NAME OF APPLICANT: REFERENCE NUMBER: REPORT SUBMITTED TO MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF ITEM C and ITEM D OF FORM E, ANNEXURE I OF THE MINERAL AND PETROLEUM RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT ACT REGULATIONS For purposes of the renewal of a mining right in accordance with SECTION 24 of the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act, (Act 28 of 2002) 1. DETAIL OF THE APPLICATION 1.1. Applicant details ITEM Name Tel no Fax no: Cellular no E-mail address Postal address CONTACT DETAILS 1.2. Consultant Details (If applicable) ITEM Name Tel no Fax no: Cellular no E-mail address Postal address CONTACT DETAILS 1.3. Period of renewal and minerals being mined. STATE THE RENEWAL PERIOD REQUIRED LIST THE MINERALS APPLICABLE TO THE RIGHT BELOW 1.4. Surface plan of the mining area. (Provide a surface plan which corresponds to the Regulation2 (2) plan of the prospecting area. If not included, confirm that it is appended). 2. SCOPE OF THE ASSESSMENT:-THE TECHNICAL AND MANAGEMENT OPTIONS TO MITIGATE IMPACTS OF THE MINING OPERATION. 2.1. Current mining actions, activities or processes, which cause pollution or environmental degradation, and technical or management options in place to mitigate impacts. (Provide a description of all the main mining activities referred to in the guideline for an environmental management programme, and all the NEMA/ EIA Regulation listed activities, together with a concomitant list of the technical or management options chosen to modify, remedy, control or stop any action, activity, or process which will cause significant impacts on the environment, socio-economic conditions and historical and cultural aspects as identified). 2.2. Map of the locality of current mining activities. (Provide an accurate site plan the mining area, showing the locality of all the main mining activities being conducted on site in accordance with the existing right. If attached as an appendix, confirm it is attached and provide a cross reference thereto). 2.3. Future mining actions, activities or processes, which cause pollution or environmental degradation, and technical or management options in place to mitigate impacts. (Provide a description of all the main mining activities referred to in the guideline for an environmental management programme, and all the NEMA/ EIA Regulation listed activities, not already described in the approved Environmental Management Programme, together with a concomitant list of the technical or management options chosen to modify, remedy, control or stop any action, activity, or process which will cause significant impacts on the environment, socio-economic conditions and historical and cultural aspects as identified). 2.4. Map of the locality of future mining activities (Provide an accurate site plan the mining area, showing the locality of all the main mining activities being conducted on site in accordance with the existing right. If attached as an appendix, confirm it is attached and provide a cross reference thereto). 2.4.1. Description of completed rehabilitation work (Provide a description of the completed rehabilitation work, separately for each applicable mining or listed activity, including rehabilitated excavations, the removal of stockpiles dumps and dams, the rehabilitation of sites relating to infrastructure, the fill used for excavations, the thickness of subsoil and topsoil on excavations, the re-vegetation and any other rehabilitation work completed.). 2.4.2. Map of completed rehabilitation work (Provide an accurate site map of rehabilitation work that is completed) 2.4.3. Alignment with closure objectives (Provide a description of the closure objectives, their relationship with the baseline environment, the extent to which the rehabilitation work completed achieves the closure objectives) 2.4.4. Monitoring requirements (Provide a description of the risks associated with the long term success of the rehabilitation completed, the monitoring required to confirm whether or not the rehabilitation was successful, the frequency of such monitoring, the period for which monitoring will be required, and the indicators which will determine when and under what circumstances monitoring will no longer be required). 2.4.5. Description of rehabilitation work in progress (Provide a description of the rehabilitation work in progress, separately for each applicable mining or listed activity, including the rehabilitation of excavations, the removal of stockpiles dumps and dams, the rehabilitation of sites relating to infrastructure, the fill used for excavations, the thickness of subsoil and topsoil on excavations, the re-vegetation and any other rehabilitation work required). 2.4.6. Map of rehabilitation work in progress (Provide a map of rehabilitation work that is in progress, including the applicable dimensions required to calculate the quantum according to the guideline referred to in Regulation 54(1)) 2.4.7. Timeframes for the completion of rehabilitation work (Provide a time schedule for the completion of the rehabilitation work still in progress) 2.4.8. Description of rehabilitation work still to be commenced in respect of the current right. (Provide a description of the rehabilitation work still to be commenced, separately for each applicable mining or listed activity, including excavations, the removal of stockpiles dumps and dams, the rehabilitation of sites relating to infrastructure, the fill used for excavations, the thickness of subsoil and topsoil on excavations, the re-vegetation and any other rehabilitation work required). 2.4.9. Map of rehabilitation work still to be commenced including that contemplated for the renewal period. (Provide a map of rehabilitation work still to be commenced, including the applicable dimensions required to calculate the quantum according to the guideline referred to in Regulation 54(1)). 2.4.10. Timeframes of the completion of rehabilitation work (Provide a time schedule for the completion of the rehabilitation work not yet commenced) 2.4.11. Description of rehabilitation work anticipated to become necessary during the renewal period. (Provide a description of the rehabilitation work that will result from the renewal of the right, separately for each applicable mining or listed activity, including excavations, the removal of stockpiles dumps and dams, the rehabilitation of sites relating to infrastructure, the fill used for excavations, the thickness of subsoil and topsoil on excavations, the re-vegetation and any other rehabilitation work required). 2.4.12. Map of rehabilitation work anticipated to become necessary during the renewal period. (Provide a scenario map of rehabilitation work to be commenced for each of the first 10 years or shorter period applied for, of the renewal period, including the applicable dimensions required to calculate the quantum according to the guideline referred to in Regulation 54(1)). 2.4.13. Timeframes for the completion of rehabilitation work (Provide a time schedule for the completion of the rehabilitation work not yet commenced) 2.5. INTERPRETED INFORMATION GAINED FROM MONITORING THE APPROVED ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN. 2.5.1. Table of potential impacts being monitored LIST OF POTENTIAL IMPACTS BEING MONITORED (Mark with an X which potential impacts are being monitored). MARK WITH X WHERE APPLICABLE YES REFERENCE (Provide a reference number to the appended report) NO Noise Dust Spillages Water contamination Damage to roads Other (Specify) Other (Specify) Other (Specify) 2.5.2. Complaints register (Provide a list of complaints received during the currency of the right, indicating the nature of the complaint and the source of the complaint) 2.5.3. Confirmation that monitoring result reports have been appended. 2.5.4. Summary of monitoring results. (Provide a summary of the monitoring results, showing the results relative to the applicable standards or minimum requirements, indicate whether technical options should be applied to remedy excessive impacts, and indicate what those options are) 3. FINANCIAL PROVISION 3.1. Rehabilitation work still in progress. (Provide a calculation of the quantum, based on the map and dimensions provided in respect of rehabilitation work still in progress referred to in paragraph 2.4.6. above, which quantum must be calculated in accordance with the guideline contemplated in regulation 54) 3.2. Rehabilitation work not yet commenced in terms of the current right. (Provide a calculation of the quantum, based on the map and dimensions provided in respect of rehabilitation work not yet commenced referred to in paragraph 2.4.9. above, which quantum must be calculated in accordance with the guideline contemplated in regulation 54.) 3.3. Rehabilitation work that will become necessary as a result of continued mining operations during the renewal period. (Provide a calculation of the quantum, based on the scenario map and dimensions provided in respect of rehabilitation work not yet commenced referred to in paragraph 2. 4.12 above, which quantum must be calculated in respect of the total anticipated outstanding rehabilitation work in each of the first 10 years of the renewal period or shorter period applied for, in accordance with the guideline contemplated in regulation 54). 3.4. Financial provision requirement (State the sum of the total quantum calculated for rehabilitation work still in progress, and rehabilitation work not yet commenced, and the rehabilitation still to become necessary during the renewal period, and undertake to make the necessary financial provision for all the outstanding rehabilitation work and that to result from the renewal of the right in the amounts identified by the quantum calculations.). 3.5. Method of financial provision. (Provide a list of the financial provisions already in place for the existing right, indicate by which approved method provision for any identified shortfall will be made and provide evidence that the necessary arrangements to make such provisions are in place). . 4. IDENTIFICATION OF THE REPORT Herewith I, the person whose name and identity number is stated below, confirm that I am the Applicant or the person authorised to Act as representative of the Applicant in terms of the resolution submitted with the application, and confirm that the report provided above constitutes the official report to be submitted in compliance with the provisions of Section 18 (2) (c) of the Act. Full Names and Surname Identity Number