AVMA core competence 4: Basic surgery skills, experience, and case management Intended overall program outcomes of the MSc-program supporting Competence 1 Explain the cause, diagnosis, prevention and treatment of common medical and surgical diseases in domestic animals, as well as malignant contagious diseases and zoonoses, including the relationship between etiology and pathological changes. Apply clinical, clinical pathological and paraclinical methods, principles, analyses and terms in diagnosis, treatment, monitoring and prevention of medical, surgical, reproductive and obstetric disorders, as well as notifiable diseases and zoonoses, on domestic animals under normal Danish conditions for clinical and practical work. Diagnose, treat and prevent disease in animals – on individual and herd level, including common occurring contagious diseases in Europe and obstetric conditions. Carry out and maintain work as professional licensed veterinarian according to current legislation. Formative assessment (participation and/or portfolios, MSc-courses Sum observation of supporting mapractical skills, Intended course outcomes competence 1 tive presentations exam etc.) Active Approv course al of partici- activiti pation es SVEK13005 Explain common medical, surgical and reproductive x Medicine, diseases in dogs and cats with regards to the incidence, surgery & etiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis, treatment and prognosis. reproduction, Record a relevant history from a client. x Companion Perform a full systematic clinical examination of a dog or x Animals cat (patient). Explain common techniques and materials in connection x x x with bandaging. Prepare a patient for a surgical procedure. x x Perform an aseptic preparation for surgery. x x Explain and perform basic surgery regarding the following: x x x atraumatic tissue handling, suturing, instrument handling, hemostasis. Manage complications related to a surgical procedure. x x Be able to work safely in a team of surgeons. x x SVEK 13004 Prepare a patient for a surgical procedure. x x x Medicine, Perform an aseptic preparation for surgery. surgery & Explain consideration when maneuvering in an aseptic x reproduction, environment. Large Animals Explain and perform basic surgical principles regarding the x x X following: atraumatic tissue handling, suturing, instrument handling, hemostasis, complications related to a surgical procedure. Handle and restrain an animal safely and humanly, and be x able to instruct others in these techniques. SVEK13008 Apply principles of aseptic surgery. x x General Identify causes of frequently occurring medical, surgical x x Clinical and reproductive disorders in large animals. Practice, Large Perform explorative laparotomy in the right and left flank x x Animals of cattle. Perform teat surgery on cattle. x x Produce correct operation records. x x Perform proper pre- and postoperative evaluation of the x x surgical patient. SVEK13007 Perform basic surgical procedures like sterilization, x x x General castration, dental treatment and surgery of minor tumors, Clinical Practice, Companion Animals SVEK13003 Veterinary Imaging SVEK13001 Veterinary Paraclinics SVEK13007 General Clinical Practice, Companion Animals SVEK13003 Veterinary Imaging SVEK13001 Veterinary Paraclinics MSc-elective courses supporting competence 1 SVEK13013 Advanced companion animals SVEK13020 Equine Clinic SVEK13010 Biomedicine as well as other minor interventions and procedures. Choose the appropriate imaging modality for common clinical presentations x Prepare a blood smear. Identify healthy and abnormal erythrocytes, leukocytes and platelets. Perform a leukocyte differential count. Perform urinalysis (sticks, refractometry, sediment analysis). Identify and classify inflammatory reactions in cytological specimens. Identify and classify neoplastic tissue types and criteria of malignancy in cytological specimens Perform and interpret antimicrobial susceptibility tests. X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Detect multidrug-resistant bacteria of clinical interest X X Choose appropriate samples and methods for laboratory analysis Interpret common clinical pathological and microbiological test results. Perform clear case reports X X X X X X To perform treatment, management and follow-up for the most important medical and surgical diseases and conditions in specialized companion animal practice. To independently diagnose and treat life threatening conditions. To perform treatment, management and follow-up for the most important medical and surgical diseases and conditions in specialized companion animal practice. To independently diagnose and treat life threatening conditions. Assisting with basic surgeries such as castrations, wounds etc. Post operative case management are performed by the students at all times of the day. All surgical cases admitted to the hospital are handled by the students in collaboration with a veterinarian. All surgical cases seen in the field practice are handled by the students in collaboration with a veterinarian. Use basic surgical methods in laboratory animal science. Be able to design, execute, evaluate and manage experimental animal research projects. Use theoretical and practical methodology in laboratory experiments employing live animals. x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x