Pursuant to Article 92, paragraph (4) and paragraph (5) of the Law on waters (OG 87/08, 6/09, 161/09, 83/10, 51/11, 44/12, 23/2013, 163/2013, ____/15 ), the Government of the Republic of Macedonia adopted the DECREE On classification of groundwater bodies I. GENERAL PROVISIONS Article 1 Subject matter (1) This decree shall regulate: - - Criteria, method and Procedure for assessing groundwater chemical status, Groundwater quality standards Minimum list of pollutants and their indicators Criteria, method and Procedure for establishing threshold values for groundwater pollutants and indicators of pollution, Criteria, method and Procedure for Identification of significant and sustained upward trends and the definition of starting points for trend reversals Criteria for the classification of the quantitative status Article 2 Purpose of the Decree (1) This decree aims to prevent and control groundwater pollution, in order to achieve the environmental objectives as defined in article 72 and 92 of the Law on Waters (hereinafter the Law) for all the bodies of groundwater identified and characterized in accordance with the methodology referred to in article 71, par. 3 of the Law. (2) This decree also aims to: 1) avoid deterioration of their quantitative and chemical status of groundwater; 2) decrease the significant and long-term growing trend of concentration of polluting material in waters resulting from human activities; 3) ensure a balance between the abstraction and recharging of groundwater, and 4) achieve good quantitative and chemical status of groundwater Article 3 Definitions The terms used in this Decree shall have the following meaning: 1. Groundwater: means all water, which is below the surface of the ground in the saturated zone and in direct contact with the ground or subsoil 2. Aquifer: means a subsurface layer or layers of rock or other geological strata of sufficient porosity and permeability to allow either a significant flow of groundwater or the abstraction of significant quantities of groundwater 3. Body of groundwater: Body of groundwater means a distinct volume of groundwater within an aquifer or aquifers 4. Groundwater status is the general expression of the status of a body of groundwater, determined depending on whether it is in poorer quantitative or chemical status in accordance to 5. Good groundwater chemical status is the chemical status which meets the conditions for a body of groundwater identified in accordance to the criteria for assessing the groundwater chemical status referred to in article 4 and assessed in accordance to the procedure referred to in article 8 of this decree 6. Quantitative status of groundwater is an expression of the degree to which a body of groundwater is affected by direct and indirect abstractions as defined in Annex 5 integral part of this decree; 7. Good quantitative status is the status defined in Annex 5 integral part of this decree 8. Groundwater quality standard shall mean an environmental quality standard expressed as the concentration of a particular pollutant, group of pollutants or indicator of pollution in groundwater, which should not be exceeded in order to protect human health and the environment in accordance to article 5 of this decree ; 9. Groundwater threshold value shall mean a groundwater quality standard set in accordance to article 6 of this decree ; 10. Groundwater significant and sustained upward trend shall mean any statistically and environmentally significant increase of concentration of a pollutant, group of pollutants, or indicator of pollution in groundwater identified in accordance to article 10 of this Decree for which trend reversal is identified as being necessary in accordance to article 12 of this Decree, 11. Groundwater background level shall mean the concentration of a substance or the value of an indicator referred to in Annex 4 of this Decree, in a body of groundwater corresponding to no, or only very minor, anthropogenic alterations to undisturbed conditions 12. Baseline level shall mean the average value measured at least during the reference years on the basis of monitoring programs implemented under the provisions of the Law, in the case of substances identified after these reference years, during the first period for which a representative period of monitoring data is available” II. CRITERIA, PARAMETERS AND PROCEDURES FOR THE ASSESSMENT OF THE QUANTITATIVE AND CHEMICAL STATUS OF GROUNDWATER Article 4 Criteria for assessing the groundwater chemical status (1) The state administrative body responsible for carrying out the activities in the field of environment shall assess the chemical status of a body or group of bodies of groundwater by using the following criteria: - The groundwater quality standards and The threshold values. (2) Assessment of the chemical status shall be carried out using available monitoring data collected during the period of ……… (3) The quality standards and the threshold values, as referred to in paragraph (1) of this article, shall apply to the pollutants, groups of pollutants and indicators of pollution which, have been identified within the territory of the Republic of Macedonia, and listed in Annex 1 of this decree as contributing to the characterisation of bodies or groups of bodies of groundwater in accordance with art. 71 of the Law, and as being at risk not to achieve the environmental objectives as defined in Article 72 and 92 of the Law. (3) Where, for a given body of groundwater, it is considered that the groundwater quality standards could result in failure to achieve the environmental objectives specified in Article 72 and 92 of the Law for associated bodies of surface water, or in any significant diminution of the ecological or chemical quality of such bodies, or in any significant damage to terrestrial ecosystems which depend directly on the body of groundwater, more stringent threshold values will be established in accordance with Criteria for assessing the groundwater chemical status and of Annex 2 on the which shall be considered an integral part of this decree. (4) Groundwater chemical status provisions shall not apply to high naturallyoccurring levels of substances or ions or their indicators contained either in a body of groundwater or in associated bodies of surface water, due to specific hydro geological conditions, which are not covered by the definition of pollution. (5) Groundwater chemical status provisions do not apply to temporary spatiallylimited changes in flow direction and chemical composition, which are not regarded as intrusions Article 5 Groundwater quantitative and quality standards (1) The groundwater quality standards referred to in article 4 paragraph 1 of this decree shall be determined on basis of: - parameters for the classification of quantitative status of the groundwater, and parameters for the determination of groundwater chemical status (2) The groundwater level regime shall be the parameter adopted for the classification of quantitative status of the groundwater as referred to in paragraph 1 line 1 of this article as defined in Annex 5 “Definition of quantitative status” which shall be considered as an integral part of this decree. Groundwater quantitative status. Parameter for the classification of quantitative status: - Groundwater level Table 1. Definition of quantitative status of groundwater Elements Groundwater table Good Condition The groundwater level in the groundwater body is such that the average rate of abstraction, Pr. year over a long period of time does not exceed the available groundwater resource. Groundwater is not subject to anthropogenic changes, which would result in: - Failure to achieve the environmental objectives set out under article XX of this Order for associated surface waters for which a significant deterioration of such waters which are directly dependent on the groundwater body and changes in the flow direction as a result of changes in the water table may occur temporarily, or continuously in a spatially limited area, but such reversals do not cause saltwater/thermal/mineral or other penetrates, and do not indicate a sustained and clearly defined trend flow direction due to anthropogenic interference, which can result in such intrusions. (3) The parameters for the determination of groundwater chemical status as referred to in paragraph 1 line 2 of this article shall be: - Conductivity Concentrations of pollutants (4) The groundwater body is considered to be of good status when: 1. 2. 3. The conditions referred in Annex 2 have been met No relevant threshold Values referred to in article 6, and identified in Annex 4, or Groundwater quality standards referred to Annex 3 have been exceeded at any monitoring point, or A threshold Values referred to in article 6, and identified in Annex 4, or Groundwater quality standards referred to Annex 3 has been exceeded at one or more monitoring points but appropriate investigations in accordance to article 8 and 9 of this decree confirm that : a) Pollutant concentrations do not present a significant environmental risk taking account, where appropriate, the extent of the groundwater body which is affected; b) Other conditions for good status of Annex 2 of this decree are met c) No deterioration in quality of waters for human consumption occurred in accordance with the Law on water safety; and d) No significant impairment of human uses occurs. Article 6 Threshold values (1) The state administrative body responsible for carrying out the activities in the field of environment shall establish threshold values for the pollutants, groups of pollutants and indicators of pollution which, pursuant to the characterisation of bodies or groups of bodies of groundwater performed in accordance with article 71 of the Law, have been identified as being at risk of failing to achieve the environmental objectives as defined by the Law. (2) Groundwater bodies considered not at risk to achieve environmental objectives shall be classified as being of good status. (3) The threshold values referred to in article 4 paragraph 1 of this decree applicable to good chemical status, as defined in Annex 2 shall be based on the protection of the body of groundwater in accordance with Article 7 having particular regard to its impact on, and interrelationship with, associated surface waters and directly dependent terrestrial ecosystems and wetlands and shall inter alia take into account human toxicology and ecotoxicology knowledge (4) The threshold values shall be established following the criteria manner and procedure defined in Article 7 and 8 of this decree (5) In case of groundwater abstracted for the purpose of human consumption, the provisions related to the specific use of water regulated by Art. 97 of the Law and the provisions of water are applicable. (6) In case of transboundary water courses, threshold values shall be established in accordance with the procedure identified in Article 10, par. 3 of the Law, on “Management of transboundary river basin districts” for the first time by…….. All threshold values established, including a summary of the information on the pollutants and their indicators for which threshold values have been identified, shall be summarized in the river basin management plans to be submitted in accordance with art. 66 par. 9 of the Law and related secondary legislation. (7) The state administrative body responsible for carrying out the activities in the field of environment shall amend the list of threshold values whenever new information on pollutants, group of pollutants or indicators of pollution indicates that a threshold value should be set for an additional substance, that an existing threshold value should be amended, or that a threshold value previously removed from the list should be re-inserted, in order to protect human health and environment, taking into account the scientific and technical knowledge available in the country (8) Any changes to the list of threshold values shall be reported in the context of the periodic review of the River Basin management plans. Article 7 Manner, procedure and criteria for establishment of threshold values (1) Threshold values shall be established on basis of monitoring data obtained in accordance to the Law. (2) The threshold values shall be at least the list established for substances which are: Substances or ions or indicators which may occur both naturally and/or as a result of human activities Man-made synthetic substances Parameters indicative of saline or other intrusion (3) Threshold values will be established in such a way that, should the monitoring results at a representative monitoring point exceed the thresholds, this will indicate a risk that one or more of the conditions for good groundwater chemical status referred to in Article 8 (2)(c)(ii), (iii) and (iv) of this decree are not being met. (4) The determination of threshold values should be based on: the extent of interactions between groundwater and associated aquatic and dependent terrestrial ecosystems; the interference with actual or potential legitimate uses or functions of groundwater; all pollutants which characterise bodies of groundwater as being at risk, taking into account the minimum list set out in Annex 1 of this decree hydro-geological characteristics including information on background levels and water balance; (5) When deriving threshold values, the state administrative body competent for water management shall consider the following two criteria: environmental criteria and/or usage criteria and, or other legitimate uses of groundwater involving a significant surface (or volume) of the groundwater body compared to the whole surface (or volume) of the groundwater body. (6) The determination of threshold values should also take account of the origins of the pollutants, their possible natural occurrence, their toxicology and dispersion tendency, their persistence and their bioaccumulation potential; (7) Wherever elevated background levels of substances or ions or their indicators occur due to natural hydro-geological reasons, these background levels in the relevant body of groundwater shall be taken into account when establishing threshold values (8) The determination of threshold values shall be supported by a control mechanism for the data collected, based on an evaluation of data quality, analytical considerations, and background levels for substances which may occur both naturally and as a result of human activities. - Article 8 Procedure for assessing the groundwater chemical status (1) The state administrative body responsible for carrying out the activities in the field of environment shall use the procedure described in paragraph (6) to assess the chemical status of a body of groundwater. (2) The procedure for assessing the chemical status of a body or a group of bodies of groundwater will be carried out in relation to all bodies or groups of bodies of groundwater characterized as being at risk and in relation to each of the pollutants which contribute to the body or group of bodies of groundwater being so characterised. (3) Where appropriate the state administrative body responsible for carrying out the activities in the field of environment may group bodies of groundwater taking into account the data obtained by the monitoring program as defined by the Law (4) In assessing status, the results of individual monitoring points within a groundwater body shall be aggregated for the body as a whole. (5) For those chemical parameters for which quality standards have been set in Annex 3: - the mean value of the results of monitoring at each point in the groundwater body or group of bodies shall be calculated; and these mean values shall be used to demonstrate compliance with good groundwater chemical status. (6) In assessing status, the state administrative body competent for environment shall take into account any other relevant information including a comparison of the annual arithmetic mean concentration of the relevant pollutants at a monitoring point with the groundwater quality standards and the threshold values. (7) A body or a group of bodies of groundwater shall be considered to be of good chemical status when: (a) it is in compliance the conditions set out in Annex 2 of this decree; (b) the values for the groundwater quality standards listed in Annex 3 and 4, are not exceeded at any monitoring point in that body or group of bodies of groundwater; or (c) The value for a groundwater quality standard or threshold value is exceeded at one or more monitoring points, representing not more than the 20% of the whole area of the total volume of the water body investigated, for one or more substances, and an appropriate investigation in accordance with article 9 of this decree confirms that: (i) on the basis of the assessment referred to in Article 9, the concentrations of pollutants exceeding the groundwater quality standards or threshold values are not considered to present a significant environmental risk, taking into account, where appropriate, the extent of the body of groundwater which is affected; (ii) the other conditions for good groundwater chemical status set out in Annex 2, are met; (iii) bodies of groundwater used or to be used for the abstraction of water intended for human consumption, which provide as an average more than 10 m3 / day or serving more than 50 people, are subject to a protection that prevents deterioration in their quality or an increase in the level of treatment for water necessary to ensure the requirements referred to regulations on the minimum values, standards and parameters for of water intended for human consumption (iv) the capacity of the body of groundwater or of any of the bodies in the group if bodies of groundwater to support human uses has not been significantly impaired by pollution. (8) Groundwater bodies shall be monitored, choice of the groundwater monitoring sites has to satisfy the requirements of the Law in order to provide a coherent and comprehensive overview of groundwater chemical status and to provide representative monitoring data. (9) In cases referred to in paragraph 6 point c (i) and (iv), the state administrative bodies will estimate the extent of the groundwater body having an annual arithmetic mean concentration of a pollutant higher than groundwater quality standards or threshold values; (10) In cases referred to in paragraph 6 point c (ii) and (iii), the state administrative bodies will assess: - - the impact of pollutants in the groundwater body the amount and concentrations of pollutants being, or likely to be, transferred from the groundwater body to the associated surface waters or directly dependent terrestrial ecosystems, and the resulting likely impacts the extent of any saline or other intrusions into the groundwater body - the risks from pollutants in the groundwater body to the quality of water abstracted or intended to be abstracted for human consumption. (11) A summary of the assessment of groundwater chemical status in the river basin management plan shall publish, as prescribed by art. 66 par. 9 and 10 of the Law. (12) This summary, established at the level of the river basin district or part of international river basin district falling within the territory of the RM, shall also include an explanation as to the manner in which exceedances of groundwater quality standards or threshold values at individual monitoring points have been taken into account in the final assessment. (13) If a body of groundwater is classified as being of good chemical status in accordance with paragraph 2(c), pursuant to Article 73 of the Law, a program of measures shall be adopted for each river basin area on the territory of the Republic of Macedonia, determined in Article 7 of the Law, to protect aquatic ecosystem, terrestrial ecosystem and human uses of groundwater represented by the monitoring point or points at which the value for groundwater quality standard or the threshold value has been exceeded. (14) The groundwater chemical status of a body or a group of bodies of groundwater shall be presented on maps in accordance with art. 66, par 10 and related secondary legislation. All monitoring points where groundwater quality standards and/or threshold values are exceeded, where relevant and feasible, shall be added to the map. Article 9 Investigations (1) In undertaking any investigations referred to in Article 8(7)(c), the following elements shall be taken into account: (a) the information collected as part of the characterisation to be carried out in accordance with the methodology defined in article 71 of the Law; (b) the results of the groundwater monitoring network obtained in accordance with the Law; and (c) any other relevant information including a comparison of the annual arithmetic mean concentration of the relevant pollutants at a monitoring point with the groundwater quality standards set out in Annex 3 and the threshold values set in accordance with Article 6 and identified in Annex 4. (2) For the purposes of investigating whether the conditions for good groundwater chemical status referred to in Article 8 (7)(c)(i) and (iv) are met, the state administrative body shall, where relevant and necessary, and on the basis of appropriate aggregations of the monitoring results, supported where necessary by concentration estimations based on a conceptual model of the body or group of bodies of groundwater, estimate the extent of the body of groundwater having an annual arithmetic mean concentration of a pollutant higher than a groundwater quality standard or a threshold value. (3) For the purposes of investigating whether the conditions for good groundwater chemical status referred to in Article 8 (7)(c)(ii) and (iii) are met, the state administrative body shall, where relevant and necessary, and on the basis of relevant monitoring results and of a suitable conceptual model of the body of groundwater, assess: (a) the impact of the pollutants in the body of groundwater; (b) the amounts and the concentrations of the pollutants being, or likely to be, transferred from the body of groundwater to the associated surface waters or directly dependent terrestrial ecosystems; (c) the likely impact of the amounts and concentrations of the pollutants transferred to the associated surface waters and directly dependent terrestrial ecosystems; (d) the extent of any saline or other intrusions into the body of groundwater; and (e) the risk from pollutants in the body of groundwater to the quality of water abstracted, or intended to be abstracted, from the body of groundwater for human consumption. III. THE DETERMINATION OF THE REVERSAL OF SIGNIFICANT AND SUSTAINED UPWARD TRENDS AND THE DEFINITION OF STARTING POINTS FOR TREND REVERSALS, Article 10 Identification of significant and sustained upward trends and the definition of starting points for trend reversals (1) The state administrative body responsible for water management, shall identify any significant and sustained upward trend in concentrations of pollutants, group of pollutants or indicators of pollution found in bodies or groups of bodies of groundwater identified as being at risk in accordance with art. 71 of the Law and define the starting point for reversing that trend, in accordance with the procedure described in article 11 and 12 of this decree. (2) Upward trends in concentration of pollutants which present a significant risk of harm to the quality of aquatic ecosystems or terrestrial ecosystems, to human health, or to actual or potential legitimate uses of the water environment shall be reversed, through the definition of an adequate programme of measures as referred to in article 73 of the Law, and related secondary legislation, in order to progressively reduce pollution and prevent deterioration of groundwater. (3) The starting point for trend reversal shall be considered as a percentage of the level of the groundwater quality standards set out in Annex 3 and of the threshold values established pursuant to Article 6, on the basis of the identified trend and the environmental risk associated therewith, in accordance with article 12 of this decree. (4) Pursuant to article 66 of the Law the following information shall be summarized in the river basin management plans: (a) the way in which the trend assessment from individual monitoring points within a body or group of bodies of groundwater has contributed to identifying, in accordance with article 66, par. 10 and related subsidiary legislation adopted on presentation of groundwater status (b) the reason of the starting point defined pursuant to par. 3 of this article. (5) Where necessary to assess the impact of existing plumes of pollution in bodies of groundwater that may threaten the achievement of the objectives in art. 72 and 92 of the Law, and, in particular, those plumes resulting from point sources and contaminated land, the state administrative body responsible for carrying out the activities in the field of environment/ water management shall carry out additional trend assessment for identified pollutants in order to verify that plumes from contaminated sites do not expand, do not deteriorate the chemical status of the body or group of bodies of groundwater, and do not present a risk of human health and environment. The results of these assessment shall be summarized in the river basin management plans pursuant to art. 66 of the Law. Article 11 Procedure for the identification of significant and sustained upward trends and the definition of starting points for trend reversals (1) The state administrative body responsible for water management, shall identify any significant and sustained upward trend in concentrations of pollutants, group of pollutants or indicators of pollution found in bodies or groups of bodies of groundwater identified as being at risk in accordance with art. 71 of the Law taking into account the following requirements: 1) The monitoring program shall be designed to detect any significant and sustained upward trends in concentrations of pollutants identified pursuant to article 4 of this decree; 2) The procedure for the identification of significant and sustained upward trends will be based on the following elements (a) monitoring frequencies and monitoring locations will be selected such as are sufficient to: (i) provide the information necessary to ensure that such upward trends can be distinguished from natural variation with an adequate level of confidence and precision; (ii) enable such upward trends to be identified in sufficient time to allow measures to be implemented in order to prevent, or at least mitigate as far as practicable, environmentally significant detrimental changes in groundwater quality. This identification will be carried out for the first time by ….., if possible, and will take into account existing data, in the context of the report on trend identification within the first river basin management plan referred to in Article 66 of the Law, and at least every six years thereafter; (iii) take into account the physical and chemical temporal characteristics of the body of groundwater, including groundwater flow conditions and recharge rates and percolation time through soil or subsoil; (b) the methods of monitoring and analysis used will conform to international quality control principles, including, if relevant, CEN or national standardized methods, to ensure equivalent scientific quality and comparability of the data provided; (c) the assessment will be based on a statistical method, such as regression analysis, for trend analysis in time series of individual monitoring points; (d) in order to avoid bias in trend identification, all measurements below the quantification limit will be set to half of the value of the highest quantification limit occurring in time series, except for total pesticides; 3) the identification of significant and sustained upward trends in the concentrations of substances which occur both naturally and as a result of human activities will consider the baseline levels and, where such data are available, the data collected before the start of the monitoring program in order to report on trend identification within the first river basin management plan referred to in Article 66 of the Law. Article 12 Criteria for the identification of starting points and trend reversal (1) The reverse significant and sustained upward trends shall be identified, in accordance with Article 10, taking into account the following requirements: 1) the starting point for implementing measures to reverse significant and sustained upward trends will be when the concentration of the pollutant reaches 75% of the parametric values of the groundwater quality standards set out pursuant to Annex 3 and of the threshold values established pursuant to Article 6 of this decree, unless: (a) an earlier starting point is required to enable trend reversal measures to prevent most cost-effectively, or at least mitigate as far as possible, any environmentally significant detrimental changes in groundwater quality; (b) a different starting point is justified where the detection limit does not allow for establishing the presence of a trend at 75 % of the parametric values; or (c) the rate of increase and the reversibility of the trend are such that a later starting point for trend reversal measures would still enable such measures to prevent most cost-effectively, or at least mitigate as far as possible, any environmentally significant detrimental changes in groundwater quality. Such later starting point may not lead to any delay in achieving the deadline for the environmental objectives. (2) For activities falling within the scope of article 102 of the law on the nitrate sensitive zones, the starting point for implementing measures to reverse significant and sustained upward trends will be established in accordance with the Law and, in particular, adhering to environmental objectives for water protection as set out in Article 72 and 92 of the Law 2) once a starting point has been established for a body of groundwater characterized as being at risk in accordance with article 71 of the Law and pursuant to point 1 above, it will not be changed during the six-year cycle of the river basin management plan required in accordance with 66 of the Law; 3) trend reversals will be demonstrated, taking into account relevant monitoring provisions contained in article 11, point 2 Article 13 Transitional provisions ………. Article 14 Financial provisions ……….. Article 15 Entry into force …………. ANNEX 1 – Indicative list of pollutants 1. Substances or ions or indicators which may occur both naturally and/or as a result of human activities 1. Arsenic Cadmium Lead Mercury Ammonium Chloride Sulphate Man-made synthetic substances - Trichloroethylene Tetrachloroethylene 2. Parameters indicative of saline or other intrusions Conductivity With regard to saline concentrations resulting from human activities, MoEPP may decide to establish threshold values either for sulphate and chloride or for conductivity ANNEX 2 – Definition of good groundwater chemical status ELEMENT General Conductivity Good Status The chemical composition of the groundwater body is such that the concentrations of pollutants: - do not exhibit the effects of saline or other intrusions - do not exceed the quality standards regulated in Table 2 and threshold values of Table 3 of this Annex if applicable and - are not such as would result in failure to achieve the environmental objectives specified under Article 72 and 92 for associated surface waters nor any significant diminution of the ecological or chemical quality of such bodies nor in any significant damage to terrestrial ecosystems which depend directly on the groundwater body Changes in conductivity are not indicative of saline or other intrusion into the groundwater body ANNEX 3 - Groundwater quality standard Table 1 Pollutant Quality standards Nitrates 50mg/l Active substances in pesticides 0,1 μg/l including their relevant metabolites, 0,5 μg/l (total) (2) 1 degradation and reaction products ( ) (1) ‘Pesticides’ means plant protection products and biocidal products as defined in Law on plant protection products „Official Journal of Republic of Macedonia “, No. 110/2007; 20/2009; 17/2011 и 53/2011and the Law on chemicals „Official Journal of Republic of Macedonia “, No. 145/2010, 53/2011 (2) ‘Total’ means the sum of all individual pesticides detected and quantified in the monitoring procedure, including their relevant metabolites, degradation and reaction products. The results of the application of the quality standards for pesticides in the manner specified for the purposes of this decree will be without prejudice to the results of the risk assessment procedures required by the Law on plant protection products „Official Journal of Republic of Macedonia “, No. 110/2007; 20/2009; 17/2011 и 53/2011and the Law on chemicals „Official Journal of Republic of Macedonia “, No. 145/2010, 53/2011 Programmes and measures required in relation to such a threshold value will also apply to activities falling within the scope of article 102 of the Law. Table 2 - Quantitative Status Elements Groundwater level Good status The level of groundwater in the groundwater body is such that the available groundwater resource is not exceeded by the long-term annual average rate of abstraction. Accordingly, the level of groundwater is not subject to anthropogenic alterations such as would result in: failure to achieve the environmental objectives specified under Article 72 and 92 of the Law for associated surface waters any significant diminution in the status of such waters any significant damage to terrestrial ecosystems which depend directly on the groundwater body, and alterations to flow direction resulting from level changes may occur temporarily, or continuously in a spatially limited area, but such reversals do not cause saltwater or other intrusion, and do not indicate a sustained and clearly identified anthropogenically induced trend in flow direction likely to result in such intrusions. ANNEX 4 – Threshold values to be considered pursuant to Art. 4, par. 2 of this decree1 1 All 10 pollutants/indicators listed in Annex II of the GWD are most commonly reported (some Member States established threshold values for the sum of trichloroethylene and tetrachloroethylene and some Member States established additional TVs for ammonium expressed in nitrogen). The following Table 1 lists the 13 pollutants/indicators which were reported by at least 10 Member States. Table 1, list the Pollutants/indicators for which at least 10 Member States have established threshold values, including the range of threshold values. Substance /Indicator Grou p of subst ances Nu mb er of Me mb er Sta tes Range of threshold values adopted by MS Fro To m Unit Chloride Anne x II 22 24 mg/l Arsenic Anne x II 21 0,7 5 12, 30 0 18 9 Sulphate Anne x II 21 4,2 00 mg/l Ammoniu m Lead 21 52 Conductivi ty Anne x II Anne x II Anne x II Anne x II Anne x II 12 9,7 5 0,0 84 5 Nickel Copper Metal Metal 11 10 Tetrachlor oethylene Trichloroet hylene Sum of Trichloroet hylene and Tetrachlor oethylene Nitrites*** Anne x II Anne x II Anne x II Draft Anne x II Draft Anne x II Cadmium Mercury Total Phosphate *** Indic ators ex Decr ee 1999 for Class I and II and Unit -- Rulebook on water safety (OG 46/2008) Range of threshold values adopted by MK Threshold values μg/l (interactio n with surface waters)** -- ?? ?? 10 μg/l 10 μg/l ?? μg/l -- 250 mg/l 250 mg/l ?? mg/l 1 0,50 mg/l 0,50 mg/l ?? 32 0 27 μg/l 10 10 10 ?? μg/l 5,0 0,1 μg/l ?? 1 μg/l 0,1 μg/l 0,2 1,0 μg/l 0,2 ?? 10, 48 0 μS/cm -- ? 1000 μS/cm-1 pri 20°C ?? 60 20 00 50 μg/l μg/l 50 10 50 10 ?? ?? 10 10 10, 1 1,1 μg/l 2 Electrocon ductivity 1000 μS/cm-1 pri 20°C 20 μg/l 2000 μg/l* -- 2 ?? 10 1,5 50 μg/l 20 -- 20 ?? 10 5 40 μg/l ?? ?? ?? -- -- -- 10 0.05 -- -- -- 20 0.2 20 19 18 14 0,0 8 0,0 3 48 5 μg/l g/l * Measures at the tap, thus after purification of the abstracted water. **Relationship between TVs and environmental (EQ) objectives and other standards ***D031851/01 Draft amendments to Annex 2 to the Directive 2006/118/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the protection of groundwater against pollution and deterioration proposes to add Nitrites and Phosphate to the list of pollutants and define the related threshold values In case of interaction with surface water bodies the TVs established correspond to the EQS included in the "EQS Directive" 2008/105/EC for surface water bodies Relationship between threshold values and background levels for naturally occurring substances In groundwater bodies where the presence of naturally occurring substances (metals and other parameters) is scientifically proven with background levels higher than the relevant threshold values established in Annex 4, such background levels represent the threshold values to be taken into account for the definition of the good chemical status. When threshold values for pesticides is established, these values shall be applied instead of quality standard defined in Annex 3. The threshold values of metals were determined for dissolved fraction, to be considered as obtained by filtration through a 0.45 μm filter or any equivalent pre-treatment. For all the other parameters the threshold values is referred to the total concentration in the water sample.