ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of Platform Trust held on 23 October

ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of Platform Trust held at 1pm on 23 October 2013 L3 147 Tory Street
Present: Paul Ingle (interim Chair), Kay Fletcher, Dr Barbara Disley, Rob Warriner, Kathryn Leafe,
Lynette Hutson, Naomi Cowan, Peter Barnett
Apologies: Derek Wright, Donald Shand, Carol Searle, Sue Ricketts, Robert Coats, Carol Searle,
Angela Crawford
Annual Report from Acting Chair
Paul Ingle acknowledged:
 Jan Dowland, for her significant contribution to Platform during her time as Independent
Chair and being instrumental in the tender process with the Ministry of Health
 Marion and Anne for their operational work in the everyday running of Platform business
and clearly demonstrating the spirit of Platform in their work
 All trustees for their work and guidance over the last year. Thank and welcome to Dr Barbara
Disley, Kathryn Leafe & Derek Wright
 Paul acknowledged the Platform membership – when we moved from and incorporated
society to a trust we went through a period of time trying to find a landing point in our
responsibilities to our membership. Through a variety of mechanisms like the Members
Leadership Forums we are getting back in step with the networks and staying engaged with
members. We have rejuvenated ourselves as a board and will continue to do that. Platform
has a very sharp constructive governance group able to prioritise and work collaboratively
with our networks and partners. Platform has continued to build its reputation as an
important ‘go to’ organisation and is being constructive and forward looking. Platform will
continue its goal to try and make changes to policies and systems.
Barbara Disley thanked Paul for stepping into the interim Chair role; she thanked him for his work
and endorsed his comments.
CEO Report
Marion gave an overview of Platform’s key pieces of work over the last year:
 NZ Navigator
 Mindful Employer
 Fair Funding
 Health Inequalities
The CEO also thanked
 Jan Dowland for her role in securing the last Ministry of Health tender.
 Investing members
 Platform members
 Platform supporters
 The Lottery Grants Board
Naomi Cowan thanked Marion for her work and acknowledged Platform as a well-known name and
peak body in the mental health and addictions sector.
That the Chair and CEO Reports are accepted.
All Agreed
Naomi Cowan
Annual Accounts for Year ended 30 June 2013
The audit report highlighted three management areas;
1. GST reconciliation
2. Legal agreement re space required
3. Breach of the trust deed because the annual meeting does not fall within two months of the
end of the financial year
That a Trust Deed Variation be prepared extending the time of the AGM from two months following
the end of the financial year, to four months, therefore allowing time to receive the audited
All Agreed
Dr Barbara Disley
That the financial statements and Auditor’s Report for the year ended 30 June 2013 are approved
and accepted.
Kay Fletcher
Rob Warriner
Appointment of Trustees whose term has expired
Trustees Paul Ingle and Lynette Hutson’s three year term is up to either retire or seek re-election for
a further three year term. Both trustees wish to continue for a further three years.
That Paul Ingle and Lynette Hutson’s three year appointment is confirmed.
Dr Barbara Disley
Naomi Cowan
Appointment of Chair
Paul Ingle to remain interim chair until an independent chair is appointed.
Naomi Cowan
Kay Fletcher
Re-Appointment of Auditors
Appointment of Crowe-Horwath as auditors for the 2013-14 financial year.
Dr Barbara Disley
Kathryn Leafe
No written resolutions
No General business
Meeting closed