Renaissance Beyond Italy

 In the first half of the fifteenth century European states
continued disintegrative patterns including war and
disorganization of the previous centuries
Following Italy’s lead attempts were made to re-establish
the centralized power of the monarch
The main followers of the movement, France, Spain and
England became known as the “renaissance states”
Western Europe, especially England, succeeded in creating
a long lasting monarch. In central and eastern Europe the
monarch was weak and had much trouble establishing
This change in state power led to the Renaissance
movement reaching all parts of Europe changing every
country it reached
 Word got around of Italy’s superior knowledge and art so artists and
scholars from all over Europe traveled to Italy to study. They would
than travel back home with stories and ideas from the new renaissance
movement .
Scholars and philosophers wrote papers that showcased Europe’s
changing worldview.
Math and Sciences were popularized and adapted to every day use.
These changing ideas led to a decline of trust in the church as facts and
evidence was now the mainstream way of thinking.
European artists learnt knew skills and techniques and brought home
art focused on every day life and normal scenes as appose to pre
renaissance art focused almost entirely on religious figures.
 Johannes Gutenberg invented
the printing press in 1440 and
forever changed the lives of
people in Europe
 The invention of the printing
press played a huge role in the
renaissance movement. Books
were now being translated into
all European languages and
were easily accessible to the
public (no matter what class).
 The press also helped spread
revolutionary ideas that sparked
the beginning of the movement.
Woodcut from 1568
 When forgotten Greek and Roman stories were
rediscovered and printed in England it started a
movement of new age art, drama and music not seen
until the renaissance.
 Large theatres and play houses were built in honour
of the most spectacular plays and writers. The most
famous renaissance writer to come out of England was
William Shakespeare.
 Technology originally taught in Italy brought England
many advancements. In particular new technology
greatly affected England's sea life. Improvement in
navigation led to more accurate and detailed
compasses and maps, faster and safer boats led
Captains to travel further and further from the main
land. With the fast improvements in ships England
would eventually have the most extensive array of
boats that would travel to unknown lands at the time
eventually including North America among others.
 Although the technology and ideas of
the Renaissance reached France
comparatively early the black death
and the 100 year war kept France from
reaching it’s economic and political
peak in the late fifteen hundreds.
 Francis l of France and his son Henry ll
considered the main figures of the
French renaissance.
 In 1516 Francis l invited Leonardo Da
Vinci to his palace and gave him a
place to stay and work. Leonard
brought and painted many
unmatchable works of art including
the Mona Lisa. The King loved Italian
art so much he encouraged all art to
shift to this new modern art form.
 Line of French kings created an
maintained a successful army.
 In the early fifteenth century, the Iberian Peninsula was a vast mix of
different people and cultures. They all fought against each other to
achieve dominance. Unification came when Ferdinand (future King of
Aragon) married Isabella (future Queen of Castile). It was an arranged
marriage with the intention of solidifying two major opposing regions.
They combined their realms to create Spain.
 After the Kingdom of Spain was created the culture and beliefs of the
European renaissance grew in popularity and were adapted into the
new Spanish society.
 An Italian movement that began simply as an
attempt to relearn and remember ancient writings
became the basis for a movement that would change
the world forever.
 Without the spread of the renaissance in Europe
perhaps history would have never played out the way
it did, from the evolution of art to science and math
that helped guide nations to lands overseas.
Although the renaissance began in Italy it truly grew
and flourished in lands all over Europe.