Paige Runnels Comp II Dr. Murphy Research Journals Entries

Paige Runnels
Comp II Dr. Murphy
Research Journals Entries
Bimrose, Jenny.“ Sexual harassment in the workplace: an ethical dilemma for career
guidance practice?”. British Journal of Guidance & Counseling. Vol. 3, No.1.
Feb.2004.Institute for employment research, university of Warwick, Coventry,
UK. WEB: Jan. 25,2012
In this article it presents to the audience that sexual harassment is a problem and that it is
happening in about half of all working women's workplaces. This essay is definitely
against sexual harassment that is the perspective i can identify from this article. It only
acknowledges one viewpoint and that is the cons side. The author does not support this
crime. It connects to my previous source by going along with the cons side of this
argument. Some other things I observed from this piece is that it will be a good source
and I will definitely be using it in my writing. Jenny Brimrose is the author of this very
complex article, she has been study this argument for years so that is where her expertise
fits in. I think the purpose of this piece is to inform the readers on what sexual harassment
is and that it is an issue and needs to not occur, also it shows what exactly the causes
from it are in the after math. She using ethos to persuade the readers so that they will
understand sexual harassment is a bad thing. I would say that the most difficult problem
is how it effects the victim after the fact that the harasser has already done and gotten
away with this unwanted action. This source in general is very helpful for my article.
Changoiwala, Puja. "Its just an argument, not sexual harassment: police." Hindustan
Times. Mumbai, Jan 07, 2012. WEB: Jan. 25,2012
In this article it discusses a case that involved a police officer, young woman, and a taxi
driver. It says in the article that the young girl reported to the officer that she had been
sexually harassed by the taxi driver over the cab fare. When the officer was discussing it
over with the young woman he asked her not to speak to the media. What she didn’t
know was that the officer was framing the case inappropriately. He told her to tell the
media that the cab driver and her got in an argument over the cab fare. That was him
setting her up for her entire case. This article basically just goes to show how some cases
of sexual harassment can be manipulated and misconstrued to the public because the
victim is told to do the wrong thing to come up what the harasser did to them. The young
lady in this article trusted the officer and he did not help her in the right way with her
case. He helped the taxi driver cover his own rear. Changoiwala's experience in the
subject is that he is an investigative journalist and he tore this story up by detail to let it
out to the public. He uses ethos and logos to attract his audience. This article will show
the "other side" perspective of my issue, I am pretty excited to use this in my essay.
FoxNews."Pentagon Works On New Plan to Curb Sex Assaults." WEB: Feb. 2,2012.
In this article it talks about the pentagon preparing a series of new initiatives to try and
curb sexual assaults in the military, the defense chief said that the harassment was
causing a problem that is staining on the honor of the armed forces. There are several
plans in this source that will be beneficial in helping stop sexual harassment. The author
of this article is unknown so I am not real sure what the expertise is of him/her. I would
say that the author used ethos to lure in the audience to read more about the issue at hand.
Heathfeild, Susan M. "Sexual Harassment." Human Resources. 2012. WEB: Feb.2,2012.
What I learned from this source is that there are different policies and roles a manager
can take in prevention and in investigation to sexual harassment. The claim of this
reading to how to pick up when you or someone else is being sexually harassed. Yes this
source does acknowledge opposing viewpoints. It also does do it fairly. I do not think that
this piece is intended to be an argument. The information connects with my other sources
by relating with pretty much the same information. The author is Susan Heathfeild and
her expertise in the subject is that she has studied this controversial issue very intently.
The purpose of this piece to inform people and hopefully start to prevent sexual
harassment from happening. The audience that is intended to get the most out of this are
the ones being harassed and the manager of the company that the harassing is taking
place. The author uses ethos, information, to pull the readers in. I can not wait to put this
information in my essay. The most difficult problem is that sexual harassment is
unwanted and that it causes major issues after it has happened. It is very helpful by
providing tons of information on the topic. I feel very prepared to add this to my sources.
HR world editors. "The top 20 sexual harassment cases of all times."1996-2012. Ziff
Davis, Inc. WEB: Feb.2,2012
I learned from this source that in the 1990's the number of sexual harassment cases
increased tremendously. With that being said each case helped set new precedents for
future sexual harassment cases by editing laws and introducing that it can happen literally
anywhere. The claim of this article is that even high profile people have been apart of
sexual harassment cases. This sources does not acknowledge opposing viewpoints. This
piece is also not intended to be an argumentative piece either. It connects with my other
sources because it goes along with the knowing what sexual harassment is and how to
prevent it. The authors of this piece are HR world editors and I am not real sure what
their expertise is on the subject. I think the motive of this writing is to prove that sexual
harassment happens and can involve just about anyone no matter how high or low profile
they are. The intended audience is society I think because everyone needs to know this
issue. I really like this source and I am prepared to use it in my essay because I like how
it has the top 20 sexual harassment cases and detail about each one.
Inglish, Patty. "Sexual Harassment Cases and Results.” Hubpages, Inc. 2012. WEB: Jan
What I learned from this article is that sexual harassment does not just happen in the
workplace but it can also take place in schools whether is be profit or non-profit. The
claim is that you can not just look into one place you have to look everywhere because
this issue takes place all over. This source does not acknowledge opposing viewpoints. It
connects with my other sources just because of the information it contains. The author of
this piece is Patty Inglish and I am not real sure what her expertise is on the subject. The
motive of this article is to inform people of where sexual harassment can take place. I am
prepared to use this source in my essay because I think it provides good information that
could be helpful in getting my argument across to my fellow classmates.
Langer,Gary. "One in four U.S. women reports workplace harassment."
Nov.16,2011.ABC News. WEB: Jan. 27,2012.
What I have learned from this article is that sexual harassment is common among women
and source of worry among men in society today. Also one in four women have
experienced sexual harassment in the workplace. One in ten men say they have
experienced is as well and a quarter of men say they worry about being falsely accused of
sexual harassment. The author is Gary Langer and I am not real sure what his expertise is
in the subject. The purpose is to show that it does not only happen to just women but men
as well.
Larson,Aaron."Sexual Harassment Law." Law offices of Aaron Larson. Sept,2003. Aaron
Larson 2003-2011. WEB: Jan. 27,2012.
What I learned from this article was that employees are protected under both state and
federal laws against sexual harassment. Federal law is based upon Title VII of the civil
rights act of 1964. There are 2 general categories of sexual harassment, quid pro quo and
hostile work environment. The author is Aaron Larson and his expertise in the subject is
he is an attorney and has his own law offices. This seems to be a credible source because
it talks about what laws sexual harassment is filed under and how to interpret them in
order to know how to file a complaint. I look forward to using this source in my essay.
Mayes, Gwen.“ Sexual Harassment." The Kentucky Association of Sexual Assault
Programs,Inc. Kaspa, Inc.2008. WEB: Jan.25,2012
This article gives the definition of sexual harassment and also gives information about
recognition and prevention of this costly and unwanted action that is happening daily.
There are two types of sexual harassment 1. hostile environment 2. quid pro quo. sexual
harassment is not an actual crime but it does fall under other criminal charges. The
audience of this article is for the victims or people who think they might be involved with
sexual harassment. It is a very informative piece. it is an ethos writing, it is meant to
inform people of what sexual harassment is and how to prevent it and what it may look
like if it is happening to them. The author has been studying this issue for quite so some
time so that is where her expertise comes in.
Swarup, New Delhi. "Biased harassment law made ready to destroy work place
harmony." WEB: Feb. 2,2012.
This source talks about a law proposed to protect women from sexual harassment in the
workplace may also punish women employees who are found by an office panel to may
misuse the legislation. The law is basically saying that if the women do not harass the
men then why should the men not be punished for harassing the women. Swarup is a
journalist as well and has been working on the piece for a couple of years to get his facts
in order to share with the public. This article also goes with the opposite side of this
issue. Swarup also uses ethos, information to persuade the readers and inform them of
what is going on.
In general I would characterize the most difficult problem connected to researching this
topic as it happens everywhere. This issue does not just take place in the work place, but
also in schools, non profit organizations, etc. it is just ridiculous. I would characterize my
sources on the topic to be generally qualified, very helpful, and some are even bias. They
are a little of everything. That is why I chose the sources I did. The significance of the
topic is that it is an unwanted action that takes place quite frequently. My sense of the
issue has grown from my research because I knew that this topic was an issue but after
researching I found out that it a much bigger issue than I had expected. I need to find
some more bias sources that are for sexual harassment I guess you could say because a lot
of my sources are talking about how bad it is and how to stop it. Which is great but I need
more biased ones like I stated. I feel very prepared to use all of these sources in my essay.
I am very ready to add this to my scholarly discussion.