Course title Introduction to Translation (seminars) Time Autumn Term 2012 Students BA in English Philology, Year 3 Lecturer Dr Rita Juknevičienė ( Objectives To supplement theoretical lectures on the history and theory of translation; To train the students in the translation between Lithuanian and English; To introduce the process of translation at the sentence level with a focus on specific translation transformations; To enhance the students' ability to revise texts translated into English by using corpora and specific lexicographic tools. Learning outcomes The students will: get acquainted with different translation strategies/techniques; learn to analyze ST sentences and identify units of translation; enhance their English vocabulary in a number of topics and develop grammatical competence; learn to use effectively special dictionaries (thesauri) and corpora for translation purposes; acquire the basics of translation between English and Lithuanian and be prepared for advanced translation studies. Course content Translation strategies; units of translation; functional sentence perspective: new and given information in English and Lithuanian; translation of formulaic language (expressions of folk wisdom; idioms; collocations); translation of field-specific lexis (texts dealing with news reports, linguistics, politics, business, travelling, Lithuanian culture). Method In-class translation and group discussion; students' individual presentations of translation equivalents on a chosen lexical topic. Assessment Continuous assessment: the final mark for the seminars will be derived from a mid-term test (30%), students’ individual presentations (20%) and final test (50%). Attendance Obligatory Course readings/texts For translation theory, see the list of recommended reading on History and Theory of Translation and Interpretation Studies Texts for translation: general informative texts (newspaper articles, tourist brochures, summaries of research papers etc.) and fiction.