CURRICULUM VITAE Email Address:, skype: michandlos, Tel :+250781523413 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Family name: First names: Date of birth: Nationality : Residence: Education Handlos Bernd-Michael Herbert 26.03.1949 German KG 406 ST 42, Kigali, Gacuriro, Rwanda Institution [ Date from - Date to ] Washington University, Pennsylvania, USA Sept 1997 to July 1999 Maryland University, Cairo Branch, Egypt Oct 1996 to Feb 1997 Wye College, University of London, UK Oct 87 to Dec 1990 Regional Veterinary Council, Bavaria Munich, Germany, Oct 78 to July 1981 Veterinary Faculty , University of Munich, Germany, Jan 1972 to Feb 1974 Veterinary Faculty, University, Munich, Germany Oct 1967 to Nov 1972 Degree(s) or Diploma(s) obtained: EMBA (finance) with options: microfinance and TQM (total quality management) Accounting certificate MSc Agricultural Development with options agroeconomics, livestock development , marketing, gender issues, participatory approaches MVSc tropical veterinary medicine (epidemiology) PhD in animal nutrition DVM Continuous professional development: Environmental justice, UEA, UK GIS application, Royal Veterinary College, UK Project cycle management training by GTZ and EU PCM Helpdesk Logical framework approach. GTZ and EC Financial, contractual and visibility procedures of EuropeAid, Worldbank, DFID, ADBJICA, Handicap International France, Veterinary Without Border Germany, Accounting including computer-based accounting programs (GTZ, Handicap International, EuropeAid) Staff coaching and conflict management (GTZ) Integration of disabled persons in development main stream (CBM) Training for trainers in adult education (GTZ) Training in computer applications (word processing, spread-sheets, database) Participation in more than 20 international seminars, conferences and workshops; including lectures, presentations and paper submissions Numerous studies and missions (project evaluation, feasibility studies, project identification missions ), co-author in ST expert reports (GTZ, EDF, WB) 16 publications in international acknowledged journals Author and Co-author of training manuals and SOP (GAHP, artificial insemination, farm management, animal health for CAHW) 7. Language skills: Indicate competence on a scale of 1 to 5 (1 - excellent; 5 - basic) Language German (MT) English French Arabic Reading 1 1 1 8. Membership of professional bodies: Applicant to Rwandan Council of Veterinary Doctors Speaking 1 1 1 5 Writing 1 1 1 9. Present position: Area Program Manager Pibor, South Sudan for VSF Germany 10. Professional experience: Animal health, veterinary legislation, Livestock production (animal husbandry = feeding, breeding, housing, animal welfare) Project management MVSc tropical animal health and livestock production (formal training and on –site experience), Livestock disease economist, Value chain development: identification and implementation using ILRI Value chain tool, SWOT, HACCP, QAS for milk and dairy products, meat, poultry, livestock (cattle, goats sheep) and silk in order to improve their competitiveness and efficiency, training, PPP, social safeguard (gender , disabled persons, minorities), Feeding (PhD in animal nutrition, field experience including feed production , pasture improvement, calculation of rations) Good Animal Husbandry Procedures (GAHP) for small and medium scale pig and poultry production, preparation of reference manuals and Standard Operation Procedures for farmers, ToT and training of extension workers including Communal animal health workers (CAHW, VVW), Small ruminants and cattle: animal health (prophylaxis, curative interventions, feeding), Transboundary disease control (livestock movement, quarantine, certification) and OIE pathway application for declaration of freedom from diseases, Sanitary and phyto-sanitary procedures (SPS measures), Strengthening veterinary services including diagnostic laboratories, field services, veterinary pharmacies and promoting of veterinary privatisation, Review of livestock related legislation, Support to the creation/operations of veterinary/para veterinary associations and VSB, Livestock trade (support to traders/processors of livestock and meat in the Horn of Africa), One world, one health approach 38 years technical advisor in third world countries of in West, Central and east Africa, Mediterranean region, Middle, South and South-East Asia Over 25 years as CTA/team leader, and project manager in GTZ, EuropeAid, Worldbank and INGO funded projects, trained in Total Quality Management and client satisfaction Setting up of office infrastructure and recruiting of local technical and ancillary staffs, Work in conflict areas (Burundi, Somaliland, Puntland, Yemen, Balochistan), Coordination of projects implemented in different locations, Human resources management of international and local TA inputs (short term and long term staffs): coordination, development, coaching of staffs with multi cultural backgrounds,, Familiar with project management tools (project cycle management, logframe/result based planning including similar approaches to capacity works used by World Bank and EuropeAid, SWOT and stakeholder analyses, programme estimates and workplans, M&E/MIS, reporting , visibility and communication (ICT) through training and working experience), Donor liaison (round tables for donor harmonization and coordination), Project feasibility (project identification) , appraisal, proposal and evaluation missions, Reporting and financial management (preparation of workplan and Additional experience 11. cost estimates, monitoring of expense, accounting, support to audits), Public private partnerships between stakeholders and capacity building of actors according to their specific requirements (extension services, producers, traders, processors through training, Organisation and support to self-help structures (farmer groups, cooperatives, professional associations), Support to micro enterprises (business plans, training in management, setting up of rural loan schemes), Consumer/end user awareness creation, Familiar with procedures of EU Eco Label and Fair Trade certification, Experience in adult training programmes (assessment of training need, development of syllabus, preparation of educational material, visibility and communication, formal training and ToT), Strengthening of central and devolved institutional structures (gap analysis in training, equipment), Adviser to governmental/ public sector bodies and sector policy programmes (15 years as technical adviser to National Veterinary Services in Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Egypt, Ethiopia, Pakistan, Laos ,Yemen and Vietnam), Familiar with participatory methods like PRA, ABCD, farmers train farmers, farmer field schools, participatory disease search, Mindful to cross cutting social and environmental issues like integration of women, ethnic minorities and disabled persons, environmental protection (WATSAN, waste handling, recycling). Geographical work experience (chronological order) Germany, Tunisia, Togo, RD Congo, Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea, Benin, Burundi, Egypt, Burkina Faso, Laos, Ethiopia, Pakistan, Yemen, Somaliland, Puntland, Vietnam, Uganda, Rwanda, South Sudan 12. Professional experience Date from Date To Location 04.2015 To 11.2015 01.2015 Ongoing 11.2014 To 12.2014 Pibor South Sudan 06.2011 ongoing, Contract ending October 2014 Hanoi, Vietnam Kigali, Rwanda Kampala Uganda Company & Reference Person (name & contact details) Position Description VSF Germany, Dr Willi Duehnen DOKMAI RWANDA LTD Mrs Umunyana, Bernadette info, ILRI. Kenya Area Program Manager, Jonglai State Coordination of various projects dealing with Reintegration of Children Affected by Conflict Animal health, livestock development, animal nutrition, training of CAHW funded by GIZ, UNICEF, UNDP, USAID-OFDA Animal health, livestock development, animal nutrition, meat inspection and slaughterhouse operations, training Dr Danilo Pezo Pezo, NIRAS AS SE Asia Mr Geoff Moyle, director GMO@NIRAS.DK WB funded Consultant Consultant for ST mission Design and operation of a rural slaughterhouse including meat inspection (HACCP, GMP, GHP) in the target zone of the ILRI project Smallholder Pig Value Chain Development in Uganda (SPVCD/IFAD/EU) Chief technical adviser (CTA) of a multidisciplinary 11 persons senior local adviser team CTA of the Livestock Competitiveness and Food Safety Project (LIFSAP), with a budget of 79 million US$ in charge of project management, reporting and M&E Adviser to the Agricultural Project Management Board of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and to Departments of Livestock and Animal Health in developing a long term strategy for the livestock sector, legal review and updating of legal framework, veterinary training, sanitary mandate, VSB, preparation of LIFSAP extension proposal (45 million US$), one world, one health approach according to Hanoi declaration LIFSAP objectives: Improvement of food safety for consumers through a meat value chain approach from producers applying Good Animal Husbandry Practices (GAHP) to upgrading of slaughterhouses and meat markets and the introduction of meat and food inspection respecting issues of environment protection (waste water treatment from livestock production) and social safeguard (gender /ethnic minority inclusion). Strengthening of veterinary and animal production support services at central and provincial level (diagnostic and nutrition laboratories, livestock research centres and of private service suppliers (feed, drugs, vaccines) in horizontal and vertical production alliances through PPP Trainer of extension workers/veterinary staff in HACCP, animal health, bio-security, disease control, feed quality and livestock production related issues Trainer of inspectors certifying production units as GAHP conform. 07.2010 to 05.2011 Hargeisa, Somaliland and Garowe Puntland VSFG Dr W. Duehnen, director EDF funded Project manager and team-leader for a project working simultaneously in Somaliland and Puntland 06 to 07 2010 Nakai, Lao PDR NTPC 2, Line manager: Marcel Frederik ST Consultant 02 to 03.2010 09.2009 To 07.2010 Vientiane, Lao PDR Vientiane, Lao PDR VSF G, Dr. W. Dühnen, director, DOKMAI Export Co Ltd Mrs Umunyana Bernadette ST Consultant Part time Consultant 1. Somali Pastoralist Dairy Development Project (SPDDP 2) focusing on improving pastoralists’ income from increased milk production and food security for consumers through A dairy value chain from pastoralist producer to milk sellers in urban centres based on public private partnership (PPP) Introduction of Quality assurance standards (QAS) and HACCP Creating a legal framework for milk and meat inspection, Production of educational and public awareness material Developing an long term strategy for the dairy and meat sector with regard to local production, imports and export Member of advisory roundtable on livestock strategies headed by Min. Plan 2. Adviser to FAO project on “Promoting an internationally competitive Somali meat industry – Phase II (SOMEAT 2) through public private partnership (meat board, QAS and HACCP and product branding Proposal for a strategy for livestock development (pigs, buffaloes, cattle, poultry) as social safeguard measure for recently resettled households of the Nam Theun reservoir in the province of Khamouan Drafting of project proposal for SPDDP 2 and fine-tuning of proposal for SOMEAT 2 submitted successfully to EC for funding Setting up of “Fair Trade” compliant value chain for handicraft silk production (company is now Fair Trade approved) Setting up of value chain to produce silk according to the norms of the EU Eco Label Webpage design and web page management 09.2005 to 11.2009 Northern Provinces of Lao PDR JVL Consulting/ NIRAS (Scanagri) Consortium Brussels EC funded Mr Pascal Tordeur, director Project manager and TL of ITA team (more than 20 ST TA) to the Lao EU Livestock Farmer Support Project Adviser to Department of Livestock and Fisheries (DLF) 03.2009 to 04.2009 Yemen Consortium ICON Institute JVL Consulting WB funded Mr Pascal Tordeur, director Consortium AGROTEC, Italy, NRI, UK and AGH, Germany for EU Mr Marco Girelli ST consultant: livestock diseases economist 11.2004 to 08.2005 Quetta, Balochistan, Pakistan Co-Director of the SLSP Balochistan, Technical adviser to the (1) Director General of Livestock and Dairy Development (LDD) (2) PMU of SLSP Pakistan (3) Provincial Secretary of LDD , Balochistan Livestock development in 33 districts of 6 northern provinces in Laos through improved animal health services (public and private), better livestock marketing, and GAHP. Accompanying measures include disease surveillance through a village livestock information system using Village Veterinary Workers (VVW) and key informants through participatory disease search, training of district extension staff, VVW and farmers (animal health, animal production, feeding, housing, marketing), implementation of a village based revolving fund for livestock development.. Collaboration with /support to national (National Animal Health Centre, NAFRI, NAFES, Avian Influenza Project) , provincial and district livestock services as well as donor projects in the livestock sector (ADB, GTZ, CIAT). Support to working group on livestock legislation Project implementation following the relevant EC guidelines for (1) contract procedures, (2) programme estimates, (3) visibility and communication, (4) project cycle management Deployment and coordination of international and local short term consultants for surveys and capacity building (more than 20 missions during project life) Training of trainers for extension services, farmer sensitisation and training, marketing of livestock, support to the national veterinary laboratory and the provincial diagnostic lab , units including training of laboratory technicians, the feed laboratory, the national vaccine institute, feed and pasture(sloping land techniques), veterinary and animal health information system, accounting, M&E, communication/data base management) Support to the Department of Livestock in developing and expanding the national strategy for the livestock sector, contributing to the veterinary legislation , and drafting meat inspection training manual, training of meat inspection trainers in 47 districts, assessment of district slaughter facilities and recommendations Follow up of 6 postgraduate animal health/veterinary Master students, support of thesis on hydatiosis in Northern Laos (thesis prepared through Freie Universitaet of Berlin) Guest lecturer in Veterinary Public Health Master course of Veterinary Faculty Chiang Mai Implementation of M&E and MIS for project progress monitoring Development of a searchable database of project achievements Preparation of training videos in local languages Preparation of extension proposal of project International expert service as Livestock Diseases Economist to the General Directorate of Animal Resources (DGAR) and the Rain-fed Agriculture and Livestock Development (RFALD) Project: Benefit./cost of disease control, veterinary privatisation, disease compensation scheme, veterinary sanitary mandate Strengthening of livestock services programme (SLSP) , Pakistan, Balochistan province Support in project management (revision of logframe and preparation of AWP and budget; implementation of M&E system); implementation of activities related to achievement of 10 project components including legal and regulatory framework HR strengthening through training, rationalising livestock services delivery (public/-private sector partnership) and support/creation of village organisations/producer groups; implementation of VVW (training and through support of NGOs); development and implementation of marketing information system, rinderpest surveillance identification of marketing patterns, marketing opportunities including exports and existing bottlenecks, collaboration with the FAO FMD and rinderpest projects 01.2003 to 10.2004 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, nation-wide Consortium GTZ-IS Nairobi/SATEC Development, Financed by EDF Mr Frederique Bourdillat Project manager/TA Pan African Campaign against Epizooties (PACE) Adviser to the director of livestock and the National Authorizing officer 12.2000 to 12.2002 PDR Laos, Savannakhet and Xiengkhuang provinces (with headquarter in Vientiane) Handicap International / Action Nord Sud, Dr E. Richardieu Country director and manager of funds from the EuropeAid, ECHO, ADB/JICA and British (DFID), French and German Embassies 10.00 to 12.00 Cambodia 02.00 to 03.00 Guinea Conakry Handicap /Action Nord Herve Bernard AGROTEC, financed by EDF Mr Kastriot Koshaj Technical Consultant for feasibility study and project proposal to EuropeAid TL of evaluation mission Project manager of PACE Ethiopia: Day to day project management (preparation of AWP and budgets, reports, tender documents, accounting etc.); Adviser to the National PACE coordinator Adviser to livestock department in reformulation of veterinary legislation Adviser to the NAO and member of the Tender evaluation team for PACE tenders Technical assistant to the central technical divisions of the Department of Livestock (up to 8 national senior staff members) in epidemio-surveillance (rinderpest and RIFT Valley Fever) , transboundry diseases, and participatory disease search (VVW , emergency preparedness (preparation of emergency plan against rinderpest), veterinary service delivery including training of VVW, and private professionals; Liaison, assistance and coordination of decentralised 8 Branch Offices and 11 regional diagnostic laboratories and the EU/FAO/PANVAC laboratory ; Liaison with AU/IBAR and other donors in questions of coordination of PACE, surveillance of the Somali eco-system, livestock movement control, monitoring of cattle trade, promotion of livestock exports Responsible for the management of 4 programmes of food security and community livelihood through agricultural and livestock development and marketing, gender promotion, Income Generating Activities (IGA), water and health, rural credit schemes, associative and individual loans, revolving loans scheme in kind (rice and animal banks), training of VVW (in collaboration with EC funded Strengthening of Livestock Services), Village Health Workers (VHW) and Village mid-wives Member in provincial livestock development advisory group headed by the provincial governor Liaison with technical departments of Ministries of Public Health and MAF/DLF, NAFES/NAFRI (agricultural and livestock extension and research) and provincial services of health and agriculture and forests Support to ADB funded irrigation schemes by sensitising and organising water users groups in these schemes Project identification and technical and financial proposal for EC funded East Savannakhet community development project. (funds received) Project identification and financial proposal for ADB /JICA funded Muang Kham Development Project (funds received) Project proposal to ADB for support and organisation of water user groups for ADB funded irrigation schemes (funds received) Food security through community development project , Battambang province (feasibility study, project proposal for EC Food Security funding) Final project evaluation of PARC project Guinea Conakry 01.97 to 01.2000 Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso AGROTEC, financed by EDF Mr Kastriot Koshaj Project manager PARC BF and Technical adviser to the Director of the Livestock Department and member of the livestock advisory group to the Minister 10.95 to 12.96 Cairo, Egypt Danagro, Denmark (Scanagri), EC Mr Godtfred Peterson/ Mr Peter Stigsen (retired) Project Co-Director, Team leader and Technical adviser to the Secretary of Livestock Department 10.92 to 09.95 Gitega , Burundi 10.91 to 09.92 Cotonou, Benin Particip, Freiburg, Germany, for EDF Dr Georg Ladj AFC, Bonn, Germany for EDF Mr Juergen Heinkele/ Mr Anselm Elles afc@agroconsultants Project manager PARC Burundi ,Technical adviser to the director of livestock Project manager , PARC Benin and Technical adviser to the Director of Livestock Production Management of PARC Burkina Faso project, privatisation of veterinary service delivery : set up of revolving loan scheme, business and technical training of private veterinarians, Advising the Ministry of Livestock in conducive legal reform for veterinary privatization and the control of transboundry diseases (transborder agreements with neighbouring countries) Support to sero-surveillance and disease search Support to the veterinary council and the veterinary associations, Support to the livestock department , review of the overall legal framework including the meat inspection decree Veterinary Service Program (VSP), privatisation of veterinary profession, loan scheme for private veterinarians, training of national advisors (ToT) and business training private veterinarians, support to veterinary faculties in curriculum revision with regard to privatisation Adviser to the Livestock department in questions of conducive legal reform for veterinary privation and reform of the training curriculum of veterinary faculties Management of PARC Burundi project. Capacity building of veterinary department for privatisation of veterinary service delivery and eradication of rinderpest. Creation of first private veterinary pharmacy Support for the creation of a veterinary association PARC Benin: Privatisation of veterinary service delivery and strengthening of the public veterinary service, study on loan requirements, institutional set-up, legal framework. Adviser to the livestock department in prerequisites for veterinary privatisation Support to veterinary professional associations 04.76 to 12.90 10.7212.75 Cameroon, Togo, Tunisia, Zaire (RDC) Germany German Technical Cooperation , GTZ Eschborn, Germany Late Dr Brueckle/Frank Seifarth Telefon +49 6196 79-0 Telefax +49 6196 79-1115 Rural veterinary clinic Dr Seiderer/Dr Handlos Miltach, Germany Project manager and team leader , CNFZV Jakiri , Cameroon Coordinator of German TA team (3 veterinarians) and coach of national lecturers at the Veterinary and Zoo-technical Training Centre (CNFZV), Jakiri: training of livestock extension workers and veterinary nurses and in service training (upgrading) of veterinary field officers. Training in animal husbandry, business management, and meat inspection (sworn in as meat inspector for the slaughter slab at Jakiri town). Hygiene improvement of slaughter slab in Jakiri Deputy project manager, Team leader of livestock extension services Projet de development de la Region Central , Sokode, Togo: Promotion of animal draught and GAHP; feeding, housing, breeding , farmer training, revolving loan scheme for animal draught , implementation of a provincial veterinary diagnostic laboratory and provincial veterinary pharmacy, operation of a feed mill (feed formula development using local feedstuff) Support to Regional Veterinary Services TL of CREAT extension service (3 German TA) Centre de Recherche et d’Elevage d’Aventou(CREAT), Palime, Togo: Trypanosomiasis research station with attached cattle breeding station to disseminate trypanotolerant animals to smallholders, extension and animal health services , credit line management, on farm research Meat inspection of project owned slaughterhouse at CREAT Avetonou Technical advisor, manager of animal health field services Tunisia (Rural development project Mogod and Krumari Sedjenane): Improvement of local cattle population through crossing in Brown Swiss dairy cattle in order to increase milk production, ToT and farmer training in basic animal health and GAHP, artificial insemination; organisation of animal health services including laboratory diagnosis for the district , on -farm research; .Rehabilitation and management of district slaughterhouse Sedjenane, training of meat inspectors, Organisation and supervision of milk collection at farm level, implementation of milk collection centres with cooling facilities, quality control of supplied milk (milk laboratory), support to sales point in management, hygiene and milk processing, (Yaourt production) Brucellosis eradication and echinococcosis control TL of mission team RDCongo (Zaire) : feasibility study livestock development Kivu using private veterinarians trained at the Veterinary faculty in Lubumbashi Equatorial Guinea: Assessment of status of veterinary diagnostic laboratory, proposal for upgrading, refresher training of lab staffs in standard laboratory techniques required for diseases situation in Equatorial Guinea All activities of a rural veterinary clinic (X-Ray, laboratory, surgery, advise to farmers). Certified meat inspector for 9 small private slaughterhouses and for on-farm slaughtering in the county. Self employed, assigned meat inspector for the county of Miltach REFEREES 1. Dr Willi Duehnen, director, VSF Germany, Nairobi, Kenya, Tel: +254 (0) 20 38 70 378, email:, Skype: willi_duehnen 2. Dr Danilo Pezo, Project leader, ILRI, Smallholder Pig Value Chain Uganda, Tel: +256775511595,, Skype: danypq11 3. Mr Geoff Moyle, ex director NIRAS SEA, Phnom Penh, CAMBODIA, email:, Skype: whereisgeoff PUBLICATIONS: 1. Farmer manuals on GAHP in household based pig and poultry production. LIFSAP Manual, Vietnam 2013 2. Manual on slaughterhouse construction and equipment, LIFSAP Manual, 2012 3. Good Animal Husbandry Practices for pig and poultry in household based livestock production. LIFSAP Manual and SOP, Vietnam, 2012, 4. Manual on meat inspection, LFSP Training Manual Series. Lao PDR , 2009 5. Manual on laboratory diagnosis of animal diseases, LFSP Training Manual Series , 2009 6. Manuals on cattle, buffalo, goat and pig production, LFSP Training Manual Series, 2008 7. The Egyptian approach to privatisation of the veterinary profession. Colloquy Paper. International Conference of the Egyptian Poultry Association. Cairo, 1996 8. Influence of typanosomiasis infections on the health and production of livestock in Togo. Trypanotolérance et Production Animale, 5, 1988, GTZ publication 9. A clinical case of trypanosomiasis (T.brucei) in an Asian tiger (Panthera tigris) in a private zoo in Togo. Rev. Elev. Méd. Vét. Pays Trop., 37, No. spécial: 258 - 262, 1985 10. A clinical case of trypnosomiasis (T. brucei) in a cat presented to the veterinary services in Sokode. Trypanotolérance et Production Animale, 4, 1985, GTZ publication 11. Economic aspects of rural ruminant husbandry at the village level. Colloquy paper "Trypanotolérance et Production Animale" Lome (GTZ publication, 116, 1982 12. Introduction of small ruminant husbandry at the village level. Colloquy paper "Trypanotolérance et Production Animale" Lome (GTZ publication, 116, 1982 13. Comparison of the clinical comportment of typanotolerant cattle breeds used in extension programs of CREAT Avetonou. Colloquy paper "Trypanotolérance et Production Animale" Lome (GTZ publication, 116, 1982 14. Problems of semi- intensive poultry rearing in the central region of Togo. Gießener Beiträge zur Entwicklungsforschung, Gießen, Germany., 1984, 15. The Avetonou model - experimental approaches to the integration of cattle breeding in small farms in the humid zone of Togo. Trypanotolérance et Production Animale, 3, 1983. GTZ publication 16. Proposal for poultry feeding in semi-intensive small farms. Trypanotolérance et Production Animale, 3, 1983. GTZ publication 17. The degree of trypanotolerance in N'dama, local and cross breeds and the importance of strategical use of trypanocides. Rev. Elev. Méd. Vét. Pays Trop., 35,4, 1982 18. Examination on possibilities to influence the conception rate in a tropical environment. Entwicklung und Ländlicher Raum, 4, 1980, 19. Triplet birth in cattle after treatment with chlormadione acetate . Vet.Med.Nachrichten, 1, 1978, 20. Examination of several blood parameters in sheep with a provoked natural liver fluke infection. Der prakt. Tierarzt, 61, 6, 1980, 21. Brucellosis Control in the Sedjenane Rural Development Project in Tunisia. Colloquy Paper, 1978, GTZ publication, 22. Tests on the efficiency of Fenbendazole against strongyles in horses in the Sedjenane sub-division in North Tunisia . Dtsch. Tierärztl. Wschr. 85, 7, 1978, 23. Antibiotic resistance and treatment of diarrhoea in calves on a large farm in Tunisia. Tierärztl.Umschau 33. 5, 1978, also published in IBAR, information letter, vol. 28, No. 11, 1980 and Annual Research and Development, vol. 10, 1979 24. Determination of the digestibility of nutrients and feed energy in pigs. Arch. Tierernährung, Bd. 28, 1978, S. 531-543 STUDIES 2011 Ethiopia, Project proposal for “Improving and integrating animal health services in the Livestock Value Chain through Public Private Dialogue in Ethiopia”, EDF funded, for NIRAS, Poland 2010 Eritrea, Project proposal for “Support to Agricultural sector/Food security programme”, EDF funded, for ICON Germany 2010 Vietnam. Project proposal for LIFSAP Vietnam, Project funded by WB and implemented by NIRAS SEA 2010 Laos: Livestock development strategy for the Nakai resettlement area in Khamouan province, for Nam Theun Power Company (NTPC 2) 2010 Somalia. Project proposal for Somali Pastoralist Dairy Development Project, phase 2 (SPDDP 2), and SOMEAT Phase 2 , implemented in Somaliland and Puntland for VSF Germany 2009 Afghanistan. Project proposal for AHDP II, EC funded, for NIRAS PL 2003 Ethiopia: Rationalising veterinary service delivery in Ethiopia, EC Delegation and Ministry of Agriculture, Addis Ababa 2002 Lao PDR : Project feasibility study, technical and financial proposal: Community Development, XienKhuang province, for Handicap International France, funding obtained from Asian Development Bank 2002 Lao PDR: Project identification and technical and financial proposal: Community Development East Savannakhet, for Handicap International, France, funding obtained from EU 2001 Lao PDR : Feasibility study : Micro credit project Savannakhet, for Handicap International , 1996 Egypt. Study on the prerequisites for the implementation of a loan scheme to promote private veterinary activities in Egypt. Comparison and analysis of existing loan scheme, analysis of the bank loan sector for Veterinary Services Program /MOALR/EU/DANAGRO 1996 Egypt. Study on training requirements of private and governmental veterinarians in the field of management, refresher courses, specialisation for VSP/MOALR/EU/DANAGRO 1993 Burundi. Study on the conditions to implement a credit scheme for private veterinarians for OUA/IBAR/PARC/EDF/PARTICIP 1992 Benin. Study on the prerequisites to privatise veterinary activities for OUA/IBAR/PARC/FED/AFC 1986 RDC.. Study on the possibilities du improve the livestock performance in the Southern region of the Kivu province for GTZ, Germany 1982 Togo. Study on the prerequisites to transform the agricultural development project Central region into an integrated rural development project for GTZ, Germany 1980 Togo. Study on the possibilities to integrate livestock breeding in crop farms of the Central and Plateaux regions of Togo for GTZ, Germany