War Studies Events 2009

War Studies Events 2009
Term 1: Sept – Dec
Monday 7th December, 17.00 -19.00
Panel Discussion & Book launch
Panel discussion, "International Political Sociology: What Future? " and the book launch of
Rob BJ Walker's 'After the Globe, Before the World' (Routledge 2009)
Speakers: Dr Rob Walker, Joao Pontes Nogueira, Professor of International Relations and
Director of the Institute for International Relations (IRI) at the Catholic University of Rio de
Janeiro, Professor Dider Bigo
Comments by Professor Vivienne Jabri & Mustapha Pasha, Professor of International
Relations, University of Aberdeen
28 November, 10:00-16:15
Cultures of War in the Middle Ages and Renaissance: The Sea
The Pyramid Room, 4th floor
See programme below
Tuesday 10 November 2009, 17:30
The Saki Ruth Dockrill Memorial Lecture: Mrs Thatcher & the German question
(formerly Michael Dockrill Lecture)
Professor Patrick Salmon, Chief Historian, Foreign and Commonwealth Office
The Great Hall, King's College London, Strand Campus
Wednesday October 28th, 17.00
Human Rights Policy – The Power of Principle
Dr Friedbert Pflüger, Visiting Professor, Department of War Studies
Edmond J Safra lecture theatre, followed by a reception at Chapters.
Monday, 26th October, 12.00 - 13.00
'Prospects for the US & Europe Peacefully Stopping Iran's Nuclear Program'
Speaker: Orde F. Kittrie, Professor of Law and Director of the Washington, DC Program,
Arizona State University, Visiting Scholar at the Johns Hopkins University School of
Advanced International Studies and a Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of
Monday, 26th October 18.00
Careers Networking Forum: ' Meet the Graduates'
Thursday 22nd October, 18.15
Dr John Mackinley Book Launch: The Insurgent Archipelago
Friday, 16th October 2009, 17.30
Dr William Philpott's book launch
Bloody Victory: The Sacrifice on the Somme and the Making of the Twentieth Century
Tuesday, 29th September 2009, 18.15.
War Studies Society & Alumni Lecture: The Utility of Force in 2009
Speaker: General Sir Rupert Smith
Tuesday, 15th September, 11.00
Address by Secretary of State of Defence, Rt Hon Bob Ainsworth MP
Title: Fitting Defence for the Future: towards the next Strategic Defence Review
The Secretary of State of Defence set out some of the main challenges which face UK
defence in the future and how he plans to use the production of the Defence Green Paper to
consider these.
Tuesday 15 December, 16.00
CSD Research Programme: Public Lecture
"Protracted State Failure and the Somalia Crisis"
Speaker: Professor Ken Menkhaus, Davidson College, NC
Chair: Professor Mats Berdal
Wednesday 9 December, 16.00
'Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing: Intelligence & Surveillance in the
Banking Sector
Speaker: Gilles Favarel-Garrigues , Centre for International Studies & Research, Sciences-Po
Wednesday 2 December, 16.00
'Insecurity! What do you mean?'
Speaker: Dr Jef Huysmans, Senior Lecturer in Politics & International Studies, Open
Chair: Professor Vivienne Jabri
Wednesday 25 November, 16.00
'Arctic security in the 21st century: The view from Russia and Canada'
Speakers: Dr. Katarzyna Zysk, Dr. Petra Dolata-Kreutzkamp
Chair: Dr Joe Maiolo
Wednesday 25 November, 16.00.
'Losing on the Helmand: The British Army's Afghan campaign 2006-2009'
Speaker: Stephen Grey
Chair: Dr David Betz
Monday 23 November, 17.30
'NATO-Russia Relations: Will the Future Resemble the Past?'
Dr Martin Smith, Department of Defence and International Affairs, Sandhurst. (See
biography below)
Chair: Dr Ruth Deyermond
Part of the Post-Soviet Space seminar programme
Wednesday 18 November, 18.15
Afghan Reality
Jean MacKenzie, Programme director, Institute for War & Peace Reporting, Kabul.
Chair: Professor Anatol Lieven
Monday 16th November 2009, 17.30
"A Battle Under the Carpet: Russian Politics Today"
Professor Anatol Lieven
Part of the Post-Soviet Space seminars
Wednesday 11th November, 18.00
Professor Mats Berdal' Building Peace After War' book launch and reception.
Location: War Studies Seminar Room (k6.07)
Wednesday 28th October,
Writing Naval History in Colbert's Shadow: A Reappraisal of the Historiography of the
Marine Nationale in the Twentieth Century.
Speaker: Jean De Preneuf, MCF in contemporary history, University of Lille 3
Friday 16th October, 16.30- 19.30
Surviving Field Research: Working in violent & difficult situations
Speakers: Lars Waldorf, University of London, School of Advanced Studies, Institute for
Commonwealth Studies , Oliver Richmond, University of St. Andrews, School of
International Relations, Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies , Johanna Herman, University
of East London, Centre on Human Rights in Conflict , Olga Martin-Ortega, University of
East London, Centre on Human Rights in Conflict , Chandra Lekha Sriram, University of
East London, Centre on Human Rights in Conflict
Contact Johanna Herman, at J.Herman@uel.ac.uk for more information
Wednesday, 30th September 2009, 16.00
'Unlawful Combatants: A Genealogy of the Irregular Fighter'
Speaker: Dr Sibylle Scheipers, Academic Director of Studies for Changing Character of War
Programme , University of Oxford
Chair: Professor Mervyn Frost
Read the transcript (attached below)
Term 2: Jan – Mar
Tuesday 24th March, 17.30
Inaugural Lecture: Ethical Competence and Understanding War in International
Professor Mervyn Frost , Head of the Department of War Studies
Location: The Great Hall, Strand Campus
Thursday 26th March, 10.00
'Simulations in British Military Training and Education' .
An illustrated talk by Major Tom Mouat MBE RLC MSc, Requirements Manager in Joint
Battlefield Training Simulations and Synthetic Environments, MoD Defence Equipment &
Term 3: April – June
Thursday 23rd - Friday 24th April .
New Security Challenges: “Radicalisation” and Violence Programme
Militancy and Violence in West Africa: Tracing Antecedents, Monitoring trends,
Identifying Actors, Anticipating Possibilities and Analysing existing preventive
Sponsored by: The Swedish Defence College, King’s College London International Peace
and Security and Conflict Security and Development Groups
Wednesday 8 July 2009, 9.30am-4.30pm
Moving Beyond the Stalemate – Prospects for Peace in the Middle East
Edmond J. Safra Lecture Theatre ,Ground Floor, King’s Building
Strand Campus, King’s College London
Tuesday 30 June 2009, 13.00-15.00
New Dynamics in Youth Research
Speaker: Dr 'Fumni Olonisakin, Director, Conflict, Security & Development Group
The Council Room, Strand Campus, King's College London
Thursday 18th June 2009 , 12.30 – 14.00
Robotics to assist in humanitarian emergencies?
Speaker: Dr Robert Richardson, School of Mechanical Engineering, University of Leeds
Humanitarian Futures Programme seminars series
Thursday 11th June, 17.00
How to Win in Afghanistan
Speaker: Minister Ali Jalali, former Interior Minister of Afghanistan, Distinguished
Professor, NESA.
Pyramid room, 4th floor, Strand campus
Chair: Dr David Betz
Friday, 12 June 2009, 11.00-12.00
The Future of Hezbollah
Speaker: Dr Magnus Ranstorp, Swedish National Defence College
Moderated by: Dr Peter Neumann, Director, ICSR
War Studies Meeting Room (k6.07)
Monday 1st June 2009, 17.30.
The Rehabilitation of Russia: From New Cold War ‘Victim’ to Partner
Maxine David, University of Surrey
Pyramid room, 4th floor, Strand campus
Post-Soviet Space Research Group seminar
Friday 29 May 2009, 17.00
Lessons Learned and Not Learned from Two Decades of Peacebuilding
Professor Susan Woodward, The Graduate Center, The City University of New York
Professor Michael Pugh, Bradford University
Dr Verena Knauss, European Stability Initiative (ESI)
Mr. Mark Hoffman, London School of Economics
Chair: Professor Mats Berdal, King’s College London
The panel discussion is part of the Project Power after Peace: the Political Economy of PostConflict Statebuilding, supported by the Carnegie Corporation of New York.
Thursday 28th May, 17.30-18.30
Why Mussolini Got Away with Murder: How the Duce Used the Secrets Uncovered by
Italian Intelligence. (1934-1940)
Professor Brian R Sullivan, served as a US Marine officer in Vietnam, 1968-69 and taught at
Yale University & the US Naval War College
Laughton Naval History Seminar series
29th May 2009, 13.00- 14.00
Resolving Conflict in the Middle East: New Ideas for Peace
Odelia Englander (Atkin Fellow, Israel)
Oday Abukaresh (Atkin Fellow, Palestine)
Wednesday, 27 May 2009
Seizing the Trident Drawing the Sword: Anglo-Japanese Military Relations from the
Alliance to an Interdependent World
The Weston Room, Maughan Library & ISC, King’s College London, Chancery Lane,
London, WC2A 1LR
Tuesday 26th May 2009 4pm – 5pm
The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict – What Next?
Speakers: Oday Abukaresh (Atkin Fellow, Palestine), Odelia Englander (Atkin Fellow,
Israel) and John Lyndon (OneVoice).
Moderated by: Dr Peter Neumann, Director, ICSR
Wednesday 20th May, 14.00- 16.00
Joint King's College London-LSE PhD forum: research presentations by Or
Rabinowitz (King's) and Ramon Pacheco-Pardo (LSE)
The forum will consist of two 15-minute presentations, followed by informal discussion and
Location: War Studies Seminar room (K6.07)
Thursday 21st May, 17.15
The Making of a Hero: Captain Cook’s last voyage
Professor Glynn Williams, Queen Mary College
Location: War Studies Seminar room (K6.07)
International Commission for Maritime History Seminar Series
Wednesday 13th May, 18.00
'Crucial Issues Shaping the Future of the Middle East.'
Professor Lawrence Freedman, Vice-Principal
Yezid Sayigh, Professor of Middle East Studies
Dr Ahron Bregman, ex-IDF Major, and expert of the Arab-Israeli conflict.
Chair: Mervyn Frost, Professor of International Relations
Organised by the War Studies Society
Wednesday 13 May, 2009, from 1-2:30 pm
'Opening up Cold War Chemical and Biological Warfare Research at Porton Down:
From Top Secret Memos to TV Broadcasts'
Dr Brain Balmer, Reader in Security Studies, Department of Science and Technology
Studies, University College London
Location: Strand Bridge House, 138-142 Strand, Room GL03 (-2 level).
Tuesday, 12 May 2009, 1-2pm
What Role Should British Values Play in the Government’s PREVENT Agenda?
Speaker: Shiraz Maher, Senior Fellow, Policy Exchange
Moderated by: Dr Peter Neumann, Director, ICSR
Thursday 7th May 2009, 12.00-14.00
ESRC Radicalisation and Violence in West Africa project invite you to:
Militancy & Violence in West Africa: A Review of Methodology & Case Studies
Speakers: Dr Kwesi Aning (Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre, Accra),
Dr Thomas Jaye (Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre, Accra), Dr
Abiodun Alao (KCL), Dr Wale Ismali (KCL)
Thursday, 7th May, 17.15
‘The Early Days of the Society for Nautical Research’
Professor Derek Oddy & Dr Hugh Murphy, University of Westminster & National Maritime
International Commission for Maritime History Seminar Series
Saturday 9th May 2009
Second Joint Imperial War Museum/King’s College London Military History Conference
‘The Indian Army, 1939-1947’
Confirmed speakers to date include Professor Raymond Callahan, Dr Ashley Jackson, Dr
Daniel Marston and Dr David Omissi.
Location: Imperial War Museum, London
Thursday, 30 April, 12:00 – 13:30
Building security institutions in conflict-affected environments: Learning from Iraq
Presenter: Alex Martin, Libra Director Leads UK-funded programme of management
development and institutional reform to the Iraqi Ministry of Interior
Discussant: Professor Yezid Sayigh Middle East Studies, Department of War Studies, King’s
College London
Chair: Dr John Gearson Director, Centre for Defence Studies, Department of War Studies,
King’s College London
Sponsored by The Centre for Defence Studies and the Libra Advisory Group
Monday, 27 April 2009, 9.30am (refreshments); 10-11am (event)
Lashkar-e-Taiba: From 9/11 to Mumbai
Developments in Radicalisation and Political Violences series
Speaker: Stephen Tankel, Associate Fellow, ICSR
Moderated by: Dr Peter Neumann, Director, ICSR
Location: Room K2.31 . King’s Building, Strand Campus
Thursday 23rd - Friday 24th April .
New Security Challenges: “Radicalisation” and Violence Programme
Militancy and Violence in West Africa: Tracing Antecedents, Monitoring trends,
Identifying Actors, Anticipating Possibilities and Analysing existing preventive
Sponsored by: The Swedish Defence College, King’s College London International Peace
and Security and Conflict Security and Development Groups