Insertion Sort Array /** * Check out the Insertion sort demo from

Insertion Sort Array
* Check out the Insertion sort demo from Haas's web page,
* then complete the code below which performs an Insertion
* sort on an array of integers.
* Below is the output from the correct implementation:
Before Sort >>> 96 51 32 88 12 9 77 63 45 27 36 71 19 25 83 91 22
During Sort >>> 96 51 32 88 12 9 77 63 45 27 36 71 19 25 83 91 22
During Sort >>> 51 96 32 88 12 9 77 63 45 27 36 71 19 25 83 91 22
During Sort >>> 32 51 96 88 12 9 77 63 45 27 36 71 19 25 83 91 22
During Sort >>> 32 51 88 96 12 9 77 63 45 27 36 71 19 25 83 91 22
During Sort >>> 12 32 51 88 96 9 77 63 45 27 36 71 19 25 83 91 22
During Sort >>> 9 12 32 51 88 96 77 63 45 27 36 71 19 25 83 91 22
During Sort >>> 9 12 32 51 77 88 96 63 45 27 36 71 19 25 83 91 22
During Sort >>> 9 12 32 51 63 77 88 96 45 27 36 71 19 25 83 91 22
During Sort >>> 9 12 32 45 51 63 77 88 96 27 36 71 19 25 83 91 22
During Sort >>> 9 12 27 32 45 51 63 77 88 96 36 71 19 25 83 91 22
During Sort >>> 9 12 27 32 36 45 51 63 77 88 96 71 19 25 83 91 22
During Sort >>> 9 12 27 32 36 45 51 63 71 77 88 96 19 25 83 91 22
During Sort >>> 9 12 19 27 32 36 45 51 63 71 77 88 96 25 83 91 22
During Sort >>> 9 12 19 25 27 32 36 45 51 63 71 77 88 96 83 91 22
During Sort >>> 9 12 19 25 27 32 36 45 51 63 71 77 83 88 96 91 22
During Sort >>> 9 12 19 25 27 32 36 45 51 63 71 77 83 88 91 96 22
After Sort >>> 9 12 19 22 25 27 32 36 45 51 63 71 77 83 88 91 96
public class InsertionSort {
* Complete this method which performs an insertion sort
public static void sort(int numbers[]) {
int temp;
int j;
* outerloop gets next item to be Inserted into the
* already sorted portion of the array
for (int i = 1; i < numbers.length; i++) {
printArray("\t During Sort >>> ", numbers); // print contents of the array
* Complete the code which moves item "i" into the
* correct position of the already sorted portion of the array.
* prints contents of the array
public static void printArray(String when, int numbers[]) {
for (int w : numbers) {
System.out.print(w + " ");
* Creates array and calls sort method
public static void main(String args[])
int[] numArray = {96,51,32,88,12,9,77,63,45,27,36,71,19,25,83,91,22};
printArray("Before Sort >>> ", numArray); // print contents of the array
printArray("After Sort >>> ", numArray); // print contents of the array