The John of Gaunt School Senior Leadership Team Structure 2014-15 – Key Roles, Line Management and Internal/External Accountability Headteacher: Internal: Line Management: External: Mike Gunston School Ethos, Strategic Leadership, School Documentation [SEF, SIP], Partnerships [WWA, CSL], School Profile [marketing, website, newsletters] and achievement of all students Senior Leadership team, Headteacher’s PA. Accountability to the Governing Body. Develop and forge strong links with leaders in WWA and CSL, sharing best practice and developing joint resources for outstanding student progress Deputy Assistant Headteacher: School Headteacher: Improvement Raising Achievement Assistant Headteacher: Teaching & Learning Assistant Headteacher: Behaviour & Safety Assistant Headteacher: Achievement of vulnerable students Assistant Headteacher: Community & Transition Ben Rhodes Emma Lydon Jo Worrall Helen Kerr Louise Hamilton Bernie Pyper JD: Develop an outstanding curriculum which meets the needs of all students. Embed effective selfevaluation practices across the school to inform improvement planning. Ensure all teaching staff are held to account for raising standards through effective appraisal procedures and that underperformance is challenged decisively. JD: Develop outstanding use of assessment data across the school, giving a deep and accurate understanding of students’ performance across faculties and year groups, which informs curriculum design, teacher planning & intervention to raise student achievement. JD: Develop an outstanding teaching and learning pedagogy (TEEP) that drives high quality teaching and learning and establish an outstanding professional learning community to raise student achievement. JD: Develop an outstanding climate for learning where support, behaviour management and safeguarding is outstanding, promoting high attendance and positive attitudes to learning. JD: Developing systems which identify and support students at risk of underachievement who require academic intervention. Ensure teaching meets the needs of all students so that achievement gaps are closing rapidly for all vulnerable groups. Achievement of students in alternative provision & LAC Achievement Yr7&8 and vulnerable groups across the school JD: Develop a sense of belonging for all students through the vertical House system and promote SMSC through outstanding extra-curricular and student leadership opportunities. Ensure students play an active role in improving our school and communication with parents is effective. Ensure students are supported during transition into the school and between Key Stages. Develop links with the wider community. Achievement of all students Achievement Yr10 Achievement of all students with a focus on Yr11 Achievement Yr9 Assistant Headteacher: Post-16 Eugene Spiers (Linda Brunt – maternity leave) JD: Develop an inclusive Post-16 curriculum provision which challenges and supports all students. Ensure outstanding teaching & learning exists across all Post-16 subjects, and effective selfevaluation allows Middle Leaders to drive improvement to raise student achievement. Achievement Yr12&13 Director of Finance & Business Karen Diffey JD: Develop excellent financial planning and monitoring to ensure the school achieves value for money and the environment is safe and conducive to effective learning. Ensure the school’s infrastructure promotes an effective climate for learning. To manage all personnel issues and to ensure all support staff are developed and held to account through effective appraisal procedures. Internal: Climate patrol / learning walks JOGsted Teacher support plans Teacher recruitment Calendar Internal: Timetable Tracking Internal: CPD/JPD NQTs Cover supervisors Homework/ILPs Chair: Directors of learning, Middle Leaders, School Improvement Team – Leadership. Chair: School Improvement Team – Raising Achievement, Raising Achievement Team – Yr11. Line Management: Maths, MFL, Yr11 Progress Leader. Chair: School Improvement Team – Teaching & Learning, Raising Achievement Team – Yr10. External: Research best practice in developing whole school strategies of how data drives school improvement. Line Management: Extended Leadership Team, Creative Design, Computing & Business, T&L/Middle leadership coach. External: Research best practice in curriculum innovation to raise achievement and the role of middle leaders in a distributed leadership model. Accountable to: - Headteacher - C&L committee - Board of Govs Accountable to: - Headteacher - C&L committee - Board of Govs Internal: Alternative Provision In-Year Fair Access Health & wellbeing Multi-agency work Assemblies Careers Guidance Chair: House Leaders, School Improvement Team – Behaviour & Safeguarding Internal: Pupil Premium SEN provision G&T Whole school literacy Line Management: Science, PE. Line Management: HLs, SDT, IAP. External: Research best practice in relation to outstanding pedagogy and embedding TEEP practice. Explore effective models of personalised CPD and JPD ‘learning communities’. External: Research best practice in developing positive attitudes to learning, effective behaviour management systems and outstanding safeguarding systems. Accountable to: - Headteacher - C&L committee (when required) Accountable to: - Headteacher - S&C committee Internal: Admissions Parents’ evenings Parent communication Reports Student council & prefects Tutor programme Inter-House competition Enrichment / clubs Chair: School Improvement Team – Community & Transition. Internal: TEEP training Open evenings Staff duties Internal: Health & Safety ICT infrastructure HR Site Management Admin. Team Catering Trips & visits Support staff recruitment Chair: Post-16 tutor team meetings, Raising Achievement Team – Post-16. Chair: Support staff meetings. Line Management: English, ILD, Librarian Line Management: Vocational learning, Expressive Arts. Line Management: Post-16 Team, Humanities, Social Sciences. External: Research best practice in developing whole school strategies in ensuring the rapid closing of achievement gaps. Develop innovative use of pupil premium funding. External: Research best practice in engaging parents in students’ learning opportunities for developing student leadership skills across the school. Engage with primary schools, community groups & local business to enhance curricular and extra-curricular opportunities. External: Research best practice in raising achievement at Post-16, including curriculum design, improving T&L and widening participation. Line Management: Finance Manager, SIMS Manager, Main office team, Site Manager, ICT Network manager, Catering Manager. External: Research best practice in establishing best value in all aspects of school-working. Explore external opportunities for income generation and capital funding. Chair: Raising Achievement Team – Yr7. Raising Achievement Team – Yr8. Accountable to: - Headteacher - C&L committee (when required) Accountable to: - Headteacher - S&C committee Accountable to: - Headteacher - C&L committee Accountable to: - Headteacher - F&P committee - Premises committee - Board of Govs