Guide: Quality and Effectiveness Focus Activity (20 minutes

Guide: Quality and Effectiveness Focus Activity (20 minutes)
Objective: Delve deep into what quality and effectiveness mean to faculty, staff and administrators at
Trade-Tech in their standard sub-area. Lay groundwork for Program Review.
Description: Teams will address the question “What does quality and effectiveness look like for this
What does Quality and Effectiveness look like for sub-area IA: Mission at Trade-Tech?
The Standard SubArea
IA: Mission
What the Sub-Area is About
LATTC has a mission statement that describes what we do, who we serve, what we offer and our
commitment to student learning and achievement.
We use data to determine how effectively we are accomplishing our mission.
Our programs and serves are aligned with our mission.
Our mission guides our decision-making, planning, and resource allocation.
We widely publish our mission statement and review/update it as necessary.
Step: 1: Each team member writes down on post-it note 1 thing we do that addresses the question for
this sub-area (about 2-3 minutes).
Step 2: Each team member shares what they wrote.
Step 3: Dialogue as a team, focusing on quality and effectiveness. Then pick and write on flipchart the
top 3 things of what quality and effectiveness look like at Trade.
Step 4: Pick 1 to report to the body
Ground Rules:
Keep it positive. Focus on what we are doing, not on what we need to improve
Focus on Quality and Effectiveness
Look at things broadly, not unit specific
There is no wrong answer
Guide: Quality and Effectiveness Focus Activity (20 minutes)
Objective: Delve deep into what quality and effectiveness mean to faculty, staff and administrators at
Trade-Tech in their standard sub-area. Lay groundwork for Program Review.
Description: Teams will address the question “What does quality and effectiveness look like for this
What does Quality and Effectiveness look like for sub-area IB: Assuring Academic Quality and
Institutional Effectiveness at Trade-Tech?
The Standard SubArea
IB: Assuring
Academic Quality
and Institutional
What the Sub-Area is About
Academic Quality:
 LATTC has substantive dialogue about SLOs, equity, academic quality, institutional effectiveness
and continuous improvement of student learning/achievement.
 We define and assess SLOs for all our programs/services.
 We establish institution set standards for student achievement and assess how well we are
achieving them in pursuit of continuous improvement.
 We use assessment data to support student learning/achievement.
Institutional Effectiveness:
 We assess how well we are accomplishing our mission through program review and evaluation
of our goals, objectives, SLOs, and student achievement.
 We disaggregate and analyze learning outcomes and achievement for student populations. We
mitigate identified gaps.
 We regularly evaluate our policies and practices across all areas to assure their effectiveness.
 We broadly communicate the results of these activities within the college so we can set
appropriate priorities.
 We engage in continuous, systematic planning and evaluation that integrates program review,
planning, resource allocation into a comprehensive process that leads to accomplishing our
mission and improving institutional effectiveness and academic quality.
Step: 1: Each team member writes down on post-it note 1 thing we do that addresses the question for
this sub-area (about 2-3 minutes).
Step 2: Each team member shares what they wrote.
Step 3: Dialogue as a team, focusing on quality and effectiveness. Then pick and write on flipchart the
top 3 things of what quality and effectiveness look like at Trade.
Step 4: Pick 1 to report to the body
Ground Rules:
Keep it positive. Focus on what we are doing, not on what we need to improve
Focus on Quality and Effectiveness
Look at things broadly, not unit specific
There is no wrong answer
Guide: Quality and Effectiveness Focus Activity (20 minutes)
Objective: Delve deep into what quality and effectiveness mean to faculty, staff and administrators at
Trade-Tech in their standard sub-area. Lay groundwork for Program Review.
Description: Teams will address the question “What does quality and effectiveness look like for this
What does Quality and Effectiveness look like for sub-area IC: Institutional Integrity at Trade-Tech?
The Standard
IC: Institutional
What the Sub-Area is About
LATTC provides clear and accurate information to students, employees and all
persons/organizations related to our mission statement.
This information includes, but is not limited to, a current accurate catalog, information
about SLOs, degrees, course requirements, cost of education, and notice about policies
and procedures.
We establish and regularly review our policies, procedures and publications to ensure
integrity, academic honesty, and responsibility.
We accurately inform students regarding the cost of education and related expenses.
We require conformity to specific codes of conduct for employees and students.
We advocate and demonstrate honesty and integrity in complying with regulations,
statutes, and in our relationships with external agencies.
Our commitment is to high quality education and student learning.
Step: 1: Each team member writes down on post-it note 1 thing we do that addresses the question for
this sub-area (about 2-3 minutes).
Step 2: Each team member shares what they wrote.
Step 3: Dialogue as a team, focusing on quality and effectiveness. Then pick and write on flipchart the
top 3 things of what quality and effectiveness look like at Trade.
Step 4: Pick 1 to report to the body
Ground Rules:
Keep it positive. Focus on what we are doing, not on what we need to improve
Focus on Quality and Effectiveness
Look at things broadly, not unit specific
There is no wrong answer
Guide: Quality and Effectiveness Focus Activity (20 minutes)
Objective: Delve deep into what quality and effectiveness mean to faculty, staff and administrators at
Trade-Tech in their standard sub-area. Lay groundwork for Program Review.
Description: Teams will address the question “What does quality and effectiveness look like for this
What does Quality and Effectiveness look like for sub-area IIA: Instructional Programs at Trade-Tech?
The Standard SubArea
IIA: Instructional
What the Sub-Area is About
LATTC offers instructional programs that are consistent with our mission, are appropriate to
higher education and result in students attaining identified SLOs, degrees, certificates,
employment, etc.
Faculty ensure that content and methods of instruction meet academic and professional
They continuously improve courses and programs through systematic evaluation to improve
teaching/learning strategies.
LATTC identifies and regularly assesses learning outcomes.
We award credit, degrees, certificates, etc. based on student attainment of learning outcomes.
Students are informed of these outcomes.
We schedule courses in a manner that allow students to complete degrees/certificates
consistent with expected higher education time periods.
Our teaching strategies and learning support services reflect the diverse and changing needs of
our students.
Our programs and SLOs include competencies such as analytic and quantitative skills, ethical
reasoning, etc.
All of our degree programs have a GE component that meets certain learning
Graduates of our CTE programs demonstrate competencies that meet employment standards.
We regularly evaluate and improve the quality of our offered instructional programs.
Step: 1: Each team member writes down on post-it note 1 thing we do that addresses the question for
this sub-area (about 2-3 minutes).
Step 2: Each team member shares what they wrote.
Step 3: Dialogue as a team, focusing on quality and effectiveness. Then pick and write on flipchart the
top 3 things of what quality and effectiveness look like at Trade.
Step 4: Pick 1 to report to the body
Ground Rules:
Keep it positive. Focus on what we are doing, not on what we need to improve
Focus on Quality and Effectiveness
Look at things broadly, not unit specific
There is no wrong answer
Guide: Quality and Effectiveness Focus Activity (20 minutes)
Objective: Delve deep into what quality and effectiveness mean to faculty, staff and administrators at
Trade-Tech in their standard sub-area. Lay groundwork for Program Review.
Description: Teams will address the question “What does quality and effectiveness look like for this
What does Quality and Effectiveness look like for sub-area IIB: Library and Learning Support Services
at Trade-Tech?
The Standard
IIB: Library and
Learning Support
What the Sub-Area is About
LATTC supports student learning and achievement by providing a library and sufficient
learning support services, such as tutoring, computer labs, learning centers, etc.
We select and maintain educational equipment/materials to support student learning
and achieve our mission.
We evaluate library and learning support services to ensure they meet our students’
needs; this includes evidence that they contribute to attaining SLOs.
Step: 1: Each team member writes down on post-it note 1 thing we do that addresses the question for
this sub-area (about 2-3 minutes).
Step 2: Each team member shares what they wrote.
Step 3: Dialogue as a team, focusing on quality and effectiveness. Then pick and write on flipchart the
top 3 things of what quality and effectiveness look like at Trade.
Step 4: Pick 1 to report to the body
Ground Rules:
Keep it positive. Focus on what we are doing, not on what we need to improve
Focus on Quality and Effectiveness
Look at things broadly, not unit specific
There is no wrong answer
Guide: Quality and Effectiveness Focus Activity (20 minutes)
Objective: Delve deep into what quality and effectiveness mean to faculty, staff and administrators at
Trade-Tech in their standard sub-area. Lay groundwork for Program Review.
Description: Teams will address the question “What does quality and effectiveness look like for this
What does Quality and Effectiveness look like for sub-area IIC: Student Support Services at TradeTech?
The Standard
IIC: Student
Support Services
What the Sub-Area is About
LATTC regularly evaluates the quality of our student support services, and demonstrates
that these support student learning and our mission.
We identify and assess SAOs/PLOs and use the data to improve student support
programs and services.
We assure students have equitable access.
Our co-curricular and athletic programs are appropriate to our mission.
We provide counseling and/or academic advising programs to support student success.
Our counseling and advising programs orient students so they know the requirements
of their programs of study.
We have and adhere to admissions policies that are consistent with our mission.
We regularly evaluate admissions and placement instruments to validate their
We securely and confidentially maintain student records and have a policy for their
Step: 1: Each team member writes down on post-it note 1 thing we do that addresses the question for
this sub-area (about 2-3 minutes).
Step 2: Each team member shares what they wrote.
Step 3: Dialogue as a team, focusing on quality and effectiveness. Then pick and write on flipchart the
top 3 things of what quality and effectiveness look like at Trade.
Step 4: Pick 1 to report to the body
Ground Rules:
Keep it positive. Focus on what we are doing, not on what we need to improve
Focus on Quality and Effectiveness
Look at things broadly, not unit specific
There is no wrong answer
Guide: Quality and Effectiveness Focus Activity (20 minutes)
Objective: Delve deep into what quality and effectiveness mean to faculty, staff and administrators at
Trade-Tech in their standard sub-area. Lay groundwork for Program Review.
Description: Teams will address the question “What does quality and effectiveness look like for this
What does Quality and Effectiveness look like for sub-area IIIA: Human Resources at Trade-Tech?
The Standard
IIIA: Human
What the Sub-Area is About
LATTC employs sufficient numbers of qualified administrators, faculty and staff.
Our faculty and administrators possess appropriate qualifications and skills.
Evaluations of faculty, academic administrators and employees directly responsible for
student learning include consideration of their use of assessment of learning outcomes
to improve teaching/learning.
We have policies/practices that provide adjunct faculty with orientation, oversight,
professional development and opportunities to integrate into the college.
We establish, publish and adhere to written personnel policies.
We create and maintain appropriate programs/practices to support our diverse
Consistent with our mission, we assess our record in employment equity/diversity.
We provide opportunities for professional development.
We maintain secure and confidential personnel records.
Step: 1: Each team member writes down on post-it note 1 thing we do that addresses the question for
this sub-area (about 2-3 minutes).
Step 2: Each team member shares what they wrote.
Step 3: Dialogue as a team, focusing on quality and effectiveness. Then pick and write on flipchart the
top 3 things of what quality and effectiveness look like at Trade.
Step 4: Pick 1 to report to the body
Ground Rules:
Keep it positive. Focus on what we are doing, not on what we need to improve
Focus on Quality and Effectiveness
Look at things broadly, not unit specific
There is no wrong answer
Guide: Quality and Effectiveness Focus Activity (20 minutes)
Objective: Delve deep into what quality and effectiveness mean to faculty, staff and administrators at
Trade-Tech in their standard sub-area. Lay groundwork for Program Review.
Description: Teams will address the question “What does quality and effectiveness look like for this
What does Quality and Effectiveness look like for sub-area IIIB: Physical Resources at Trade-Tech?
The Standard
IIIB: Physical
What the Sub-Area is About
LATTC assures safe and sufficient physical resources at all locations where we operate.
We plan, acquire/build, maintain and upgrade/replace our physical resources, like
facilities, land, equipment, etc. to assure quality to support our programs/achieve our
We plan and evaluate our facilities/equipment on a regular basis to ensure the
feasibility and effectiveness of physical resources in supporting College programs and
services, and plans.
Long-range capital plans support the College’s improvement goals.
Step: 1: Each team member writes down on post-it note 1 thing we do that addresses the question for
this sub-area (about 2-3 minutes).
Step 2: Each team member shares what they wrote.
Step 3: Dialogue as a team, focusing on quality and effectiveness. Then pick and write on flipchart the
top 3 things of what quality and effectiveness look like at Trade.
Step 4: Pick 1 to report to the body
Ground Rules:
Keep it positive. Focus on what we are doing, not on what we need to improve
Focus on Quality and Effectiveness
Look at things broadly, not unit specific
There is no wrong answer
Guide: Quality and Effectiveness Focus Activity (20 minutes)
Objective: Delve deep into what quality and effectiveness mean to faculty, staff and administrators at
Trade-Tech in their standard sub-area. Lay groundwork for Program Review.
Description: Teams will address the question “What does quality and effectiveness look like for this
What does Quality and Effectiveness look like for sub-area IIIC: Technology Resources at Trade-Tech?
The Standard
IIIC: Technology
What the Sub-Area is About
LATTC has appropriate and adequate technology services, professional support,
facilities, hardware and software to support our operational functions, academic
programs, teaching/learning, and support services.
We continuously plan for, update and replace technology to support our mission and
We maintain/implement our technology resources in all our locations to assure reliable
access, security, and safety.
We provide instruction/support for faculty, staff, students and administrators to
effectively use technology.
We have policies/procedures that guide appropriate use of technology in
teaching/learning processes.
Step: 1: Each team member writes down on post-it note 1 thing we do that addresses the question for
this sub-area (about 2-3 minutes).
Step 2: Each team member shares what they wrote.
Step 3: Dialogue as a team, focusing on quality and effectiveness. Then pick and write on flipchart the
top 3 things of what quality and effectiveness look like at Trade.
Step 4: Pick 1 to report to the body
Ground Rules:
Keep it positive. Focus on what we are doing, not on what we need to improve
Focus on Quality and Effectiveness
Look at things broadly, not unit specific
There is no wrong answer
Guide: Quality and Effectiveness Focus Activity (20 minutes)
Objective: Delve deep into what quality and effectiveness mean to faculty, staff and administrators at
Trade-Tech in their standard sub-area. Lay groundwork for Program Review.
Description: Teams will address the question “What does quality and effectiveness look like for this
What does Quality and Effectiveness look like for sub-area IIID: Financial Resources at Trade-Tech?
The Standard Sub-Area
IIID: Financial
What the Sub-Area is About
 LATTC’s financial resources are sufficient to support and sustain student learning
programs/services and to improve institutional effectiveness.
 We plan and manage our financial affairs with integrity and in a manner that ensures
financial stability.
 Our mission and goals are the foundation for financial planning.
 We timely disseminate appropriate financial information throughout the institution.
 We clearly define and follow our processes for financial planning/budget development with
all constituencies having a chance to participate.
Fiscal Responsibility and Stability:
 LATTC effectively oversees its finances.
 Our institutional planning reflects a realistic assessment of available financial resources and
development of financial resources, partnerships and expenditures.
 We have appropriate mechanisms to ensure financial integrity and responsible use of
financial resources.
 We regularly evaluate our financial management practices and control systems and use the
results to improve.
 We appropriately respond to audits.
 We have sufficient cash flow and reserves.
 We clearly identify, plan, and allocate resources for paying liabilities and future obligations
 This includes Other Post-Employment Benefits (OPEB).
 We annually assess and allocate our resources for repaying debt.
 All financial resources (i.e., bonds, grants, auxiliary activities, etc.) are used with integrity
according to the intended purposes of the funding source.
 We monitor and manage student loan default rates, revenue streams and assets to comply
with federal requirements.
Contractual Agreements:
 LATTC’s contractual agreements with external entities are consistent with our mission/goals.
Step: 1: Each team member writes down on post-it note 1 thing we do that addresses the question for
this sub-area (about 2-3 minutes).
Step 2: Each team member shares what they wrote.
Step 3: Dialogue as a team, focusing on quality and effectiveness. Then pick and write on flipchart the
top 3 things of what quality and effectiveness look like at Trade.
Step 4: Pick 1 to report to the body
Guide: Quality and Effectiveness Focus Activity (20 minutes)
Ground Rules:
Keep it positive. Focus on what we are doing, not on what we need to improve
Focus on Quality and Effectiveness
Look at things broadly, not unit specific
There is no wrong answer
Guide: Quality and Effectiveness Focus Activity (20 minutes)
Objective: Delve deep into what quality and effectiveness mean to faculty, staff and administrators at
Trade-Tech in their standard sub-area. Lay groundwork for Program Review.
Description: Teams will address the question “What does quality and effectiveness look like for this
What does Quality and Effectiveness look like for sub-area IVA: Decision-Making Roles and Processes
at Trade-Tech?
The Standard
IVA: DecisionMaking Roles and
What the Sub-Area is About
LATTC’s institutional leaders support administrators, faculty, staff and students in taking
initiative for improving our practices, programs and services.
We use systematic participatory processes to assure effective planning and
implementation of ideas for improvement.
We implement policies/procedures authorizing participation in decision-making
processes, which includes student participation where students have a
direct/reasonable interest.
Administrators and faculty have a substantive and clearly defined role in institutional
They exercise a substantive voice in policies, planning, and budget.
They have responsibility for recommendations about curriculum and student learning
Through its system of governance, LATTC ensures appropriate consideration of relevant
perspectives and timely acts on institutional plans, policies, curricular change, etc.
We document our decision-making and resulting decisions.
We regularly evaluate leadership roles and our governance and decision-making
policies and widely communicate the results.
Step: 1: Each team member writes down on post-it note 1 thing we do that addresses the question for
this sub-area (about 2-3 minutes).
Step 2: Each team member shares what they wrote.
Step 3: Dialogue as a team, focusing on quality and effectiveness. Then pick and write on flipchart the
top 3 things of what quality and effectiveness look like at Trade.
Step 4: Pick 1 to report to the body
Ground Rules
Keep it positive. Focus on what we are doing, not on what we need to improve
Focus on Quality and Effectiveness
Look at things broadly, not unit specific
There is no wrong answer
Guide: Quality and Effectiveness Focus Activity (20 minutes)
Objective: Delve deep into what quality and effectiveness mean to faculty, staff and administrators at
Trade-Tech in their standard sub-area. Lay groundwork for Program Review.
Description: Teams will address the question “What does quality and effectiveness look like for this
What does Quality and Effectiveness look like for sub-area IVB: Chief Executive Officer at Trade Tech?
The Standard
IVB: Chief
Executive Officer
What the Sub-Area is About
LATTC has a CEO (aka college president) who has primary responsibility for the college
and provides effective leadership in various key areas.
Our CEO plans, oversees and evaluates the college’s administrative structure.
Through established policies and procedures, he guides institutional improvement of
the teaching and learning environment.
He has the primary leadership role for accreditation.
Faculty, staff and administrative leaders are also responsible for assuring compliance
with accreditation requirements.
The CEO assures the implementation of laws, regulations, governing board policies.
Step: 1: Each team member writes down on post-it note 1 thing we do that addresses the question for
this sub-area (about 2-3 minutes).
Step 2: Each team member shares what they wrote.
Step 3: Dialogue as a team, focusing on quality and effectiveness. Then pick and write on flipchart the
top 3 things of what quality and effectiveness look like at Trade.
Step 4: Pick 1 to report to the body
Ground Rules:
Keep it positive. Focus on what we are doing, not on what we need to improve
Focus on Quality and Effectiveness
Look at things broadly, not unit specific
There is no wrong answer