Cincinnati District Council Training and Formation Workshops From the time of the Society’s conception, Blessed Frederic Ozanam relied upon others, especially Sr. Rosalie Rondu, a Daughter of Charity, for direction and formation in the spirit of St. Vincent. In that same spirit, the Cincinnati District Council, through the Ozanam Center for Service Learning, offers these workshops for our conference members and officers to deepen their knowledge of the Society and their spirituality; improve the sensitivity, quality and efficiency of their service to the poor; and increase their awareness of available resources. Workshops for the Formation of All Vincentians Ozanam Orientation: This orientation covers the essential elements of what it means to be part of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. As Vincentians, we are all encouraged to attend an Ozanam Orientation, whether we are a new or prospective member looking for an introduction to SVDP, a current member wanting to understand Vincentian life and service more thoroughly, or a seasoned Vincentian desiring to deepen their experience of the Society. Annual Vincentian Retreat: We are all challenged to journey together toward holiness, which is central to our vocation. We each have different roles in the Society and journey toward holiness in different ways, yet we journey together. This retreat is designed to help us renew our Vincentian vocation, grow in holiness and refresh our zeal for helping our neighbors in need. Praying the Examen: St. Ignatius of Loyola’s Examen prayer is an excellent way to reflect on where God is found in everyday events. This workshop provides us with an introduction to this prayer style as a way for Vincentians to find Christ’s presence in our service. “Serving with a Vincentian Heart” Series: Workshops to Form More Compassionate Vincentians Understanding Poverty: Inspired by Dr. Ruby Payne’s very popular “Bridges out of Poverty,” this workshop provides a new lens for looking at some of the differences between economic classes that we often find perplexing. It is especially helpful for those seeking to deepen the Vincentian value of solidarity with the poor. Spiritual Tools for Home Visits: Bringing spiritual support to our neighbors-in-need is an important part of Vincentian life. This workshop examines how we pray with those we serve and provides some suggested tools for deepening that prayer, including a simple process for extemporaneous prayer. Ministry of Presence: This workshop focuses primarily on the skill of listening - something that sounds simple, but is actually a rich spiritual tool that can be deepened with practice. We provide tips on how to listen to our neighbors-in-need in a way that is especially helpful and healing. Workshops for the Formation of Conference Leaders and Decision-makers Servant Leadership/Conference Officer Training: What does it mean to be a servant leader like St. Vincent de Paul? This interactive workshop examines how the tools of spiritual, servant leadership can help our officers create conferences that are more life-giving for current members, more attractive to new members, and more effective in service to neighbors. Spiritual Advisor Formation: All conference Spiritual Advisors are encouraged to attend this workshop, whether expert or beginner. This is an opportunity to grow your effectiveness and confidence, deepen your under-standing of your role, assess your strengths and growth opportunities, and acquaint yourself with available resources. Vincentian Discernment: As Vincentians, we often have important and difficult decisions to make in meeting client needs. This workshop taps into Vincentian tradition to teach a four-step process of discernment, plus skills we need to become better decision-makers. Under Development for 2014 The Helping Process: Throughout the course of relationships with neighbors in need, it is important to have a clear understanding of our role as Vincentians in the context of what are often very complex situations. This training looks at steps to develop rapport, assess challenging circumstances, set expectations and boundaries, and work toward solutions in a collaborative way. Others? Is there a topic not listed that would be helpful for you or for your conference? We are happy to explore new workshops on new topics of interest. To learn more about any of these workshops, contact Don Gloeckler, Conference Formation Coordinator, 513-562-8841, ext. 767.