MS Word

Author Guidelines for ACES Express Journal Papers (14 pt bold)
Author O. Lastname 1, Author T. Lastname 2, and Author T. Lastname 1 (12 pt bold;
author’s names should be listed by the full first name, middle initial, and last name)
Department of Electrical Engineering (10 pt plain text)
University of Electromagnetics, City, State Code Zip Code, Country
first author email, third author email (No underlines below email addresses)
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Antenna Design University, City, State Code Zip Code, Country
second author email (No underlines below email addresses)
Abstract ─ The abstract should convey the general ideas
of the paper in a clear and concise form. It should be a
single short paragraph that indicates to the reader the
subject matter being presented. All submitted papers
should be formatted to 8.5  11 inch (21.6  27.9 cm)
paper size and complying with the specified font sizes
listed here. Use this document as a template if you are
using Microsoft Word 6.0 or later. Otherwise, use this
document as an instruction set. It is important to maintain
the highest quality of figures and text throughout the
paper. A paper will be accepted for publication in the
ACES Express Journal only when it contains material
that is neat, legible, reproducible, and in accordance with
the format detailed in this template.
Index Terms ─ List key words or phrases in alphabetical
order, separated by commas and ending with a period.
The paper title, author(s), abstract, and the
beginning of the paper itself should all be on the first
page. The paper title, author(s), and author affiliations
should be centered (center-justified). The title should be
of font size 14 pt and bolded, the author names should be
of font size 12 pt and bolded, and the author affiliation
should be of font size 10 pt (regular Times New Roman
font, neither italic nor bolded in the affiliation). There
should be two blank lines (10 pt) between title and
author(s), one blank line (10 pt) between author(s) and
affiliation, and one blank line (10 pt) between different
affiliations. Two blank lines should be left between last
affiliations and the abstract and general text (10 pt.
General text of the paper, starting with the abstract,
should be of font size 10 pt, Times New Roman font,
single line spacing, and arranged in two columns. Both
columns should be fully justified, and the beginnings of
the two columns in each page should be aligned
vertically. All page margins should be 1 inch, except for
the first page, where the TITLE should be 1.5 inches
below the top of the page.
Unused space should be minimized. Proper
formatting is essential to a speedy processing of
technically accepted papers for final acceptance and
printing. Papers with significant formatting issues will
be rejected.
An abstract is required, which should be a brief
summary of the work described in the paper. It should
state the computer codes, computational techniques, and
applications discussed in the paper (as applicable) and
should otherwise be usable by technical abstracting and
indexing services. References should not be included in
the abstract section. The word “Abstract” and “Index
Terms” must be placed at the left margin of the paper,
and should be bolded and italic. It also should be
followed by a long hyphen or m-dash (–) with the main
text of the abstract and index terms starting on the same
line. Leave a space before and after the hyphen. Either
British English or American English spellings may be
used, provided that each word is spelled consistently
throughout the paper. The intent and meaning of all text
must be clear. For authors who are not masters of the
English language, the ACES Editorial Staff will provide
assistance with grammar (subject to clarity of intent and
meaning). However, this may delay the scheduled
publication date. Papers with major grammatical
issues will be rejected.
It is the author(s) responsibility to provide
acceptable files for printing. Incompatible or incomplete
files will not be processed for publication, and authors
will be requested to re-upload a revised acceptable
version. If needed, ACES reserves the right to edit any
submitted material.
All section titles should be centered and all the title
letters should be written in capital letters. Section titles
should be of font size 11 pt, bolded and center-justified.
The section titles need to be numbered using Roman
numerals (I. II. ...). Sections and subsections should not
normally begin on a new page or a new column. All new
paragraphs should be indented with a quarter inch (in the
paragraph settings, set indentation of first line to 0.25).
One line space should separate the end of a previous
section, and the next section’s title.
“Fig. #. Description of the figure.”, as illustrated by Fig.
1 below. Only capitalize the first word, except for proper
nouns and element symbols. Each caption should end
with a period. All figures should have white background.
Do not include a bounding box surrounding a figure.
A. Subsection title formatting
Subsection titles should be numbered with Roman
uppercase letters (A. B. …). Only the first word of the
subsection title should be capitalized.
B. Subsection title formatting continued
Subsection titles should be written in font size 10 pt
bold and fully justified. One line space should separate
the end of a previous subsection with the next subsection
or section’s title.
A. Equation formatting
Internal consistency should be maintained regarding
elements of style such as equation numbering. Equation
numbers should be in sequential and placed in
parentheses at the right margin of each column. Each
equation should end in a period or comma. An example
is shown below where the equation represents the end of
a sentence.
x 2 y  xy  ( x 2  v 2 ) y  0.
Another example is as follows:
  c/ f ,
where λ is the wavelength, c is the speed of light in free
space, and f is the frequency. Notice that equation (1)
ends with a “.”, while equation (2) ends with a “,”.
B. Figure and table formatting
Figures and tables should be formatted
appropriately (centered within the column, side-by-side,
etc.) on the page such that the presented data appears
close to and after it is first referenced in the text. When
including figures and tables, care should be taken so that
they will appear appropriately when printed in black and
white. For better visibility of plots on a computer screen,
it is recommended to use different line styles for color
figures with multiple curves such as in Fig. 1 below.
Colors should also be tested to insure their ability to be
distinguished after black and white printing. Avoid the
use of large symbols with curves in a figure. Figures with
multiple curves should use different line styles such as
solid, dotted, dashed, etc.
A figure caption should be located directly beneath
the corresponding figure, and should be fully justified.
Figure captions should be written in the following form
Fig. 1. The power reflection coefficient versus groove
size. Every figure caption should be fully justified and
end with a period. Use 10 pt font. Leave one blank line
before and after each figure caption.
Table titles should be fully justified above the table.
Titles should have the following form: “Table #: Table
title”, as shown in Table 1. Only capitalize the first word,
except for proper nouns and element symbols. Do not
include a period “.” at the end of a table title. For a large
table or a large figure, is it accepted to have them
stretched to cover both columns (one column format).
Table 1: First five letters of the Greek alphabet
C. Reference formatting
Please use the format of example references at the
end of this document. For paper titles, only capitalize the
first word, except for proper nouns and element symbols.
For book titles, the first letter of each word needs to be
capitalized. The first name and middle name of author(s)
need to be initialized and separated by a space. For all
references, the publication year should always be at the
end followed by a period. All text of the references
should be fully justified and to the right of the reference
number. Use font size 10 pt for references. In the body
of the paper, references should be cited as [2] or [3,5] or
[6-10] or [2,5,6-8].
Permission is granted to quote short passages and
reproduce figures and tables from ACES Journal issues
provided the source is cited. Copies of ACES Express
Online Journal articles may be made in accordance with
usage permitted by Sections 107 or 108 of the U.S.
Copyright Law. This consent does not extend to other
kinds of copying, such as for general distribution, for
advertising or promotional purposes, for creating new
collective works, or for resale. The reproduction of
multiple copies and the use of articles or extracts for
commercial purposes require the consent of the author
and specific permission from ACES.
ACES Express Journal is limited to a minimum of
three and a maximum of four pages. The charge per
each paper is $200 for ACES members, and $300 for
non-members. Payment is required before
publication. Printed copies of the Journal issues are
available for a nominal fee by using the online request
form or by submitting a request to the managing editor
or ACES Secretary.
This document presents the formatting requirements
for an ACES Express Online Journal paper ready for
printing. The ACES Express Online Journal is abstracted
in INSPEC, Engineering Index, DTIC, Science Citation
Index Expanded, the Research Alert, and to Current
Contents/Engineering, Computing & Technology.
In this section, acknowledge financial and sponsor
support, if any. Acknowledgement to your own
institution is not proper and should not be included.
K. S. Yee, “Numerical solution of initial boundary
value problems involving Maxwell’s equations in
isotropic media,” IEEE Trans. Antennas
Propagat., vol. AP-14, pp. 302-307, 1966.
A. Z. Elsherbeni, FDTD Course Notes, Department
of Electrical Engineering, The University of
Mississippi, MS, Spring 2001.
R. F. Harrington, Time-Harmonic Electromagnetic
Fields, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1961.
S. Shin and S. Kanamaluru, “Diplexer design using
EM and circuit simulation techniques,” IEEE
Microwave Magazine, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 77-82, Apr.
V. Rizzoli, A. Costanzo, D. Masotti, and P.
Spadoni, “Circuit-level nonlinear electromagnetic
co-simulation of an entire microwave link,” IEEE
MTT-S Int. Microwave Symp. Dig., Long Beach,
CA, pp. 813-816, June 2005.
Ansoft High Frequency Structure Simulation
(HFSS), ver. 10, Ansoft Corporation, Pittsburgh,
PA, 2005.
CST Microwave Studio, ver. 2008, Computer
Simulation Technology, Framingham, MA, 2008.