CHAPTER `9 Name Rating: Text Pages: 196–203 POINT TO PONDER: “He who is afraid of doing too much always does too little.” —German Proverb 1. The (natural nail) is a hard, protective plate located at the end of the finger. 2. Nails are part of what body system? (Integumentary.) WHY STUDY NAIL STRUCTURE AND GROWTH? 3. A cosmetologist who is unfamiliar with the way natural nails grow will be able to groom, strengthen, and beautify nails expertly. True (X) False 4. Why do you think it is important for you to understand the growth cycle of the natural nail? (Answers will vary, but may include the idea that understanding a nail’s growth cycle will help a cosmetologist perform appropriate services on clients, especially in relation to advanced techniques. This knowledge will also help the cosmetologist inform clients about when they will need to return for touch-ups or new services.) THE NATURAL NAIL 5. Another name for the natural nail is the (onyx) . 6. The natural nail is made mostly of a protein called (keratin) . 7. The keratin found in the natural nail is not as hard as the keratin found in the hair or skin. a) True (X) 100 b) False Chapter 9 Nail Str u ctur e and Gro wth 8. Describe the appearance of a healthy nail. (Should be shiny, whitish and translucent in appearance, with the pinkish color of the nail bed below showing through.) 9. The nail plate is relatively (porous) to water, allowing water to pass more easily than it will pass through normal skin of equal thickness. 10. The nail may look dry and hard, but it actually has a water content of between (15 and 25 percent) which varies based on the relative humidity of the surrounding environment. a) 5 and 10 percent b) 10 and 20 percent c) 15 and 25 percent d) 20 and 30 percent 11. Water directly affects the nail’s more (rigid) . (flexibility) ; a nail with lower water content is 12. What can be done to reduce water loss and improve flexibility? (Use an oil-based nail conditioner or nail polish to coat the plate.) NAIL ANATOMY 13. How many main parts is the nail divided into? a) 5 b) 6 c) 7 (X) d) 8 14. Together, all of the main parts of the nail are referred to as the (natural nail unit). © Milady, a part of Cengage Learning 15. Identify the parts of the nail as illustrated below: (Hyponychium) (Nail plate) (Nail bed) (Cuticle) (Nail fold) (Matrix ) Chapter 9 Nail Str u ctur e and Gro wth 101 (Free edge) (Eponychium) (Nail plate) (Nail fold) (Matrix) (Hyponychium) (Nail bed) (Bone) 16. The (nail plate) is the most visible and functional part of the nail module. It is constructed of about (100) layers of nail cells. 17. The part of the nail plate that extends over the tip of the finger or toe is the (free edge) . 18. Which of the following best describes the nail plate? a) Soft (X) b) Porous c) Dry d) Alive 19. The (nail bed) is the portion of living skin on which the nail plate sits. 20. The nail bed is supplied with many nerves and is attached to the nail plate by a thin layer of tissue called the (bed epithelium) . 21. The (matrix) is where the natural nail is formed. 22. The visible part of the matrix that extends from underneath the living skin is called the (lunula) . 23. Every nail has a lunula. (X) True False 24. Why is it sometimes difficult to see a lunula? (Because some lunulas are shorter than others and may be hidden under the eponychium.) 102 Chapter 9 Nail Stru ctur e and Gro wth Courtesy of Godfrey F. Mix, DPM, Sacramento, CA. (Lunula) 25. Name three factors that may affect the growth of the nails. 1) (Poor health.) 2) (Presence of nail disorders or disease.) 3) (Injury to the matrix.) 26. Excessive perspiration from the nail may affect the services a cosmetologist can perform on a client. True (X) False 27. The (cuticle) is the dead, colorless tissue attached to the natural nail plate. 28. What is the purpose of the cuticle? (To seal the space between the natural nail plate and living skin above to prevent entry of foreign material and microorganisms, helping prevent injury and infection.) 29. Which of the following best describes the cuticle? a) Alive b) Pigmented (X) c) Sticky d) Unimportant 30. The living skin at the base of the nail plate covering the matrix area is the (eponychium) . 31. Describe the difference between the eponychium and the cuticle. (The cuticle is dead tissue on the nail plate; the eponychium is living tissue that grows on the nail plate.) 32. The (hyponychium) is the slightly thickened layer of skin that lies underneath the free edge of the nail plate. 33. What is the function of the hyponychium? (The hyponychium forms a protective barrier under the free edge to prevent microorganisms from invading the nail bed.) 34. The cuticle will bleed if it is cut. True (X) False Chapter 9 Nail Str u ctur e and Gro wth 103 35. Which of the following is easy to remove with gentle scraping? (X) a) Cuticle b) Eponychium 36. Which of the following is most likely to need a softener? a) Cuticle (X) b) Eponychium 37. A tough band of fibrous tissue that connects bones or holds an organ in place is called a (ligament) . 38. Specialized ligaments attach the nail bed and (matrix bed) to the underlying bone and are located at the base of the matrix and around the edges of the nail bed. 39. The (nail folds) nail grooves. are folds of normal skin that surround the nail plate which form (sidewall) . 40. The fold of skin that overlaps the side of the nail is called the 41. What are nail grooves? (The slits or furrows on the sidewalls.) NAIL GROWTH 42. The growth of the nail plate is affected by (nutrition, exercise, and general health) . 43. Describe services a cosmetologist may perform to help make a client’s nail plate thicker. (It is not possible to make a nail plate thicker because this would require a larger matrix.) 44. Explain why toenails are thicker and harder than fingernails. (Toenails are thicker and harder than fingernails because they have a longer matrix.) 104 Chapter 9 Nail Stru ctur e and Gro wth 45. Identify the various shapes of nails in the illustration below: © Milady, a part of Cengage Learning (Roofed) (Acorn, flat, or arched) (Trapezoid) (Olive) (Date) (Circumflex) (Concave) (Convex)(Square)(Angular)(Narrow)(Fan) (Arched) (Tubular) 46. The average rate of nail growth in the normal adult is: a) ½ inch per month. b) ½ inch per week. (X) c) 1/10 inch per month. d) 1/8 inch per week. 47. Nails grow faster in the winter than they do in the summer. True (X) False 48. Children’s nails grow more rapidly; elderly persons grow at a slower rate. (X) True False 49. The nail of the middle finger grows fastest and the thumbnail grows the slowest. (X) True False 50. What causes the growth rates of the nail to increase dramatically during pregnancy? (Hormonal changes in the body.) 51. A pregnant woman who is taking prenatal vitamins will experience even more rapid nail growth than a pregnant women who is not taking prenatal vitamins. True (X) False Chapter 9 Nail Str u ctur e and Gro wth 105 52. What will cause the shape or thickness of the nail plate to change? (Disease, injury, or infection in the matrix.) 53. How long does replacement of the natural fingernail take? (About 4 to 6 months.) 54. Toenails take (9) months to be fully replaced. a) 3 b) 5 c) 7 d) 9 55. Like hair, the nail will automatically shed periodically. True (X) False KNOW YOUR NAILS 56. A licensed cosmetologist is allowed to: Treat nail disorders. Clip hangnails upon the client’s request. (X) Work on healthy nails only. 57. The act of typing helps stimulate nails and make them grow. Why do you think this is the case? THIS IS YOUR OPINION! (Note that this information was presented in the chapter in a “Did You Know” box which did not include an explanation. Students may have fun speculating about the reasons and then finding out if they were “right.” The reason typing and other similar activities stimulate nail growth is because they help increase blood flow in the matrix where matrix cells are formed, and this helps increase growth.) 106 Chapter 9 Nail Stru ctur e and Gro wth