WICT Carolinas 2014 Leadership Community of Practice (CoP) Program Application Application Due: August 20th Program Kickoff: Week of September 15 Name: Organization: Physical location: Current job title: Does this involve people management? Date: Email address: Office phone: Mobile phone: 1. What is your current position title or role? 2. How many years have you been in the cable industry? 3. Why do you want to participate in the executive and peer- coaching program? 4. Please select the description(s) that best match skills at which you excel. Select all that apply. Building relationships Collaboration Communication Customer Service Decision Making 5. Developing Others Financial Acumen Innovation/Creativity Leading Change Leveraging Diversity Process Improvement Project Management Strategic Thinking/Planning Technology Understanding TWC Culture Please select the description(s) that best match skills at which you would like to develop. Select all that apply or add those not listed. Building relationships Collaboration Communication Customer Service Decision Making Developing Others Financial Acumen Innovation/Creativity Leading Change Leveraging Diversity Process Improvement Project Management Strategic Thinking/Planning Technology Understanding TWC Culture 6. Describe your career aspirations over the next two-three years. 7. What personal qualities do you consider to be most important in a Coach? How would they contribute to the relationship? 8. Are you involved in extracurricular activities that may include professional associations, hobbies, and/or special interests that you would like us to know about? Please specify. WICT Carolina Leadership Community of Practice (CoP) Program Revised: 2/7/2016 Page 1 of 2 9. List five words that would best describe you and your work style. 10. Please select up to three areas of functional expertise that you possess. Accounting Customer Service Engineering Finance General Management Human Resources IT Investor Relations Legal Marketing Media Sales Product Development Programming Public Affairs Sales TV/Film Production Tech operations 11. Have you participated in any form of a leadership mentoring program in the past? Please explain. 12. Can you commit to actively participating in this program from September to January and to dedicating up to five hours a month to your involvement and professional growth? Yes/No 13. Please write a brief description of what you intend to gain from this program and how you plan to ensure your success; incorporate at least two of the seven WICT Touchstones in your response. (300 words or less.) 14. Please provide a written recommendation from a VP or above of your participation in the program. (200 words or less.) Additional Requirement: Participant must be a member of WICT at the Executive membership level: EXECUTIVE ($290) members are director and higher. This level includes two exclusive executive-only virtual programs. Benefits include: targeted messaging, executive level programs, chapter access, online professional networking with executive only members, BMLI applicants, online member directory, recognition, volunteer opportunities, mentoring and more. (Voting member can hold chapter board position)* Application must be completed no later than Thursday, July 31, 2014. WICT Carolina Leadership Community of Practice (CoP) Program Revised: 2/7/2016 Page 2 of 2