesus debriefs with the 70 and leaps for joy over the way God used
them, Luke 17-24.
77. Jesus responds to question about how to receive eternal life with
referring to the law of Moses and then telling the parable of the
Good Samaritan. Luke 10:25- 37.
78. Jesus accepts the hospitality of Martha but then reproves her for
being too worried and upset about work and what she thought Mary
ought to being doing. He also affirms Mary for listening at His feet,
Luke 10:38-42
79. Jesus gives the model prayer again in response the disciples
question and teaches about prayer, Luke 11:1-13
80. Jesus confronts those oppose him, Luke 11:14-54.