AZALAS – Arizona Association of Latino Administrators and Superintendents Alejandro Perez Scholarship The Dr. Alejandro Perez Scholarship is funded by donations from various activities sponsored by the organization. The Dr. Alejandro Perez Scholarship is designed to increase the number of low-income students who are prepared to enter and succeed in advanced post-secondary education. Applicants for the Dr. Alejandro Perez Scholarship may be eligible to receive a scholarship of up to $10,000 for school tuition and supplies. Selection of scholarship recipients is competitive. The Dr. Alejandro Perez Scholarship Committee selects recipients based on the three-tiered eligibility criteria described below. Applications must be completed and returned to the Dr. Alejandro Perez Scholarship Committee, P.O. Box 18271, Phoenix, AZ 85005 and postmarked by October 23, 2015. Applicants will be notified of the Committee’s decision by November 2, 2015. The Scholarship Award will be presented at the AZALAS Fall Conference and a check will be issued directly to the recipient. THREE TIERED ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA Students who meet all three criteria listed below will be considered for the Dr. Alejandro Perez Scholarship and will be sent an announcement and application. Please note that the information submitted will be verified. TIER 1 – Eligibility to Receive Application Applicant must be in a Master’s or Doctorate Degree program and pursuing a degree or certification in education administration at a post-secondary institution in Arizona. Applicant must possess a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.5 on a 4.0 scale. Applicant must be 21 or older to apply for the scholarship. TIER 2- Application Process Requirements Applicants must complete the application form and submit to the Dr. Alejandro Perez Scholarship Committee, P.O. Box 18271, Phoenix, AZ 85005 and postmarked by October 23, 2015. The following steps must be completed for the application to be accepted. Applicant must submit an essay with his/her application. See the attached application form for more information on the essay. Please note that the essay is a critical component of the selection process. Applicant must submit a vita/resumé with his/her application. Applicant must submit a current job description with her/her application. Applicant must submit three letters of recommendation with his/her application. Applicant must submit a copy of his/her post-secondary school transcript. Academic performance and consistency will be a factor in the selection process. TIER 3 – Eligibility Verification Scholarship awards will be conferred when the following conditions are verified. Post-secondary school verifies that student has been accepted or is enrolled full-time. For more information, please contact Dr. Myriam Roa at 602-723-1709 or visit AZALAS – Arizona Association of Latino Administrators and Superintendents Alejandro Perez Scholarship Application Please complete the information directly onto this form or reproduce this form exactly. NAME_______________________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS_____________________________________________________________________________________ PHONE_________________________ EMAIL______________________________________________________ A. Please submit, in two pages or less, a typed double spaced 12 point font essay. (Handwritten essays will not be considered). Your essay will be scored and is a crucial part for consideration. Specifically, your essay should address the following four topics: 1. 2. 3. 4. Your college and career goals The reasons you have chosen your educational path How you intend to serve the needs of the Latino and underrepresented student population Any community involvement or volunteer work you have performed B. What was your undergraduate cumulative grade point average (GPA)? ___________________________________ C. Have you participated in any extra-curricular activities or do you have work experience? YES______ NO______ If YES, please list the extra-curricular activities and/or work experience. (Attach additional sheets if necessary). _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ D. Are you the recipient of any honors or awards? YES__________ NO___________ E. To which colleges or universities have you applied or have enrolled in an advanced degree program? ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Please indicate if you have already been accepted at an institution and attach a copy of your acceptance letter. I hereby promise that all of the information entered on this application is accurate and truthful to the best of my knowledge. I understand that any false statement can invalidate my candidacy for scholarship assistance. _____________________________________________ APPLICANT SIGNATURE ____________________________ DATE Your completed Dr. Alejandro Perez Scholarship Application packet should include the following: Application Vita/Resumé Current Job Description (if employed) Essay Transcripts Three letters of recommendation Please return your application packet to: The Dr. Alejandro Perez Scholarship Committee, P.O. Box 18271, Phoenix, AZ 85005 All applications must be postmarked by October 23, 2015