Depth Study 4: Renaissance Italy

Stage 4 | History Program
TOPIC: Ancient to the Modern World
Stage 4
Year 8
Depth Study 4: Renaissance Italy
6 weeks
20 lessons
Historical Context of the Overview Following the collapse of the Roman Empire, the spread of Christianity and Islam, through to the development of Medieval Europe, this period saw the rise of Renaissance Italy. With the impact
of the Crusades and the growth of exploration, Italy was uniquely placed to benefit from the spread of new, and rediscovery of old, ideas. This period saw developments in art, science, religion,
politics and education and set the standard for the early Modern period.
Key Inquiry Questions
Focus Historical Skills
How did Renaissance Italy change over time to the beginning of the modern age?
Comprehension: chronology, terms and concepts
What key beliefs and values emerged and how did they influence Renaissance Italy?
Analysis and use of sources
What were the causes and effects of contact between societies in this period?
Perspectives and interpretations
Which significant people, groups and ideas from this period have influenced the world today?
Empathetic understanding
Explanation and communication
Framing Questions
What were the main changes that took place during the Renaissance? What emerged as the key
defining features of the Italian Renaissance?
To what extent was Italy destined to be the birthplace of the Renaissance? What was the significance
of the Renaissance?
Is the Renaissance overrated?
This unit of work was written by Anne Gripton, St. Pius X College, Chatswood. Copyright © of the unit of work is owned by AISNSW.
NSW syllabus content prepared by the Board of Studies, Teaching and Educational Standards NSW for and on behalf of the State of New South Wales is protected by Crown copyright.
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Outcomes -
Focus Historical Concepts
A student:
Continuity and change: Consider the changing nature of the Renaissance and its impact on Italy
and Europe. Was it really so different from the Medieval Period?
Cause and effect: What were the causes of the Renaissance, most particularly in Italy, and the
flow on effects of the Renaissance across Europe.
Perspectives: The differing perspectives of the religious, the artists, the scientists, the politicians,
the traders and explorers
Empathetic Understanding: Understanding the significant changes brought about by the
Renaissance in religion, culture, politics and how these affected a range of peoples
Significance: Consider the range of significant discoveries from the Renaissance: medicine,
politics, art, architecture, science
Contestability: Did the Renaissance have to begin in Italy? Is it overrated in terms of its
Describes and assesses the motives and actions of past individuals and groups in
the context of past societies HT4-3
Identifies the meaning, purpose and context of historical sources HT4-5
Identifies and describes different contexts, perspectives and interpretations of the
past HT4-7
Locates, selects and organises information from sources to develop an historical
inquiry HT4-8
Uses a range of historical terms and concepts when communicating an
understanding of the past HT4-9
Selects and uses appropriate oral, written, visual and digital forms to communicate
about the past HT4-10
Historical Language
Site Study
Age of Exploration
This is a site developed by Oxford University Press in association with the National Gallery of Art in
Great Britain. It would be appropriate for higher ability students
Golden Age
This is a Google Trek which includes tours of specific sites in Venice and on overview
Hieratic Scale
Papal Bull
This unit of work was written by Anne Gripton, St. Pius X College, Chatswood. Copyright © of the unit of work is owned by AISNSW.
NSW syllabus content prepared by the Board of Studies, Teaching and Educational Standards NSW for and on behalf of the State of New South Wales is protected by Crown copyright.
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Outcomes 
Sack of Rome
Vanishing Point
Focus Historical Concepts
Online Clips –
Khan Academy – Renaissance:
Crash Course History – The Renaissance, Was it a Thing?:
Engineering and Empire: Da Vinci’s World:
The Medici: Godfathers of the Renaissance:
Khan Academy: High Renaissance Art:
This unit of work was written by Anne Gripton, St. Pius X College, Chatswood. Copyright © of the unit of work is owned by AISNSW.
NSW syllabus content prepared by the Board of Studies, Teaching and Educational Standards NSW for and on behalf of the State of New South Wales is protected by Crown copyright.
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Assessment overview
Ancient to the Modern World
Semester 2
The Renaissance
Term 3, Week 5
Assessment for learning
Assessment as learning
Assessment of learning
Literacy: Paragraph writing
Google Drive Presentation: Everyday Life
Weighting: 25%
Source Analysis: Black Death, Humanism
Google Cultural institute: Gallery
Critical viewing: The Medici Godfathers
Reflection: Venice Trek
Empathy: Marco Polo
Research: Venetian Trade
Description of Task: Students assume a persona from the
time period and discuss the Renaissance as a Golden Age in
history. They are to present their empathy as a digital
Critical/Creating Thinking & Oral: Personalities
Investigation: Lucrezia Borgia
Extended Response: Impact of Renaissance
Outcomes: HT4-3, HT4-7, HT4-8, HT4-9, HT4-10
This unit of work was written by Anne Gripton, St. Pius X College, Chatswood. Copyright © of the unit of work is owned by AISNSW.
NSW syllabus content prepared by the Board of Studies, Teaching and Educational Standards NSW for and on behalf of the State of New South Wales is protected by Crown copyright.
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Research Task
Oral Presentation
Group Presentation
Inquiry Learning
Source Analysis
Essay/ Structured
Marco Polo Research
Individual Trading Cards
Daily life in Renaissance Italy
Google Cultural Institute
Lucrezia Borgia
Impact of the Renaissance
Pinterest - Venice
Empathy task on significant individual and their role during the Renaissance – ICT task
This unit of work was written by Anne Gripton, St. Pius X College, Chatswood. Copyright © of the unit of work is owned by AISNSW.
NSW syllabus content prepared by the Board of Studies, Teaching and Educational Standards NSW for and on behalf of the State of New South Wales is protected by Crown copyright.
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Teaching and learning strategies - including opportunities for
extension activities & adjustments
Background – Fall of Rome & the Middle Ages (1 lesson)
Overview Worksheet:
Teacher Exposition & Brainstorm: What do we know?
Support with Overview worksheet (see resources)
Literacy: Glossary
The way of life in Renaissance Italy (social, cultural,
economic and political features) and the roles and
relationships of different groups in society
Explain why this period is known as the
Identify on a map the city-states of Italy during
this period
Origins of the Renaissance (3-4 lessons)
Location & Origins:
Teacher exposition: “Renaissance” from French renaissance, from re- 'back, again'
+naissance 'birth' (from Latin nascentia, from nasci 'be born'). Essentially, “Rebirth”.
Class discussion:
What does this mean, to be “reborn” in history & civilisation?
What does “civilisation” mean? – What does it sound like? Look like? What can we
connect it to?
What was Italy like before the Renaissance?
Describe the everyday life of men, women and
children in Renaissance Italy
Roman Empire/Classicism…ruins reminded it of its former glory, held knowledge of
the past.
Describe key economic and political features of
Renaissance Italy
Show pictures of classical architecture of Greece and Rome eg Temple of Vesta in
Rome, Pantheon, Colosseum, Acropolis, and then pictures of Renaissance
architecture: Tempietto di San Pietro in Montorio, St Peter’s Basilica, the Church of
San Lorenzo.
(Good background reading on the rise
of the Renaissance in Italy)
How do we see echoes of the past? Are these copies or new interpretations?
Mapping: Examine a map of the Mediterranean and the countries surrounding it.
Which country is Italy?
What do they notice about its geographical position?
This unit of work was written by Anne Gripton, St. Pius X College, Chatswood. Copyright © of the unit of work is owned by AISNSW.
NSW syllabus content prepared by the Board of Studies, Teaching and Educational Standards NSW for and on behalf of the State of New South Wales is protected by Crown copyright.
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Teaching and learning strategies - including opportunities for
extension activities & adjustments
Why would this be an advantage?
(Centre of Mediterranean for sea trade, connected to mainland for land trade. Saw an
increase in wealth and leisure time which saw the flourishing of the arts. Place of
refuge for scholars after the Ottomans took Constantinople, bringing knowledge with
Examine a map of the Italian city states:
What do they notice about Italy?
What do “D. of” and “Rep. of” mean? What does this tell you about the nature of
government in those states and throughout Italy? (Count to see how many of each?)
Compare/contrast with a map of modern Italy – what areas did Renaissance Italy
control that they no longer do? Why might that be? What does this tell us about the
extent of the power of Renaissance Italy?
Why/How would these city states cause the development of the Renaissance in Italy?
(Competition – city-states trying to assert their dominance, culture over others)
Mapping: Students use a blank map to draw in the city-states and their major centres
including ports and trade centres. They should also include trade routes.
This site looks at everyday objects found inside Renaissance homes and where they
came from
Research: the basis of wealth for each city-state including: Venice, Florence, Milan,
Genoa, Siena
Literacy: Students write a paragraph explaining the origins of the Renaissance in Italy.
(See Renaissance Origins Paragraph Writing worksheet)
Extension: What if the Renaissance had begun in _________? (eg Russia, Germany,
Everyday Life:
This unit of work was written by Anne Gripton, St. Pius X College, Chatswood. Copyright © of the unit of work is owned by AISNSW.
NSW syllabus content prepared by the Board of Studies, Teaching and Educational Standards NSW for and on behalf of the State of New South Wales is protected by Crown copyright.
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Teaching and learning strategies - including opportunities for
extension activities & adjustments
Life in Renaissance Italy (2 - 3 lessons)
Source Analysis: The Black Death in Florence (See Florentine Source Sheet)
Discussion: How would the Black Death have affected the birth of the Renaissance
Critical Viewing:
Engineering an Empire – DaVinci’s World
What impressions do they have about the importance of the Renaissance?
Have students mindmap their learning from the documentary
Create a presentation. One slide per group. (See GoogleDrive Guide)
Each slide should contain: Four main points of information, two primary sources (visual
and written)
Students to research aspects of everyday life including –
Have students do mini-presentations on their slides to the class
Significant developments and/or cultural
Humanism (1 lesson)
This unit of work was written by Anne Gripton, St. Pius X College, Chatswood. Copyright © of the unit of work is owned by AISNSW.
NSW syllabus content prepared by the Board of Studies, Teaching and Educational Standards NSW for and on behalf of the State of New South Wales is protected by Crown copyright.
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Teaching and learning strategies - including opportunities for
extension activities & adjustments
achievements that reflect the concentration of
wealth and power in the city-states (ACDSEH056)
Source Analysis: Examine the source by Vergelius the Elder (see The New Education
Source Sheet).
What does this tell us about the ideas behind Humanism?
Using a range of sources, investigate and
explain the importance of at least ONE of the
following achievements of Renaissance Italy:
painting, sculpture, architecture, science and
technology, literature and humanist thinking
Describe how the patronage of wealthy families
encouraged these developments and/or cultural
Teacher exposition:
Ideas of humanism, partial rejection of Catholicism (Heresy?), value of humanity,
independent thinking
Video: Horrible Histories – The Renaissance Report
Discussion: Is Humanism still part of our education today?
Extension: Humanism was learning for the sake of learning. Is this still appropriate in
today’s society? Have students look at job growth and consider whether we “learn to
Art (2 lessons)
Continuity and Change: Show students a range of art from the Medieval Period – a
quick Google Image search should suffice.
What do they notice about:
The subject(s) and how they are presented
The colours, backgrounds
The perspective/size of people, buildings (Hieratic Scale)
ART: MacMillan History 8 The Ancient
to the Modern World p139
Metropolitan Museum of Art – A
Resource for Educators
Compare and contrast: Show students a range of art from the Renaissance –
What changes do they note? (Perspective, Vanishing Point)
This unit of work was written by Anne Gripton, St. Pius X College, Chatswood. Copyright © of the unit of work is owned by AISNSW.
NSW syllabus content prepared by the Board of Studies, Teaching and Educational Standards NSW for and on behalf of the State of New South Wales is protected by Crown copyright.
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Teaching and learning strategies - including opportunities for
extension activities & adjustments
Why might this be?
Brainstorm: How did such changes come about?
Students to mindmap possible reasons
Students construct an art gallery using Google Cultural Institute. They are to choose 6
paintings that represent the main features of Renaissance Art. They should annotate each
painting, explaining why it is significant.
Also look at the range of works that DaVinci created: Was he a “Renaissance Man”?
Research: Students investigate the artists supported by patrons such as Lorenzo de
Medici (“the Magnificent”) and find examples of their work. Use Google Street View to
take a tour of the Uffizi Gallery
Critical Viewing: Students watch Episode 2 of Medici Godfathers of the Renaissance
Use worksheet/lesson from PBS:
Relationships between rulers and ruled in ONE
Italian city-state (ACDSEH057)
Case Study: The Serene Republic of Venice (2 - 3 lessons)
Map: Use GoogleEarth to examine the layout of Venice. Online trek:
This unit of work was written by Anne Gripton, St. Pius X College, Chatswood. Copyright © of the unit of work is owned by AISNSW.
NSW syllabus content prepared by the Board of Studies, Teaching and Educational Standards NSW for and on behalf of the State of New South Wales is protected by Crown copyright.
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Teaching and learning strategies - including opportunities for
extension activities & adjustments
Discuss the relationships between rulers and
ruled in ONE Italian city-state, eg Pisa,
Florence, Naples, Venice or Rome
What can we deduce from Venice through the Google Trek? Think about:
Urban planning
Note that it is a group of islands within a marshy lagoon. How could Venice become such
a powerful place?
Trade (Port city)
Relationship with Byzantine Empire
Acquisition of land through Croatia
Teacher Exposition: Use HTAV Venice Social Life/Myth of Venice PowerPoints (there
are a number of these online) to outline social/political order
Government: Thalassocracy. Ruled by a Doge (Duke/Duce), with a secretive Council of
Ten (The Signoria), and a Senate of 200 – 300. All had to be from respectable families
(“The Book of Gold”). Religiously moderate (did not persecute anyone during Counter
Reformation), but restrictive, particularly for Jews. Cosmopolitan. Quickly adopted the
printing press
Research: Students investigate the range of Venetian products and trade (eg textiles,
glass, salt, spices, shipbuilding etc) and ideas. Find examples/pictures of these and use
This unit of work was written by Anne Gripton, St. Pius X College, Chatswood. Copyright © of the unit of work is owned by AISNSW.
NSW syllabus content prepared by the Board of Studies, Teaching and Educational Standards NSW for and on behalf of the State of New South Wales is protected by Crown copyright.
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Teaching and learning strategies - including opportunities for
extension activities & adjustments
Pinterest to create a visual gallery. (See Pinterest Help Guide)
NOTE: It is important for students to realise that it was more than just trade – with new
products came new ideas and peoples. While there was apparent Venetian
cosmopolitanism, this caused a growth in the elitist nature of Venetian society.
Class Discussion: What does the range of products/goods/ideas tell us about Venetian
Empathy: Students research the journey of Marco Polo through first playing this game:
Impact of Trade on Venetian Society:
Shopping the Renaissance:
Consumerism in Renaissance Italy:
Students are to choose two places along his journey (eg Hormuz, Kashgar, Shangdu) and
find out what Marco Polo wrote about them.
They are then to write a dialogue or letter responding to Marco’s descriptions from a
Venetian perspective. Would they believe him? What would be their main interest?
Extension: Students investigate the historicity of Marco Polo’s claims – some say he
never went to these places. Explore the truth of his works and travels.
Note: Alternate Case Studies of Florence and the Medici are available through:
Jacaranda Retroactive 1 (online), Macmillan History 8 The Ancient to the Modern World,
and Oxford Big Ideas History 8 OBook (Online)
The role and achievements of significant individuals
Investigate and assess the importance of
Significant Individuals (2-3 lessons)
Critical/Creative Thinking: Students use ReadWriteThink Trading Card Creator to develop a
trading card on one of the significant individuals.
Other individuals to add: Lorenzo de Medici, Giovanni Boccaccio, Isabella d'Este, Cosimo
This unit of work was written by Anne Gripton, St. Pius X College, Chatswood. Copyright © of the unit of work is owned by AISNSW.
NSW syllabus content prepared by the Board of Studies, Teaching and Educational Standards NSW for and on behalf of the State of New South Wales is protected by Crown copyright.
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significant individuals, eg Cesare Borgia,
Lucrezia Borgia, Caterina Sforza, Leonardo da
Vinci, Michelangelo, Artemisia, Niccolo
Machiavelli,Galileo Galilei
Use sources to identify different perspectives on
the chosen individuals
Teaching and learning strategies - including opportunities for
extension activities & adjustments
de Medici, Pope Alexander VI, Pope Sixtus IV, Filippo Brunelleschi, Pico Della Mirandola
Oral Task: Once the cards are complete & printed, students can work in groups to debate
whose significant individual had the most impact. Winners from each group should then
go up against each other for the class to decide on the most significant person from the
Italian Renaissance.
Investigation: Lucrezia Borgia
Lucrezia Borgia: Family Tree
Construct a timeline of her life (Use
Find out who her father was, her brothers, how many times she was married (and at
what age). How would this have affected her? What does this tell us about her?
Source Analysis: Use the source sheet (Lucrezia Borgia Sources) and consider differing
representations and interpretations of her.
Critical Viewing: Documentary on Lucrezia Borgia
Biography Channel Documentary:
(NB: There are some discussions
regarding the alleged incest)
Literacy: Write a response discussing their view on Lucrezia Borgia’s character – Victim?
Good? Corrupt?
Extension: Students research Isabelle D’Este, Lucrezia’s sister-in-law. Have them
develop a conversation between the two women regarding the role of women in
Renaissance Italy.
The spread of Renaissance culture to the rest of
Europe and its legacy (ACDSEH059)
Explain how ideas from Renaissance Italy
Teacher Exposition: The decline of the Renaissance in Italy:
Increasing conflict in Italy – Causes?
Sack of Rome – Impact?
Reformation, Counter-Reformation & Heresy – Impact of rule of Rome, and thus Italy?
Changing trade routes exploration of the “New World” – Age of Exploration & growth
This unit of work was written by Anne Gripton, St. Pius X College, Chatswood. Copyright © of the unit of work is owned by AISNSW.
NSW syllabus content prepared by the Board of Studies, Teaching and Educational Standards NSW for and on behalf of the State of New South Wales is protected by Crown copyright.
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Teaching and learning strategies - including opportunities for
extension activities & adjustments
of Imperialism – New trade routes to the Americas and Asia through Spain and
Portugal. Effects on Italian trade? Use this timelime to examine the “New” Vs “Old” worlds and the
spread to the rest of Europe and outline its
Closure of the eastern trade routes by the Ottoman Empire – Why?
Growth of unified nations, eg France, England – How? Effect on Italy (think size,
Cause and Effect: Students brainstorm what they know about :
Shakespeare – make connections through literature, art, Romeo & Juliet, Merchant of
Venice, Twelfth Night, etc.
Reformation – have they heard of that? What do they know? Martin Luther & Papal
How would the Renaissance spread from Italy to Germany, France and England?
Differences between Northern and
Italian Renaissance:
Flow Chart – Spread of Renaissance
Compare/Contrast: Paintings from Albrecht Durer, Jan van Eyck, Pieter Bruegel (the
Elder) with those of the Italian painters – what are the differences, why?
Literacy: Students write a response to “Discuss the impact of the Italian Renaissance”
Extension: Students compare a Petrarch sonnet with one by Shakespeare
Students create a PMI (Plus/Minus/Interesting) on the Renaissance
Students consider – was it a “Golden Age” (go back to definition).
Think back to the Engineering and Empire Video – have their studies supported the
greatness of the era?
This unit of work was written by Anne Gripton, St. Pius X College, Chatswood. Copyright © of the unit of work is owned by AISNSW.
NSW syllabus content prepared by the Board of Studies, Teaching and Educational Standards NSW for and on behalf of the State of New South Wales is protected by Crown copyright.
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Teaching and learning strategies - including opportunities for
extension activities & adjustments
Watch Crash Course – The Renaissance, Was it a Thing? (YouTube)
Do they agree that the Renaissance was a Golden Age? Think about the points raised by
John Green – does one have to be aware of history happening for history to have
Class Debate
The Renaissance – Was it a thing?
Divide students into groups:
No Way
Students are given time to prepare, present, rebut and attack cases.
Student judges make the decision based on the evidence
Extension: Students create their own checklist for what constitutes a “Golden Age” and
see how it compares with the Renaissance.
This unit of work was written by Anne Gripton, St. Pius X College, Chatswood. Copyright © of the unit of work is owned by AISNSW.
NSW syllabus content prepared by the Board of Studies, Teaching and Educational Standards NSW for and on behalf of the State of New South Wales is protected by Crown copyright.
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Teaching and Learning Program Evaluation
Program or Unit Title: ___________________________________________________________
Class: ________________
Teacher: _____________________________________
Was the program well-structure and coherent?
To what extent did the program engage all students in the class?
Did the program assist all students to achieve the learning
What improvements could be made?
Were the resources used appropriately in terms of age level,
variety and the ability to engage the students?
What improvements could be made?
Did the program incorporate a range of quality, valid assessment
Reflect and comment on the level of student achievement in this
What improvements could be made to assist students to achieve
the outcomes?
Date Commenced: ____________________________
Date Completed: _____________________________
Signature: _________________________________________
This unit of work was written by Anne Gripton, St. Pius X College, Chatswood. Copyright © of the unit of work is owned by AISNSW.
NSW syllabus content prepared by the Board of Studies, Teaching and Educational Standards NSW for and on behalf of the State of New South Wales is protected by Crown copyright.
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These materials have been developed by the AIS through funding provided by the NSW Government to support new syllabus implementation. Copyright is owned by
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The copyright of AISNSW is noted on any part which is copied or noted
If any other licence is sought, inquiries should be directed to the Executive Director of AISNSW.
This unit of work was written by Anne Gripton, St. Pius X College, Chatswood. Copyright © of the unit of work is owned by AISNSW.
NSW syllabus content prepared by the Board of Studies, Teaching and Educational Standards NSW for and on behalf of the State of New South Wales is protected by Crown copyright.
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