ZSL/UCL Springboard Fellowship in Conservation Science Job

Purpose of the Springboard Fellowship
The ZSL/UCL Springboard Fellow is an outstanding researcher, with an exceptional track
record in conservation science for his/her career stage
The Fellow will carry out innovative and visionary research in conservation science
The ZSL/UCL Springboard Fellowship provides a means for the fellow to establish themselves
and consolidate their position by using their fellowship to provide a basis for submitting
competitive applications for externally-funded fellowships or other personal awards
The Fellow will be supported to submit applications to major funding bodies at an early
stage during the four-year fellowship providing an opportunity to win substantial financial
support that will then enable them to establish an independent research career
The Fellowship Package
The Fellowship is for a period of four-years
Support will be provided for the fellow’s salary costs as well as £25,000 research support
The Fellow will be sponsored by a more senior researcher who will act as a mentor and who
will also ensure the fellow has access to the links, facilities and wider support needed to
establish and develop their own research agenda
The Fellow will be able to act, in the first instance, as second supervisor to PhD students
The Fellowship will be based at the Institute of Zoology (IoZ), Zoological Society of London
but with the potential to develop links with academic staff at University College London
The Fellowship will be awarded to the highest calibre candidate who is able to demonstrate
an exceptional track record in relation to their career stage, and the potential to submit
competitive fellowship or personal award applications at an early stage of the Springboard
The Fellowship is available for all areas of conservation science, although we particularly
encourage applications from people with interests in the following areas:
Global biodiversity change
Wildlife health
Threatened species conservation and management
Historical ecology
Conservation genetics
Conservation technology and remote sensing
Interactions between wildlife and people
The Fellowship post is for a fixed-term duration of four years, and provides salary and
support costs for the fellow
There are no restrictions on nationality. You will be required to provide evidence of your
eligibility to work in the UK before commencing any fellowship offered.
Fellowships are available to candidates who have not yet established an independent
research career
Candidates should have been awarded a PhD or equivalent research-related degree prior to
Candidates must identify a permanent member of research staff from within the Institute of
Zoology who will commit to sponsoring their application (http://www.zsl.org/science/iozstaff-students). Applications received without sponsors risk not being considered for shortlisting
How to apply
Please direct informal enquiries to Professor Ken Norris, Director of Science @ZSL
Please apply by email to HR@zsl.org including ‘ZSL/UCL Springboard Fellowship’ in the
subject box
Please attach to your email a 1-page statement on your research including how you would
intend to use the fellowship, a full CV including grants, awards and a full publications list,
and a completed Equality of Opportunity Monitoring Form (available from HR)
The deadline for applications is FRIDAY 4th SEPTEMBER 2015
Interviews will take place in September 2015 and we will expect the successful candidate to
take up their fellowship as soon as possible thereafter
The ZSL/UCL Springboard Fellow will be sponsored by a senior member of IoZ research staff
Sponsors provide a commitment that the Fellow will be provided with dedicated
research/laboratory space, access to field sites/specimens, support and facilities that allow
them to establish and pursue their independent research agenda
Any research group leader within IoZ with a permanent position who can make this
commitment can act as a sponsor
Sponsors must provide a letter of support, outlining this commitment, to be included with
the candidate’s Springboard Fellowship application
During recruitment to the Springboard Fellowship, research staff within IoZ should expect to
be contacted by prospective candidates requesting sponsorship
There is no obligation to become a sponsor: sponsors should assess the calibre of the
candidate and ability to commit the required resources before agreeing to act as a sponsor