Alyssa James GEOG 591 Exercise 1 1) Describe those areas in New Hope area that fall into each class a. NCLD Urban >20: This map displays upstream drainage areas that are heavily urbanized and all stream reaches that have local contributing catchment areas that exceed 20%. Heavily urbanized areas are defined as the percentage of catchment area as Low Intensity Residential, High Intensity Residential and Commercial/Industrial/Transportation that exceed 20%. Majority of these heavily urbanized areas are located in the North and Northeastern section of the New Hope Watershed. These areas do not extend down into Jordan Lake. These areas stem from Chapel Hill, Durham, and Raleigh (not Raleigh in New Hope area (-0.5)). More urban streams are concentrated around Durham than any other area in the New Hope Watershed. b. CUMNCLD Urban >20: This map displays the reaches and streams that have local urban drainage areas but not cumulative upstream urban areas (This is the definition of Urban > 20 (-1.0)). The same definition of heavily urbanized used in the previous map is used in this map. A lot of these areas overlap portions of the NCLD Urban >20. However, one portion of this area extends down into the tip of the Jordan Lake. Again, the majority of these heavily urbanized areas are located in the Northeastern corner of the New Hope Watershed. This shows that most of the water that collects in these areas drains into these areas as well. c. CUMNCLD Urban >20 and NCLD Urban <20: This map displays reaches and streams that have cumulative urbanized upstream areas, but local catchment areas that are not urban. The upstream urbanized areas are near Chapel Hill, Raleigh, and Durham. These areas are relatively small compared to the CUMNCLD Urban and NCLD Urban. It is concentrated in the Eastern section of the watershed, and extends down into the Northern reaches of Jordan Lake Cumurban_nourban_stream is connected to Jordan Lake. In conclusion, New Hope area, one of the main drainage areas of Jordan Lake can be characterized as urbanized area when considering the whole upstream area of New Hope creek (-1.0). 2) Comparing step 1 results, which urban area correspond to high stream discharge area? What does this mean in terms of water quantity and quality problem of not only watershed itself but also Jordan Lake? a. Chapel Hill, Durham, and Raleigh are the urban areas that correspond to high stream discharge. This is probably due to the significant amount of pollutants and impervious surfaces common to urban areas. b. Since these urban areas are contributing to the high stream discharge, it is appropriate to assume that the quality of the watershed is worse than other watersheds with less urbanized areas. Also, many people live in these urban areas and all share the water; for this reason, the quantity of water must be pretty small. This also affects Jordan Lake, Alyssa James GEOG 591 Exercise 1 since it is downstream from these urban areas. The pollutants that collect upstream from Chapel Hill, Durham, and Raleigh eventually travel downstream and deposit in the lake. This is harmful to the many species that live within and around the lake that use the water. Further, as the urban areas upstream consume massive amounts of water, there is less fresh water to travel downstream to the lake. There is also the issue that other communities and habitats within the watershed are being affected by the pollutants that they are not creating. This exemplifies the fact that a watershed is a very delicate structure that everyone and everything within its limits share. (22.5/25) Alyssa James GEOG 591 Exercise 1 Alyssa James GEOG 591 Exercise 1 Alyssa James GEOG 591 Exercise 1 Alyssa James GEOG 591 Exercise 1