List of Organisations in Ireland and UK Organisations in Ireland Addiction Tel: 01-8721133 Gamblers Anonymous (GA) is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength, and hope with each other to solve their common problem and help others recover from a gambling problem. Tel: 01-8420700 Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength, and hope with each other to solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking. Tel: 01-6728000 Narcotics Anonymous (NA) is a non-profit fellowship of men and women for whom drugs have become a major problem. This is a complementary resource to “How to Stop Gambling in 30+1 Days” book where users can download templates, read blogs, view videos etc. Financial Tel: 0761 07 2000 The Money Advice and Budgeting Service (MABS) is the only free, confidential, independent, and nonjudgmental service in Ireland for people in debt or in danger of getting into debt. Tel: 045 888 904 Money Adviser is a stand-alone, independent, personal finances advisory firm based in Ireland. Using only qualified financial advisers, they specialise in personal finance issues. Tel: 1890 432 432 The National Consumer Agency has expert information and useful tools on consumer rights and personal finance. Tel: 0761 07 4000 Citizens Information provides information on public services and entitlements in Ireland . Tel: 076 106 4200 The mission of the ISI is to help restore people who are insolvent to solvency in a fair, transparent, and equitable way. Website that is a complement to this recovery programme. Site contains templates, videos, discussion forums, blogs, FAQ’s etc. Legal Tel: 1890 350 250 FLAC is an independent human rights organisation dedicated to the realisation of equal access to justice for all. To this end, it campaigns on a range of legal issues but also offers some basic, free legal services to the public. Tel: 0761 07 4000 Citizens Information provides information on public services and entitlements in Ireland. Tel: 1890 615 200 The Legal Aid Board provides a professional, efficient, cost-effective, and accessible legal aid and mediation service. Tel: 01 667 1476 This site provides a user-friendly legal information resource about the law in Ireland. Mental Health Services Tel: 076 6801060 This is a community-based provider of mental health services. Tel: 01-6010000 This is a centre for the prevention of self-harm or suicide. Tel: 01-284 1166 This organization provides an information service on issues relating to mental health and mental illness through information fact-sheets, their website, and directly by telephone, post, and e-mail. Tel: 01-661 7211 This organization provides face-to-face, phone, and online support for individuals who are experiencing mild to moderate depression, as well as friends and families who are concerned for a loved one. Tel: 01-675 3554 This is a not-for-profit website created by young people for young people. Their service promotes general well-being and healthy living in order to prevent and positively intervene in harmful behaviour where it occurs amongst young people. Tel: 01-472 7010 Headstrong is The National Centre for Youth Mental Health, a non-profit organisation supporting young people’s mental health in Ireland. This website aims to improve awareness and understanding of mental health and well-being in Ireland. Tel: 1850 60 90 90 Samaritans is a national charity that wants to reduce emotional distress and reduce suicidal feelings so that fewer people die by suicide. Counselling and Therapy Tel: 01-5053112 ACCORD is an Irish voluntary Catholic organisation that aims to promote a deeper understanding of Christian marriage and to offer people the means to safeguard and nourish their marriage and family relationships. Tel: 1890 380 380 This is an Irish counselling agency providing services to those with problems in their personal relationships and related mental health and well-being issues. This is Ireland’s largest independent directory of accredited counsellors/psychotherapists and counselling services. Tel: 1890 907 265 This website seeks to identify, develop, and maintain professional standards of excellence in counselling and psychotherapy. Tel: 01-2108101 Solas offers a humanistic, person-centred approach to counselling and psychotherapy services. This is a free online service that provides practical advice and emotional support to people affected by problem gambling. Counselling service available for sufferers of panic and anxiety attacks. Dietary Advice This is a website offering dietary and nutritional advice. NHS Choices is the online “front door” to the NHS. It is the country’s biggest health website and gives all the information you need to make choices about your health. This is a useful article by the American Heart Association on diet and lifestyle recommendations. This is a website offering dietary and nutritional advice. This is a useful dietary and healthy eating article by the British Heart Foundation. Organisations in the United Kingdom Addiction Tel: 020 7384 3040 Gamblers Anonymous (GA) is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength, and hope with each other to solve their common problem and help others recover from a gambling problem. Tel: 0808 8020 133 GambleAware aims to promote responsibility in gambling and provide information to help people make informed decisions about their gambling. Tel: 0808 8020 133 GamCare provides support, information, and advice to anyone suffering through a gambling problem. This is a free online service that provides practical advice and emotional support to people affected by problem gambling. Tel: 0845 769 7555 Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength, and hope with each other to solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking. Gam-Anon is a fellowship of men and women who are husbands, wives, relatives, or close friends of gamblers who have been affected by the gambling problem. Tel: 0300 999 1212 Narcotics Anonymous (NA) is a nonprofit fellowship of men and women for whom drugs have become a major problem. This is a complementary resource to “How to Stop Gambling in 30+1 Days” book where users can download templates, read blogs, view videos etc. Mental Health Services rview.aspx NHS Choices is the online “front door” to the NHS. It is the country’s biggest health website and gives all the information you need to make choices about your health. Tel: 0300 123 3393 This organization provides advice and support to empower anyone experiencing a mental health problem. They campaign to improve services, raise awareness, and promote understanding. Financial Tel: 0300 500 5000 The Money Advice Service helps people manage their money. They do this directly through their own free and impartial advice service. Tel: 0800 092 124 This website offers financial advice by qualified financial professionals. Tel: 0808 808 4000 This is a helpline that provides free confidential and independent advice on how to deal with debt problems. Tel: 0800 138 1111 This is a free debt advice service. Tel: 020 7062 8933 Credit Action is the United Kingdom’s financial capability charity, dedicated to helping people stay on top of their money. Legal This website provides clients with fast, efficient, and, most importantly, high quality legal advice and assistance tailored to meet the expectations of each individual client. action_e/help_with_legal_costs.htm#legal_aid_for_criminal_cases This is a useful resource that provides information on civil legal aid and legal services. This website provides guidance on how to obtain free legal advice in the United Kingdom. Counselling and Therapy Tel: 08457 90 90 90 Samaritans is a national charity wanting to reduce emotional distress and reduce suicidal feelings so that fewer people die by suicide. Tel: 01455 883300 This is a psychological therapists’ register. Tel: 01384241292 This website provides advice, education, and high quality and innovative therapeutic support to problem gamblers and those affected by problem gambling. Counselling service available for sufferers of panic and anxiety attacks. Dietary Advice This is a website offering dietary and nutritional advice. NHS Choices is the online “front door” to the NHS. It is the country’s biggest health website and gives all the information you need to make choices about your health. This is a useful article on diet and lifestyle recommendations by the American Heart Association. This is a website offering dietary and nutritional advice. This is a useful dietary and healthy eating article by the British Heart Foundation. * Please note that while every effort has been made to ensure reliability and accuracy of the information, external websites, email addresses, and phone numbers within, all liability, negligence, or otherwise, from any use, misuse, or abuse of the operation of any methods, strategies, techniques, instructions, or ideas contained in the material herein, is the sole responsibility of the reader.