S1P2 ROUTES SERVICE END2END DESCRIPTION An overview of the FAA Implementation of Airborne Reroutes, Direct-To Fix, Tailored Arrivals, and Controller Initiated Routes Services from a full end-toend perspective August 29, 2014 Version 1.0 1 Written by the Data Comm Implementation Team Routes End to End Service Description Contents How to use this document ............................................................................................................................ 4 Scope of the Routes Service.......................................................................................................................... 4 Use cases we are mapping to ....................................................................................................................... 4 Operational assumptions .............................................................................................................................. 6 Operational Scenarios for Routes Service..................................................................................................... 6 Chapter 1: Initial En Route Services .............................................................................................................. 6 Initial Service: Operational Context for Crew Initiated Request for Direct To ......................................... 6 Initial Service: Operational Context for Controller Initiated Direct To ..................................................... 9 Initial Service: Operational Context for Ground System Initiated Reroute ............................................ 11 Chapter 2: Full En Route Services ............................................................................................................... 13 Full Service: Operational Context for Crew Initiated Request for Direct To ........................................... 13 Full Service: Operational Context for Controller Initiated Direct To ...................................................... 13 Full Service: Operational Context for Ground System Initiated Reroute................................................ 15 Full Service: Operational Context for Aircrew Initiated Re-route........................................................... 16 Messages Addressed in this End to End Document .................................................................................... 19 Definitions of terms .................................................................................................................................... 23 Equipage Assumptions ................................................................................................................................ 23 Considerations for loadable content .......................................................................................................... 24 General guidance for all uplinks ................................................................................................................. 24 Direct to clearances for duplicate waypoints ......................................................................................... 25 Guidance for constructing [routeclearances] ............................................................................................. 26 General [routeclearance] instructions .................................................................................................... 26 Airways in routeclearances ..................................................................................................................... 27 Message Specific Instructions ..................................................................................................................... 29 UM74 ...................................................................................................................................................... 29 UM77 ...................................................................................................................................................... 29 UM79 ...................................................................................................................................................... 29 UM80 ...................................................................................................................................................... 30 UM81 ...................................................................................................................................................... 30 2 UM83 ...................................................................................................................................................... 31 UM84 ...................................................................................................................................................... 32 UM169 .................................................................................................................................................... 32 Guidance for Multi-Element Messages....................................................................................................... 32 Appendix: Open Issues ................................................................................................................................ 34 Guidance for intercepting arrival and transition procedures midway ....................................................... 34 Descend Via................................................................................................................................................. 34 Appendix: Explanation of Route and Route Segment Clearances (UM79, UM80, and UM83) ................. 36 3 How to use this document This document describes the routes service from the Data Comm Implementation Team’s (DCIT) perspective. This document provides an overview of how the routes services will work based on the FAA’s use cases. Additionally, this document includes rules for the ground automation to have the greatest chance of building route uplinks that are loadable and operationally acceptable. These rules can serve as the basis for requirements for ground systems. This document is the parent to supporting documents that provide greater detail about how the routes and reroutes services impact individual organizations. For example, supporting documentation like the systems integration document and the local systems design and requirements will address detailed interfaces. Use Cases provide greater detail about features in the controller’s CHI. This document is considered complete for the FAA’s Final Investment Decision as all high risk items pertaining to the routes service have been identified. However, open issues will continue to be addressed by the DCIT, and this document will continually be updated as new problems and solutions are identified. In addition, this document contains information from ground system specifications, en route use cases and leverages DCIT and industry user community input. This document represents the best available information at the time it is published and will be updated as new information becomes available. Scope of the Routes Service This end to end service description covers both the S1P2 initial and full versions of the CPDLC Routes, Airborne Reroute (ABRR), and Initial Tailored Arrivals (ITAs) services. The complete lists of uplink and downlink messages included in the routes services appear in Table 7 - Table 10. Because the en route services will be implemented in phases, this end to end document is divided into two chapters 1. Initial en route services (controller initiated reroutes, direct-to fix, Airborne Reroutes, pilot altitude and direct-to fix requests) 2. Full en route services (Tailored Arrivals, Pilot initiated routes) Use cases we are mapping to NUT CPDLC Routes Use Case 07_30_14 DRAFT FULL CPDLC Routes Use Case 3_5_14 NUT CPDLC Airborne Reroute (ABRR) Use Case 07_30_14 DRAFT FULL CPDLC Initial Tailored Arrivals Use Case 3_5_14 4 5 Operational assumptions It is assumed that the routes service will operate domestically, ground automation will build the clearance for the controller, all datalink equipped aircraft are eligible for the procedures, and the aircrew will be properly trained to participate. According to the GOLD section, the controller should use voice to communicate with an aircraft that is below 10,000 ft AGL to minimize distractions and pilot head down time. For the ground automation to build messages that load, it is assumed that the aircraft’s current route is what the ground automation knows. Operational Scenarios for Routes Service 1. Crew initiated request direct to (initial service) 2. Controller initiated direct to (initial service) 3. Ground initiated route, including (initial service) a. Traffic Flow Management (TFM) initiated reroutes (initial service) b. controller initiated re-routes (initial service) 4. Aircrew initiated route request (includes AOC initiated to crew via ACARS, weather deviations) (full service) 5. Enhanced ground initiated routes (full service) a. ITAs (full service) b. weather deviations (full service) c. holding (full service) Chapter 1: Initial En Route Services The initial routes service will support the crew initiated request for direct to, controller initiated direct to, and some scenarios of ground initiated routes (TFM initiated and controller initiated). ITAs and aircrew initiated route requests will be implemented in Full Services which are discussed in Chapter 2. The messages supported in Initial route services are limited to those in Table 7 and Table 9. Initial Service: Operational Context for Crew Initiated Request for Direct To The messages for a crew or Pilot Initiated Downlink (PID) for direct-to-fix are shown in Figure 1. The steps of this scenario are covered in the CPDLC Routes Use Case, and they are summarized in Table 1. 6 1. Request direct to [position] 7. WILCO/ UNABLE 5. Proceed direct to [position] 3. Standby Figure 1. Crew initiated request for direct to or request for reroute Table 1. Operational steps for crew initiated request for direct to routing (Initial Service) Step Operating Method 1 The flight crew sends a CPDLC downlink message, for example DM22 REQUEST DIRECT TO [pos]. 2 Upon ATSU system receipt of DM22, the controller is notified. 3 The controller may respond with a UM1 STANDBY. 4 Upon aircraft system receipt of the STANDBY, the flight crew is notified. 5 If the controller can accommodate the crew’s request, the controller responds to the downlink with UM74 PROCEED DIRECT TO [pos]. The ground system will concatenate UM169 REST OF ROUTE UNCHANGED to any route uplink, except when the clearance includes the destination. If the controller cannot accommodate the crew’s request, the controller responds to the downlink with UM0 UNABLE. 6 Upon aircraft system receipt of the response message, the flight crew is notified. If the controller sent UM74, the crew views the message and loads it into the FMC (if applicable). 7W If the crew can comply with the direct to, the crew responds with DM0 WILCO. 7 Step Operating Method 7U If the crew cannot comply with the direct to, the crew responds with DM1 UNABLE. 8 Initial Service: Operational Context for Controller Initiated Direct To The controller can initiate a direct to clearance through a keyboard command. The steps of this scenario are described in the CPDLC Routes Use Case, and they are summarized in Table 2 . Figure 2 shows the uplinks and downlinks between the aircraft and ground. 3. Standby 5. WILCO/ UNABLE 1. Proceed direct to [position] Figure 2. Controller initiated direct to 9 Table 2. Operational steps for controller initiated direct to routing (Initial Service) Step Operating Method 1 The controller sends a CPDLC message for direct routing to a fix that is on the aircraft’s currently cleared route. UM74 PROCEED DIRECT TO [pos] is concatenated with UM169 REST OF ROUTE UNCHANGED, unless the [position] is the destination airport. When the ATSU system sends a CPDLC message, the controller is notified. 2 Upon aircraft system receipt of a CPDLC message requiring a response, the flight crew is notified. The flight crew reviews the uplink, and if the message is loadable, the flight crew loads the clearance in the FMC. 3 The flight crew may respond with DM2, STANDBY. 4 Upon ATSU system receipt of DM2 STANDBY, the controller is not notified but the STANBY response can be viewed. 5W After the flight crew has determined that they can comply with the direct to, the flight crew responds with a DM0 WILCO. 5U If the aircrew cannot comply with the direct to, the flight crew responds with a DM1 UNABLE. The crew may append DM65 DUE TO WEATHER or DM66 DUE TO AIRCRAFT PERFORMANCE. 6 Upon ATSU system receipt of the flight crew response: when the response is WILCO the uplink in progress indication is removed, or when the response is an UNABLE or NEGATIVE, the controller is notified. 10 Initial Service: Operational Context for Ground System Initiated Reroute According to the CPDLC Routes Use Case, a ground system initiated reroute could occur for several reasons, including a Traffic Flow Management (TFM) generated reroute or a controller initiated re-route. The following operational method in Table 3 is intentionally written to be generic and capture both types of ground system initiated reroutes. In this example, there are several options for the type of route uplink that could be sent including um79, um80, and um83. Figure 3 shows the messaging for a ground system initiated reroute. 3. Standby 5. WILCO/ UNABLE 1. [routeclearance] message Figure 3. Messaging for ground system initiated reroute 11 Table 3. Operational steps for ground initiated reroute (Initial Service) Step Operating Method 1 The controller sends a CPDLC message for reroute, UM79 CLEARED TO [pos] VIA [routeclearance] + UM169 REST OF ROUTE UNCHANGED. (Alternatively, the ground could build a reroute message with UM80 CLEARED [routeclearance], or UM83 AT [position] CLEARED [routeclearance].) Note that for TFM initiated reroutes, UM169 [TRAFFIC FLOW MANAGEMENT REROUTE] will also be appended to the uplink. 2 Upon aircraft system receipt of the uplink, the flight crew is notified. The flight crew reviews the uplink and loads the clearance in the FMC. 3 The flight crew may respond with DM2, STANDBY. 4 Upon ATSU system receipt of DM2 STANDBY, the controller is not notified but the STANBY response can be viewed. 5W After the flight crew has determined that they can comply with the new route, the flight crew responds with a DM0 WILCO. 5U If the uplink is unacceptable (a partial load occurs or an irresolvable discontinuity results), the flight crew responds with a DM1 UNABLE. The crew may append DM65 DUE TO WEATHER or DM66 DUE TO AIRCRAFT PERFORMANCE if those reasons apply. 6 Upon ATSU system receipt of the flight crew response: when the response is WILCO the uplink in progress indication is removed, or when the response is an UNABLE or NEGATIVE, the controller is notified. 12 Chapter 2: Full En Route Services In addition to the capabilities implemented during initial en route services, full en route services will introduce ITAs and aircrew initiated route requests. The uplink and downlink messages that will be added during the Full En Route Service and are listed in 13 Table 8 shows all the uplink and downlink messages that will be added when the Full Routes Service is implemented. All the initial services messages from Table 7 will remain available. Table 8 and Table 10. Full Service: Operational Context for Crew Initiated Request for Direct To For full services, an aircrew initiated request for direct to would be sent the same way as during initial services, and the ground’s response would always be either UM74 or UNABLE. Reference chapter 1, Figure 1 and Table 1 for a description of the operating method and messaging. Full Service: Operational Context for Controller Initiated Direct To For full services, a controller initiated direct routing would be sent the same way as during initial services, but the controller could send three additional messages, UM75, UM77 and UM78. See Figure 4 for messaging. 3. Standby 5. WILCO/ UNABLE 1. Direct to message Figure 4. Messaging for controller initiated direct to (full services) 14 Table 4. Operational steps for controller initiated direct to routing (Full Services) Step Operating Method 1 The controller sends a CPDLC message for direct routing to a fix that is on the aircraft’s currently cleared route with UM74 PROCEED DIRECT TO [pos], UM75 WHEN ABLE PROCEED DIRECT TO [position], UM77 AT [pos] PROCEED DIRECT TO [pos], or UM78 AT [altitude] PROCEED DIRECT TO [position], (whichever message is appropriate for the situation) concatenated with UM169 REST OF ROUTE UNCHANGED, unless the position is the destination airport. When the ATSU system sends a CPDLC message, the controller is notified. 2 Upon aircraft system receipt of a CPDLC message requiring a response, the flight crew is notified. The flight crew reviews the uplink, and if the message is loadable, the flight crew loads the clearance in the FMC. 3 The flight crew may respond with DM2, STANDBY. 4 Upon ATSU system receipt of DM2 STANDBY, the controller is not notified but the STANBY response can be viewed. 5W After the flight crew has determined that they can comply with the direct to, the flight crew responds with a DM0 WILCO. 5U If the aircrew cannot comply with the direct to, the flight crew responds with a DM1 UNABLE. The crew may append DM65 DUE TO WEATHER or DM66 DUE TO AIRCRAFT PERFORMANCE. 6 Upon ATSU system receipt of the flight crew response: when the response is WILCO the uplink in progress indication is removed, or when the response is an UNABLE or NEGATIVE, the controller is notified. 15 Full Service: Operational Context for Ground System Initiated Reroute In Full Services, a ground system initiated reroute could occur for several reasons, including a Traffic Flow Management (TFM) generated reroute, a controller initiated re-route, or ITAs. In addition to UM79, UM80, and UM83, the controller could also send UM81 and UM84 in full services. The following operational method in Table 5 is intentionally written to be generic and capture all types of ground system initiated reroutes. Figure 5 shows the messaging for a ground system initiated reroute. 3. Standby 5. WILCO/ UNABLE 1. [routeclearance] message Figure 5. Messaging for ground system initiated reroute 16 Table 5. Operational steps for ground initiated reroute Step Operating Method 1 The controller sends a CPDLC message for reroute, UM79 CLEARED TO [pos] VIA [routeclearance] + UM169 REST OF ROUTE UNCHANGED. (Alternatively, the ground could build a reroute message with UM80 CLEARED [routeclearance], UM81 CLEARED [procedurename], UM83 AT [position] CLEARED [routeclearance], or UM84 AT [position] CLEARED [procedurename].) Note that for TFM initiated reroutes, UM169 [TRAFFIC FLOW MANAGEMENT REROUTE] will also be appended to the uplink. 2 Upon aircraft system receipt of the uplink, the flight crew is notified. The flight crew reviews the uplink and loads the clearance in the FMC. 3 The flight crew may respond with DM2, STANDBY. 4 Upon ATSU system receipt of DM2 STANDBY, the controller is not notified but the STANBY response can be viewed. 5W After the flight crew has determined that they can comply with the new route, the flight crew activates the route in the FMC and responds with a DM0 WILCO. 5U If the uplink is unacceptable (a partial load occurs or an irresolvable discontinuity results), the flight crew responds with a DM1 UNABLE. The crew may append DM65 DUE TO WEATHER or DM66 DUE TO AIRCRAFT PERFORMANCE if those reasons apply. 6 Upon ATSU system receipt of the flight crew response: when the response is WILCO the uplink in progress indication is removed, or when the response is an UNABLE or NEGATIVE, the controller is notified. Full Service: Operational Context for Aircrew Initiated Re-route Figure 6 shows the messaging involved with a crew initiated reroute. 17 1. Request [routeclearance] 7. WILCO/ UNABLE [routeclearance] message 3. Standby Figure 6. Messaging for aircrew initiated request for reroute The GOLD outlines the Dynamic Airborne Reroute Procedure (DARP) for an airborne aircraft to request reroute clearances that are initiated by an Aeronautical Operational Control (AOC). The following steps are in line with the GOLD for DARP. If the re-route is initiated from the AOC, the following steps will occur prior to Table 6: a. The flight crew will receive a re-route suggestion from their AOC via an ACARS uplink. b. The crew loads this route into the inactive route, reviews the re-route, and modifies it if needed. c. When applicable, the crew deletes any waypoints on the proposed route that have already been sequenced. d. If the re-route is acceptable to the crew, they follow the steps in Table 6 to request a route revision from ATC. 18 Table 6. Operational steps for aircrew/AOC initiated re-route Step Operating Method 1 At least 10 minutes prior to the divergence waypoint, the flight crew sends a CPDLC downlink message, for example DM24 REQUEST [routeclearance] where the first fix in the [routeclearance] is the next waypoint ahead of the aircraft. 2 Upon ATSU system receipt of DM24, the controller is notified. 3 The controller may respond with a UM1 STANDBY. 4 Upon aircraft system receipt of the STANDBY, the flight crew is notified. 5 If the controller can accommodate the crew’s request, the controller responds to the downlink with either UM80, UM79, UM83, UM81, or UM84. When the clearance excludes the destination, the ground system will concatenate UM169 REST OF ROUTE UNCHANGED to route uplinks. If the controller cannot accommodate the crew’s request completely, the controller responds to the downlink with UM0 UNABLE. If the controller can only accommodate some portion of the request, the controller responds to the downlink with UM0 UNABLE, and they may use freetext to indicate they are working on another route revision. When the requested clearance is rejected by the controller, the flight crew should continue in accordance with the existing clearance. 6 Upon aircraft system receipt of the response message, the flight crew is notified. If the controller sent an FMC loadable message, the crew views the message and loads it into the FMC. If the message is not FMC loadable, the aircrew views the message and manually enters the route modifications. 7W If the crew can comply with the new route, the crew responds with DM0 WILCO. 7U If the crew cannot comply with the new route, the crew responds with DM1 UNABLE. The crew may append DM65 DUE TO WEATHER or DM66 DUE TO AIRCRAFT PERFORMANCE. 8 Upon ATSU system receipt of the flight crew response: when the response is WILCO the uplink in progress indication is removed, or when the response is an UNABLE or NEGATIVE, the controller is notified. 19 Messages Addressed in this End to End Document The SSSD contains the master list of all messages for each service, and the following message tables are a subset of the SSSD. These tables need to be kept consistent with the SSSD, as the SSSD is maintained outside DCIT. Table 7 shows all the uplink and downlink messages planned for the Initial Routes Service. These messages will remain available when full services are implemented later. Table 7. Messages for Initial Routes service FANS MSG ID UM74 UM79 UM80 UM83 UM137 DM22 DM40 FANS Message Element PROCEED DIRECT TO [position] CLEARED TO [position] VIA [routeclearance] CLEARED [routeclearance] AT [position] CLEARED [routeclearance] CONFIRM ASSIGNED ROUTE REQUEST DIRECT TO [position] ASSIGNED ROUTE [routeclearance] 20 Dialog Type Route Route Route Route Route Route Route ENR S1P2 Segment S1P2-I, S1P2-F S1P2-I, S1P2-F S1P2-I, S1P2-F S1P2-I, S1P2-F S1P2-I, S1P2-F S1P2-I, S1P2-F S1P2-I, S1P2-F Table 8 shows all the uplink and downlink messages that will be added when the Full Routes Service is implemented. All the initial services messages from Table 7 will remain available. Table 8. Messages added for the Full Routes Service FANS MSG ID UM75 UM77 UM78 UM81 UM82 UM84 UM91 UM92 UM93 DM15 DM23 DM24 DM27 DM41 DM51 FANS Message Element WHEN ABLE PROCEED DIRECT TO [position] AT [position] PROCEED DIRECT TO [position] AT [altitude] PROCEED DIRECT TO [position] CLEARED [procedurename] CLEARED TO DEVIATE UP TO [distanceoffset] [direction] OF ROUTE AT [position] CLEARED [procedurename] HOLD AT [position] MAINTAIN [altitude] INBOUND TRACK [degrees] [direction] TURNS [leg type] HOLD AT [position] AS PUBLISHED MAINTAIN [altitude] EXPECT FURTHER CLEARANCE AT [time] REQUEST OFFSET [distanceoffset] [direction] OF ROUTE REQUEST [procedurename] REQUEST [routeclearance] REQUEST WEATHER DEVIATION UP TO [distanceoffset] [direction] OF ROUTE BACK ON ROUTE WHEN CAN WE EXPECT BACK ON ROUTE 21 Dialog Type ENR S1P2 Segment Route Route Route Route S1P2-F S1P2-F S1P2-F S1P2-F Route Route S1P2-F S1P2-F Route Route Route S1P2-F S1P2-F S1P2-F Route Route Route S1P2-F S1P2-F S1P2-F Route Route Route S1P2-F S1P2-F S1P2-F The messages in Table 9 include uplinks and downlinks for the Initial Altitude and Speed services. In addition, messages that do not belong to one specific service category are listed, such as freetext and Wilco. The altitude and speed messages are included in this end to end document to reduce the need for more end to end documents later. Table 9. Messages for Initial Altitude, Speed, and other services FANS MSG ID FANS Message Element Dialog Type ENR S1P2 Segment UM0 UM1 UNABLE STANDBY N/A N/A S1P2-I, S1P2-F S1P2-I, S1P2-F UM19 UM20 UM23 MAINTAIN [altitude] CLIMB TO AND MAINTAIN [altitude] DESCEND TO AND MAINTAIN [altitude] Altitude Altitude Altitude S1P2-I, S1P2-F S1P2-I, S1P2-F S1P2-I, S1P2-F UM36 UM37 EXPEDITE CLIMB TO [altitude] EXPEDITE DESCENT TO [altitude] Altitude Altitude S1P2-I, S1P2-F S1P2-I, S1P2-F UM38 UM39 UM49 Altitude Altitude Altitude Altitude & Speed N/A N/A N/A N/A S1P2-I, S1P2-F S1P2-I, S1P2-F S1P2-I, S1P2-F UM61 UM159 UM166 UM167 UM169 IMMEDIATELY CLIMB TO [altitude] IMMEDIATELY DESCEND TO [altitude] CROSS [position] AT AND MAINTAIN [altitude] CROSS [position] AT AND MAINTAIN [altitude] AT [speed] ERROR [errorinformation] DUE TO TRAFFIC DUE TO AIRSPACE RESTRICTION [freetext] UM169 UM169 UM169 UM177 DM0 DM1 [freetext] "DUE TO WEATHER" [freetext] "REST OF ROUTE UNCHANGED" [freetext] "TRAFFIC FLOW MANAGEMENT REROUTE" AT PILOTS DISCRETION WILCO UNABLE N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A S1P2-I, S1P2-F S1P2-I, S1P2-F S1P2-I, S1P2-F S1P2-I, S1P2-F S1P2-I, S1P2-F S1P2-I, S1P2-F DM2 DM3 DM6 DM9 DM10 DM20 STANDBY ROGER REQUEST [altitude] REQUEST CLIMB TO [altitude] REQUEST DESCENT TO [altitude] REQUEST VOICE CONTACT N/A N/A Altitude Altitude Altitude N/A S1P2-I, S1P2-F S1P2-I, S1P2-F S1P2-I, S1P2-F S1P2-I, S1P2-F S1P2-I, S1P2-F S1P2-I, S1P2-F DM38 DM62 DM65 DM66 DM73 ASSIGNED ALTITUDE [altitude] ERROR [errorinformation] DUE TO WEATHER DUE TO AIRCRAFT PERFORMANCE [versionnumber] Altitude N/A N/A N/A N/A S1P2-I, S1P2-F S1P2-I, S1P2-F S1P2-I, S1P2-F S1P2-I, S1P2-F S1P2-I, S1P2-F 22 S1P2-I, S1P2-F S1P2-I, S1P2-F S1P2-I, S1P2-F S1P2-I, S1P2-F S1P2-I, S1P2-F The messages in Table 10 include uplinks and downlinks for the Full Altitude and Speed services, as well as messages that are not specific to one service category. Table 10. Messages for Full Altitude, Speed, and other services FANS MSG ID UM4 UM5 UM30 UM31 UM32 UM46 UM47 UM48 UM55 UM56 UM57 UM106 UM107 UM108 UM109 UM116 UM131 UM136 UM169 UM171 UM173 DM7 DM18 DM25 DM28 DM29 DM30 DM32 DM34 DM37 DM39 DM49 DM75 DM76 FANS Message Element AFFIRM NEGATIVE MAINTAIN BLOCK [altitude] TO [altitude] CLIMB TO AND MAINTAIN BLOCK [altitude] TO [altitude] DESCEND TO AND MAINTAIN BLOCK [altitude] TO [altitude] CROSS [position] AT [altitude] CROSS [position] AT OR ABOVE [altitude] CROSS [position] AT OR BELOW [altitude] CROSS [position] AT [speed] CROSS [position] AT OR LESS THAN [speed] CROSS [position] AT OR GREATER THAN [speed] MAINTAIN [speed] MAINTAIN PRESENT SPEED MAINTAIN [speed] OR GREATER MAINTAIN [speed] OR LESS RESUME NORMAL SPEED REPORT REMAINING FUEL AND SOULS ON BOARD CONFIRM ASSIGNED SPEED [freetext] "DUE TO SPACING" CLIMB AT [verticalrate] MINIMUM DESCEND AT [verticalrate] MINIMUM REQUEST BLOCK [altitude] TO [altitude] REQUEST [speed] REQUEST CLEARANCE LEAVING [altitude] CLIMBING TO [altitude] DESCENDING TO [altitude] PRESENT ALTITUDE [altitude] PRESENT SPEED [speed] LEVEL [altitude] ASSIGNED SPEED [speed] WHEN CAN WE EXPECT [speed] AT PILOTS DISCRETION REACHING BLOCK [altitude] TO [altitude] 23 Dialog Type ENR S1P2 Segment N/A N/A Altitude Altitude S1P2-F S1P2-F S1P2-F S1P2-F Altitude Altitude Altitude Altitude Speeds Speeds Speeds Speeds Speeds Speeds Speeds Speeds N/A Speeds N/A Altitude Altitude Altitude Speeds N/A Altitude Altitude Altitude Altitude Speeds Altitude Speeds Speeds N/A Altitude S1P2-F S1P2-F S1P2-F S1P2-F S1P2-F S1P2-F S1P2-F S1P2-F S1P2-F S1P2-F S1P2-F S1P2-F S1P2-F S1P2-F S1P2-F S1P2-F S1P2-F S1P2-F S1P2-F S1P2-F S1P2-F S1P2-F S1P2-F S1P2-F S1P2-F S1P2-F S1P2-F S1P2-F S1P2-F S1P2-F Definitions of terms FMC Loadable A loadable message can be automatically entered into the FMC when the crew selects the LOAD prompt. For example, when routeclearances are loaded into the FMC, and the new route is automatically populated rather than manually entered by the crew. Non-loadable A non-loadable message cannot be auto-loaded into the FMS and the LOAD prompt is not displayed. Some messages are non-loadable by design. For example, freetext is not loadable. Whether a specific message is loadable or non-loadable depends on the aircraft type. Partial load After the crew selects the LOAD prompt, the FMC may display a message, “Partial Clearance Loaded” to indicate that one or more parameters in the uplink did not load. For example, the route may be missing an airway or procedure. Because the crew cannot resolve the ground’s intention, crews must reject messages that result in partial clearance loaded. Crews should use CPDLC or voice to resolve the clearance with the ground. Discontinuity A discontinuity in the route can occur after loading a routeclearance. Discontinuities indicate that there is a gap in the route, i.e. no defined path between two waypoints. Crews should reject any clearance that results in a discontinuity that they are unable to resolve. Equipage Assumptions The rules for ground automation in this end to end document are written with the assumption that the 922 FMC is operating on MD-11 aircraft, and the U11 FMC is operating on the B737. For example, on the 737, the U11 FMC software must be used for uplinks with arrival, departure, approach, and transition procedures, and uplinks that attach altitude and/or speed constraints to a latitude/longitude point as part of the [routeclearance] variable. The FMC version U10.8a, as well as all preceding versions, will not load these items in a routeclearance, resulting in “partial load” annunciations that cannot be resolved by the aircrew. 24 And on the MD-11 -921 FMC, messages using the [routeclearance] parameter must adhere to the following rule when using airways with Transitions or Arrivals: The end of the airway cannot be the first fix in the Transition or the Arrival. The consequence of using the same point for the end of the airway and the first point in the Transition or Arrival is a discontinuity which requires crew intervention to resolve. This issue has been resolved on the -922 FMC. The DCIT’s strategy is to write rules for uplinks in order to accommodate the lowest common denominator in terms of aircraft type specific limitations. The ground system is not expected to build messages specific to aircraft type. Considerations for loadable content In general, the ground should uplink as much loadable content as possible. The intention is to leverage the capability of auto-loading routes which will reduce workload for crews, one of the most powerful features of datalink. If a loadable message exists that meets the intention of the clearance, the ground automation should select that loadable message first, rather than a non-loadable message. Finally, the ground system should construct messages so the least amount of repeat material is uplinked to the cockpit (except as noted below). Reducing the amount of clearance material that the crew and controller must review will improve response times and reduce errors. Additionally, the ground should not exclude messages that are not loadable from being sent. Messages that are not loadable are still valuable because they reduce radio transmissions, increase clarity, and increase the overall capability of the routes service. General guidance for all uplinks The ground system should follow all ASN1 data definition rules for route construction from DO-258A. As a result, radials cannot be uplinked as they are not defined in the ASN1. When using the [position] parameter, the ground should follow data definition rules from DO-258A for fixnames, navaids, airports, latitudeLongitudes, and placebearingdistance. This rule will resolve issues such as fake/ghost intersections, VORs coded as airports, XXX (incomplete route indicator), and some problems with duplicate waypoints. For example, when sending uplinks with [position], the ground should code the position appropriately as a fixname, navaid, airport, lat/long, or place bearing distance. The following is an example of an ERAM Automatic Departure Route (ADR) that assigns a ghost/fake intersection (i.e. SNADP). The fix SNADP is not published, but it is adapted in the ZHU ERAM. If an aircraft files ‘KMSY DCT CEW....’, ERAM will insert the adapted ADR route string ‘..SNADP..’ The resulting route will be ‘KMSY..SNADP..CEW.....’ However, since the fix ‘SNADP’ is not published and not stored in a navigation database, the route will not be loadable on the aircraft. 25 When using the [procedure] parameter, the ground should follow data definition rules from DO-258A. When using the [position] parameter with fixnames, navaids, and airports, the ground should only uplink fixnames, navaids, and airports that are published in the current ground navigation database. This rule will resolve fake/ghost intersections. When using the [procedure] parameter, the ground should only uplink [procedurenames] that are published in the current navigation database. Direct to clearances for duplicate waypoints Duplicate waypoints will not be supported for uplink purposes. Voice will be used when a route amendment contains a clearance to or from a duplicate waypoint. For example, for the route KLAX..FMN..LBL..CAP..LBL..VHP..KCLE, voice will be used for clearances such as, “Proceed direct to LBL” or “At FMN proceed direct LBL.” 26 Guidance for constructing [routeclearances] As a reminder, the ground should choose the message that uplinks the least amount of repeat material to the cockpit. The ground should also choose the uplink that will minimize/eliminate the number of partial loads or load failures for various fleet types, and many of the rules in this end to end document are written to achieve that goal. General [routeclearance] instructions The ground will include the optional lat/long field for Published identifiers (waypoint names) in the route information variable of [routeclearance] uplinks. If the [routeclearance] in an uplink contains an arrival procedure/transition, then the last waypoint in the [routeinformation] must be the same as the first fix in the transition (if specified) or the procedure (if a transition is not specified). If the uplink contains a Transition, the Transition name must be included in the [proceduretransition] field of the [procedurename] variable. If the [routeclearance] in an uplink contains a departure procedure/transition, then the first waypoint in the [routeinformation] must be the same as the last fix in the transition (if specified) or the procedure (if a transition is not specified). o For example, the following uplink abides by this rule, as KEACH is the first point of the KEACH1 arrival procedure, so it must be listed last in [routeinformation]: UM80 : Cleared [routeclr] dest airport(): KLAX arr procname(): ARR,KEACH1 route info(): 4 (pub): MANEY (pub): DUETS (pub): DINTY (pub): KEACH o No transition specified For example, the following uplink abides by this rule, as CEBAD is the first point of the CEBAD transition, so it must be listed last in [routeinformation]. Additionally, the CEBAD transition is included in the [proceduretransition] field: UM80 : Cleared [routeclr] dest airport(): KLAX arr procname(): ARR,KEACH1,CEBAD route info(): 4 (pub): MANEY (pub): DUETS (pub): DINTY (pub): CEBAD 27 CEBAD transition specified When the controller’s intent is to send only the arrival procedure (no transition), the ground should exclude the [proceduretransition] from the uplink. When an uplink includes the [proceduretransition] variable in a [routeclearance], the ground must use published, named transitions and arrival procedures. For example, the ground cannot uplink PIECH.TUDOR2, where PIECH is coded as the [proceduretransition], because PIECH is not a published arrival transition. Instead, the ground should use the published transition names for the TUDOR2: LMT, LKV, or RBL in the [proceduretransition] variable. For messages using the [routeclearance] parameter, a common waypoint must exist between the flight segments listed here to avoid discontinuities in the uplink: a. A departure procedure/transition and the en route segment b. The en route segment and the arrival/transition c. The arrival and the approach/transition d. The en route segment and the approach/transition e. A departure procedure/transition and the arrival/transition or approach/transition (if there is no en route segment). Airways in routeclearances For the clearance to load properly, the ground system must use published named waypoints to designate airway entry, termination and intersection points. Note: This rule is an update to the previous guidance given for [airwayidentifier] in DO-258A, Table 4.6-33 [routeclearance] Variables. As a consequence of this rule, the first element in the route cannot be an airway. Instead, a published identifier specifying the airway entry point must be the first element of the route. For example, the following uplink is properly constructed for a route with multiple airways. The ground’s route is: KEWR./.GYNTS..SUZIE.J80..J100.BCE..OAL.MOD4..KSFO (80) : Cleared [routeclr] orig airport(): KEWR dest airport(): KSFO arr procname(): ARR,MOD4,OAL route info(): 7 (pub): GYNTS SUZIE is the entry to J80 (pub): SUZIE (airway): J80 SAKES is the intersection of J80 and J100 (pub): SAKES (airway): J100 BCE is the exit from J100 (pub): BCE (pub): OAL 28 If there is not a published waypoint at an airway intersection, the ground must specify the exit point for the first airway by using a published, named waypoint as the exit point. Then, the ground could insert a latlong at the mathematical intersection of the two airways. After the latlong, the ground must use a published named waypoint for the second airway’s entry point. The following UM80 illustrates this scenario: The ground’s route is: KEWR./.COPES.J75..J61.FORTS..KRDU The uplink built would be (80) : Cleared [routeclr] orig airport(): KEWR dest airport(): KRDU route info(): 7 (pub): COPES (airway): J75 MURPH is inserted, is the exit from J75 (pub): MURPH (l/l): N39 09.0 W076 53.0 Lat/long is inserted, the mathematical intersection (pub): OTT OTT is inserted, is the entry to J61 (airway): J61 (pub): FORTS If no [publishedidentifier] exists between the aircraft’s current position and the intersecting airway, the ground cannot send this type of clearance. 29 Message Specific Instructions UM74 UM74 PROCEED DIRECT TO [position] will insert a direct leg from the aircraft’s present position to the specified fix. The specified position will be on the aircraft’s current route per the Routes Use Case. Allowed waypoint types are: navaid, fixname, airport, latitudelongitude, and placebearingdistance. Uplinking “PROCEED DIRECT TO [destinationairport]” will result in clearing all route points and arrival/approach procedures in the aircraft’s route. UM77 UM77 AT [pos] PROCEED DIRECT TO [pos] will insert a leg from the first specified fix to the second specified fix. The positions must be specified the same way as they are in the current route. For example, if the [position] is coded as a navaid in the aircraft’s route, it must be coded as a navaid in the uplink. For both the first [position] and the second [position], the ground will always use a point on the cleared route. Allowed waypoint types are: navaid, fixname, airport, latitudelongitude, and placebearingdistance. UM79 UM79 CLEARED TO [position] VIA [route clearance] will replace everything in the route before the “TO” position with the [routeclearance] contents. The specified “TO” position in UM79 must be a point in the aircraft’s current flight plan. The ground will concatenate UM79 with the freetext message, “Rest of route unchanged.” The specified “TO” position must be a point after the SID or the SID Transition (if these are present) up to but excluding the first point in the Arrival, Approach, or associated Transition in the aircraft’s active route. For UM79, when the “TO” point is not an airway termination, the ground system will not include the “TO” point as the last element in the routeinformation field.For UM79, when the “TO” point is an airway termination point, the ground system will include the “TO” point as the last element in the routeinformation field after the airway. o This example message illustrates this rule: (79) : Cleared To [pos] Via [routeclr] pos(nav): BOS route info(): 4 (pub): BREZY 30 (pub): PACER (airway): J42 (pub): BOS BOS is repeated in routeinfo The ground system will not include the arrival airport as the [position] in UM79. o (Reference GOLD When using UM 79 CLEARED TO [position] VIA [route clearance], ATC should not populate the [position] field with the destination airport unless the route is specified to destination. All forecast weather data for the uplinked waypoints is lost from the FMS when the new route is activated. Guidance about when to use UM79: o When the ground wants to replace the route from the aircraft’s present position leading up to a point. UM79 only replaces a segment of the route. UM80 UM80 CLEARED [routeclearance] will replace everything in the route with the routeclearance contents. UM80 should always be defined from next fix from aircraft’s current position to the destination. Therefore, the ground should never concatenate the freetext message, “REST OF ROUTE UNCHANGED” with UM80. o o Reference GOLD ATC should only use UM 80 CLEARED [route clearance] to issue CPDLC re-route clearances if the route is specified from the aircraft present position to destination. All forecast weather data is lost from the FMS when the new route is activated. Note: For military aircraft, the clearance limit may mean destination airport. UM80 should be used when the ground needs to send arrival procedures, when UM83 is not available for use. Guidance about when to use UM80: o When the ground wants to replace the entire route, start to finish. This message is ideal for non-airborne re-routes or predeparture clearances when the ground needs to change the aircraft’s route in its entirety. o In general, the ground should avoid using UM80 if only a segment is to be changed. However, there may be cases where UM80 is the only message that will work. UM81 UM81 CLEARED [procedurename] inserts or replaces the existing terminal area procedure of the specified type in the active route. UM81 will only be used to send arrivals and arrival transitions. The ground will not send approaches or SIDS with UM81. 31 When the procedure is an arrival or transition, the procedure name must match that of a procedure at the airplane’s destination airport and the [procedurename] must correspond to a procedure in the navigation database on the airplane. UM81 will be used to change an arrival procedure where the new arrival procedure’s transition fix is already the last fix of the aircraft’s current cleared route. UM83 UM83 AT [pos] CLEARED [routeclearance] will replace everything in the route after the specified AT position with the [routeclearance] contents. Note: UM83 with arrival procedures causes issues on some aircraft. To accommodate that limitation, the FAA has implemented a switch to enable/disable uplink of UM83. When UM83 is available for use, the following rules apply. For UM83, the AT position must be a position in the aircraft’s current route. For UM83, the ground should always give the final point as the destination. Therefore, the ground should never concatenate the freetext message, “REST OF ROUTE UNCHANGED” with UM83. o Reference GOLD, ATC should only use UM 83 AT [position] CLEARED [route clearance] to issue CPDLC re-route clearances if the following conditions are satisfied: a) The route is specified to destination; and b) The [position] in UM 83 is on the currently cleared route. Note.—All forecast weather data after [position] is lost from the FMS when the new route is activated. UM83 will be used when the revision includes a route change starting at a specified position (the “AT” point) which is the last point in the SID or the SID Transition (if these are present) or any point after that, excluding any point within the Arrival, Approach, or associated Transitions. For UM83, when the “AT” point is an airway entry point, the ground system will include the “AT” point as the first element in the [routeinformation] field and the airway itself as the second element. o The following example illustrates this rule: (83) : At [pos] Cleared [routeclearance] pos(nav): LNK dest airport(): KSFO arr procname(): ARR,MOD4,OAL route info(): 7 (pub): LNK LNK is repeated in routeinfo (airway): J146 (pub): GLD (airway): J80 (pub): MLF (airway): J58 (pub): OAL 32 For UM83, when the “AT” point is not an airway entry point, the ground system will not include the “AT” point as the first element in the [routeinformation] field. Guidance about when to use UM83 o When the ground wants to replace the route after a specified point up to the destination. UM83 only replaces a segment of the route. UM84 UM84 AT [pos] CLEARED [procedurename] will insert or replace an existing procedure of the type specified. However, the DCIT recommends using it to give an aircraft a descent clearance on an already assigned procedure, as UM80 is preferred for changes to arrival procedures since it is loadable on more aircraft. The [position] needs to be in the aircraft’s cleared route. The [position] needs to be at the start of the arrival procedure or the arrival transition. Example: At [CEBAD] cleared [KEACH1.CEBAD] UM84 will only be used to send arrivals and arrival transitions that are already present in the aircraft’s cleared route. New procedures/changed procedures will not be sent with UM84; instead UM80 should be used because it is loadable on all aircraft types. Approaches will not be sent with UM84. Per DO-258-A, the [procedure] variable has a maximum size of 6 characters. Per DO-258-A, the [proceduretransition] variable has a maximum size of 5 characters. o When the procedure is an arrival, then that arrival procedure must be compatible with the assigned runway. UM169 UM169[freetext] elements will include no more than 80 characters. Guidance for Multi-Element Messages When an ATC clearance containing one or more loadable message element is loaded into the route, all loadable elements will load sequentially. Non-loadable elements in the same uplink will be displayed, but will not be loaded and will not affect processing of the loadable elements in any way. Because loadable elements load sequentially, the order of the elements is important. For example, an element like UM50 (CROSS [position] between [level] and [level]) depends on the existence of the specified [position] in the route. If the same uplink also contains UM80, which replace the entire route and delete any previous changes, then UM80 should appear first and UM50 should follow. 33 A clearance that replaces the entire route (UM80) needs to be the first loadable element in an uplink. As general guidance, use of [routeclearance] elements helps to reduce the potential for unintended loads that can result from concatenating multiple loadable message elements. The ground should use messages with the [routeclearance] variable rather than piecing together multiple elements. o Example: CROSS ABC AT FL190 +PROCEED DIRECT TO XYZ. The last element may clear ABC and its crossing constraint. A better solution would be to use a [routeclearance], like uM79. Ex: CLEARED to XYZ via [ABC/FL190, XYZ]. 34 Appendix: Open Issues For all route uplinks, the first element needs to be a point that is some distance ahead of current aircraft position (X minutes or X miles). (The intent is to not send a route point that has already been over flown.) The DCIT needs time to figure out the requirement for the ground to use. This is an open item. For a ground initiated re-route, the second rule that needs to be determined is how much time or distance ahead the first divergence point must be. The DCIT needs time to figure out the requirement for the ground to use. This is an open item. Guidance for intercepting arrival and transition procedures midway Aircraft operators and controllers have a need to intercept procedures mid-way through. For situations where an arrival or transition procedure is to be intercepted part way down, the ground will not uplink anything. Voice will be used instead, until the flight deck group develops their preference. Descend Via 35 Nat Tracks If an operator wants to file a nat track, the nat track must be broken into a series of lat/longs because the FMC cannot load a Nat track. This issue will exist for Flex tracks as well. Possible solution for Nat Tracks & Flex Tracks. ATOP defines the tracks as a series of lat/longs and uplinks this way. ERAM could receive the definitions for the Nat tracks via interface to ATOP and expand the Nat tracks, uplinking this way, with limitation that the route expansion will end at the entry and the fixname to the nat track. Expansion by ERAM will extend through the end fix of the track definition. The ground will include UM169 including the NAT definition. 36 Appendix: Explanation of Route and Route Segment Clearances (UM79, UM80, and UM83) (This section is an excerpt from Gordon Sandell’s Loading of ATC Clearances into the FMS.) There are 3 clearance elements that replace all or large segments of the existing route that may be loaded directly into the FMS on the various Boeing airplanes. They are as follows: 79 80 83 CLEARED TO position VIA route clearance CLEARED routeclearance AT position CLEARED route clearance All four of these message elements are implemented on all Boeing FANS-1 airplane models (737, 747400, 747-8, 757/ 767, 777, 787, and MD-11). The way in which each of these clearances modifies the route in the FMC is a little different. Message element um80 will replace the route in its entirety, as shown in Figure 7 and Figure 8 below. CLEARED XXXXX – YYYYY – ZZZZZ Replaces flight plan between origin and destination (on ground), or Between airplane and destination (in air) EFGHI JKLMN OPQRS Inserts the fixes/ATS routes in the [routeinformation] ZABCD UVWXY ZZZZZ YYYYY PQRST XXXXX KLMNO FGHIJ ABCDE ORIG Figure 7. Loading of UM80 when aircraft is airborne Loading of um80 when the airplane is on the ground is shown in Figure 8 below. 37 DEST PREDEPARTURE CLEARANCE XXXXX – YYYYY – ZZZZZ Replaces flight plan between origin and destination Inserts the fixes/ATS routes in the [routeinformation] EFGHI JKLMN ZABCD UVWXY OPQRS DEST ZZZZZ YYYYY PQRST KLMNO FGHIJ ABCDE XXXXX ORIG Figure 8. Loading of um80 when aircraft is on ground The other route clearance uplinks (um79 and um83) will each only replace a segment of the route. Message element 79 (CLEARED TO position VIA routeclearance) will replace the flight plan between where the airplane is and the specified waypoint, as shown in Figure 9 below. 38 CLEARED TO JKLMN VIA XXXXX – YYYYY – ZZZZZ Replaces flight plan between airplane and JKLMN Inserts the fixes/ATS routes in the [routeinformation] ZABCD UVWXY EFGHI JKLMN OPQRS DEST ZZZZZ YYYYY PQRST XXXXX KLMNO FGHIJ ABCDE ORIG Figure 9. Loading of um79 Note that Figure 9 shows what happens when the specified [position] is a fix in the existing active route. If it is not a fix in the existing active route, then the position and the contents of the [routeinformation] parameter will be inserted, followed by a flight plan discontinuity and the remainder of the existing enroute segment of the route. For the example shown, if the waypoint JKLMN did NOT exist in the active route, then the result of this uplink would be: XXXXX YYYYY ZZZZZ JKLMN -- DISCONTINUITY -PQRST UVWXY ZABCD EFGHI OPQRS 39 Message element 83 (AT position CLEARED routeclearance) will replace the flight plan, beginning at the specified position, and continuing right up to the destination, as shown in Figure 10 below. AT UVWXY CLEARED XXXXX – YYYYY – ZZZZZ Replaces flight plan between UVWXY and destination Inserts the fixes/ATS routes in the [routeinformation] EFGHI JKLMN OPQRS DEST ZZZZZ ZABCD YYYYY UVWXY XXXXX PQRST KLMNO FGHIJ ABCDE ORIG Figure 10. Loading of um83 Again, Figure 10 shows what happens when the specified [position] is a fix in the existing active route. If it is not a fix in the existing active route, then the position and the contents of the [routeinformation] parameter will be inserted after the remainder of the existing en-route segment of the route, separated from it by a flight plan discontinuity. For the example shown, if the waypoint UVWXY did NOT exist in the active route, then the result of this uplink would be: PQRST ZABCD EFGHI JKLMN OPQRS -- DISCONTINUITY -UVWXY 40 XXXXX YYYYY ZZZZZ 41