Course Program

Comprehensive Management of Salivary Gland
May 12-14, 2016
Program Schedule
Thursday, May 12, 2016
7:00 AM
Registration and Continental Breakfast
8:00 AM
Welcome and Course Overview
Eric Moore, M.D., Daniel Price, M.D.
8:20 AM
Evaluation: Major Salivary Mass
Kerry Olsen, M.D.
8:35 AM
Felix Diehn, M.D.
8:50 AM
9:05 AM
FNS / Biopsy
Eric Moore, M.D., Daniel Price, M.D.
9:20 AM
Pathology of benign Neoplasms
Jean Lewis, M.D.
9:35 AM
Anatomy of the major salivary glands
Kathryn Van Abel, M.D.
9:50 AM
Break and Exhibits
10:10 AM
Facial nerve monitoring
Jeffrey Janus, M.D., Brandon Peck, M.D.
10:25 AM
Identification of the facial nerve
Jan Kasperbauer, M.D.
10:40 AM
Superficial parotidectomy – video
Daniel Price, M.D.
10:55 AM
Parapharynx/deep lobe – video
Eric Moore, M.D.
PANEL: Heinrich Iro, M.D., Jeffrey Janus, M.D., Jan Kasperbauer, M.D., Kerry Olsen, M.D., Daniel Price,
Moderator: Eric Moore, M.D. – Co-Course Director
11:10 AM
Massive neoplasms
Multiple / multifocal
Recurrent / revision
Post-operative issues: Frey’s, First bite, facial weakness, defeat, sialocele
GAN anesthesia
FN Schwannoma
Partial parotidectomy
12:00 PM
12:15 PM
Educational Video – Revision Parotid Surgery
12:45 PM
Sialoendoscopy history / development
Heinrich Iro, M.D.
1:00 PM
Sialoendoscopy equipment / practice set-up
Kathryn Van Abel, M.D.
1:15 PM
Obstructive disease work-up / etiology
Daniel Price, M.D.
1:30 PM
Imaging in obstructive disease
Felix Diehn, M.D.
1:45 PM
Diagnostic Sialoendoscopy
Michael Koch, M.D.
2:00 PM
Video case presentation: Diagnostic sialoendoscopy
Heinrich Iro, M.D.
2:15 PM
Interventional Sialoendoscopy
Heinrich Iro, M.D.
2:30 PM
Video Case Presentation: Stone Retrieval
Michael Koch, M.D.
2:45 PM
Advanced Sialoendoscopy For Stones
Heinrich Iro, M.D.
3:00 PM
Vidoe Case Presentation: Combined Approach to Stone
Michael Koch, M.D., Heinrich Iro, M.D.
3:15 PM
Video Case Presentation: Complex Endoscopy
3:30 PM
3:50 PM
Juvenile Parotitis/Sialorrhea
Laura Orvidas, M.D.
4:05 PM
Chronic Sialoadenitis
Daniel Price, M.D.
4:20 PM
Stone/Parotitis Panel
Moderator: Iro Heinrich, M.D.
Jan Kasperbauer, M.D., Eric Moore, M.D., Daniel Price, M.D. Michael Koch, M.D.
5:00 PM
Course Adjourned
Friday, May 13, 2016
7:30 AM
Continental Breakfast
8:00 AM
Intro to malignant salivary neoplasms
Eric Moore, M.D.
8:15 AM
Clinical hallmarks malignant disease
Kerry Olsen, M.D.
8:30 AM
Office evaluation
Jeffrey Janus, M.D.
8:45 AM
Radiographic evaluation of malignancy
David DeLone, M.D.
9:10 AM
Pre-operative planning
Michael Hinni, M.D.
9:25 AM
Pathology I
Jean Lewis, M.D.
9:40 AM
Pathology II
Joaquin Garcia, M.D.
9:55 AM
10:10 AM
Total Parotid – video
Eric Moore, M.D.
10:25 AM
Neck dissection
Jeffrey Janus, M.D.
10:40 AM
Extended parotid / VII / Temporal bone resection
Matthew Carlson, M.D.
11:05 AM
Radiation I Locally advanced disease / unresectable disease
Michelle Neben, M.D.
11:20 AM
Radiation II Gamma / Protons / Neutrons
Robert Foote, M.D.
11:30 AM
Chemotherapy for advanced salivary neoplasms
Katharine Price, M.D.
11:45 AM
Moderator: Daniel Price, M.D.
Michael Hinni, M.D., Henrich Iro, M.D., Jeffrey Janus, M.D., Jan Kasperbauer, M.D., Eric
Moore, M.D., Kerry Olsen, M.D.
12:15 PM
12:30 PM
Educational Video- Extended Parotidectomy
1:00 PM
Incisions / defect obliteration
Eric Moore, M.D.
1:20 PM
Post-op weakness management
Brandon Peck, M.D.
1:35 PM
Medical legal aspect of VII injury
1:50 PM
Dermal fat graft / SMAS – video
Eric Moore, M.D.
2:05 PM
VII Injury management / evaluation
Jan Kasperbauer, M.D.
2:20 PM
2:35 PM
Segment defect
Michael Hinni, M.D.
2:55 PM
Complete defect
Kathryn Van Abel, M.D.
3:20 PM
Management of the brow
Grant Hamilton, M.D.
3:35 PM
Management of the eye
Grant Hamilton, M.D.
3:50 PM
Lower Face
Daniel Price, M.D.
4:05 PM
Free flaps
Eric Moore, M.D.
4:20 PM
Thomas Nagel, M.D.
4:35 PM
Grant Hamilton, M.D., Michael Hinni, M.D., Jeffrey Janus, M.D., Jan Kasperbauer, M.D.,
Eric Moore, M.D., Thomas Nagel, M.D., Daniel Price, M.D., Kathryn Van Abel, M.D.
5:00 PM
Course Reception
Studio 324
Saturday, May 14, 2016
7:30 AM
Continental Breakfast – Stabile Building(9th Floor)
FACULTY: Grant Hamilton, M.D., Michael Hinni, M.D., Jeffrey Janus, M.D., Jan
Kasperbauer, M.D., Jean Lewis, M.D., Eric Moore, M.D., Thomas Nagel, M.D., Kerry Olsen,
M.D., Kathryn Van Abel, M.D., Heinrich Iro, M.D., Michael Koch, M.D.
8:00 AM
Duct entry
Stone retrieval
Combined procedures
Superficial Parotidectomy
Total Parotidectomy
11:30 AM
12:30 PM
Parapharyngeal space access
Facial reanimation
Sural Nerve Harvest
Orthodromic temporalis transfer and Labbe procedure
Gracilis Harvest
Gold weight placement
Nasal procedures
4:30 PM