TEXAS INTERNATIONAL JUNIOR BRANGUS SHOW BRYAN, TEXAS JUNE 18-21, 2014 Greetings!!! It is time again to get ready for the Texas International Junior Brangus Breeders show to be held in Bryan, Texas at the Brazos County Expo Center, June 18-21, 2014. The Black and Red Brangus cattle will show together as a single breed. The show is a great time for lots of fun, family, and fellowship with all the juniors from across the state. Along with all the showmanship, public speaking, photography, digital art and team fitting we have a number of fun activities scheduled. Quiz bowl is a great time to test your knowledge about cattle and the Brangus organization as well. Get your team ready. If you don't have a team we can draft one for you. Adults you can join in the fun as well. We will have a “Fun Night” activity on Thursday evening as well as a General Membership Meeting. Lunch will be provided each day at the Expo Center to keep things easy and convenient. Meal tickets need to be purchased when you register at a cost of $15 per exhibitor or $20 per non exhibitor. These prices include a full catered meal and drinks on Thursday and Friday at lunch as well as the Awards Program and Dinner on Saturday. The menu for Thursday and Friday will include McAlester’s Deli and Cane’s Chicken. A delicious steak dinner will be provided at the Awards Program on Saturday afternoon. If you need to add additional meal purchases upon registration at the show, the cost will be $20 per person. Mark your calendars, send in your entries and get packing. Come have a ball in Bryan with all your Brangus friends and meet some new ones too! TJBBA Board of Directors Adrian Whipple Elizabeth Wishert Claire Smart Brandon Hicks DJ Duty Aimee Adamak Kacie Wallace Demi Hunt Kourtney Gardner Victoria Parkey HOTEL INFORMATION The headquarters hotel for the 2014 Texas International Junior Brangus Show is the Best Western Premier at Old Town Center, 1920 Austin’s Colony Pkwy, Bryan, TX 77802 Phone: 979-731-5300. This is also the host hotel for the National Junior Brangus Show, July 20-26, 2014. Please specify TEXAS Jr. Brangus Breeder’s Block. Please Call (979-731-5300) directly and ask for the Texas Junior Brangus Breeder's Assn Block of Rooms. It is very important to call the Bryan Best Western directly rather than making an on-line reservation. This will ensure our Special Room Rate of $105.00 Single/Night a n d $ 1 0 9 . 0 0 D o u b l e / N i g h t plus tax. The Hotel has a complimentary breakfast and outdoor pool. Currently the room block will expire May 2 5 , 2014. Other hotels in the area: Hampton Inn (979-846-0184), Holiday Inn Express (979846-8700), La Quinta (979-696-7777), Ramada Inn (979-846-0300). TEXAS INTERNATIONAL JUNIOR BRANGUS SHOW EXHIBITOR INFORMATION JUNE 1 8 -21, 2014 BRENHAM, TEXAS I. The deadline for all entries is May 1 0 , 2014. For entries postmarked May 1 1 - 2 5 , 2014 add $50.00. No entries will be accepted after this date. 2. Exhibitors must not have had their 22nd birthday by January 1, 2014 to be eligible to show. Texas residents must be paid members of the TJBBA to enter. Residents of other states are not required to be members of the TJBBA. 3. All animals must be registered with the IBBA and original registration papers must be in the name of the junior exhibitor at least 60 days (April 23rd) prior to exhibition. 100% ownership in the name of the junior, on the registration papers must be maintained throughout the exhibitor's career in junior events. No partnerships, co-owned, or co-op entries will be accepted. Also, NO PENDING PAPERS will be accepted. (See Animals Eligible for Registration) 4. Papers will be checked at the show and original registration papers must be presented. Prior to check-in, heads of breeding animals must be clipped of all hair including top knots, and be free of scurs and/or slick spots. 5. All animals must be shown by the individual in whose name the animal is registered, unless the individual has more than one entry in a class. An exception to this requirement may be allowed upon approval by the advisory board for TJBBA Members participating in a 4-H or FFA event. Exhibitors participating in the 4-H or FFA event may have their animals exhibited by another TJBBA member in good standing. A parent (or guardian) of the absent exhibitor must be present at the TJBBA State Show at the time of exhibition. A written request for this exception must be made to the TJBBA advisors prior to the commencement of the State Show for approval. 6. An entry fee of $30.00 per head per class must accompany each entry. Checks should be made payable to the TJBBA. Entry deadline is May 10, 2014. No refunds will be given after this date. 7. All entries will be under the control and direction of the show superintendents/advisors, and the IBBA, TBBA, and TJBBA will not be responsible for any loss, injury, or damage done to, occasioned by, or arising from any animal or article exhibited by an individual. He or she shall indemnify the above associations and organizations against all legal and other proceedings in regard thereto, as well as damage or injury to any other persons or property, caused by the exhibitor or any of the animals exhibited by the exhibitor or any of the animals entered. 8. Persons making entries in the show shall agree to abide by all rules and regulations of the IBBA, TBBA and TJBBA. 9. There is no limit to the numbers of animals that may be entered by an exhibitor. 10. Heifer classes and Bred and Owned Heifer classes will consist of females born on or after May 1, 2012. Bull classes and Bred and Owned Bull classes will consist of bulls born on or after May 1, 2011. 11. "Bred and Owned" means the junior must be the breeder and the owner of the animal entered. "Breeder" is defined as the owner of the dam at time of service. "First owner" is defined as the owner of the dam at the time the calf is born. The junior exhibitor must be the recorded owner of the dam prior to conception. No back dating of papers will be allowed. 12. A special Cow/Calf Pair Division will be offered. The calf at side must be the cow's natural calf (no ET calves) and not more than 255 days of age by show date. The calf must also be registered with the IBBA. There will be two classes: *Cows calved January 1, 2012 to April 30, 2012 *Cows calved January 1, 2010 to December 31, 2011 ***ENTRY DEADLINE IS MAY 10, 2014*** 13. All cattle entries will be listed in the program in order of age from youngest to oldest. Individual classes will be divided based on the number o f entries. No class will be larger than 10 head. 14. Barn facilities will be available Wednesday, June 1 8 t h , 2014 at noon. No animals or equipment will be allowed in the barn before this time. Entries must be in place by 8:00 a.m. on June 19th, 2014. RV and Trailer Hookups: Please contact the Expo Center directly to make arrangements. 15. Each exhibitor is responsible for the feeding and care of his or her own animals. Each exhibitor is responsible for cleaning their stall area before leaving. 16. Show Supplies will be available during the show from Supreme Show Supply and Sullivan Show Supply. If you would like to view their product line s in advance, please see their website s at www.supremeshowsupply.com and www.sullivanshowsupply.com . 17. Health certificates and registration papers will be required on each animal. These documents will be checked beginning at 9:00am on June 1 9 th , 2014. 18. All contests, including Showmanship, will be divided into three divisions, Junior (7 -11), Intermediate (12-15), and Senior (16-21). Age is as of January 1, 2014. 19. Exhibitors unable to handle or control their c a t t l e will not be allowed to show. 20. Entries will be released after the conclusion of the show. Any Exhibitor not attending the A wards Banquet on Saturday, June 21st, 2014 WILL FORFEIT ALL AWARDS. Exhibitor Meals for the Awards Banquet are i n c l u d e d i n t h e i r m e a l r e g i s t r a t i o n . Additional Banquet tickets may be purchased by family members and/or guests for $15.00 each. 21. All exhibitors will be required to wear the official 2014 Texas International Junior Brangus Show TShirt during the show on Saturday, June 21st. Each exhibitor will be provided with one T -shirt at no cost. Additional T-shirts may be purchased at $15.00 each. At time of entry, please state the size and number of T-shirts needed. If attending the 2014 NJBS Show in Bryan, Texas please take your 2014 TJBBA shirt with you to be worn for opening ceremonies there. Section I. Animals Eligible for Registration A. "Brangus®" or "Red Brangus™" Cattle These by definition are animals of 3/8 Brahman breeding and 5/8 Angus breeding, are black or red, respectively, with no white in front of the navel; and are polled or scurred. "Brangus®" or "Red Brangus™" may be registered in and by the Association provided they are produced from breeding as follows: 1. Known Brangus® or Red Brangus™ sire and dam registered in and by the Association. 2. Known purebred Angus animal enrolled in and by the Association and a known animal of 3/4 Brahman breeding and 1/4 Angus breeding certified in and by the Association. 3. A known animal of 1/4 Brahman breeding and 3/4 Angus breeding certified in and by the Association and a known animal of 1/2 Brahman breeding and 1/2 Angus breeding certified in and by the Association 4 Known progeny from animals recorded in the Brangus®/Red Brangus™ Appendix Program that meet all Association requirements for registration other than those specified under 1,2 or 3 of this section. IBBA Site TEXAS INTERNATIONAL JUNIOR BRANGUS SHOW Brenham, Texas JUNE 1 8 -21, 2014 CONTEST RULES & INFORMATION ALL CONTEST PARTICIPANTS MUST BE A CURRENT TJBBA MEMBER AS OF MAY 1 0 , 2014. Showmanship Contest This contest will be open to any current TJBBA member, whose dues are paid for 2014. Showmanship competition consists of three divisions: Junior (7-11 yrs. old), Intermediate (12-15 yrs. old), and Senior (16-21 yrs. old). The age is as of January 1 , 2014. No prior selection process or requirements must be met to participate. The Brangus animal used in the showmanship contest does not have to be owned by the showman. However, each individual showman is responsible for securing an animal to show. The winner in each division will receive a trophy buckle. Photography Contest This contest will be open to any current TJBBA member, whose dues are paid for 2014. One (1) entry is allowed per contestant. Three divisions of the Photography Contest will be available in 2014: Junior (7-11), Intermediate (12-15), and Senior (16-21). Contestants should submit a 5 x 7 inch color or black & white photograph, mounted on an 8" x 1 0" piece of black poster-board. NO PHOTOCOPIES; ALL PHOTOS MUST BE PRINTED ON ORIGINAL PHOTO PAPER. The following information must be written on the back of the poster-board: Contestant's name, hometown, and age (as of 1/1/2014). Photos MUST BE ORIGINALS, must include Brangus and cannot be altered or image-enhanced in any way. JUNIORS MUST BE THE SOLE PHOTOGRAPHER. Judges will evaluate the entries, and first, second, and third prizes will be awarded in each of the three divisions. Photography C ontest entries should be brought with you to Bryan. Then entries will be collected on Thursday, June 19 th at contest check-in time. Digital Art Contest This contest will be open to any current TJBBA member, whose dues are paid for 2014. One (1) entry is allowed per contestant. Three divisions of the Digital Art Contest will be available in 2014: Junior (7-11), Intermediate (12-15), and Senior (16-21). Contestants should submit a 5x7 print of the artwork mounted on an 8”x10” piece of black poster-board. The following information must be written on the back of the poster-board: Contestant's name, hometown, and age (as of 1/1/2014). Digital Art images are created or drastically altered in software like Adobe Photoshop®, Photoshop Elements, Aperture or iPhoto. JUNIORS MUST BE THE SOLE PHOTOGRAPHER AND ARTISTIC DEVELOPER. DIGITAL ART MUST INCLUDE BRANGUS. Judges will evaluate the entries, and first, second, and third prizes will be awarded in each of the three divisions. Digital Art Contest entries should be brought with you to Bryan. Entries will be collected on Thursday, June 19th at contest check-in time. Public Speaking Contest This contest will be open to any current TJBBA member, whose dues are paid for 2014. Three divisions will be available in 2014: Junior (7-11), Intermediate (12-15), and Senior (16-21). Contestants are required to submit at check-in (10 am Thursday, June 1 9 th, 2014) three (3) typewritten, double-spaced copies of their speech on 8 1/2" x 11" white paper. No visual aids will be allowed. Please mark Public Speaking on Registration Summary Sheet. Typed speeches should also include a bibliography. Topics must pertain to Brangus cattle or the Brangus breed in general. There is no minimum time limit in the Junior and Intermediate divisions, but there is a maximum time limit of six (6) minutes. The Senior division has a minimum time limit of five (5) minutes and a maximum time limit of eight (8) minutes. Contestants in each division will draw for the order in which the speeches will be presented to the judges. Junior and Intermediate division contestants will not have a limit on the number of cards they use. Contestants in the Senior division may use note cards with information on one side only. Excessive reference to note cards may result in deductions from a contestant's overall score. Judges will be furnished with a typewritten copy of contestants' speech. Each judge will be allowed to ask questions. After each contestant has made his/her presentation, they will be scored on composition and delivery. A time keeper will record the time used by each contestant in delivering the speech, noting under time and overtime, if any, for which deductions will be made. Entries for Public Speaking Contest must be submitted by cattle entry deadline. All-Around Champion Competition At the 2014 Texas International Junior Brangus Show, points will be tabulated in four major events to determine an All-Around Champion in each of three divisions: Junior (7-11), Intermediate (12-15), and Senior (16-21). Each contestant must compete in all four of the events listed below to qualify for AllAround competition. The four events are as follows: Showmanship Contest Photography Contest Public Speaking Contest Highest Placing Animal Exhibited in the Show Points will be awarded based on the first five placings in each of the four events: First Second Third Fourth Fifth 50 40 30 20 10 Grand Champion and Reserve Champions in the show ring competition will be awarded extra points. Grand Champions will receive an extra ten (10) points. Reserve Champions will receive an extra five (5) points. In the show ring competition, points will be calculated on a contestants' highest placing animal regardless of how many he or she exhibits. Queen and Sweetheart Contest The Texas Junior Brangus Queen and Sweetheart Contests are open to all female members of the TJBBA who have paid dues for 2014. Contestants must also be current residents of the state of Texas. Queen contestants must be fourteen (14) to twenty-one (21) years of age, and Sweetheart contestants must be ten (1 0) to thirteen (13) years of age. All ages are as of January 1, 2014. Both Sweetheart and Queen will be required to attend Dallas, Ft. Worth and Houston Livestock Shows (show day only if not participating) and the TJBBA State Show in 2014-2015. Applications must be returned by cattle entry deadline, May 10, 2014. Each Queen and Sweetheart contestant must prepare (and bring to Bryan) a scrapbook that includes pictures and clippings of all activities in which she is involved. Please bring a color 8" X 10" photo to be placed on display. All contestants will be interviewed on Friday, June 20th, by an impartial panel of judges. Points will be tabulated for each contestant: 47 points (application, scrapbook, interview), 26 points (TJBBA show activities), 12 points (IJBBA show activities), 15 points (school & community), and TJBBA membership vote tally. Voting takes place by secret ballot at the general membership meeting of the TJBBA on Friday, June 20th, 2014. TJBBA Director Applications Director applicants are required to be at least 13 years old as of January 1, 2014. Applicants must have participated in at least one TJBBA State Show, prior to 2014 Show. The election of four (4) new directors, each of whom will serve a three-year term, will take place at the general membership meeting of the TJBBA on Friday, June 20th. Current paid members of the TJBBA, who are residents of the state of Texas must return an application by cattle entry deadline, May 10, 2014 if interested in applying for the board. Team Fitting Contest This contest will be open to any current TJBBA member, whose dues are paid for 2014. Sign up at cattle check-in. Each team will consist of a Junior and Senior with teams to be drawn at the show. Teams are randomly drawn and will consist of one junior (14 and under as of Jan 1, 2014) and one senior member. The junior member solely fits the animal while being advised by the senior member who is not allowed to touch the animal once the competition begins. After timed completion of the fitting, a brief period will be allowed for instructions on showmanship by the senior member. After the instruction period, juniors then compete in a showmanship competition. During this entire time, judges will be evaluating the teams for organization, instruction, teamwork, and their ability to fit and show the animals. Welcome to the 2014 TJBBA State Show! This year's show is June 18th-21st in Bryan, and will be packed with lots of contests and competition. You will need to be a TJBBA member if you wish to participate in any of the events at the S t a t e S how. If you have not yet renewed your membership, here is a membership application, which you will need to send in with your show entries. TJBBA Membership Application Texas Junior Brangus Breeders Association WWW.TJBBA.NET Please complete this application and return it with the membership fee of $15. _Active Membership _New Member Name Address City State Phone E-mail Birthday Age & Grade (as of 1/1/13) Parents' Name. Signature Zip Code _ Age Grade Texas Junior Brangus Show Cattle Entry Form (Deadline Postmarked: May 10, 2014) Name: Email: Address: Return to: Coy & Jodie Miller 3009 Bobwhite Road Phone: Name of Animal: Gilmer, Texas 75645 Registration # PH# (must start with R) Sex DOB Heifer Bull Bred & Show Show Owned Cow/ Calf Pair Name of Sire/Dam Registration Cow Calf Cow Calf I (we) hereby make application to enter the animal(s) listed above for t h e 2 0 1 4 Texas International Junior Brangus Show, subject to the rules and regulations of this event and do release the IBBA, TBBA, and the TJBBA and its breed representatives from any claim or loss to myself, employees, animals and/or equipment. NO PENDING PAPERS--ALL CATTLE MUST BE REGISTERED AT TIME OF ENTRY. I (we) also understand that in order to enter we must, if we are current Texas resident(s), be a PAID current member of the TJBBA. If we reside out of the State of Texas, we are not required to be a member of the TJBBA to enter the show. The purpose of the Texas Junior Brangus Breeders Association is to encourage high moral character, sportsmanship, leadership and clean living among its members. With this in mind, the TJBBA discourages the use of alcohol by all its members at any TJBBA event. Signed Date: TJBBA State Show Summary Page Exhibitor Name Mailing Address City State Zip Phone E-mail Address Birthday: Parents E-mail Address Month Day Year Signature Parents Name & Phone number First time exhibitor at the T.JBBA Show? Age & Grade (as of I/I/I4) , Age Exhibitor T-shirt size: Yes No CHILD S M L XL Grade ADULT S M L XL The purpose of the Texas Junior Brangus Association is to encourage high moral character, sportsmanship, leadership, and clean living among its members. With this in mind, the TJBBA discourages the use of alcohol by all its members at any TJBBA event. Thank you for your observance of this request. 2014 TJBBA Dues $ 15 (See attached form) Entries Owned Heifer Show X $ 3 0 Entries Bred/Owned Heifer S how X Entries Owned Bull Show X $30 Entries Bred/Owned Bull S h o w X Entries Cow / Calf Show $30 $30 X $30 Extra T-shirts Size (S, M, L XL) $15 each (Please Specify: Child / Adult Size) Meal Tickets (Armbands) $15 / Exhibitor $20 / Non Exhibitor Total Public Speaking Yes No Director Application Yes No Queen/Sweetheart Yes No As of (1/1/14) Age Group (7-11) (12 -15) (16-21) TEXAS JUNIOR BRANGUS BREEDERS ASSOCIATION Director Application Form Full Name: Age: (13 as of 1/1/14) Birth Date: Parents' Names: Parents' Address, Phone Number & Email Address: Your Current Address and Phone Number: Father's Occupation: Mother's Occupation: Number of Children in your Family: How Long Have You Lived Around Beef Cattle? How many TJBBA State Shows Have You Exhibited a n Animal? (Must have participated in at least one). Please answer the following questions on a separate page. Please use fonts no smaller than 10 point. Double spaced preferred. Limit application to 3 pages or less. 1. Record of 4-H/FFA Club Work: a. Number of Years involved b. Types of Projects: c. Offices Held or Specific Responsibilities. 2. Record of Brangus Activities a. Number of years with Brangus Projects: heifers/steers/bulls b. Achievements and Recognition with Brangus Cattle c. Junior Brangus Offices you have held and dates: 3. Any comments you may have concerning the TJBBA that may improve the Association. Texas Junior Brangus Breeders Association Board of Directors Duties and Responsibilities Commitment Agreement Texas Directors are required to read the following agreement outlining the requirements of Texas D irectors and officers and recognizing said officer's and director's commitment to fulfill their outlined duties as stated in the TJBBA Constitution. • • • • • • • • • • • • • Each DIRECTOR will be responsible for acting in an appropriate behavior at all TJBBA Activities and for setting an example for others to follow. (Ex: No profanity, No underage drinking, No tobacco products.) Each DIRECTOR will adhere to the dress code set out by the Board of Directors. Each DIRECTOR will be responsible for obtaining award sponsors for Shows designated by the TJBBA Advisors. Each DIRECTOR will be responsible for selling the minimum number of ads or the minimum dollar amount for the Texas Junior Brangus Show Program. Each DIRECTOR will attend all board meetings held throughout the year as well as others so designated. If unable to attend the President and Adult Advisor MUST be contacted in writing prior to the meeting. If two meetings within one year (starting with the State show and ending with the State show) are missed the director will be subject to dismissal from the Board of Directors by a 2/3 vote. Each DIRECTOR will serve as a member service representative for ALL members of the Texas Junior Brangus Breeders Association and communicate with interested junior breeders in their area. Each DIRECTOR will strive to improve and strengthen the entire organization through leadership development and personal goals by participation in as many beneficial opportunities that are available. Each DIRECTOR is expected to actively participate and voice his or her opinion during board meetings and contribute positively to discussions being held. Each DIRECTOR is responsible for keeping an open channel of communication between other directors. Board members are urged to communicate with adult advisors and other directors at least once a month. Each DIRECTOR will be responsible for obtaining a navy blazer, white button-up shirt and khaki pants. These will be worn to major Brangus functions and in the show ring during major shows. Also, two polo shirts, colors to be determined. A nametag will be provided by the Association and MUST be worn also. Each DIRECTOR is required to work the ring (in official dress) at major Brangus shows or whenever possible. Each DIRECTOR will be at least 13 years of age on January 1st of the current application year. Each DIRECTOR will have participated in at least one TJBBA State Show. I have read and understand the above duties and responsibilities, which will be expected of me while serving as a Director for Texas Junior Brangus Breeders Association. I also understand that by signing this form, I agree to fulfill a three year term. I further understand that violations of this agreement SHALL result in my subsequent removal from the Texas Junior Board. Applicant Applicant's Parent Date Date TJBBA President Date Please sign and attach with application and return by Entry Deadline May 10. TEXAS JUNIOR BRANGUS BREEDERS ASSOCIATION QUEEN AND SWEETHEART APPLICATION Sweetheart Contest (Girls 10-13) Queen Contest (Girls 14 to 21) Age is as of January 1, 2014. Contestants must be residents of the state of Texas. (Current year refers to previous 12 months) You must bring an 8 X 10 color photo for display. A scrapbook of your activities must be brought with you to the show for display. On a separate sheet of paper please provide the following information. Please do not use type smaller than a 10 point font. Double spacing is preferred. Limit application to 3 pages or less. Once elected Sweetheart/Queen, you are required to attend Dallas, Ft. Worth and Houston Livestock Shows (day of show only if not participating) and the State Brangus Show for 2014-2015. I. General Information Full Name: Birth Date: Address: Phone#: Hair Color, Eye Color: School Presently Attending: Grade Average and/or Class Ranking: List clubs, organizations, and other activities that you have participated in: Honors and Accomplishments: II. List your participation in Brangus Activities in the Current Year 2013-2014: At the State Jr. Brangus Show including Showing (Owned & Bred and Owned), Showmanship, Quiz Bowl, Photo Contest, Public Speaking Contest, Offices held. At the IJBBA National Brangus Show Level include participation in Showing, Team Fitting, Cattle Judging, Showmanship, and Public Speaking Contest: Ill. Plans and Goals after Completing Schooling: IV. Write a short paragraph on why you want to be TJBBA Sweetheart/Queen. Signature of Contestant: Signature of Parent or Guardian: RETURN BY MAY 10th w/ your State Show Registration TO: TJBBA c/o Coy & Jodie Miller 3009 Bobwhite Road Gilmer, TX 75645