HSB4MO – The Millennial Generation: Tales for an Accelerated Culture Assignment Its 2017 and you have all been invited to the United Nations Conference on Youth Development. The primary purpose of your visit is for you to demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of the key concepts learned through your years of experience as researchers of generational changes in Western society. Much like Douglas Coupland (1991) did in his Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated Culture, you will assess the influence of the previous generation on the current societal changes. Thus, students will be able to weigh the impact of the Echo Boom generation on Millennial society, while examining how the current generation will distinguish itself and progress from the ideals, customs, and culture representative of previous generations. Importantly you must notify me of your topic before the end of the period. Choose your partners carefully! Requirements: Your group must… Select one of the following themes discussed in the unit. There will be 30 different selections done at random. You must select your topic by the first library period. Key themes will include: Counterculture, Materialism, Immigration, Family structure, Political Activism, Sexual Revolution, Suburbia, Education, Health Care, Gender Identity, Secularism, Race Relations, World Economies, Mass Media, Demographics. Rough Work: Have rough research work completed and submitted to be reviewed by the start of the second library period. Create a classroom presentation: It is required that all students present a 30 minute presentation which includes: o PowerPoint slides and handout for the class to follow along: The format should include your 5 chosen topics and what the impact of the Echo Boom generation has been on the Millennials. o An engaging classroom activity: The activity should assess the impact of the Echo Boom on the Millennial generation (i.e. develop scenarios for the class to discuss/debate on one of the 5 topics covered by your group). Active Participation of the Audience: Being at such a prestigious conference, you will want to enthusiastically debate and participate. A portion of your final mark for the assignment will involve you being in class for all presentation taking active notes that will eventually be used toward the final exam. Notes will be collected and marked. Please look below at the for both Active Participation & Presentation Active Participation of the Audience: (Taken as an overall for all the presentations) /10 Communication: - Communicates information and ideas with a high degree of clarity and with confidence. Asks strong questions indicative of the presentations. Punctual and willingly participates within the classroom conference forum /5 Knowledge/Understanding: - Demonstrates thorough and insightful understandings of the relationship between the key concepts presented through active participation during debates Poses critical questions to the presenters that invoke inquiry of the topic. GOOD LUCK TO ALL PARTICIPANTS! The Millennial Generation: Tales for an Accelerated Culture Presentation Summative Rubric /40 Criteria Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1 Knowledge/ Understanding Demonstrates thorough understanding of the Echo Boom and its impact on the Millennial Generation Demonstrates considerable understanding of the Echo Boom and its impact on the Millennial Generation Demonstrates some understanding of the Echo Boom and its impact on the Millennial Generation Demonstrates limited understanding of the Echo Boom and its impact on the Millennial Generation Thinking/ Inquiry Demonstrates thorough and insightful interpretations of key themes Demonstrates considerable insights and interpretations of key themes Demonstrates moderate Demonstrates limited insights and interpretations of key themes Communication Communicates information and ideas with a high degree of clarity, and with confidence Communicates information and ideas with considerable clarity Communicates information and ideas with some clarity Communicates information and ideas with limited clarity Application Distinguishes the Millennial Generation from the Echo Boom with a high degree of effectiveness Distinguishes the Millennial Generation from the Echo Boom with considerable effectiveness Distinguishes the Millennial Generation from the Echo Boom with moderate effectiveness Distinguishes the Millennial Generation from the Echo Boom with limited effectiveness insights and interpretations of key themes Written Comments Name: Assessor: Date: Date: A) Culminating Activity Description: In Groups of 4 to 5, Students will prepare a 30 minute presentation using a combination of PowerPoint and an Engaging Classroom Activity to assess the impact of the Echo Boom on the Millennial generation. Thus, students will be able to weigh the impact of the Echo Boom on the Millennial society, while indicating how the current generation will distinguish itself and progress from the ideals, customs, and culture representative of the Echo Boom generation. B) Culminating Activity Expectations Enduring Understandings: 1) Students will be able to understand and identify what makes generations distinct and how they are inherently connected. 2) Students will critically evaluate and assess what forces shape social trends and how these concepts may impact Millennials. Overall Expectations: STV.01, STV.02, STV.03 C) Culminating Activity Major Details (Teacher Section) Planning Notes & Lesson Sequence: - - - - - - In the first class of the unit, ask the students to go into groups of 3 to participate in a diagnostic Graffiti exercise where the teacher will pass out chart paper with several of the key themes of the unit to see where student knowledge is at with some of the topics to be covered in the unit. After the diagnostic activity, students will present what some of the words that may have been associated with the topic and will post their chart paper up on the wall. Can hold the class accountable to participate. The Teacher will follow the activity by defining some of the key concepts on an overhead, followed by handing out the culminating activity along with its rubric (See above). Make sure to highlight the questions students need to consider as well as the key concepts as they will be the basis for the 30 minute presentation. Take a Position!: Make sure students understand this presentation is not about the “regurgitation” of materials, rather to teach the class and critically evaluate how particular concepts of the Echo Boom will positively or negatively affect the Millennials. Ideas for the task: Promote the use of technology for students to use during the presentation (i.e. PowerPoint) but also kinesthetic aspects of utilizing the classroom space. For instance, have the class form groups to look at how magazine articles during different generations to see the impact of materialism on society. Keeping the class attentive during the presentation is important. Make sure students understand that attendance is highly important during the presentations, as there will be a 10 mark component associated for Active Participation during the debate portion of the assessment.