Idaho SIP template: Advancing Nursing in Idaho to Improve Health Principal: Margaret Henbest Area of Focus: Nurse Residencies, Lifelong Learning, and Barriers to Practice Project Goal #1: A statewide continuum of transition programs for nurses: new graduates entering into practice and nurses transitioning into leadership or education positions Objectives Develop a uniformed statewide curriculum for new graduate Nurse Residency Model Action Steps Identify key stakeholders with academic and practice partners for engaging in the planning and curriculum development and conduct at least 4 focus groups in the geographic regions of the state. Present proposed work on developing Nurse Residency curriculum to Council of Nurse Educator Leaders at their 2013 annual meeting Conduct survey of hospitals and university in Idaho that currently sponsor Nurse Residency Programs Develop Nurse Residency Model based on national models and those currently in use in Idaho, collaborating with school of nursing to reach diverse, rural, critical access hospitals throughout Idaho Present model to at least 4 critical access hospitals in geographically diverse areas of Idaho, for evaluation of feasibility of implementing the model Present model to Council of Nurse Educator Leaders at their 2014 annual meeting for evaluation of feasibility of implementing the model Nurse Residency delivery to one pilot group in one setting; Disseminate advertisement of Nurse Residency program to target sites with the greatest number of Hispanic and new male graduates to increase opportunity for diverse group of participants in pilot group Target Date & RP Q2 2013 Project Manager Q1 2013 Margaret Henbest, Lori Stinson, Project Manager Q1 2013 – Q3 2013 Project Manager Q4 2013 – Q1 2014 Project Manager Q1 2014 – Q2 2014 Project Manager Q1 2014 Project Manager Q3 2014 – Q4 2014 Project Manager Deliverable (18 or 24 mo) 18 mo: Key stakeholders identified are active in the workgroup developing the Nurse Residency program Presentation of proposal to Council of Nurse Educator Leaders Model presented to a minimum of 4 regional focus groups made up of key stakeholders for evaluation of feasibility of implementation 24 mo: Program advertised to new graduates and diverse, rural, critical access hospitals & employers Nurse Residency program pilot tested in one setting Objectives Develop a transition program to support clinical nurses in assuming leadership / management positions Develop a transition program to support clinical nurses in assuming academic / education positions Action Steps Review existing leadership / mentorship programs nationally Create 5-day Leadership Transitions program for nurses based on national leadership competencies for nurse leaders Advertise Leadership Transitions program to a minimum of 30 hospitals/care settings, including all seven regions, critical access hospitals / Federally Qualified Health Clinics, Indian Health Services etc. to increase the potential for diversity in the applicant pool Pilot the program to 10 nurses, stratified for equal representation from urban and rural settings, who are gender and ethnically diverse. Conduct preliminary analysis of evaluations for further refinements to the program and recommendations made for next steps to establish sustainability Conduct systematic review of the literature and national sweep of programs already in place and write manuscript for publication Conduct focus groups with clinical nurses and nurse educators to identify key reasons for transitioning into an academic role, support requirements for mentoring/coaching, and outcomes of successful transition Synthesize literature review and focus group findings to develop a preliminary program Target Date & RP Q1 2013 Project Manager, Margaret Henbest, Sharon Kensinger Q4 2013 Project Manager Q4 2013 – Q1 2014 Project manager Q3 2014 Project Manager Q4 2014 Project Manager Q3 2013 Project Manager, Graduate St. Intern (GSI) Q1 2014 Project Manager, GSI Q3 2014 Project Manager, GSI Deliverable (18 or 24 mo) 18 mo: 5-day Leadership Transitions Program developed Program advertised to 30 health care settings, including targeted regions/critical access hospitals / Federally Qualified Health Clinics, Indian Health Services 24 mo: Program pilot tested to 10 participants who are gender and ethnically diverse Preliminary evaluation and recommendations for sustainable model of delivery throughout the state 18 mo: Manuscript submitted for publication on current state of the science surrounding transition programs for nurses entering academic / education positions Preliminary program outline developed Objectives Action Steps Present program to key stakeholders, including CNEL, and NLI for review of feasibility, accuracy, and make recommendations for next steps Target Date & RP Q4 2014 Project Manager, GSI Deliverable (18 or 24 mo) 24 mo: Recommendations for next steps to implement a sustainable program Project Goal #2: Identify barriers limiting APRN ability to practice to the full extent of their education and training and make recommendations for action plans. Objectives Design and distribute a survey to evaluate APRN barriers to practice in Idaho Action Steps Refine draft of 2 surveys developed in collaboration with the Idaho Hospital Association, Department of Labor and Board of Nursing on evaluating current barriers to APRN practice: 1) Employer survey 2) Practitioner survey Pilot the surveys to 4 employers of APRN’s and 10 APRN’s to evaluate the accuracy of the survey questions to attain the appropriate information Develop comprehensive communication plan to increase the potential for response to the survey Implement communications plan ongoing throughout survey distribution and evaluation of data Distribute survey to APRN’s and employers and propose plan for data analysis and recommendations for next steps Target Date & RP Q3 2013 Project Manager, Steve Millard, Sandy Evans, Dianna Clough Q4 2013 Project Manager Q4 2013 Project manager Q1 2014 – Q4 2014 Project manager Q4 2014 Project manager Deliverable (18 or 24 mo) 18 mo: Comprehensive communications plan to increase awareness of barriers to APRN practice in Idaho Survey to evaluate APRN practice barriers 24 mo: Survey distributed to 100% of the APRN’s licensed in Idaho and to 70% of the employers in both community and inpatient settings Recommendations for next steps in evaluating data and informing communications plans *NOTE: Blue text = addresses diversity goals through activities accomplished within the objectives