Aponeurologic Surgery, a new connective tissue treatment

Aponeurologic Surgery a new connective tissue treatment
Paloma Gutiérrez. Sacristán. M.D. and Carmen G Sacristán M.D.
Centro Médico Leonor Sacristán. Julián Berrendero, 12. San Agustín del Guadalix.
28750 Madrid. Spain. Phone/Fax 0034 918419627 email sacrist@leonorsacristan.com
BACKGROUND: The aponeurologic surgery is a medical technique non-invasive conecctive
tissue treatment. The term aponeurologic surgery is from surgery (from the Greek χείρ jeir
“hand” and εργον érgon “work”, becouse of χειρουργεία jeirourgéia “manual work”) to the
procedure that implies mecanical manipulation of the anatomic structures with a medical
purpose , that can be diagnostic, therapeutic or pronostic and aponeurologic is a word used by
spanish Human Anatomy Professor , D. Julián Calleja y Sánchez in 1878. to describe the
anatomic distribution of the connective tissue
It is a technique developed in 1999 by Dr. Sacristán who at that time worked with an orthopedic
surgeon specializing in arthroscopy.
The treatment of connective tissue by this technique provides new treatments for patients who
has disease without acceptable clinically results with medical or invasive treatments.
METHOOD: Aponeurologic Surgery is a medical tecnique. Many peoplr thiks that it is a
Manual tecnique, but we think that if it is necesary to put an adjetive, it should be this: “brain
tecnique”. Aponeurologic Surgery can, by palpation, to identify tissue changes in the viscosity,
stiffness, anatomical and biomechanical abnormalities.
The perfomance of the ground substance of connective tissue as a fluis make it possible to
detect physical characteristics that can be identified and corrected by Aponeurologic Surgery.
Medical training is necessary to apply it, becouse to recognize any structure involves previous
We have results in many pathologies such as: Healing ACL completely broken without plasties ,
Slipped discal recovery, Valgus Hallus resolution, recovery of muscle tears without relapse in a
few days, resolution of ovarian cysts, carpal tunnel, fibromyalgia, postsurgical fibrosis.....
The results obtained with Aponeurológic Surgery open a new perpective of medical treatment
by the conecctive tissue. The identification of structures affected by palpation of the connective
tissue can identify alterations that go unnoticed by complementary exploration.
This technique opens a new perspective on the understanding and treatment of many pathology
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