Monroe City R-1 School District 2015-16 Substitute Teacher Handbook The official Board of Education policies are available on our website (www.monroe MC Substitute Teacher Handbook 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS Mission and Philosophy Statement…………………………………………………… 2 Expectations and Responsibilities……………………………………………………. 3 Beginning and Ending Your Day…………………………………………………….. 4 Substitute Teacher Information………………………………………………………. 5 District Contact Information…..………………………………………………………6 Items Included in Sub Folder…………………………………………………………7 School Calendar……………………………………………………………..………i MC Substitute Teacher Handbook 2 MONROE CITY R-1 SCHOOL DISTRICT District Mission Statement Working together for all students Educational Philosophy The foundation of the Monroe City R-1 School District’s philosophy is to provide a quality education for all students. Mastery of the skills of reading, written and oral communication, mathematics, and the sciences are paramount for success in the world today. A quality education, however, is not complete without an awareness of health and physical fitness along with an appreciation of the arts. Each student is recognized and respected as a unique individual. The school acknowledges the dignity of the individual and aspires to offer opportunities for students to develop according to their needs, interests, and abilities. On all matters, the highest priority is the best interest of each student. The school, home, and community share the responsibility of developing educated citizens capable of coping and contributing in a global society. Students will be capable of meeting the academic and technological demands of the future. They will appreciate the requirements necessary to become a productive member of society and have the realization that for every right and privilege enjoyed in life, there is a corresponding responsibility. The Monroe City R-1 School District is committed to providing an environment for students that will both foster and accelerate their intellectual, emotional, physical, social, and career development. This environment will not only develop their knowledge, but enable them to assimilate the skills which encourage creativity and nurture ideas, attitudes, and values. Students, will be knowledgeable of events around them, have respect of self and others, be selfdisciplined and socially responsible, be competent in their chosen areas, be innovative in dealing with challenges, possess a desire to learn, and strive to achieve success. MC Substitute Teacher Handbook 3 Substitute Teacher Expectations and Responsibilities 2015-16 1. Personal conduct and attire are to be professional, respectful, and appropriate. 2. Be at work promptly – 7:45 to 3:15. Classes are to start promptly after take up bell. Class time is to be effectively and efficiently used for instruction. 3. CLOCK IN to SISTime to record your time at the time you enter the building. 4. Report to respective building office (high school, middle school or elementary) when you arrive. You will be given keys and an identification badge to be worn throughout the day. All classrooms should be locked when you are out of the area. Keys should be returned to the office at the end of the day. 5. Properly supervise all students. The Board expects all students to be under assigned adult supervision at all times during the school day. Except in an emergency, no employee will leave an assigned group unsupervised. This includes hallways and class changes. 6. Locate the teacher’s sub folder and become familiar with the teacher’s instructions, emergency procedures, etc. Know your teacher’s schedule including daily supervision duties. 7. Seek guidance from the principal or another teacher in any unusual situation. Certain student behavior should be reported immediately. (i.e. talk of guns, bombing, hate, sexual acts, etc.) 8. Correct papers as time allows during the day. Leave them in a conspicuous place for the teacher. Leave a note for the regular teacher regarding the activities of the day. 9. CLOCK OUT of SISTime to end your day. 10. Leaving the building: Sign out and in at the office - This is for occasional unusual situations. Personal business should be taken care of after hours. 11. Classrooms are to be managed in a fair and equitable way. Students are to be treated in a positive and appropriate manner and student personal issues are to be taken up privately. MC Substitute Teacher Handbook 4 12. If you become ill and are unable to sub as scheduled please call the respective principal’s office as soon as possible. If the absence were to occur on a day when you were scheduled to sub, please call the principal’s home number between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 6:30 a.m. (Directory of phone numbers on page 6) 13. Follow the chain of command. If you have concerns or suggestions, please see the building principal and attempt to resolve the issue at that level. Appeals may be made to the superintendent if the issue is not resolved to your satisfaction. Beginning Your Day Clock In to SisTime: Record your start time. Review lesson plans: Follow the lesson plans as closely as possible. If the instructions were not clear or there was not enough work left, please inform the office. Taking attendance and lunch count: Teachers should have attendance sheets in their sub folders. Fill in teacher name, date, and list students who are absent. A count of students and adults eating lunch should be written at the bottom. A student may then be asked to take this to the office. Students who are tardy: A student who enters the classroom after the 8:05 bell is considered tardy. They should be asked to return to the office for a tardy pass. Students who leave early: Students who leave school for any reason during the school day must be signed out at the office by a parent/guardian. Students should remain in the classroom until called from the office to leave. MC Substitute Teacher Handbook 5 Ending Your Day Clock Out of SISTime: Record your end time. A bell will ring at 3:05 p.m. signaling the dismissal of students. The classroom should be left neat and orderly. Keys should be returned to the respective building office. Information to Substitute Teachers Monroe City R-1 Schools 1. The current rate of pay is $70.00 per day. Substitutes can be hired for either a full or a half day. You are required to record your time worked in the time clock system SISTime. 2. Pay periods begin on the 11th of the month and end at the conclusion of the day on the 10th the next month. 3. The district has mandatory direct deposit and deposit vouchers are mailed by the 20th of each month. 4. In the event there would be a discrepancy, contact the Mrs. Tammy Tuley, district bookkeeper, in the Central Office at (573)735-4631 ext 1111. You need to keep a record of the days you substituted, in what building, for which employee you are subbing, and if it was a full or half day, for verification. 5. You must have a Federal and State W-4 Form (Employee’s Withholding Allowance Certificate) and a completed I-9 form (Employment Eligibility Verification Form) must be on file at the Central Office on the first date of employment. 6. Please report to the Central Office any changes on your application such as name, address, phone number or days available. Or if you want to be removed from the current substitute list. 7. A copy of your transcript with a minimum of 60 credit hours, a teacher or a substitute certification must be on file in the central office. If you are not positive that you have one on file, please check with the Central Office. 8. As a suggestion you may want to contact the appropriate building principal in person, if you have not already done so or are new to our School District. 9. Please call the Central Office with any questions – See District Contact information on next page. MC Substitute Teacher Handbook 6 DISTRICT INFORMATION Monroe City R-1 Central Office 401 Hwy 24 & 36 E Monroe City, MO 63456 573-735-4631 Dr. Jim Masters, Superintendent Linda Bichsel, Secretary (ext 1110) Tammy Tuley, Bookkeeper (ext 1111) Monroe City R-1 High School 401 Hwy 24 & 36 E Monroe City, MO Grades 9 -12 Ryan Watson, Principal (Cell# 573-406-2472) Kathy Lee, Secretary (ext 1115) Monroe City R-1 Middle School 430 North Washington St. Monroe City, MO 63456 Grades 5 - 8 Josh Klusmeyer, Principal (Cell# 573-795-2071) Ashley Osborn, Secretary (ext 1310) Monroe City R-1 Elementary School 420 North Washington St. Monroe City, MO 63456 Grades Preschool - 4 Kim Shinn, Principal (Cell# 573-231-9743) Paige Kenison, Secretary (ext 1424) The district office is 573-735-4631. An automated system will assist in directing your call. MC Substitute Teacher Handbook 7 Sub Folders should include the following items: MOST IMPORTANTLY - - Updated Class Roster Location of Emergency Flip Chart Location of Emergency Backpack Location of & Copies of Emergency Exit procedures Location of Lesson Plans Updated daily schedule/Special classes with locations List of extra duties List of students with special needs (academic or physical) Attendance/Lunch count procedures and forms List of teachers and students who may assist Discipline/Classroom Management procedures Seating chart (if applicable) Bus list (if needed for students in this classroom) MC Substitute Teacher Handbook 8