CONFIDENTIAL Speech and Language Therapy Dept Sue Nicholls Centre, Manor House Bierton Road AYLESBURY Buckinghamshire HP20 1EG 01865 901404 Speech and Language Therapy Dept Oakridge Centre 240 Desborough Road HIGH WYCOMBE Buckinghamshire HP11 2QR 01865 901442 SCHOOL AGED CHILDREN’S SPEECH & LANGUAGE THERAPY REFERRAL & SETTING QUESTIONNAIRE Child’s Surname Date of Birth First Name / / Male Female Re-Referral: Yes No NHS no: Address Postcode Email address: home mobile Child’s School SENCO (print) Class Teacher (print) Link Therapist Discussed with Link Therapist Language spoken at home Interpreter required for Parent Yes No Ethnic Origin (if known) Interpreter required for Child No Yes Please note that the Speech & Language Therapy Service will NOT be able to discuss any child before the referrer has obtained parental consent and all sections of this form are completed. Parent/Guardian’s signature ______________________________ Date ____________________ (required in all cases) 1 School Aged Referral - May 2015 CONFIDENTIAL USEFUL CONTACT NUMBERS GP Surgery Educational Psychologist Paediatrician ENT Consultant Social Worker Occupational Therapist Physiotherapist Other Speech and Language Therapists (incl Private) CAMHS Other (please specify) PLEASE TICK ALL RELEVANT BOXES 1. Who is concerned about the child’s communication? Parent/Guardian GP School staff 2. Indicate the current areas of concern : No Concern Pronunciation Understanding of instructions/questions Putting sentences together Grammar Limited Vocabulary Attention and listening Play skills Interaction with peers Interaction with adults Stammering Dribbling Feeding Other (please specify) ____________________ Concern Very Concerned 2 School Aged Referral - May 2015 CONFIDENTIAL 3. Is there a family history of speech, language or communication difficulties? Yes No Please explain: 4. Has the child had any of the following: Frequent colds Recurrent middle ear infections/glue ear Asthma Developmental Assessment e.g. Griffiths Hospitalisation A medical diagnosis of: ___________________________ Feeding difficulties Hearing test Grommets Fits/convulsions Head injury Please explain providing relevant dates, results and reports where available: 5. Any relevant information that may be impacting on the child’s development 3 School Aged Referral - May 2015 CONFIDENTIAL SETTING QUESTIONNAIRE When completing the questionnaire, please compare the identified child’s abilities with the performance of children of the same age. Name of person completing questionnaire: Date: Attention and Listening 1. Please describe the child’s attention and listening in a large group, small group and individual setting 2. Please describe the child’s ability to work independently after receiving instructions and during a selfchosen activity 3. Please explain what supporting strategies have been used and whether they have been successful If you have any concerns around this area please refer to the communication carrousel at for activities and resources to support Attention and Listening. 4 School Aged Referral - May 2015 CONFIDENTIAL Understanding Language 1. Please describe the child’s ability to understand instructions 2. Please describe any strategies the child uses to aid his/her understanding 3. Please explain what supporting strategies have been used and whether they have been successful If you have any concerns around this area please refer to the communication carrousel at for activities and resources to support Understanding Language. 5 School Aged Referral - May 2015 CONFIDENTIAL Building Sentences and Telling Stories 1. Please provide 3 examples of sentences spoken by the child (verbatim) 2. If relevant, please provide 3 sentences written by the child 3. Please describe the child’s ability to retell a story and/or news If you have any concerns around this area please refer to the communication carrousel at for activities and resources to support Building Sentences and Telling Stories. 6 School Aged Referral - May 2015 CONFIDENTIAL Vocabulary 1. Please describe the child’s understanding and use of vocabulary 2. If relevant, please give examples of word-finding difficulties: a. Using general words instead of the actual words required e.g. b. Using a word which sounds similar e.g. “countalator” for “calculator” c. Describing what the word means instead of saying it e.g. “bee house” for “hive” d. Using a word with a similar meaning e.g. “sticker” for “stamp” If you have any concerns around this area please refer to the communication carrousel at for activities and resources to support Vocabulary. 7 School Aged Referral - May 2015 CONFIDENTIAL Conversation and Interaction 1. Please describe the child’s ability to work and play with peers 2. Please describe the child’s ability to cope with unexpected changes in routine 3. Please describe the child’s eye contact when listening and speaking 4. Please describe the child’s ability to socialise with his/her peers during his/her unstructured activities 5. Please describe any specific areas of interest which the child particularly likes to discuss 6. Describe any other areas of concern regarding the child’s social communication If you have any concerns around this area please refer to the communication carrousel at for activities and resources to support Conversation and Interaction. Speech and Sound Awareness 8 School Aged Referral - May 2015 CONFIDENTIAL 1. Please describe how easy/difficult it is for adults and children to understand what the child is saying 2. Please provide some examples (verbatim) of errors which the child makes with his/her pronunciation If you have any concerns around this area please refer to the communication carrousel at for activities and resources to support Speech and Sound Awareness. Other Areas of Concern Please describe any other areas of concern e.g. stammering, voice, and selective mutism in as much detail as possible If you have any concerns around these areas please refer to for advice around Stammering and Selective Mutism or for advice sheets to support children who stammer. 9 School Aged Referral - May 2015 CONFIDENTIAL Impact of SLCN 1. Please describe the effects of the child’s speech, language and communication difficulties on his/her social relationships 2. Please describe the effects of the child’s speech, language and communication difficulties on his/her self-esteem 3. Please describe the effects of the child’s speech, language and communication difficulties on his/her behaviour 4. Please describe the effects of the child’s speech, language and communication difficulties on his/her ability to access the National Curriculum 5. Please provide National Curriculum scores and any other relevant academic information. Reading: Writing: Maths: Thank you for completing this form. The information you have given will help us to assess your child. In the meantime use the Communication Carousel on our website to find fun practical ideas and resources to help support your child’s speech and language needs. 10 School Aged Referral - May 2015